MTL - Immortal Ape King-Chapter 26 precious

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Yuan Hongxian refining the blood of the fire jade, the two beasts have just been killed, the body's medicinal properties are not reduced, with a very strong essence.

The fire jade magic elephant is a fierce beast that is perfect for practicing gas. It is relatively easy to refine and refine. After all, it is a big realm with the spiritual root period. Although Yuan Hong’s current strength is a bit difficult, it can be refining.

However, the black armor bear is not the same. At the last moment, it is extremely sublimated, and it has broken through to the spiritual root period. Yuan Hong himself is not sure that he can refine the blood in his body.

The technique of smelting blood is only a shard, and the lack of ambiguity is serious. Even some beasts with relatively low realms are only part of the refining blood, and the medicinal properties cannot be completely extracted.

It is an accident that the black armor bear broke through to the spiritual root period. It is not within the expectation of Yuan Hong, but it is also an unexpected surprise. After all, the value of the blood of the magic bear has been reduced by at least several times.

And the effect is more powerful, this is what you need urgently.

Therefore, Yuan Hong is still the first to refine the fire jade magic figure, the infuriating in the body is running, like a **** furnace contains a lot of energy, Taotao endless eruption.

The blue water attribute is a small rune that is formed by the operation of the sulphuric technique. It is like a small pimple. It has full spirituality, like a real life, facing the fire jade. The body of the elephant is drilled.

In the blink of an eye, the blood is densely covered to every corner of the body. From the outside, the body of the fire jade is covered with red-red light, which is extremely dazzling.

The essence of the blood and the scent of the blood, as the rune flows toward the direction of Yuan Hong's handprint, the red light shines, quickly condenses toward the same place, slowly transforming into a red blood.

"The first drop of blood."

Yuan Hong’s heart was full of emotions, and it was really much more difficult than the beasts of the refining industry! I can clearly feel the essence of the rolling material and blood, but it is very difficult to refine.

And the consumption of infuriating is actually several times before, and I have already prepared myself, but I did not expect it to be so hard. Fortunately, the instinct in my body is full of enthusiasm.

Otherwise, it is really possible to run out of energy and rely entirely on the power of the flesh.

Just after the appearance of Baoxue, it showed amazing potency. It was fragrant and fragrant, flashing with red clouds, crystal-clear and bloody, like a natural art, without carving, charm and natural.

Everyone feels the essence contained in it. It is a big medicine for the training period. It can be upgraded to the body of the quenching. Of course, for the moustache of the root period, there is no effect. It is.

This point is smothered by his mouth and will be swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

The red glow flashed, and the true gas in Yuan Hong’s body was continuously transformed into runes. It seemed to be endless, without any fatigue, which made everyone even more amazed, and the heart was unusually happy.

Yuan Hong, the stronger the boy, the more happy they are.

The small runes are plucked into the flesh and blood to devour the essence of life. This is the origin of life, and the complex factors of the runes are transformed into the most original blood.

This is the foundation of all life. No matter what race, you can absorb refining and strengthen yourself, without worrying about being influenced by the blood of other races.

The most essential, purest, most primitive substance.

In Yuan Hong's view, evolution is like this. Absorbing energy is transformed into new power according to the needs of the environment and the will of the individual. The evolution of this predecessor earth is the same as the root.

The avenue is the same, the truth is the same.

"This drug is simply amazing. The blood that I collected before refining and chemicalization is really like a spark of light. I really hope that if it is refining to the extreme, what effect will it have?"

Yuan Hong, while refining and refining, understands the mystery of the technique of smelting blood. It is not that Yuan Hong did not learn to smelt blood. On the contrary, he is quite skilled, but Yuan Hong also has his own ambitions.

If the technique of smelting blood is a complete inheritance, it must be a great supernatural power. It not only has the ability to refine all things, but also has the supreme power, and it is not necessary to attack those big mistakes.

The verses of the Tao Te Ching are infinitely mysterious, and the mystery is endless. Yuan Hong’s current wisdom cannot be realized at all, but this does not hinder Yuan Hong’s will, the incompleteness of the technique of blood smelting, which is a kind of heaven and earth.

Let it be contaminated with the morality of the Taoist dynasty, and automatically evolve the missing parts of the future, so that the wisdom of the Taoist saga can be a complete refinement of blood.

This kind of thinking is simply shocking. If it is known by others that it must be shocking and abnormal, it requires great perseverance and wisdom. After all, the scriptures are only scriptures. The key is to look at personal creation.

The infuriating air in the body rolled out, and the true vortex of the sea in the weather was running faster. The vitality between the heavens and the earth seemed to be dragged, and they all gathered together to Yuan Hong, and were swallowed and refining by the sea of ​​gas.

