MTL - Immortal and Martial Dual Cultivation-v3 Chapter 2486 A visit

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The advent of what love is?

If people drink alcohol, don't get drunk...

If you are talking about the Western Queen Mother, perhaps, add a sentence, drunk will not return.

Indulge in the world, not drunk, not drunk.

Xiao Chen was a little heavy. After watching the West Queen Mother, the empty sky, the heart was also empty.

If there is an afterlife, I only hope that you will be insane and be yourself, and it will be good for you.

After a while, Xiao Chen got up and watched the changes in the body.

After devouring the entire funeral lake, Xiao Chen easily broke through the Xiaocheng Emperor and reached the four-diple emperor.

It can be clearly felt that the potential from the funeral lake has not been exhausted.

Because the body can't bear it, the potential of the endless treasures of the Xianhu Lake is buried and it is waiting to be developed.

However, the most what Xiao Chen did not understand was.

The newly born gods are completely different from the previous three veins and are more transparent and pure. In addition to mobilizing the gods and souls, more is to motivate his reincarnation.

In the past, he was surrounded by artistic conception such as killing, despair, and death.

From killing to death, it is actually one, from birth to death, in the cycle from death to life.

The existence of the burial of the fairy lake, abandoned the complex seven kinds of artistic conception, or directly from the seven artistic conception, advanced to the road of life and death, straight through the essence of reincarnation.

This is one of the ultimate roads. Everything in the world has life and death.

No one can avoid it. The essence of the so-called reincarnation is the power generated by life and death in reincarnation.

It is neither a pure force of life nor a pure force of death, but a new avenue of power that combines the characteristics of both.

It can be born to death, from birth to death, or it can be repeated, creating the power to tear time and space.

Mastering the reincarnation avenue, let Xiao Chen have a lot of sentiments in his heart, and many do not understand the truth when reincarnation.


Just at this time, the ethereal fairy palace in the high air kept shaking.

Stopping my thoughts, Xiao Chen looked up and saw the imperuous palace like a peerless jade. There was a trace of cracks.

In the constant shaking, there is actually a tendency to disintegrate, which surprised him.

"Western King has just left, this Xianxian Palace has changed, is it that the floating palace is the palace before the birth of the Western King?"

It is very likely that this is the case, otherwise there is no way to explain why the floating fairy palace appears so cleverly on the funeral lake.

With the gorgeous and noble posture of the floating fairy palace, these peerless treasures are indeed only available to the Western Queen in the Xiandao era.

Regardless of how Xiao Chen’s heart is thinking, this floating fairy palace is madly disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye.


A piece of peerless jade, exudes the light of the fairy, and overflows like a raindrop.

Xiao Chen reached out and grabbed a white jade, which can obviously sense the pure spiritual power contained in the white jade.

What surprised him even more is that although the palace was disintegrated, it seems that there is still a connection between each piece of white jade.


The fairy palace was completely disintegrated, and a star river traversed continuously between the heavens and the sky, and countless stars shined in the sky.

However, these are not to surprise Xiao Chen, so Xiao Chen was surprised by the disintegration of the fairy palace.

There was a fierce fighting sound and a variety of familiar screams.

After being pulled into the bottom of the lake, Xiao Chen did not see the opening of the gate of the Imperial Palace, and did not know what happened behind.

I thought that these people had left the place after they could not open the Palace.

I did not expect that these people actually had a lot, and all of them actually entered the fairy palace.

The figure was flashing. Before the disintegration of Xiangong, Xiao Chen converges and quietly hides.

Looking at the past quietly, you can see that those people’s faces are awkward and slightly puzzled.

Apparently, the ethereal fairy palace suddenly disintegrated, making these people seem unprepared.


I saw the rivers closed and closed, floating in the sky, unconscious. In the chest, there is a constant radiance, and the body's ban is rapidly dissolving.

Xiaosuo, Yi and Lin Feng three people, staying by their side, is struggling with Qin Ming and Yan Cangming.

Even if the palace was disintegrated, these people did not stop. After a little mistake, they continued to fight.

Qin Ming and Yan Cangming, shot hot, no mercy, is to drive away the three rivers and the dead.

On the other side, the Buddha's light shines, and the Buddha's voice is not limited.

Sitting on the lotus platform and holding a five-color **** stone. Take an enemy four, and meet Wen Yu, Dao Xuan, Ming Xuan and Yang Qing.

The chaos is not only the same, but with the disintegration of the fairy palace, it seems more chaotic.

The great emperor of the two dragons, Yinlong Wang and Sikong, did not participate in the battles on both sides and kept staring at the mysterious embarrassment.

Seeing wearing a blood dragon robes and holding hands, it seems that the current dispute has nothing to do with him.

"How did the lake dry up?"

Ling Li air, looking at the ground buried in the deep pit after the dry lake, the eyebrows appeared a bit puzzled.

Is the dissolution of the fairy palace related to the depletion of the funeral lake?

In the mind of the sea, I immediately flashed this thought, forget it... The ban will soon be solved. After getting the wing of time and space, let's explore it.

Silver Dragon King and Sikong, also noticed the dry lake.

However, neither of them has any action.

The main reason is that it is too strange, the strength is unfathomable, and neither of them dares to win the other side. Walk away from one person and go to see it. If you are suddenly stunned, you can’t stop it.

At the moment, everything must be focused on the cockroach, to see what tricks to play.

The two agreed that the embarrassment that has not been shot so far, certainly knows what secrets.

