MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1678 [Zhang Wei wants to make an animated movie! 】

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at night.

A hotel in Hollywood.

Zhang Wei brought people over. Qian Haitao and his acquisition team are packing up their documents and contracts. They should have just come down from the negotiating table. Everyone has anger on their faces, and there is a sense of frustration. The little money is always here, and it’s screaming there.

Small money total: "This grandson!"

One is responsible for the popularity: "There is no such thing!"

Qian Haitao looked at the door. "Is Teacher Zhang coming?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "Come."

The small money always rushed: "Zhang Dao, do you read the news?"

Zhang Yan said, "I saw it on the road, what happened?"

Xiaomo always angered: "Don't mention, this group of Hollywood's **** joined hands to do it, march, make trouble, and finally the government came out. In one sentence, the acquisition was not for us. Now there is no Hollywood film company. I sold it to us, and I didn’t sell much money. In the end, my dad didn’t have any problems. I didn’t turn back and shoot, and I’m second to the end. I spent a lot of money to win an animated film company. The scale is not big, the price. Still high, this acquisition is a failure, paralysis, I am not finished with the Hollywood!"

Qian Haitao frowned. "You little boy said a few words to me."

The little money is always angry.

Qian Haitao has seen great winds and waves. "The business is unpredictable, not as simple as you think." Then he looked at Zhang Wei and apologized: "I am afraid that Teacher Zhang will run away, originally planned. Very good, who came up with such a big change, this is my responsibility, I did not expect that the people of Hollywood and the directors’ union are zero-tolerant towards Chinese companies. The rebound is so big, if I did a good job in advance If you don't necessarily get the animated film company, now you have a layout in Hollywood. The animated film has never been seen by anyone. The box office is not high, but the symbolic meaning is bigger. You can only watch it later. See if there is any chance to change the animation company to become a film company. It’s a curve to save the country, but there should be no hope in these two years."

Responsible for humanity: "Sorry, Zhang."

Zhang Weidao: "It's okay."

The door is coming outside.

Youth Road: "Qian Zong, the press conference is about to begin."

Qian Haitao: "Well, I am ready to go."

Qian Haitao soon took people to the downstairs to attend the conference.

The group of people who left Zhang Wei’s studio looked at each other.

Haqiqi sighed, "Hey, let's go back."

Xiao Wang said: "How difficult it is to make a movie!"

Zhang Zuo looked at Zhang Wei, "I am booking a ticket now?"

"Let's wait." Zhang Wei said: "Let's go down and see."

Tong Fuyi, "What are you looking at?"

Zhang Weidao: "Looking at the old money top is not overwhelming."


Downstairs conference hall.

The conference site.

Countless foreign reporters have long guns and short guns.

Nowadays, the failure of China's richest man to acquire Hollywood film companies has spread all over the world, and there are many national entertainment news. I don't know how many people are watching their jokes.

An American reporter smiled: "Congratulations on your successful acquisition."

Qian Haitao laughed, "Thank you."

The American reporter asked: "It is a pity that another Hollywood film company has not been included in it. I heard that there are pressures from all parties. What do you think of this?"

Qian Haitao shook his head. "I don't want to answer this question."

Another female reporter said: "The acquisition of Xingyue Animation Company is the first step for you to come out in Hollywood. What are your plans for the future?"

Qian Haitao said: "Acquiring the company, of course, is to make a movie."

A male reporter said: "As far as we know, the two animation directors of Xingyue Company have resigned their positions not long ago. This is the only two contract directors of the company. It can be said that the current Xingyue Company has faced no directors available. Stage, can you come up with the work?"

Qian Haitao said: "This is not enough for you."

Many reporters laughed.

"Zhang Wei has come to Hollywood?"

“Has your cooperation plan been cancelled?”

"When will Zhang Lan return to China?"

"What will Xingyue Company make next?"

"Will you ask the Chinese animation director to take the photo?"

“Is there a film animation director in China?”

“Why did the Hollywood Directors’ Union collectively boycott you?”

“Have you ever thought about acquiring an animated film company, is it actually a wrong decision?”

One question and one question, the foreign journalists were like chicken blood, and the questions they asked were all they did not want to answer. Perhaps in the eyes of these reporters, the Chinese are a big man, not far from Hollywood, spending a lot of money, and finally acquired an animation company that no one is willing to take over, which shows that it is a loss-making business. It is precisely because of this loss-making business, this time the Chinese company acquired the Hollywood animation company, there is no official intervention, otherwise, they can not receive a company.

The faces of the Chinese team are not good-looking.

The people in the studio outside Zhangye are also on fire.

Xiao Wangdao: "Bullying people, this is!"

Tong Fury said: "It’s gone!"

The small money always goes up with the sleeves, "I am grass!"

Fortunately, they were dragged by Haziqi and Wu Yi, "Calm! Calm!"

Only Zhang Wei is not angry, but this is to listen to music!

When striding forward, Zhang Wei went up.

Haqiqi was shocked, "Zhang Dao!"

Zhang Zuo dumbfounded, "Why are you going?"

Tong Fuji said: "Hey!"

They didn't think of it, what did Zhang Hao go up at this time?

Qian Haitao and his team on the stage also stumbled.

The reporters in the audience suddenly brightened their eyes!

It is Zhang Hao!

He finally appeared!

There is a good show here!

Just as they had to ask some questions until the other party’s pain, Zhang Wei took the microphone on the table first, and then aloud all the reporters!

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I will answer your question. My cooperation with Qian is certainly not over. When will I return to China? I have no plans for a short time. Xingyue company's next plan? Of course, one shot. Animated film. Does China have an animation director? Of course, there is a Chinese, and it’s one of them. Now, I’m standing in front of you. One of the following days, I will work with Qian to make a Hollywood animated film!”

The reporter is wrong!

Qian Haitao is stunned!

Small money is always dumb!

Haqi Qi Zhang Zuo and others are also awkward!

Animated film?

You want to make an animated movie! ?

Zhang Wei came to Hollywood this time, in order to make a real movie, and prepared well in advance.

But animated film?

Who said he would not shoot!

The buddies shot it for you!