Not only that, but even those grassy spirits, the vitality within the earth has been absorbed, supplementing the consumption of Yuan Hong's technique of performing blood smelting, which is equivalent to constantly condensing infuriating.

Yuanqi has always made the true gas in the practitioners extremely rich and far, far beyond the ordinary monks. Yuan Hong has long neglected the shortcomings of slow cultivation, and naturally absorbs the strength of heaven and earth far more than others.

Only paying to have a return, Yuan Hong knows this.

The blood essence in the body of the fire jade is constantly refining, and the color of the blood begins to slowly fade away. It loses its amazing potency and converges toward the handprint of Yuan Hong.

The little bit of blood continued to grow, flashing red red light, such as the red clouds that crossed the nine days, the incomparable erosion, such as blood diamonds are crystal clear, and **** jade is generally warm.

At this moment, even the bearded face showed a satisfied smile. The future of Yuan Hong’s kid is limitless.

"My hope for the Yuan family is on this kid."

There has never been such a brilliant genius in the family, which makes everyone very excited.

The essence of life in the body of the fire jade, the steady stream of reincarnation of the technique of smelting, condenses toward the handprint of the final place, is pulled, pulled, and gathered into a whole.

"The fierce beast that is perfect for practicing the spirit is too fierce. The time has passed for a long time. The essence of the refining and refining of the blood-smelting technique is still coming in continuously. It is estimated that the situation is less than half of the essence. Incomplete, refining to half is already the limit!"

Yuan Hong felt the endless blood, and the infuriating body of the body also kept pouring out. In other words, other people have already exhausted their vitality and lost their basic ability to act.

At this time, Yuan Hong's handprints have been condensed out of a large group of blood diamonds, crystal clear, and constantly shining red and red light, they are quickly turned into a group of red clouds.

More and more strong qi and blood exudes, exudes bursts of fragrant scent, and everyone in the temperate period smells the scent of the scent, and they feel that the spirit is shocking, the instinct of the body is just about to move, really rolling.

This group of blood essence is definitely more than some of the most effective old medicines, and it is a refining and forming medicinal medicine with strong potency, which can help people break through and consolidate instinct and martial arts.

If other warriors get it, after refining and refining the flesh and the infuriating, at least one of the realms can be broken.

The essence and the material needed for the evolution of life are much thicker than the average beast. This is like a person suddenly getting a fortune, and the wealth of the rich is naturally much more than the poor. The resources that you can have are naturally different.

If Yuan Hong can refine a corpse of God at this moment, it is simply Tian Xiang Xiang Rui, the earth rushing Jin Lian, can directly lift Xiafeisheng, life is directly transformed, jumping a lot of big realms.

Of course, this is also impossible. The majesty of God is inviolable. Even if God is dead, the body of God is still inviolable. It is generally difficult to be refining and requires special means or magical powers.

Besides, if you can, Yuan Hong does not have the strength to refine. Unless the technique of smelting is complete, and it is a great supernatural power, and the beauty of the road, the power is simply earth-shattering.

Yuan Hong is aware that he does not have such a big gas, at least not now.

The life source of the fire jade magic elephant is constantly refining, and the blood in the body is constantly extracted from the essence, and the blood gradually fades down, not as strong as before.

Yuan Hong is also getting harder and harder. The speed of refining and chemical is gradually slowing down, and he is almost approaching his own limit. The blood of those small runes can be refining less and less.


The flash of light flashed, the infuriating body of Yuan Hong slowly calmed down, and the red-red light shrouded in the fire jade magic suddenly disappeared. Yuan Hong had stopped the operation of the blood-smelting technique and did not continue refining.

"Hey! There is a shortage of treasures, it is a great regret in life!"

The essence of life in the body of the fire jade has been refining nearly half, and the rest is already contained in the blood and the flesh, but Yuan Hong can no longer do anything to reach his own limit.

Looking at the essence of the group suspended above the handprint, it reveals a very incomparable smile, that is, it refines the flesh after refining, and its own strength does not know how much it can increase.

Think about it, let Yuan Hong be excited, thanks to the big beard, or the quality of his own strength, and after another year of estimation, it is possible to confront such a fierce beast. As for whether it can be killed or not.

Sure enough, cultivation can't rely on individuals alone, and the strength of ethnic groups can depend on each other to make great progress.

The blood suspension, like a precious blood diamond, exudes a blood-red glow, which is filled with blood and can be seen by the naked eye. It is the essence of life.

It is also like a big star of blood, hanging in the void, is an ancient ominous murderer, such as a **** moon by the eternal sacrifice, full of endless power.

Precious, full of temptation, is definitely a great complement to the training period.

This makes Yuan Hong more expectant, the beast of the spiritual roots, the precious blood of the black armor bear is precious to what extent. Of course, this is aimed at the self-training period, and the spiritual root period is another matter.