MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 58 The fifty-eighth day of not being a man

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How can such a thing that Wang Xuexue walks with is not recorded? !

Although the chief of staff had just fallen, but when Gu Huai was escorted by Arvis to learn to walk, he used a strong will to let the Zerg soldiers next to him help him.

No, he said that he can't miss the process of watching his own king to learn to walk. He must also record it all the time -

After barely standing up, the chief of staff watched the black pups on the bed and walked, not letting go of any details.

Since the first time he recorded the image for Gu Huai, the Chief of Staff has specially added a video recording function to his pair of glasses, which can be opened at any time.

There are too many things to record, and the chief of staff thinks.

The whole growth process of the king in the early childhood is very meaningful to the Zerg. This growth process is only one time. If you miss it, you will never see it again, whether it is learning to walk or something else...

The chief of staff calmly stabilized his glasses, and for this glorious mission, he could not fall!

Gu Huai struggled to learn to walk under the **** of Yarvis. When he walked between the bed and the tail with a black fluffy cub, he walked with his hind legs and legs... or climbed up. When he climbed, he did not know that the process of learning to walk was completely recorded.

Their king learned to walk so quickly.

When the larvae cubs on the bed with their rounded golden cymbals can walk on their own, they don’t need the other cub next to them to adjust their balance with a silver-gray tail, the eyes of the Zerg around the bed. It can only be described as shiny.

In fact, it is a matter of course that the cubs learn to walk in the Zerg, and it is not a special matter at all.

Zerg's cubs have a certain ability to attack at birth as compared to cubs of other races.

It is normal for an ordinary human to escape to a zerg cub without any weapons. After all, the sharp teeth and bite force of the Zerg cub are able to bite through the alloy and steel.

For a young cub who will fight when he is born, of course, there is no need to pay attention to walking.

But the king is different.

The king of the cub form does not seem to fight, and like the adulthood, the body has no defense.

Even the Zerg knows that creatures are much more vulnerable during the puping period than they are in adulthood, so the Zerg who are now in the room are all playing a careful care of 120,000 points.

"Your Majesty, can you send a live broadcast of your images to soldiers who are waiting in Tusex and other planets?" The chief of staff was half-squatting at the bedside, allowing his eyes to at least be black with the bed. The cubs are parallel. "This is mainly for the sake of fairness."

Although it is impossible to achieve absolute fairness, the chief of staff is still trying to consider other Zerg who have not been able to follow Gu Huai to Levin Star.

When I heard the Chief of Staff, the black cub who had just learned to walk on the bed was like a stay, and the golden erected owl that had already been rounded seemed to be even more rounded.

What is the live broadcast, this is too publicly executed...

However, under the gaze of the surrounding Zerg collectively, Gu Huai thought that when he left the Tuse Star, the Zerg who had been left behind looked at him with a squint, and finally chose to agree.

"Oh." Anyway, it was not a complicated expression. The black cub that was squatting on the bed did not establish a spiritual link, but directly snorted at the chief of staff and expressed his consent.

Directly affected by this snoring, the chief of staff could not stretch the expression on his face for a moment. He turned his head and tried to breathe a few times before he quickly turned his eyes back.

With the consent of Gu Huai, the chief of staff began to send image links to the group of Zerg soldiers on other planets.

Receiving the image connection sent by the chief of staff to the personal terminal, the Zerg soldiers who were waiting on other planets were originally in a cold state as usual, but when they accepted the connection and saw the Zerg cubs appearing in the image at a glance, These Zerg soldiers are unable to walk on their own.

In addition to the live video, there is also a recorded image on their terminal. This recorded image includes the picture of Gu Huai who accidentally stumbles on the bed while walking in bed, and the black cub. I was protected by a silver-gray tail and began to learn to walk.


When the call was heard, many of the Zerg soldiers who were watching the recorded images, like the chief of staff, could not stand up straight and fell down.

The soldiers of the Grey Tower also received the two images. They don’t ask what they are feeling. They are happy to go to the Star Alliance to blow up a comet.

Of course, the comet is impossible to bomb, and it is ok to blow up the fireworks.

Looking at Gu Huai's appearance in the shape of the cub, the gray tower soldiers who lived on the Ai Weixing decided to start making a new fireworks. The shape of the fireworks that exploded was the appearance of the Gu Huai cub.

If Star Alliance knows what these Grey Tower soldiers want to do, there is probably only one idea now.

- Is your Zerg gene toxic? !

