MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 270 Sanxian【04】

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Yuan Jia rushed back to Ji's house as quickly as possible. Ji Yuanxiao really was no longer at Ji's house. Ji Yuanxiao set off for Guishizong a few months before about two hundred years ago. Zong, something must have happened on the way.

Although he didn't know Ji Yuanxiao's route to Return to the First Sect, Yuan Jia, based on his own guesses, first followed the route he took most often, and searched for it day and night.

He didn't find Ji Yuanxiao's whereabouts on this route, so he searched for another route, and finally searched all the places between Ji's family and Gui Shizong, but couldn't find Ji Yuanxiao's whereabouts.

If Yuan Jia had not calculated Ji Yuanxiao's fate with his fingers and knew that he was safe at this time, I am afraid Yuan Jia could not help but think of posting a missing person notice all over the Xiu Xianjie.

When Yuan Jia was about to dig three feet into the ground, he suddenly felt that the jade talisman he had used for Ji Yuanxiao's body protection was crushed, which meant that Ji Yuanxiao was in danger of life.

He immediately located the position of the jade talisman, then forcibly tore the space and rushed into the spatial turbulence, following the positioning to find the position of Ji Yuanxiao.

Ji Yuanxiao leaned against a woman in red with a face as gorgeous as a peony, with a pale face and blood on the corners of his mouth. A golden light shroud enveloped the two of them. Outside the golden shroud, a 100-meter-long giant python was continuously lashing with its tail. Hit the golden mask, a circle of ripples swayed, making the golden mask crumbling.

Seeing the solemn expression of the woman beside him, Ji Yuanxiao said with relief: "Don't be afraid, I have already crushed the communication jade talisman that my elder brother gave me, and my elder brother will come to rescue us soon."

The woman in red shoved a magic pill into his mouth, and said angrily: "You are said to be able to resist the attack of the master of the distraction period. Run away under the attack of the snake monster. This place is isolated from the outside world and can only be sent out through the teleportation array. It is difficult for people from the outside world to enter the sky. Even if your elder brother receives your call for help, I am afraid..."

Before she could finish her words, she saw a huge space crack suddenly formed in the mid-air in front of her, so frightened that the snake demon didn't dare to draw its tail anymore, and stared at the space crack blankly.

A figure in Tsing Yi walked out of the dark space crack, and then the space crack quickly closed.

Ji Yuanxiao jumped and waved at the figure in Tsing Yi: "Big Brother! I'm here!"

The man in green clothes looked down, like a **** watching, the woman in red only felt that the whole world was caught in the gaze of those eyes, and she took a step back in panic.

Yuan Jia came to Ji Yuanxiao's side in a flash, stretched out his hand, checked Ji Yuanxiao's injury, and found that his body's aura was disturbed and seriously injured, and he couldn't help frowning: "How did you make yourself like this?"

Looking up again to see the woman in red beside Ji Yuanxiao wearing a familiar jade pendant, Yuan Jia almost laughed angrily, this kid actually wore the body protection jade he gave him on someone else's body.

Ji Yuanxiao said embarrassingly: "Big, big brother, didn't I accidentally get swept by the spatial turbulence to this isolated island? This is Fairy Hongyan, and she also accidentally entered this place by accident. Thanks to her support with me, Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to survive now."

Yuan Jia didn't say a word. He just came to this place and used his spiritual sense to investigate it. This place is indeed an island suspended overseas. There are many turbulent spaces around and it is isolated from the outside world. There are many powerful monsters on the island. Little treasures.

But in terms of the level of danger, Ji Yuanxiao, who has all kinds of protective magic weapons he sent, is definitely not a threat.

Ji Yuanxiao would end up with a serious injury, just to help the woman in red beside him. What support each other, is simply the woman in red dragging him down.

Just looking at Ji Yuanxiao's attitude, it seems that he has no affection for this female cultivator named Hongyan, but Yuan Jia did not expose him.

Ji Yuanxiao, as a typical male protagonist, started with waste materials, his parents and brothers sacrificed to the sky, and became an orphan male protagonist. During the process of being chased and killed by the villains, his cultivation level rose steadily, and he was also absolutely indispensable to various confidantes.

