MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 2 Start

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The window is dark, in fact it will not light up.

Time is completely stagnant as the clock shows, and the whole city of the whole community may even disappear from the entire world. The morning sun can't replace the night, and the nightmare has no end.

Jane slowly squinted, and the posture of sitting against the wall was motionless.

This is the most energy-saving way, and the home is the environment he is most familiar with.

It has been two days and two nights since the cinema elevator incident. This is estimated by Jane on the speed of his physical loss. He found a more terrible loss in his home that night. Because of the smoking cessation reaction, Jane was hungry in the studio, and although the things that happened were very different, they always had to fill their stomachs and then ponder. As a result, the pot placed on the stove could not be burned, and the replacement of the rice cooker did not help.

If you can't cook cooked food, then you will be jerky. Half a bag of biscuits, a piece of instant noodle cake crushed and swallowed, the hunger is still burning, just like nothing has been eaten.

Can't communicate with the outside world, can't find people, can't use food to satisfy the hunger.

This feeling is like being abandoned by the whole world.

Jane is thirsty at this moment, his consciousness is already a bit fuzzy. In the past few hours, he rushed out of the house to drive to other places to find food and water, and returned to the mall, just to see the couple In the frantic eating, throwing a piece of wrapping paper and empty bottles around, but still not enough to hungry.

This strange and horrible scene makes Jane chill.

He gave up searching for food and drove the car directly to the Linjiang Bridge. At the end of the bridge was the highway toll station, from which he could leave the city.

The light of the toll booth in the dark night was lit, there was no movement on the bridge, the cold wind blew, and Jane opened the door and overlooked the rushing river from the bridge.

He does not want to commit suicide. Jane is a person who will not give up his life at any time. It is just the dilemma at the moment, which makes him feel helpless.

In the end, Jane returned to the home.

Sit down on the wall, do not move, reduce the consumption of physical energy, with strong perseverance to press your own hunger and thirst, can not wait to open the tap to the throat to fill the impulse.

He had seen the desperation of the distorted madness of the little couple when they were overeating. Jane does not want to be like that. It is useless to eat, and once it starts to eat, it is difficult to control the survival instinct that continues to eat.

The chaotic fuzzy brain is still thinking about this change.

Jane vaguely felt himself - or that the elevator fell into the time crack.

The time crevice is the name of Jianhua. He does not know the specific concept. He just thinks that the dead things in the world have stopped at this second, and the living things have disappeared. The people in the elevator have become incompatible. exception. They can change the dead (moving or damaging items), but the dead things can't change the living things (feeding water).

Jane was hungry with little strength, and excessive thirst made him a ghost.

The consciousness was faint, and he could not maintain his waking. He was half-sleeping and half-stunned in this way, and in the confusion of painful entanglement, a subtle voice was introduced into Jane’s brain.

"Tick, ticking..."

Stable, clear and regular.

Jane slowly opened his eyes. After a while, he barely recovered his waking eyes. His eyes fixed on the wall clock, the old-fashioned black-and-white glass surface, and the second was moving in a grid.


The ticking of the second move was like the first performance of the concert violin in Jianhua. In the next few minutes, he heard the nightingale of the next door, and the faint vocals after the community chess room.

The drunken man on the top floor slanted upstairs and stunned the neighboring dog.

These ordinary noisy, now like a scorpio.

The hungry and flustered Jane Hua wants to stand up and wants to go over and open the door, or go to the window to see that this is not his own illusion, but the weak body does not listen at all.

Jianhua worked hard for a long time, but not only did it have no effect, and consciousness began to collapse, and it was about to fall into a coma.


In his current situation, whether you can wake up again after a coma is a problem, and the longer you drag, the closer you are to death! It’s hard to find everything is normal, can it be so dead?

Water, he wants water.

From the living room to the kitchen, there are only a few steps away, but Jane can't pass.

He stretched out his arm in vain. It took only one minute for this action. Jane was black in front of her eyes and still stared at the glass pot filled with cold water on the kitchen countertop.


The glass jug suddenly flew in and fell to the ground.

The water flowed to the ground, the debris splashed, and Jane’s right hand was also punctured. The pain made him clear, and he looked at the glass pot that somehow came to his eyes.

But he couldn't take care of this, and quickly approached a large piece of curved curved pieces of debris, bowed his head and carefully licked a few mouthfuls of water remaining on it.

In the feeling of Jane, the water did not enter the stomach, and quickly penetrated into the oral esophagus. The great joy made him involuntarily tremble. In the world that was stagnant at that time, the scorpion still smoked when drinking water, without any effect.

