MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 33 The thirty-third day of not being a man

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The star network was full of excitement.

Of course, in this highly developed interstellar era, the interstellar network will not collapse, but in a very short period of time, the number of simultaneous online users of the star network suddenly increased and the number of page views reached a considerable peak.

If the Helters suffer from the aggression of the Stars, only a small group of people in the interstellar group are watching, and now they are involved in the Zerg rescue. The people who follow are growing suddenly. Everyone in the Stars has almost every race. How many things have been heard.

At the beginning, even though this statement was confirmed by the side of the Star Alliance, many people still did not believe it immediately. Until then, someone specially collected relevant information and published some known information on the star network. The Zerg went to rescue the ** This special thing was completely confirmed.

So at this time in the interstellar, many people living on different planets are an incredible look, staring at the star network in a strange mood.

The ruthlessness and brutality of the Zerg are imprinted in the nature of the race. They lack emotions, so all kinds of behaviors are very cold.

Not to mention the outside world, even the inside is indifferent. Under such preconditions, it is as strange as the Zerg to take the initiative to rescue the Helters.

[--(Upalz Galaxy): It is true! I heard the news here, the Krystal Star Theft Troupe was completely smashed by the Zerg’s Yula Fleet, and none of the warships escaped. All of them were sunk by the Zerg’s Yula warship! ! 】

[siva (Sopa galaxies): Not only the Clementine Stars, but also a small star thief group that has been smashed up and is solved by the Zerg.]

[--(Danjia Galaxy): Why are the Zerg going to rescue, is it that the Zerg now puts nearby galaxies into the site, so it is not allowed to pass the Stars? But the hunters also said that the Zerg is a guest on their planet...]

The discussion on the Internet has been raging, and at this time, a critique of the angle appears in the eyes of the people of the interstellar people.

[--(Esso Galaxy): Maybe... Zerg is more overbearing, don't give others their neighbors? I want to move only the ones they can move. 】

This comment has left many people in silence, but they think about it and think it seems that there is no such possibility.

Regardless of what people in other ethnic groups in the interstellar world think now, Gu Huai has already established diplomatic ties with the 9000s, and has also opened up exchanges between the two sides.

When it comes to trade, because of soil problems, the planet's food needs have been solved by transporting it from several other planets in the galaxy.

But in the case of guaranteeing the supply of the planet, it is not easy to meet the food demand of Tusestar, and it is not easy for several planets next to the Tuse star. Therefore, the Tuse star has to be a little farther away from the army. Transfer of food and materials in the territory.

Now, with the establishment of diplomatic relations with the 9000 people, Tusestar can import this material from the Nom star of the nearby galaxies, which will make it easier to solve the food demand problem of the planet.

In order to thank the Zerg for the rescue of the Nom star, the Helters sent a lot of valuable things to the Zerg. When the two sides made a covenant, the leaders of the Helters also planned to sign it, but on the covenant. The last addition of the special agreement allowed the top decision makers of Nom Star to take a second.

[Agreement x: In every "StarCraft's cutest creature selection" from now on, the ** erte people should vote for "Gu Huai". 】

Nom Star’s top decision makers: “...???”

Gu Huai looked at the change of the expression of the Guardian opposite him. At this moment, he raised his hand and blinked his eyes silently, and his mood was quite helpless.

How should the Covenant be settled, and what kind of agreement should be made? Gu Huai is not good at this matter. Of course, he will not do it himself because of Wang’s identity. Instead, he chooses to give this matter to him. The chief of staff and the head of the army who are good at this.

Gu Huai is learning by the side, and everything will never go to the meeting. In order to influence the race in the future without the identity of the king, Gu Huai tries his best to touch more things that need to be mastered in all aspects.

He looked at the agreement he had made on his side, and it was normal from the beginning to the bottom of the pen. When he saw the last special additional agreement, Gu Huai could not help but smack his mouth.

Gu Huai did not know why his Zerg was so obsessed with this matter. He was trying to dispel their thoughts and slowly said: "The last agreement is still not needed..."

However, when the words were just spoken, Gu Huai faced the silent gaze of all the Zerg around.

For these Zerg, they should all unconditionally obey the requirements of Gu Huai. No matter what Gu Huai wants, as long as Gu Huai speaks to them, they will try their best to do it.

But when there is something that you want to stick to, they will look like Gu Huai, and they will express their hope that Gu Huai can change their mouth.

And Gu Huai was so glanced at his own Zerg, he was silent, not long after compromised: "...just let me."

After Gu Huai finished this, he quickly realized that the Zerg around him had a little more happiness, and he did not know what to think for a while.

Although the last special agreement was a bit embarrassing, the leader of the 9000 was soon signed the covenant, and the voting agreement was officially recorded in the friendly covenant between the two races.

As observers, they watched the two human generals of this series of developments, and this last agreement was also paralyzed.

StarCraft's cutest creature selection...What?