Yuan Jia skipped Ji Yuanxiao's many confidantes in the original plot, because this kid is a scumbag, and he only flirts but doesn't marry. Until the end of the story, he hasn't decided which confidante he will become a Taoist partner with. , or he wants either.

The name of Hongyan, Yuan Jia, is not very impressive. I think it should be a little-known character, or a character who did not appear at all.

Yuan Jia took a deep look at Ji Yuanxiao, then turned to look at the snake demon that slipped away quietly, reached out and grabbed it, and the huge 100-meter-long snake demon quickly shrank into a small snake as long as an index finger and fell into it. in his hands.

There seems to be a huge space in his palm, no matter how this snake monster rolls in his palm, he will not be able to turn it over.

Ji Yuanxiao's little seal applauded: "Big brother is amazing! Big brother is the strongest!"

Yuan Jia looked at Ji Yuanxiao's adoring eyes, and the anger in his heart also faded a lot.

Yuan Jia said, "Since everyone has come, don't come back empty-handed."

Ji Yuanxiao patted his storage bag: "Brother, I have already picked a lot of elixir, all of which are rare treasures from heaven and earth. That snake demon just now was also created because I secretly picked the elixir it guards. Chasing us like crazy."

Every Tiancai and Dibao will be guarded by powerful monsters. This is the instinct of Tiancai and Dibao to protect themselves. They will instinctively release the breath that attracts monsters to tempt the monsters to protect themselves.

Yuan Jia didn't even look at his storage bag. It was given by him. Wouldn't he know how many things it could hold in it?

Yuan Jia, who inherited the rich family wealth of the original owner, disliked this kind of thing. He took Ji Yuanxiao and Hongyan up to the sky, overlooking the huge isolated island below, and stretched out his hand to grab it, just like the snake demon just now. , the island quickly shrunk into his broad sleeve.

Ji Yuanxiao and Hong Yan were stunned.

Compared with the combat spells they had learned, Yuan Jia took away a huge isolated island in his gestures, more like a man in a fairyland.

Ji Yuanxiao asked in horror: "Brother, what kind of magical power do you have? It's really amazing."

Yuan Jia said: "This is the universe in the sleeve. It was improved by me. It can be used as the universe in the palm of your hand. The improved method has been included in the library in the sect. If you want to learn it, I can teach you when you go back."

Ji Yuanxiao said excitedly: "Thank you, brother, you are the best!"

Ji Yuanxiao also saw the look of envy on Hong Yan's face on the side, but this method was created by his elder brother with great effort.

So he didn't mention the matter of letting Hong Yan follow him to learn the Dharma with Yuan Jia.


Yuan Jia ripped apart the space again and returned to the outside world with Ji Yuanxiao and Hong Yan.

He looked at Hongyan who was brought out by him, and asked, "What kind of disciple are you from?"

This Hongyan looks young, but his cultivation has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and he is about to break through the Nascent Soul Stage. He should be an elite disciple of a certain sect.

Hongyan replied respectfully: "Disciple Yuhe Palace Inner Sect, thank you senior for saving your life."

Yuhe Palace and Gui Shizong are both righteous sects, and their relationship is not bad. Yuan Jia did not embarrass Hongyan, and asked: "Do you want this seat to send you back to Yuhe Palace?"

Hongyan quickly refused and said, "Why bother senior, it's not far from Yuhe Palace, junior can go back to the sect by himself."

Yuan Jia didn't insist on sending her off. What he said was polite.

Before leaving, Hongyan said goodbye to Ji Yuanxiao: "Thank you for taking care of Ji Gongzi during this time, and there will be a future."

After she left, Ji Yuanxiao was still staring at the direction she was leaving, reluctant to blink.

Yuan Jia slapped him on the forehead: "Everyone has gone so far that they can't see anyone, what are you looking at?"

Ji Yuanxiao touched his forehead and giggled.

Yuan Jia poured a basin of cold water on him and said, "This Hongyan is much younger than you, you are an old cow eating tender grass."

Ji Yuanxiao said reluctantly, "Why would immortal cultivators care about the age difference? It's not a problem at all." Many senior brothers in the sect who couldn't find a daughter-in-law would often say, when will their daughter-in-law be born?