He took a deep breath, then looked suspiciously at the debris and looked at the direction of the bedroom. There was a drink in Jane's room, but it was farther away from the living room. Now he tried to grasp the feeling. Just a few seconds later, a bottle of mineral water rolled out all the way.

Jane Wharton broke out, the mineral water bottle was picked up in the same place, and the end was standing right.

After the shackles, the invisible force that controlled it rolled, began to hold the bottle and tighten the lid -

"Hey!" The bottle cap flew up and slammed on the wall clock, and it actually hit a tiny crack on the glass clock face, but I thought about how big it was.

The mineral water bottle floated up and stayed at Jianhua's mouth, and it was tilted out for a convenient drinking angle. Jianhua drank half a bottle in one breath before returning to God. His mind relaxed and the mineral water bottle landed immediately.


Jane felt that he had used up his life for three days.

In any case, he came alive and he came to the end of the "nightmare". Jianhua dragged his weak body and barely stood up, found out a few chocolates and threw them into the water cup, forcing himself to drink the semi-melted sticky liquid.

In the mirror, he was pale and his eyes were black and blue.

The clothes on the body are crumpled, and they are covered with water stains. The whole person is very embarrassed, and it is estimated that the lost lovers who go to the studio to play the river will not use makeup.

The grass handled the right hand wound and restored some physical strength. The hot water was released and the bath was washed. Jianhua had the ability to explore the accident.

The spoon of the coffee cup floated up with one of his ideas and swayed.

The glass fragments of the floor were also "swept" by Jianhua to the corner of the living room. It looks very much like the ability to read in the films of Europe and the United States in the last century. It’s a superb ability to float a cup, and it’s super power.

As long as it is not a matter of life and death, turning around and taking a few steps to get something is no trouble. For Jianhua, this super power is not as good as letting him do the martial arts in his martial arts novels. At least the latter can make him less guilty when he hangs Wia.

Suddenly returning to the normal world, and the strange ability that followed, made Jane’s exhausted brains insufficient.

The TV was turned on, the dog blood soap opera family ethics drama palace maiden drama full screen flying, the evening news has long ended, the time is still the night of the studio elevator accident, Jane Wah’s jeans pocket has a movie ticket stub, the movie ends at 22:40. The mall is not close to his home, driving for at least half an hour, but at 23:01, he is already lying in the living room, almost starving himself to death.

Jane wants to go to the cinema again to check the situation, but the weak body is not allowed. Jane does not dare to sleep in bed, and his fear falls into the dark and dead world again.

Every time the eyes are heavy, the next second, Jianhua is forcibly awakened by his own will, and struggles with sleepiness.

In the groggy, the night fades and the sky is twilight.

Jane was soothed by this morning, his heart was loose, and finally fell asleep in a dream, until the sun climbed high, the glare of the light in the room.


The door was beaten vigorously, and Jane, who was sleeping in a dream, frowned slightly.

"Jianhua! What are you doing, the phone is not connected, the car is parked downstairs, where can people go?"

The roar of the sky suddenly woke up the owner. Jane opened his eyes and looked at God for half a minute before remembering what happened yesterday. The knocking on the door continued, like a soul.

The person coming is Jane Huafa, Lu Wei.

This small title is Lu Hao's self-styled. Although they really knew each other from an early age, Jane always subconsciously left this guy, because Lu Hao likes to talk to himself, and he is a big man. Jane really doesn't want to pay attention.

“Is there something?” Jane opened the door and asked in a hoarse voice.

"What happened to your voice, a cold?" Lu Yan was shocked, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked at Jianhua behind him. When he saw the furniture inside was complete (the glass fragments could not be seen in the corner), he was in his eyes. Showing disappointment that can't be concealed.

"Heavily caught a cold and slept for two days at home." Jane looked cold and cold. "Are you not going abroad?"

"I came back." Lu Hao was born well. When he was not sick, he looked like a noble son. He lowered his voice and asked, "I heard that you offended someone, the rice bowl was lost? You didn't pick up your phone..."

"Nothing? I took a break. I just couldn't open my eyes when I was taking medicine." Jane interrupted his words and closed the door neatly.

Lu Hao touched his nose, not angry, turned down and went downstairs.

The car that Jane stopped at the downstairs carefully looked around and found that the phone was in the box of the glass window in front of the car. Lu Hao smiled and said to himself: "I said why not answer the phone."

Lu Hao touched out his mobile phone, and the hot topic of the interface Weibo was “Happy Young City Men and Women”, and the news showed that the supermarket on the first floor of the mall was stolen, and there were a lot of missing food wrapping paper and empty beverage bottles next to the body. The night shift security statement of the mall found that the deceased was found at 11 o'clock last night and was suspected of dying.

"Beginning." Lu Hao shut his phone in trouble.

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