MTL - I’m Really a Superstar-Chapter 1692 ["Frozen" has been produced! 】

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this day.

The international entertainment circle is lively.

There are American actresses promoted to the international second-tier.

A British movie star has risen to the top of the world.

There are also Hollywood directors celebrating their merits.

This time, the unprecedented explosion of Hollywood movies has benefited many people in the international entertainment circle. Reporters, stars, directors, capitalists, and everyone all enjoyed the movie feast. By this time, Zhang Ye’s animated movies have been completely Was ignored. As long as a normal person knows that Zhang Ye cannot win, Zhang Ye’s international popularity has also been affected, and his position as the last place in the international second-tier is faltering. .

At this moment, "Frozen" was finally completed.



Xingyue Company.

It took three months and invested nearly 200 million U.S. dollars to entrust Zhang Ye with all his hard work. The animation film with the highest production cost in history was released.

Mark Fran came over, "It's done."

Zhang Ye said excitedly: "Done?"

An animation producer said: "Everything is done according to your requirements."

Zhang Ye immediately said, "Okay, where's the film?"

Mark Fran said: "Here."

Zhang Ye said, "I'll edit."

Mark Fran said uneasy: "Do you need a professional to help?"

"No need." Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I am a professional."

Mark Fran spread his hand and said, "Well, if you insist on that."

Zhang Ye patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Ma, you have to believe me in this matter. I can't guarantee that my work will not fall in my life, but I will definitely not fall here!"

Mark Fran didn't know what to think, "Okay."

Zhang Ye said: "The publicity is up to you."

"Don't worry." Mark Fran said, "I'll do this."

One hour.

three hours.

Five hours.

In the afternoon, Zhang Ye came out of the editing room.

Ha Qiqi hurriedly asked, "How is the effect?"

Zhang Zuo said: "Take a break first, Director Zhang."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "What are you resting? It has been cut."



Is it so fast?

Are you serious?

The people at Xingyue Company are a bit panicked. They have been dealing with animated films all year round. Of course, it is clear that the most important thing for an animated film is the post-editing. Each person has his own style, and the effect of each person's editing will be different. This It will also directly affect the quality of the movie. It takes five hours to finish it? You are too rash! However, when they think of Zhang Ye's style of doing things these days, they are all relieved. This director from China has always been known for his speed in doing things. This is his style.

Mark Fran also came back, and said dumbly: "Are it all right?"

Zhang Ye nodded, "The finished product has already been produced."

Mark Fran wiped his sweat, "Is the final version finalized?"

"Yes, it's fixed." Zhang Ye affirmed.

Dong Shanshan stepped up, "What is it like?"

Ning Lan said, "Yes, what effect?"

Chen Guang said eagerly: "You hide from the beginning to the end. We don't know everything except the script of the lines. Hurry up."

Zhang Ye laughed, "Don't you know if you look at it?"

Ha Qiqi inhaled, "Can you watch it?"

Zhang Ye said, "Of course it can."

Xiao Wang persuaded, "I, I still don't watch."

Zhang Zuo nervously said, "I am also a little worried."

Ha Qi said: "I want to see."

Mark Fran said: "I want to watch too."

Xiao Wang changed his mind again, "Then I want to see it too."

Zhang Ye greeted everyone, "Go!"

The projection hall is on the third floor, not a few steps away.

But during this journey, everyone felt that it was a long journey, and everyone had thousands of thoughts in their hearts, either nervous, or anticipating, or timid.

Projection hall.

Everyone sat down one by one.

Zhang Ye smiled and asked, "Are you ready?"

Mark Fran took a breath, "Sure."

Zhang Yuanqi sat there quietly.

Ning Lan urged: "Quickly, quickly!"

Xiao Wang said with a cruel expression, "Come on! Love someone!"

Several senior executives of Xingyue Company trembled.

A foreigner also drew a cross, chanting words, and didn't know what to pray for.

Zhang Ye laughed, took a deep breath, then clicked the play button, turned off the lights, and sat on the chairs with everyone, quietly watching the big screen.

The film begins.



People from Xingyue Company looked over frequently.

"Isn't it okay?"

"How long have they been in?"

"It's almost two hours."

"Should it be over soon?"

"How is it?"

"Are there any questions? It's definitely not so good. Listen, there is no sound in it. If it is a good movie, why should there be a little laughter?"

"It's over, really looking for a new job."

"Ah! The door is open!"

"It's coming out!"

"Uh, what's this look?"

In an instant, everyone in the company looked over.

Zhang Ye.

Mark Fran.


Dong Shanshan.

Zhang Yuanqi.

Everyone came out one after another.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Old horse."

Mark Fran replied, "Oh, huh?"

"You have the rest?" Zhang Ye said.

Mark Fran said, "Ah, good."

Zhang Ye said, "I'm going back to China first. You are professional in the publicity and distribution, and I can't help it. It's better to go home and see my wife and children, but you don't care about the publicity in China, I am one The people are packed, and I will wait for the premiere of the movie in China later."

Mark Fran immediately said: "Okay, okay, I'll book you a plane ticket!"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "No, I will buy it myself."

Mark Fran hurriedly said: "I will arrange for someone to send you off!"

Ha Qiqi looked excited.

Xiao Wang couldn't even speak.

Several other senior animators of Xingyue Company who were qualified to enter the venue were all shocked, and some of them couldn't return.

Is this the movie we made?

How could this be done by us?

When Zhang Ye left, all the talents gathered around.

"Emish, how is it?"

"Kutcher, is the movie good?"

"Is it bad?"

"I guessed it!"

"Just know this layman can't do it!"

As a result, Mark Fran heard it, and his face sank at the time, "You know? You know what a shit!" Everyone in the company was stunned, and only listened to Mark Fran loudly saying: "Listen to me. Don’t always talk about laymen and laymen from now on, let me hear these words again, and I’ll let him go home from the company! Director Zhang Ye is a real filmmaker, you know what a fart!"




No one understands why Mark Fran, who had been questioning Zhang Ye back then, suddenly changed his attitude!

the phone is ringing.

After seeing the number, Mark Fran walked back to his office, closed the door and picked up the phone. There was Qian Haitao, the chairman of Xingyue Company.

Mark Fran said: "Boss."

Qian Haitao cared: "Is the movie ready?"

Mark Fran: "Yes."

Qian Haitao asked: "Have you seen it?"

Mark Fran: "I just saw it."

Qian Haitao: "Can you predict the box office?"

Mark Fran: "I can't predict."

Qian Haitao: "You have been in the circle for so many years, you are not sure?"

Mark Fran calmly said, "I don't really know how much box office it can get. After all, the animation market is too deep, and no one has ever really opened the market, but I know that this animation film, Even if you give Hollywood one, five, or even ten years, no one in Hollywood can shoot it. Boss, I now finally know why you invited Teacher Zhang Ye. I have never seen anything like this. people."

Hearing this, Qian Haitao also smiled, "I told you that Teacher Xiao Zhang is very good."

Mark Fran smiled bitterly, "I just believe it now."