MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2474 Key vibration

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The blood dragon moving upstream of the robe, the dragon claws and the arm of the dragonfly coincide, firmly grasping the red blood flag.

It made it difficult for Xiaosuo to step in, and it was not a person in front of him, but a vast dynasty.

Respect for the moon, blood dragon added.

The undefeated warfare of the Red Blood King can repel the imposing manner, but it cannot make a dynasty deterred.


He sighed softly: "I can't see the Red Blood King in person, and defeat his descendants.

Holding the wrist of the flagpole, gently turning, Xiaosuo feels that there is some palms. The flagpole moves slowly in the palm of the hand, and a strand of magical element invades the body along the palm of the hand, plundering in the body like a dragon.

"Blood dyed heaven!"

Xiaosuo suppressed the magical gods in the body, roared, and suddenly the vision suddenly began.

Freshly dyed in the sky, the ocean is roaring, the waves are soaring, the world is majestic, and it is formed in an instant.

The sky is endless blood, the scene will be very red, the bottom is the ocean, the waves rolling, one weight is higher than one.

Xiaosuo red blood plus, the waves of overlapping desires, will be ahead of the red blood flag.

Break through the other dragon's claws, puncture the chest, the Jedi reversal!


For a moment, the black robe blood dragon survived, and the **** dragon shadow hovered around the circle. The faucet was placed on top of his head, screaming at the big waves that hit him.

The rumble, the big waves rewinded, and the blood-stained scorpion was faded a little.

The blood dragon is angry, and this will be forced to retreat directly.


Killing and smothering, Xiaosuo spit out a blood, and the red blood flag in his hand can no longer be clenched.

The other side of the magic park attached to the battle flag, such as spiraling power, crazy.

Xiao Suo was stunned, and when he was hit, the whole man was knocked out by the shackles.

Just landing, I have no time to react, I saw a hand-cranked flag.

call out!

The screams rang, and the flagpole smashed the heart of Xiaosuo and set the death to death on the ground.

The magical **** of the blessing on the battle flag, along the heart of the heart, invaded its limbs like a tiger, and broke into the pool of souls.

For a time, Xiaosuo was completely suppressed and nailed to the ground.

For the emperor, the heart is no longer the key, unless the gods destroy all the vitality of the flesh. Otherwise, leave a drop of blood containing vitality, the emperor can also be reborn with blood, but the process of resurrection will be slower.

Even if the flesh is destroyed, the gods are not destroyed in time, and the emperor can escape from the soul.

The hand of the cockroach is to suppress the body and soul.

In the flag of red blood, nailing it to the ground, although not hurting life, can bring humiliation is devastating.

More importantly, the emperor is hard to kill. Since you can do it without spending a lot of energy, you will definitely know how to choose.

It is the main purpose not to kill Xiao Shoufei his kindness and catch up with Xiao Chen.

"You are too weak, and the red blood king's undefeated warfare, only to appreciate the fur."

Throwing a word, I walked over and swayed, and I didn’t look back at it.


Xiaosuo holds the **** battle flag in both hands, clenches his teeth and wants to pull it out. The five senses are twisted together, and the strength of the whole body is still useless.

I have to say that it is a great irony.

Being nailed to the ground by his own red blood flag, he is still powerless. This kind of humiliation does not want to bear.

Xiaosuo did not care about it. Even if the gods and souls were suppressed, they were just like ordinary people.

There is only one brute force left, still not giving up.

Even worse, the flagpole pierces his heart, and every time he moves a severe pain, he can faint at any time.

Can still be dissatisfied, no distraction and hesitation, holding the red blood battle flag to concentrate on pulling it out a little.

His sly expression, his forehead sweating like a raindrop, he will be a pirate captain's arrogance, resilience and fierceness, fully presented.


I have already walked a distance, stopped, and turned to look.

Seeing Xiaosuo lying on the ground, the blood of his heart was shot from the chest like a spring, and the red blood flag was pulled out by his own brute force.

At the moment when the battle flag was pulled out, the banned in the body, such as the river, was slammed down.

The hand raised the red blood flag, let the flag float in the air, and Xiaosuo stood up again.

The blood-stained battle flag, without halving the style, adds to the passion and blood.

The flag is hunting, not the wind is blowing the flag, the flag is swaying in the wind, and the burning spirit in the heart is urging the battle flag that once invincible.

Holding up the flag of Xiaosuo, it seems that the foot is not on the ground, but on the other side.

His war of his pirate heart seems to have infected this piece of land, and a ship is breaking out of the ground.

There is a group of strong people who have been following this battle, turned into a soul of war, and took the boat from the distant rivers of the distant years.

In the eyes of the sly, the front of the ocean plundered, Xiaosuo stood in the bow, and there was also a ship on the rear. On those bows, facing the wind and the waves, stood a group of strong souls.