But Ji Yuanxiao was still a little disappointed. Hong Yan was so much younger than him, and his strength was stronger than him, but he was a waste who could only rely on his big brother.

Yuan Jia said: "If you really like her, then try to cultivate, and when you are higher than her cultivation level, come back to me about this. Otherwise, next time you and Hong Yan are in danger again, it's better Ask her to protect you, or use the magic weapon I gave to protect you?"

A word woke the dreamer.

Ji Yuanxiao, who was still depressed just now that his cultivation was not as good as Hong Yan, clapped his hands in surprise: "Yes, although I am not as strong as Hong Yan, my eldest brother is amazing!"

Just like on the isolated island just now, when faced with so many dangers, why is Hongyan stronger than him? Isn't it possible to escape his life entirely by relying on the magic weapon of protection on his body? In the end, it was he who asked his elder brother to come to the rescue.

With such a big backer, even if he is a waste material, he is a waste material with a backing.

The confident Ji Yuanxiao licked his face and said to Yuan Jia, "Brother, can you take me to Yuhe Palace to propose marriage? I really like Fairy Hongyan."

Yuan Jia was stunned. In the original plot, Ji Yuanxiao provoked a lot of love debts, and many of his confidantes were willing to follow him around the world, and they were willing to be chased and killed. But because he couldn't give his confidante a stable life, he chose to refuse, left alone, and then provoked other peach blossoms on the way to practice. In the end, there are more and more confidantes, more and more...

Unexpectedly, Ji Yuanxiao, who was an amorous prodigal son in the original plot, wanted to settle down with Hongyan at this time.

Yuan Jia asked, "Your cultivation base is weaker than Hong Yan, how can you give her a stable life? How do you impress Yuhe Palace and ask Yuhe Palace to marry Hong Yan to you?"

Ji Yuanxiao gave him a strange look: "With Big Brother here, how could Yuhe Palace disagree? Hongyan is not a core disciple, just an inner disciple, Yuhe Palace will never refute your elder brother for an inner disciple. face."

Yuan Jia: "..." Is it really okay for Brother Yan to be so confident?


Different from Ji Yuanxiao, who was ruined and orphaned in the original plot, he must be self-reliant and rely on himself.

Although the current Ji Yuanxiao's parents have passed away, but he has Yuan Jia, a powerful eldest brother, as a backer.

Yuan Jia couldn't help but wonder if he had planned everything for Ji Yuanxiao and spoiled his younger brother like this.

Yuan Jia felt a little guilty for pampering an independent powerhouse into a bullying second-generation immortal, but he was a little ruthless when he asked Ji Yuanxiao to push Ji Yuanxiao up the road of a powerhouse full of thorns.

Yuan Jia looked at Ji Yuanxiao with complicated eyes and unclear meanings, and made people panic, and then asked: "You have two choices in the future, one is to rely on yourself to work hard to become a strong person who will ascend to the immortal world in the future, and the other is to be in the future. Live a happy life under the protection of your brother. If you choose one, you will experience many difficulties and obstacles. If you choose two, you may not be able to soar in your life. Tell me, what is your choice."

Ji Yuanxiao replied without hesitation: "Of course I choose the second one."

Yuan Jia asked in surprise: "Why? You have to know that choosing one will be able to fly to the Immortal Realm."

Ji Yuanxiao replied as a matter of course: "But I don't want to fly to the Immortal Realm."

Yuan Jia said in a daze: "Don't want to fly to the Immortal Realm?"

Ji Yuanxiao said: "My family is in the world of Xiu Xian, my father and mother are here, and my eldest brother is here, of course I want to stay here. I have poor qualifications and can't soar, so I never thought about flying to the fairy world. What good is a god? I still like to be with my family, marry a wife and have children in the future, and grow the Ji family."

Yuan Jia said with a complicated mood: "I can't protect you all the time. Sooner or later, I may fall under the calamity."

In this world, the scattered immortals have been robbed nine times, and now there is no loose immortal who can survive the nine calamities and ascend to the Immortal Realm.

Ji Yuanxiao also knew about this, he said: "How can you say such unlucky words? Brother, you can definitely survive nine calamities, fly to the immortal world, and become an immortal immortal."

