MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 149 Town field

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It is obvious that Johnson is willing to follow him. .しw0.

No, the earliest kidnapping crime was a mushroom.

It was found that Jane Hua’s look to the mushroom was subtle. He was about to say something, and suddenly he felt the ground violently shaking. The fatigue of the shuttle space made him unable to support, and Jane held the wall with one hand and slowly sat next to Li Fei.

Because this situation happened once, Zhang Yaojin’s first reaction was that the missing Dr. Madman ran out and raised the gun again with vigilance. Then he felt that Keji’s efforts in his arms had shaken his body and seemed to be coming down.

"No, it will be dangerous."

Zhang Yaojin is a soldier, and the power of his arm, Keji, can't break free.

The group was very angry. I felt that the temporary owner had forgotten that it had just woken up in the morning and had not yet bent, to solve the big thing of the grain reincarnation!

A group of red dragon members on alert stood by and saw Keji's rounded **** swaying in the arms of the major, trying to hold back his smile.

The shaking lasted for about half a minute and nothing happened.

Zhang Yaojin looked suspiciously around, and suddenly he heard a voice that should not appear: the rain fell on the ground and the ripples on the leaves.

Abandoned world has disappeared?

Everyone was horrified and they came back? Is there still eight months in the year?

"Not good! Call everyone in the base, open the newsletter, and get ready to contact the North!"

Zhang Yaojin put down the group, and fat Keji slammed his feet and quickly rushed out.

The hyphae are reluctant to dodge. It is not so simple for the Red Dragon team members to go out. The mushrooms tied their hands and tied their feet in the middle of the road, posing the posture of “Don’t go as soon as you meet”. Major Zhang did not have a "protective body" of Ke Ji, he could not go out, he could only turn to find Jianhua.

As a result, there are several pairs of eyes on the top.


Johnson looked around with a stunned look. The Red Dragon base house was old-fashioned decades ago. It also posted slogans and clip art. He certainly recognizes that it is not the United States.

The protagonist who did not succeed in returning home was disappointed, but this was not the first time. He did not show anything wrong. He saw Zhang Yaojin, the man in the military uniform, and looked at his head with a serious look.

Li Fei took care of Jianhua with one hand, and he had already seen the fine raindrops outside the window.

Not to mention the old man with Cheng, the hard work has finally returned to the Red Dragon base, and it is too late to be happy.

"What is going on?" Zhang Yaojin asked.

Li Fei remembered the volcano erupting in the world of giant spiders, and faintly saw the changes in the void in the world of nothingness. The two links also reached the conclusion that was similar to Jianhua.

"The world of giant spiders should not appear again. It affects the spatial stability of the entire abandoned world and will return to the real world early."

Zhang Yaojin listened to this and thought it was a good news and a bad news came together.

The abandonment of the world is over, but the red dragon has not completed the restoration of Haicheng and surrounding areas.

Jianhua struggled to control the mycelium, and the mushroom reluctantly let go of the people. The Red Dragon team members got anxious to get angry. All of them rushed out, leaving only a few people who ended the "long-distance travel" to sit on the ground. Slow recovery.

After a few minutes, Guan Yu came over, Zhang Yao was busy, and did not forget that there are people to arrange here.

Guan Yu is a b-level space actor. Her abilities are stronger, and unlike the red scorpion, Johnson immediately noticed her and felt that Guan Yu looked very kind.

He supported Cheng Lao, and Jane had Li Fei to take care of him. Guan Yu naturally took over and comforted Johnson.

There are a lot of abilities in the Red Dragon base, but there is no outsider in this core area where Zhang’s office is located. There are empty rooms.

Turning on the TV, several stations have no signal (the TV station building has estimated the problem), and the rest is also chaotic. The host is screaming about the "new news", the city is completely different, some places are on fire, and some places have become The ruins can be seen everywhere.

These hosts originally used to shoot variety shows on the street, or to do other interviews. When the accident happened, they immediately changed their identities and began to report the sudden occurrence of this tragedy.

Because it was night, the camera dangled, almost indistinguishable, only to hear crying.

Cheng Lao sighed heavily and slammed his palms.

Johnson stared at the screen, and after returning to God, he licked his arm and said anxiously that he was going home and went back to the United States.

"The whole world is in chaos. I am afraid that the airport has been destroyed. Don't say that you can go to the United States. Even the railway may not work."

At this time, everyone heard the noise from outside.

When I opened the window, it turned out that the Red Dragon forced all the abilities to participate in the rescue team and immediately set off for Haicheng, causing dissatisfaction of most of the abilities.

"We just came back, didn't eat or drink for so long, who tm doesn't give Laozi a good night's sleep. Who is Laozi!"

"Firefighting? Police? Army? This is not abandoning the world, you are more people! We have not taken the country's iron rice bowl!"

“Is there an offense that is a criminal? Why not give it away?”

"We just looked at the security of the base and came to hide and eat the things in the cafeteria. It wasn’t the daily hunting for a few points to buy, and at most it was borrowed from the eaves. How did you become the little **** who called for you to drink? You are military, isn't it necessary to protect us?"

Guan Yu is a brain-burning fire. She was not a good-tempered person. If her temperament is soft and soft, she will be able to be rehabilitated by her patriarchal parents at home, and can she drift north alone?

"By borrowing a house, how can they not say that they are borrowing a mushroom? The nearby cities are full of mushrooms, and they are very safe. Why don't they go? Why can't they be self-sufficient when they hit the prey every day?"

Of course, because no one in the Red Dragon Base will rob, no one will kill someone for a piece of meat. Here, the fire abilities are also the water abilities, and the bean buds raised by the red dragon base. The iron crabs that are raised by the ponds can be exchanged for the meat of the blue monitor lizard. Even if you use a hundred gibbons on the outside, who will be willing to change the blue monitor lizard with you?