Because the Zerg helped the Feltz people to be very busy during the attack on the Imperial College by the rebel forces, the Feltz’s consul was prepared to personally thank the Zerg on the second day of proper handling. And they should discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides.

To be honest, the current state of the Zerg is that they don’t want to care about people at all. Their mood can be summarized as follows:

Don't cue us, don't have time, no interest, busy raising young children.

Seeing that my family has changed back to the shape of the cub, this form still doesn't know how long it can last. If it doesn't work, it will change back at any time. They look at it with a glance, and there is something else to do.

When Gu Huai told them that they could not find a way to change back, the Zerg in the face was still a cold-faced expression on the surface, but the actual heart was secretly happy.

Gu Huai actually can't see it. These Zerg are obviously like to see him now, so he gradually came out of the ostrich mentality.

In fact, think about it, it is not so shameful...

Isn't it just a walk and fall, and learn to walk again, just a little bit of a nap.

So convinced himself, Gu Huai began to look at his current form of juveniles.

In the current form of Gu Huai, he could not directly talk to the governor of the Fields, and said that the Zerg would not leave him now, so the consul once faced the Zerg's great battle.

The consul's heart was a bit embarrassed. He used his gaze to search for the young black-haired youth who should be surrounded by the Zerg, but he never searched, but he found that all the Zerg's eyes were pointing at the same place.

Looking at the zerg's gaze, the consul saw that on the shoulders of the tall Tak worms, there were two black and white, and the fluffy and round young creatures stayed on top, and It seems to be close together.

The cub on the left also protected its silver-gray tail on the black cub on the right, as if preventing the black cub from accidentally falling from the shoulders of the Tucker.

This is indeed the case. To avoid the balance of Gu Huai’s poor control of the body, Yalves used his tail to wrap the cubs next to him as much as possible, thus causing the two cubs to be intimately at this time. Come together.

Complex ideas are inconvenient to convey with a snoring, Gu Huai still used a spiritual link.

So the next thing is this scene -

The three heads of the army and the chief of staff sat opposite the Feltz consul. On the table between them, a black and white cub was near the Zerg side.

The consul saw the golden erects of the two zerg's young cubs, and suddenly smashed.

"Your Majesty is not talking to you directly, but I can give you the words of the sire as a middleman." The Chief of Staff sat across from the opposite side.

Originally it was a very serious and serious scene. The consul is now a little more responsive. He paused for a few seconds before saying: "First of all, on behalf of the Fields, I would like to express our gratitude to the Zerg. Thank you very much for this riot. The help of our race in the event..."

"Oh." The black cub on the table snorted.

All the Zerg, opposite the consul, first glimpsed for a second, then the chief of staff reluctantly restored his expression and pushed the glasses and said: "Your Majesty accepted your thanks."

Archon: "..."

It’s really not faced with this kind of diplomatic scene. Fields’s governor added: “So what we have talked about before, the Zerg and the Fields established diplomatic relations...”

After the other party’s words were not finished, Gu Huai felt that his current state was not suitable for any official conversation, so he gave a quick response.

"Oh." The black cub on the table snorted again.

The eyes of the Zerg in the scene suddenly became bright and bright. It was difficult for the chief of staff to stretch their expressions at this time and replied with a calm tone: "Your Majesty agrees with you that our two races should establish friendly exchanges."

"We have drawn up the friendly covenant as soon as possible. May I ask the governor, do you have anything else?" The chief of staff asked quietly.

The consuls don't see the fact that these Zerg people don't want to care about outsiders now. This is not aimed at him. He basically sees it. This group of Zerg is now completely "the universe is destroyed and don't come to me." They are only full of their kings.

So the governor walked very refreshed, and he did not stay to be appreciative.

After sleeping for so long, plus the huge mental energy consumption in the previous battle, Gu Huai feels a little hungry now.

After waiting for the opening of the Huaihuai, the Chief of Staff immediately said after the departure of the Feltz’s governor: “The subordinates have prepared food for you.”

When he said this, the chief of staff was kept bright under the glasses, including other Zerg in the house, but Gu Huai did not notice.

"Oh." The cub made a soft cry and continued to rest on the table.

Gu Huai was very safe until he saw his staff chief take a small bottle...

The glass ball-like gold enamel was rounded in an instant, and the black cub on the table subconsciously shrank the body back and hid behind Yalves: "Hey, hey!!"

Who will tell him why there is a bottle like this? !

The author has something to say: Huai Wei: Hey, hey! (not bottle)

Bugs: ... (sparkling eye-catching offensive)

Huaibao is about to bear the burden of burden (bushi

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