There was a trace of accident on the face of the cockroach. I was surprised. "You just didn't have a bit of humiliation in the scene?"

He did not think that Xiaosuo actually stood up again.

I changed to be an ordinary person. I was just stabbed to the ground by my own sword. Under the shameful shame, I have already collapsed, and I will leave an indelible shadow in the future.

But he was in Xiaosuo, but he did not see any humiliation and hate.

He was not surprised by the power of the red blood flag, and he was able to summon the souls of the past, and also evolved a powerful warship.

He was amazed at the heart of Xiaosuo. This kind of person is the blind spot of his fearful eyes. If it is tough, there is no fear in his heart.

"The Red Blood King is half-life and ups and downs, and lives like a dog. He hasn't given up a pirate heart for half a lifetime. The humiliation just now, for me, what counts. Compared with the wind and rain I experienced on the sea. , nothing more."

Xiaosuo looked calm and calm, and could not see a little anger and unwillingness.

"Why? If you stop me, at least two of those who can kill Xiao Chen are not weaker than me, he is still dead."

The hand pulled the collar and threw it up.

The black robe evolved into a **** month, rising, and under the **** moon, he looked at Xiaosuo without hesitation.

He reached out and rushed forward. He didn't know where the magic sword was inserted in the ground. He trembled and turned into black light and broke into his palm.

All this shows that he will be a real opponent and will be really angry.

"I just need to know, to stop you, it is enough to let Xiao Chen lose one of his enemies. You don't need to shake my will, get people's grace, remember that life has already melted into my soul and blood."

On the bow, Xiaosuo’s flag fell and pointed to the other side. Shen Shen said: “Do it.”


On the occasion of the battle between Yu and Xiaosuo.

Xiao Chen and the rivers, Chu Chaoyun and other people took the opportunity to retreat, and the heavens in the sky really borrowed the clouds. I have been chasing after all, I have been unable to get rid of it, and I have always been stared at it.

More troublesome is that Yinlong Wang, Sikong, Dao Xuan, Wen Yuyu, as well as Yan Cangming and Zhenyuan, and other parties are in control of the secret key.

All of them reacted, and the key to the floating palace was on the river, and it also caught up.

The round is really shot again, and Xiao Chen and others are unwilling to entangle with it and delay the pace, which is easy to avoid.


A thousand miles, the ground fell, and a huge palm print appeared.

If you are photographed, you will definitely feel bad, and you will die if you are not dead.

"The bitter sea is boundless, turning back is the shore!"

Taking advantage of the efforts of several people to dodge, the circle really fell to the front to block the way for a few people.

A bitter sea appeared, and Yuan Zhen was sitting on the lotus platform, looking at a few people from the other side.


Ming Xuan and Yang Qing, in the blink of an eye, Yinlong Wang and Si Kongyu fell together, Yan Cangming and Zhenyuan blocked the left side to go.

Further away, there are also Dao Xuan and Wen Yuyu, who are coming in without rush.

For a time, the ambush on the eight sides, the sky and the earth, there is no way.

Xiao Chen looked around and sighed, and had already decided in his heart. He looked at the river and said: "As a friend, I can only help you here. This monk will deal with me."

"Silver Dragon King and Sikong, I help stop." Chu Chaoyun interface.

"Ming Xuan and Yang Qing, give it to me."

There is no way in the sky and underground, it can only help the river, blocking the strongest of them, to see if he can break through.

"You don't say, I will be embarrassed to stay on, thank you."

The river knows that Xiao Chen can help this step, and has far surpassed the relationship of friends, and has done all the power.

Without a little bit of temperament and delay, the dragons in the rivers sounded and vacated toward a gap.

The mighty dragons, let the heavens and the earth, under this roar, all tremble slightly.

His body reveals a rare dragon, which makes people feel ethereal and sacred.

"Dragons are righteous."

Xiao Chen’s eyes lit up and immediately recognized it. It seems that this river is not weak.

What is the Tianlong Sense of Righteousness, you must have the atmosphere, the big breasts, you can accommodate this vast sky.

How big is the day, my heart is too much!

What is to be done is to tolerate the day, not to be completely integrated with the heavens, and to embark on a road of no return. To melt into the sky, and outside the sky, the meaning of its ethereal, and thus come.


Seeing the rivers and rivers to escape, the real eye of the killings emerged, and immediately shot and killed.

Xiao Chen, Chu Chaoyun and Yu, had some expectations, each of them flashed, and stopped the opponents in their hearts.

It is imperative to create a living path for the rivers in this desperate ambush.

At this time, the change is raised, and all the warriors who hold the key of the fairy palace.

They all felt the key, and they trembled without any reason, and their faces suddenly changed.