Yuan Jia laughed: "If I fly to the Immortal Realm, don't you want to go to Immortal Realm with me?"

Ji Yuanxiao scratched his head and said a little shyly: "Brother, it's 9,000 years since you ascended to the Immortal Realm, and I may not be able to live until that time."

Speaking of which, he has no ambitions, and only thinks that he can cultivate to the distraction stage, and his life will be satisfied in a thousand years.

As for a stronger realm, he did not dare to hope. So he felt that he must have died before the elder brother.

Ji Yuanxiao knew that his eldest brother was disbanded as a loose immortal, and he would have to go through the robbery of a loose immortal every thousand years. In fact, he was not too worried, not only because he had confidence in his eldest brother, but also because he felt that he might live It was not until the first thousand years of my eldest brother's scattered immortal robbery.

Yuan Jia stretched out his hand and rubbed Ji Yuanxiao's head, and smiled helplessly: "I will survive the nine scattered immortal tribulations and soar, and you will also soar. At that time, the two of us brothers will be happy together in the fairyland."

Yuan Jia's statement is true or false. It is true that he can survive nine scattered immortal tribulations and Ji Yuanxiao will ascend, but the statement that he will ascend to immortal world is false. The system should not intend to open the immortal world map to him. of.

Ji Yuanxiao didn't take Yuan Jia's statement that he would ascend too seriously. After all, his aptitude was poor, and he still had self-knowledge, so he just thought it was the elder brother who comforted him.

"I know, I will work hard to cultivate." Then he should also comfort and comfort the elder brother.


Yuanjia brought Ji Yuanxiao back to the first sect, and asked Ji Yuanxiao to hand in the task first. Fortunately, he just wanted to prevent the task from timing out. The time agreed with Ji Yuanxiao was ten years earlier than the task time limit, so Ji Yuanxiao was at this time. Turning in a quest does not count as a quest failure.

Every outer sect disciple has to go down the mountain to do the experience task during the Jindan period, and there is a certain free rest period after completing a task.

Yuan Jia took Ji Yuanxiao to Tingyang Peak, and pressed him to continue practicing.

Although Ji Yuanxiao's previous remarks showed that he was very ambitious, he was still very diligent and serious in his cultivation.

Yuan Jia sorted out the various resources on the huge isolated island, and those that Ji Yuanxiao needed were packaged separately and used on Ji Yuanxiao one after another.

Finally, relying on Yuan Jia's small stove and huge resources, Ji Yuanxiao broke through to the Yuanying period.

He was overjoyed and came to report the good news to Yuan Jia after he formed Yuan Ying: "Big brother, big brother, I have formed Yuan Ying!"

Yuan Jia just smiled and wanted to compliment him, when he heard Ji Yuanxiao continue: "Then eldest brother, can you take me to Yuhe Palace to propose marriage?"

Yuan Jia: "..." Is it because you worked so hard to cultivate Yuan Ying in order to marry a daughter-in-law?

"It's a matter of becoming a Taoist couple. Are you sure that Fairy Hongyan is interested in you? If she doesn't care about you, and we rush to propose a marriage, I'm afraid in her opinion, you are taking advantage of the situation."

Ji Yuanxiao was stunned. He didn't think of this at all. He scratched his cheek and said in annoyance, "Then, what should I do then? Should I go to Yuhe Palace to ask Fairy Hongyan what it means?" He glanced at Yuanjia. , because Yuan Jia said before that he was not allowed to run around casually.

Yuan Jia sighed and said, "Brother is not to be left behind. Just go."

What can he do? He is also very desperate. He wants his younger brother to stay with him in Gui Shizong, and wait until he is invincible in the world of immortality before going out, but Ji Yuanxiao's mind has long been taken away by the beautiful girl, and he can't stay at all. his will.

I think the male protagonist's halo is still a bit useful, and the death of Chengxiang is the standard for the male protagonist's halo.

Yuan Jia let Ji Yuanxiao go down the mountain, but the sense of urgency in his heart became stronger and stronger, and he practiced harder.

