MTL - I’m Not Human-Chapter 74 Seventy-four days without people

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After the buzzing sound, the black group of the cubs in front of the Zerg was organized into a body, keeping their heads up and looking at the surrounding Zerg with gold.

Seeing the black cub that was crouching on the carpet, the low mood of the Zerg in the room was forcibly interrupted in an instant, and they stared at the cub.

Is the king willing to care for them?

The idea came out first in the first place, and then covered by another, more intense idea -

Is the king's body good? !

"Your Majesty." Kapaliya and Ai, who were originally on the other side, and the three heads of the military, were all half-squatted, and nervously observed the physical condition of the black cub.

Ai’s face with two light gray faces is full of disapproval: “You’re just sick, you need more rest, you shouldn’t go downstairs.”

Even if you know that Gu Huai’s illness will not be a problem because of the clear future, he will also worry when Gu Huai is sick.

"Your Majesty..." The Chief of Staff and other Zerg are both worried and embarrassed. I don't know if they will be close to Gu Huai's dissatisfaction.

Perceived the guilty feelings of the surrounding Zerg, the black cub that was originally in the body moved, and it approached the chief of staff who was half-squatting down to him, and then licked each other close.


The chief of staff suddenly couldn’t hold the cold expression, and his eyes showed some kind of violent shock.

The surrounding Zerg also received the same important message from the action of this black cub - Wang is as willing to be close to them as before.

This discovery made the zerg's inner feelings of low and sadness empty, and they re-feel the joy, and the erects are lightened in an instant.

The Zerg is a nature-independent race. Calmness and even ruthlessness are just an instinct for every Zerg soldier. Their spirit will not be easily shaken.

But Gu Huai is different for them. Gu Huai's mood and attitude towards them can affect the mood of these Zerg.

The strong sense of joy hits the hearts of all the Zerg in the house, and they can't wait to get close to Gu Huai.

"Your Majesty, can you comb your hair?" The Chief of Staff asked cautiously.

The black cub staying on the blanket slightly moved the plush little tail behind the lower body: "Hey."

So the chief of staff quickly found a small comb in the room and then began to clink the cubs more cautiously.

This black cub is swaying in the golden urn, and in the process of being combed, An An is divided into groups and does not move.

Tuse Star started snowing early this morning, but now the snow has stopped, and the warm outdoor sunlight shines into the house from the window, and the place where the sun shines seems to be a warm and mellow feeling.

I hope that Wang can always be healthy, and I hope that Wang can always treat them with a close attitude like now, so that they will feel very happy.

For the Zerg who live on any planet in this interstellar space, the sense of happiness that makes them dazzle is only from such a simple matter.

On this day, Gu Huai kept the shape of the cub, and when he was the next day, he resumed the appearance of the humanoid form, and then explained the state of his previous situation with the surrounding Zerg.

"It won't be like this anymore." Gu Huai was sitting, and his attitude was very serious. "I am sorry for those words that I said to you before."

In the original world, Gu Huai had no family members. He grew up alone when he was a child.

The growth experience has made Gu Huai more sensitive to the care and concern of others. Therefore, Gu Huai attaches great importance to and cherishes the “family” who is in this world.

As a king, this ability to perceive the Zerg emotions makes Gu Huai more aware of the Zerg people's concern and love for him. These feelings are purely strong. When Gu Huai receives it, he naturally wants to respond.

"You don't have anything to apologize for." Kapaliya watched Gu Huai.

In the face of this female zerg, who has always been frosty, the corner of the mouth appears very tiny, which may be difficult to count as a smile, but this is the result of Kapalia's efforts.

Gu Huai faced this extremely undetectable smile and unconsciously blinked.

"Is it... It’s hard to see this expression?" Kapaliya was a little cautious. "It’s Aaron’s saying that it’s better to use this expression for those who value it."

Other races know more about the relationship than the Zerg, so Kapaliya listened to Aaron's words.

"No, Luna smiled very well." Gu Huai quickly shook his head.

Hearing that Gu Huai said this, Kapaliya’s expression was stretched.

Faced with direct praise like this, although the women in the Zerg are much colder than the women of other races, they are not completely unsmooth.

At this time, next to Gu Huai, a Tak zerg is trying to use the extension of its forearm to clamp the small round comb on the table.

The process was not going well. In the attempt, the round comb fell to the ground.

But the Tucker did not give up, it lowered its head and continued to make the next attempt.

This carefully controlled the strength for a while, and the Tektronix finally succeeded in using its "hand" to clamp the small round comb.

"Oh..." The huge Tak zerg stared at the round comb that he had clamped himself with a scarlet erect, at this moment a low-pitched squeak from his throat.

The other Tak worms around are watching some instigation and seem to want to do the same.

"Combine here." Sitting on the sofa, Gu Huai raised his hand and patted the sharp forearm of the former Tak Zerg and the cold weapon, and then slightly bent his eye to point to his hair.

The lower zerg was originally born purely for war. The Tak worms in the living room basically did not understand anything other than fighting at the beginning, but this time they had already been born when they guarded the Gu Huai shell. changed.

They learned how to take care of the cubs they care for and how they can be happy.