How can every word and word of this agreement be understood and combined to make them confused? ?

Shen Mu and Hamer are also aware of this high recognition in the interstellar, but their lives are so ups and downs, and there is still a mood to pay attention to this thing.

When they rushed to the Star Network to see it, they discovered that this year's "10th StarCraft's Cutest Bio-Selection" has ended. The results of the selection are announced on the official website of the Star Alliance Association.

Gu Huai watched as the two humans opened next to him. He didn't want to see the second time. Every time he remembered, he felt the page of public execution.

[The 10th StarCraft's Cutest Bio-Selection]

First place: Gu Huai

Second place: Pach

Third place: Ellisron



Is Pach not the first place? ?

Seeing the first result of this selection, Shen Mu and Hammer did not immediately go to see what was sitting in the first place. They were surprised because they saw Pach in the second place. .

As a creature that has won this championship for three consecutive years, although he can't describe it as a popular interstellar, it is popular among families of most races in the interstellar.

How popular is Pacchi in the interstellar, even Shen Mu and Hammer are aware, how can this be squeezed to the second place?

When the two moved their eyes up and saw the word "Gu Huai" written in the first place, their mind suddenly crashed for a few seconds.

and many more--

"Gu Huai" is...

"Gu Huai" seems to be...? ?

"It's me." Seeing that the faces of the two people are more and more like the palette, Gu Huai tried to open his mouth as calmly as possible.

Shen Mu, Hamer: "..."

The amount of information is too large, and two people can't speak for a long time.

I couldn't help but know the truth of the matter. Shen Mu and Hammer went along and searched the people on the search star for their opinions on the results of the selection. They saw a bunch of remarks that made them feel scalp.

[What biological species is Gu Huai, is it really cuter than Paige? I want to raise...]

[How can I search for any relevant information? I want to see what Gu Huai looks like. Does anyone know how to have a Guhuai cute? ? 】

[This year, my family is finally willing to let me raise a little cute. Elis Long is a Star-level first-class protection creature. I can’t raise it. I originally planned to raise only Paqi. Now I want to raise only Huaihua. I hope Gu Huai Unlike the Elisron, it is a conservation creature. 】

No... you really can't afford it.

The faces of the two human generals were blue and purple, and both of them felt a little stomach pain.

This is not at all the interstellar level of protection of biological energy, but this is the only one in the entire interstellar, the precious things protected by the entire Zerg -

For the Zerg, this is their most precious and important treasure.

Shen Mu and Hamer have no doubt, but the young black-haired youth in front of them are a little injured, and the group of Zerg who is cold with a face guarding the other side will be angry on the spot.

Not to mention that it is injured, if Gu Huai shows sadness and sadness, this group of Zerg will become very violent, to see who is not pleasing to the eye.

Just ask who can survive this kind of existence?

Even if you can afford it, don’t dare to raise it!

It’s not long before the two human generals have just had a stomachache, because this agreement must be completed by all the ninth people on the Nom star, and the senior decision makers of Nom Star will turn things about this agreement. Residents on the planet announced.

The people of the entire planet know the content of this agreement, and the part of Nom’s star has been concerned about this selection, and the Helters who are uncomfortable with the results of the selection are now deeply silent. They can’t help but take this. Silent sharing to the star network.

[--(Pandora Galaxy·Norm Star): Do you know that the king of the Zerg... the name is Gu Huai. 】

This is a precise positioning, the position is directly accurate to the planet, and the dynamic is undoubtedly the 9000.

The king of the Zerg was born to be the focus of the various ethnic groups in the interstellar. Now, the name of the king is heard. The various ethnic groups who are browsing the star network have a 12-point spirit.

But how is the name "Gu Huai" a bit familiar...?

Soon, some people soon recalled the starcest creature selection, they repeated almost the same move with the two human generals, and then all fell into a long silence.

"Gu Huai" is the king of the Zerg.

At this time, I watched the "Gu Huai" in the tenth StarCraft's cutest creature selection, which surpassed Pach, and steadily ranked first. The original star-studded network seemed to be quiet for a while.

So, this year's StarCraft's cutest creature selection champion is... the king of the Zerg? ?

The mood of the various interstellar people who discovered this became extremely messy.

Imagine that the Zerg of the four legions might have united together to vote for this election. The Star People who are browsing the Star Network suddenly lost their voices.

Now they also see a new dynamic from Nom Star. The Zerg and the Helters have established diplomatic relations. There is a special agreement that requires the Helters to vote for their king in each subsequent election.

Compared with the shock of the Zerg and the establishment of this thing, the first thoughts of the interstellar people at this time turned out to be...

This group of Zerg is all the poison of their king -? ? !

The author has something to say: The poisonous Zerg (faceless expression): Say our king is not cute, and the number of votes is higher than ours, and we must die.

Here, "Poisonous" has no meaning of derogatory meaning. It is to describe it more aptly and cutely in the text.

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