The halo of the male protagonist can make the death of the male protagonist auspicious, pay attention, the key point is 'die-in', ordinary people may not encounter all kinds of difficulties in a lifetime, the male protagonist will always encounter one by one many times, even if every time he can 'Chengxiang', but it can't change the essence of the male protagonist's troublesome spirit.

Yuan Jia could almost imagine the scene where Ji Yuanxiao called for help every three to five days after he went down the mountain, and he flew over to save the scene.

If you want to be the backer of a troublesome hero, how can you do it without enough strength?


Ji Yuanxiao went down the mountain, he left Gui Shizong and went to Jade River Palace.

The overall strength of the Yuhe Palace is weaker than that of the Returning First Sect, but it is also a righteous sect, with no borders, no competition for resources, and no friction between the natural disciples. The relationship is of course good.

Ji Yuanxiao came to Yuhe Palace to visit friends and was warmly welcomed by Yuhe Palace.

However, when he said that his friend was Fairy Hongyan, many male disciples of Yuhe Palace looked at him with a subtler look.

Hongyan has an outstanding appearance and outstanding aptitude for cultivation. Among the inner disciples, her strength is extraordinary, her reputation is not small, and there are many natural suitors.

There are also many foreign suitors like Ji Yuanxiao, so as soon as Ji Yuanxiao came to the Yuhe Palace and mentioned the name of Hongyan, the suitors of Hongyan reached a consensus and wanted to compete with Ji Yuanxiao as a foreigner as before. The opponent is expelled.

Ji Yuanxiao, who had already sharpened his seven orifices and exquisite heart, saw through the little tricks they did to respond to others, and they were easily resolved.

So these suitors began to deliberately challenge Ji Yuanxiao: "If you are dissatisfied, we will fight in the ring!"

He came to Yuhe Palace to look for Hongyan as soon as he broke through the Nascent Soul stage. How could the fighting method be the opponent of the inner disciples who had broken through the Nascent Soul stage for many years in Yuhe Palace. Since he couldn't beat him, of course he would not agree to the challenge of these Yuhe Palace disciples. : "I just came to Yuhe Palace as a guest, how can I fight with you in Yuhe Palace?"

This remark also satirized the Yuhe Palace disciples who had no hospitality and deliberately provoked trouble.

When the invitation to fight failed, and the suitors of Hongyan secretly discussed how to deal with Ji Yuanxiao in the next step, Hongyan appeared.

She came with a group of fellow teachers and sisters, and against the backdrop of other female disciples, she appeared to be unparalleled and beautiful.

Hongyan walked in front of Ji Yuanxiao, reached out and untied the jade pendant hanging from her waist and pressed the skirt, and handed it to Ji Yuanxiao: "I forgot to give this to you when we parted."

The onlookers' eyes turned red when they saw that the goddess in their hearts actually took the initiative to give the jade pendant around her waist to an outsider?

Ji Yuanxiao couldn't feel the envious, jealous gazes of the male disciples around him at all, all his attention was on Hong Yan, and he didn't take the jade pendant that she returned, and said with a smile, "Since I gave it to you, it is you of course. How can there be anything back?"

Hongyan Daimei frowned slightly: "This jade pendant is too precious, it should be a protective treasure given to you by your predecessors. I needed this jade pendant to protect myself on the island before, and I accepted it, but now there is no danger, and I can't either. Cheekiness has always taken hold."

The onlookers finally understood that Hong Yan wanted to return the jade pendant Ji Yuanxiao gave him, not his own jade pendant, and the vinegar in his heart finally decreased.

At Hong Yan's insistence, Ji Yuanxiao didn't want to make her unhappy, so he had to accept it.

Judging from Hong Yan's unwillingness to accept the jade pendant, Ji Yuanxiao did not dare to directly ask Hong Yan if he was willing to be his Taoist companion. He was afraid of being rejected, so he had the cheek to stay in the Yuhe Palace, and wanted to pursue his sweetheart and bring her beauty back. .

This time, it's a hornet's nest. With Hongyan's popularity in Yuhe Palace, there are many suitors, in fact, there is no lack of the second generation of immortals. If Ji Yuanxiao leaves early, these people will not be happy with him, and it is also in the face of Gui Shizong. No way to him, but he stayed and became a thorn in their side.