After Gu Huai pointed his hair, the Tektronix, who was clamping a small round comb with the extension of the forearm, carefully put the comb on the soft black hair of Gu Huai.

After combing the hair of Gu Huai smoothly, the scarlet erect scorpion of the Tak worms shrank slightly, and the throat continued to emit a lower snoring than before.

Yalves sat next to the body with Gu Huai with his tail. For this picture, the three heads of the team were no longer disagreeing.

Staying in the vicinity of Gu Huai, Yalves did not appear to be out of control again.

The behavior of Yalves is Gu Huai's permission. This is Gu Huai's will. Under the circumstance that Yalves is not in danger to Gu Huai, the heads of the army are unconditionally obeying the wishes of Gu Huai.

When he was combed with his hair, Gu Huai thought of the ongoing Tussex soil improvement plan. He slightly turned his head to ask Simodo standing near him: "There should be a lot of flowers in the future. Does Simodo like to spend?"

The head of the Fourth Army, who is almost as big as the Tektronix, has a face that looks so irritating, but it is a bit dull in front of Gu Huai.

Simodo rarely voluntarily expresses his opinions, so Gu Huai gradually learned to ask him questions.

"Hey, if you like your flower, then you will like it." Simodo thought for a second and gave the answer according to his thinking.

Gu Huai heard the words scratching his cheeks, looking up to the left and the window that was shining into the warm sunshine: "If you can plant flowers on the map, the planet will become very beautiful. Of course, I think the current Tussell is also very It looks good, but planting flowers can make the planet have more colors."

"It will be fine to see with you." Gu Huai bent his eyes very well.

Having said that, Gu Huai looked at Ai: "Yes, what kind of future do you see in Ai's dream of your preaching? Have you seen the figure star, is it full of flowers?"

When Gu Huai used the shape of the cubs to sneak through yesterday, he heard a Zerg mentioning Ai’s anticipation of dreams. Now think about it.

When Gu Huai asked this question, all the Zerg in the house also paid attention to it.

Originally, they should be asked earlier than Gu Huai, but when Ai mentioned the dream of prejudice, Gu Huai was sick, and the worry about Gu Huai made them have no extra attention to care about other things.

Ai looked at Gu Huai, who asked him, with a very light, shallow gold erect, and stopped the predictive ability in the talent. Ai looked at the existence and the reality of Gu Huai itself.

Ai’s feeling for Gu Huai has always been calm and watery, and the two gray faces on his face made him a little more mysterious.

Among all the Zerg, Ai is probably the best one to interpret the gentleness of this kind of genius. His eyes on Gu Huai are very quiet, but at the same time soft.

This is a kind of gaze that can be called gentle.

"The subordinates also want to comb your hair, can you?" Rarely did not immediately answer Gu Huai's question, Ai first asked this sentence.

Gu Huai accidentally squinted and nodded and responded: "Yes."

After Gu Huai promised, the Tak zerg, who was combing his hair to Gu Huai, stopped moving. Ai took the small round comb and stood next to his eyes, carefully and meticulously combing Gu Huai. In fact, there is no need to comb the black hair.

Then Ai’s voice whispered: “I see it... There are a lot of flowers you like on the star of Thur, and you are very happy to see that the future Tuse Star will be what you want to be.”

"That's great." Gu Huai heard that the light was a little brighter.

Gu Huai knows that his Zerg has made a lot of efforts for the soil improvement plan of Tuse Star. It is not just recruiting soil science experts from other races. There are also many Zerg within the Tuse Star to start spontaneous learning and research.

These efforts are sure to have a good result, and Gu Hua is of course very happy.

“Did I take you to see the flowers together?” Gu Huai asked with interest, Gu Huai felt that he would do this when he was full of flowers.

Ai’s eyes were slightly stunned and he responded slowly after about two seconds: “Yes.”

In fact, Ai did not see the future of Tuse Star. The future he really saw through his dreams was probably the time before Tuse Star could fill the flowers.

But although he did not see it, Ai believes that after the efforts of the Zerg and enough time, Tuse Star will certainly become what Gu Huai expected.

"I hope this future will come soon, I want to take you to see the flowers on the star of Tuse." Gu Huai language with a promise.

Ai showed a very shallow smile and replied: "There is hope for the subordinates."

If this future, he can see it.

Ai will occasionally have this kind of idea that will be called "greed" on the human side.

Like today, Gu Huai lives healthy and is willing to get close to their happiness. All Zerg will hope to continue.

But "changing" is a lot more difficult than "changing". In order to maintain this, I'm willing to pay for everything he can pay.

Therefore, even though it is clear that he has known through the foresighted dreams, he cannot see the future with his own eyes. Ai also said that he expects the future.

The author has something to say: Although you may feel that I am sharpening the knife, I do grind the knife.

But while I grind this knife, I still ask for a nutrient solution. Huaibao fell to the second place. qvq

Regarding this setting of Ai's predictive ability, when I set this ability, I was thinking about this story, and I always wanted to write it... This chapter should be written soon after the transition.

Give each child a sugar syrup before sharpening the knife - (being covered in the mouth)

Drop 100 small red packets and kiss you. 2k novel reading network