As long as you stare at him, you are not afraid of not getting it.

Xiao Chen, hiding in the dark, his brows are wrinkled, and his heart is full of doubts.

Father, like son.

He looks at the perspective of a bystander, and with a little attention, he can discover all sorts of surprises.

The aftermath of the fighting between the parties, whether it is the magic of the gods, or the spirit of the gods. After some fluctuations, quietly entered the river, and then speeded up the elimination of its body.

Someone is in the layout!

Xiao Chen’s mind quickly thought that some people were using the river and deliberately laid out. Leading the parties to fight to lift the previous generation of Tianlong, leaving the ban in the river.

Wings of time and space, in the five-color **** stone in the hands of the real?

The five-color **** stone that is really mastered by nature can't escape the attention of Xiao Chen. The time and space that comes out of it are difficult to make people pay attention to.

Xiao Chen's brows are wrinkled, and his mind is like electricity.

After falling into the bottom of the lake, although I don't know what happened behind, I can capture the taste of conspiracy from the chaotic situation.

Chu Chaoyun!

Suddenly, thinking of a name, Xiao Chen's face was awkward and slightly open.

I have been thinking about who was using the river layout and then I was surprised to find that Chu Chaoyun was not there.

For a moment, I thought of some possibility.


At this time, the river's chest burst into a dazzling light, just like the sun is dazzling.

The five-color **** stone that was really caught by the dead, was not controlled by it, broke free and flew toward the river chest.

Looking at the five-color **** stone, it will be swallowed up by the radiance of the river.

The space suddenly swayed a trace of ambiguity, and there was a vague figure, which was born from chaos.

There was no sign, it appeared above the river, and a palm was shot on its back.

"Chu Chaoyun!"

The coming people are secretly laid out for a long time, waiting for a long time Chu Chaoyun.


Just listen to a crisp sound, the river chest shines, condensed into a key engraved with runes.

"Give me death."

Seeing Chu Chaoyun appeared, Xiaosuo’s face suddenly became angry, and the red blood battle flag swiftly waved, killing the past toward Chu Chaoyun.

But others, the eyes are long gone on Chu Chaoyun, all on the golden key.

Pass the key!

Yinlongwang, Sikongyu, Wenrenyu and other elites, and the older emperors, all felt a little breathing.

I recognized it at a glance. This is the inheritance key that everyone dreams of, but has never found it.

"The magic eye swallows the sky!"

But at this time, I have been strolling in the air, and I’m holding it up, and I’m suddenly taking it.

In his left eye, he burned a thick **** flame, and the blood flame was deep in his eyes, burning through the barriers of countless worlds. Burning out his eyelids, lingering under the eyebrows, burst into the power of horror.

The left eye is like a hole, and it doesn't bottom out. Everything is uncontrolled and flies toward its left eye.

Swallow the land and swallow everything.

"Damn... what's going on?"

Everyone was shocked and his face was panicked and he found himself uncontrollable. Constantly flew toward the left eye of the cockroach, even if it was always against the silver dragon king and Sikong 曦, they did not expect the strength of 曦 to be so terrible.

Among the whirlpools, only three people can barely stabilize their bodies.

Chu Chaoyun is blurred, chaotic, and tiptoe, want to confuse the space and break free.

The round hands are in perfect harmony, and the mouth is full of thoughts, and the huge figure of the Tibetan king is transformed behind him.

In the far-sighted eyes, there is a dark, left and right eyes, each with a black dragon shadow, slowly swimming.

The three men joined the cockroaches, and the four sides wrestled. Others only felt the whirlwind, and the body continued to whirl with the whirlpool.

In the eyes of the blind, blood and tears are constantly dripping. Obviously, he has his own strength, and it is quite difficult to fight so many Tianjiao.

Especially the Chu Chaoyun, Yuanzhen and Zhenyuan three people, while they struggled, they tried to let the secret key and the five-color **** stone not be swallowed by the evil eyes.

The four sides are secretly struggling, and they are not afraid to relax. This makes the landscape of the heavens and the earth blurry and the space is distorted.

Life and death, life and death, the world is not destroyed, the cycle is not limited!

At the time of the four corners of the force, a smear of the light of the carrier's reincarnation swept out.

This knife is unremarkable, and it can be ruined, and any vision is falling apart and crushed easily.

After the knives passed, the originally distorted space, the chaotic scene, was all attributed to this knife.


曦, Chu Chaoyun, Yuanzhen and Zhenyuan, are in a tense stalemate, secretly wrestling in the Quartet, spit out blood has been cut by the knife.

Other people struggling in the whirlpool of the magic eye, rebounded by the power of devouring, flew out.

Xiao Chen received the knife and returned to the sheath. He slowly walked forward from the dark, and passed the key and the five-color **** stone.

No more shots, Xiaosuo and others, will be swallowed into their magic eyes.

The consequences are unimaginable, this knife, Xiao Chen is not able to pull out.

"Xiao Chen!"

The leaders fell to the top of the ground, and Xiao Chen, who saw the knife coming out, showed a look of horror.

"Do not!"

Seeing Xiao Chen, he did not hesitate to open the five-colored stone with the key to the inheritance. Someone suddenly screamed unwillingly.

Pass the key and easily break the five-color stone.

The five-color **** stone melts in an instant, and the power of time and space is like a lake.

The wings of time and space envisioned by the people did not appear, and only eight words floated quietly in the air.

Jin Yunlong Emperor visited here...