"Don't be anxious, someone is taking the opportunity to make trouble." Li Fei listened for a while and found that a few people who were particularly loud, had vague intentions to guide everyone's emotions.

"No hurry, go on like this. If there is a conflict, the Red Dragon can only fire a gun, but..." I didn't say it, but he meant very well. These are not ordinary people, they hear gunshots. It will panic. Once you are angered by these brain-filled guys, you will use your powers without hesitation.

"Or let them leave." Cheng Lao worried.

Jane suddenly said: "Can't let them go."

I found that Jianhua’s spirit is better. Everyone is very happy. I can return to the Red Dragon Base. I rely on Jianhua’s abilities. Otherwise, even if the world is abandoned, everyone is still floating in a foreign country. The worst situation is desert. There are more than 50 degrees of high temperature and high heat during the day and a group of high-level abilities are not necessarily out of life.

Li Fei did not want Jane to talk hard and simply replaced him. "These powers go home each other and walk on the road to see others robbing the store. They are not heart-wrenching. Before someone was bound, there was red dragon supervision, and abandoned. It’s useless to have jewellery bills in the world, they just didn’t do it, now?”

Not to mention that some people have already hidden some valuable things outside the base, and the abandonment of the world has suddenly ended. They can't wait to take things out.

Even if the abilities who have not done anything, when the government supplies disaster relief supplies, will they rush in front of them with a little ability? The national disaster, how much material is not enough, can only be issued first, every household is not enough, the real world has no monsters, the disabled who eat the full stomach, all take care of the overall situation?

Cheng Lao also returned to the taste, and found that this is the reason: "Hey, but I am also anxious to go home and want to see my wife."

"Of course, there are people with such good qualities as Cheng Lao, but they are shaken and difficult to handle."

The more you listen, the more urgent you are.

Jane did not speak, and Li Fei was there. He didn't need to speak at all - Li Fei not only said what he meant, but he was more thoughtful than him.

"Things happened too suddenly."

The Red Dragon was not prepared at all. It was originally eight months. Through planned rebuilding, it was enough to control most of the abilities. The scope of repair was gradually pushed away, and the number of people would naturally be dispersed. With feelings, it is not so easy to be shaken.

Guan Yu's eyes couldn't help but float to Li Fei. Now is the best time for Li Fei Jianhua. Nothing is more important than the situation of the disaster.

This reason Li Fei knows better than Guan Yu, but Jian Hua is also pressing a reminder. They are against the country, or with all countries. Unless the abandonment of the world never ends, the instrument will never be invented.

- How is this possible?

"Wang Wang!"

Keji patrolled his own territory, and the “delimitation” scope solved the physiological problems. He twisted his hips and prepared to come back for breakfast. He found that the road was blocked and a group of people were noisy there.

The owner was guarded by the Red Dragon team, and the little girl was scared to cry.

Ke Ji was angry and screamed, and it was a roar. The abilities of the abilities were involuntarily letting them go, and those who were tempted to try to secretly start, but the "power" could not get rid of Keji. Some people are even paler, almost unable to breathe and rush to hide.

The eviction of the regiment is mainly directed at forces that do not belong to this world.

The power of the abandonment, the abandonment of the world's monsters, the soul of the book reader is of course counted.

"Wang!" Keji squinted at his claws, his head looking around and thinking about trouble? Did it agree?

As he walked, he insulted the bass from his throat and swayed to the master, comfortably licking the little girl with his body, and the girl hugged Kekey and shook his arms.

Keji endured his hungry and was swayed by the owner. He turned his head and showed a dissatisfied look at Zhang Yaojin.

Major Zhang:

Zhang Tao in the crowd blinks, and as a member of the Black Belt, he is very ambitious. Today's situation is what he and other people have promoted. Seeing a weird dog restraining everyone's abilities, Zhang Tao is so angry that he has seen this dog. He heard that it is a red dragon insider. The pet, although unable to figure out how a dog enters the world, may be abandoning the world as a creature that looks like a dog?

Dogs are not the same as dogs. The fierce breeds such as Tibetan mastiffs don’t say anything. Everyone will be wary. What can this small short leg Keji do? No one has taken it to heart.

Who would have thought that a dog is the secret weapon of the Red Dragon?

Everyone ate such a boring loss, who can be convinced, only quiet for a while, and began to quarrel again - can not use the ability to use, but also mouth!

There is only a Keji township, and the tension of the previous conflict escalation has vanished.

There, Jianhua slowed down his strength and immediately mobilized his abilities. There were a lot of mushrooms in the ground. He was affected by Jianhua consciousness. A swarm of bees swarmed into the crowd, and one person had a hyphae mask.

There are mushrooms on the body, that is, the body is tied with an irregular anti-drug. If the hyphae is drilled into the body, it will not take much effort to kill the individual. Everyone was pale and trembled.

The devourer did not show up, but this kind of "threat" was more useful than the mask on the mouth.

Cheng Lao, Yan, Li Fei plus a red dragon's Guan Yu, four people walked out of the building, no need to say anything, Li Fei's face is enough.

Since Black Dragon is standing on the side of the Red Dragon, no one dares to follow the two s-level three a-level hard 扛 (not counting Keji). There is a secret propaganda in the readers. The abilities know that Li Fei is not a good person. The devourer turned his face and murdered and didn't even say hello.

"If you are in Haicheng, you can go to the city to rescue your loved ones and you must follow the arrangements." Zhang Yaojin had the opportunity to speak. He appropriately "threatened" a sentence. "All of you have information in red." In the hands of the dragon, you want to fly away with chaos, unless you go to the deep forest or fly over the Pacific Ocean... you think about it yourself."