MTL - Immortal Becomes a Stay-at-home Dad After Return-~ 542 too mild under white mildew

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After witnessing a battle of supreme level, Qin Yuqing suddenly became cautious.

Chen Hao did not lie to her.

The danger of being too small is far beyond her imagination.

But even so...

In Qin Xinqing's heart, he did not give birth to a slight retreat. Instead, he had a feeling of excitement and excitement.

At that moment, like a college student who just entered the society, she is excited and excited to realize her ideals of life in this unknown land.

Budo and practice.

This is the ultimate goal pursued by Qin Yuqing throughout his life.

If someone else encounters such a terrible scene, it is estimated that they will be scared and stunned on the spot.

However, Qin Yuqing is not the same.

Instead of scaring her, this century-old battle of supreme power has made her eager for the strength of the three.

She longs for the ultimate realm that overlooks all beings.

If it is not Chen Hao, she may never know how God exists.

It was also because of the appearance of Chen Hao that she opened a door to the new world.

The so-called heavenly person...

What is the difference between the ant and the ant in the eyes of the Supreme Lord?

Qin Yuqing was not willing to be an ant in this life, so she came to Taiweiyi regardless of Chen Yu’s persuasion.

In fact, for Qin Yuqing, too little is actually a better place where both crisis and opportunity coexist.

Just like the scorpio where Chen Hao used to be.

Although Chen Hao experienced thousands of difficulties in Tianzhu, almost half of his feet have stepped into the gate.

But it is undeniable...

Chen Hao also got a chance that ordinary people could not imagine.

What Qin Qiqing wants now is this kind of opportunity.


The air is filled with violent anger.

Qin Yuqing quietly drove the star to the center of the battlefield, trying to get any insight from the traces of the battle left by the three.

However, her cultivation was too low, and she could not get any useful practical experience from it. Therefore, after Qin Xiaoqing stayed here for about two hours, the reluctant driving star left.

It is imperative to find out the specific conditions that are too small to arrange the next action.

As a result, Qin Yuqing continued to circling in the air, and spent a whole month to observe the movement on the ground.

It was during this time that Qin Yuqing discovered a very strange phenomenon.

There is always a grayish white misty mist at the border of too small.

Once she drove the star into it, the fog would instantly cover her sight, and even the gods could not perceive the things around her.

Qin Yuqing was keenly aware of a dangerous atmosphere, and he retreated.

This time she finally realized that the problem is serious.

Before Qin Xiaoqing did not care about the change of Taiwei, and now found the strangeness of the fog, this began to face up to this problem.

These fogs are not the white mold spots she saw in space?

In addition to the area where the micro-small area is located, Tianshi and Ziwei are covered with a thick layer of white mold.

It’s too small now...

No, it should be called three.

At the moment, the three dragonflies are like a deformed potato covered with white mildew, which is very different from the real projection provided by Chen Yu.

It is clear.

Too slight a change must have occurred, so it will become what it is today.

As a special service personnel of Wulian’s wars, Qin Yuqing certainly cannot be as big as Chen’s imagination.

She is just cold and cold, and she has always been too lazy to talk nonsense.

Therefore, after discovering the strangeness of the fog, Qin Yuqing immediately flew into space with a star, and tried to enter Tianshi and Ziwei from space.


What Qin Qiqing did not think is...

No matter how hard she works, as soon as the star is close to the fog, the fog will instantly cover her sight.

It’s too clear that there is fog in the sky.

But why is the fog that is too small above the sky will not affect her?

Qin Yuqing seriously thought for a long time, and eventually did not think of a reason.

Obviously, the unknown represents danger.

However, she was not willing to retreat from this weakness.

Therefore, after Qin Yuqing thought about it, he finally decided to find Zhonghua and Yizhi first, and then understand the reason from their mouth!

Therefore, Qin Yuqing temporarily put down the doubts in his heart, and turned to drive the stars through the fog, and once again came too small.

After more than a month of investigation, the characteristics of Taiwei’s landforms have long been remembered by Qin Yuqing, so she soon came to the north of Ningzhou.


At this point, Qin Yuqing found another problem.

Judging from her first impression when she came to Taiwei, Taiwei should have experienced a protracted war, and the battle was very fierce. The scope was wide and it was shocking.


After her observation for more than a month, Qin Yuqing found that there was no force fighting each other except for the singularity of the real people she had encountered when she came to Taiwei.

The whole Taiwei seems to be in the post-war rest stage.

Although it was the ruins of the ruins after the war, there was no loud explosion between the heavens and the earth, and there were only a large ruin of ruins and an indescribable death.

For example, the small village she had just passed, the residents inside are all cultivators, but the highest one should be built around.

Due to the fighting, the buildings in the village unfortunately collapsed.

It is somewhat strange that the villagers who survived the disaster did not have the first time to carry out post-war reconstruction work, but instead concentrated on an open space in the middle of the village.

The villagers sat on the ground, surrounded by familiar faces, but no one opened the door to break the calm.

The entire village seems to be shrouded in a kind of ethics.

The name of this kind of thread is called


Qin Yuqing did not rush to get close to the village, because this small place is sparsely populated and the neighborhoods know each other. It is obviously impossible for an outsider to integrate smoothly.

Therefore, when she came to a gathering place with a large population, Qin Yuqing carefully drove the stars down from the sky.

This is also the first time she has set foot on the ground.

The so-called chaotic heroes.

At the moment, this is too small in the war years, is it a good time for her to show her hand?

Therefore, Qin Yuqing put on a clothing that she did not know where to steal, and then went straight into this slightly broken city with the continuous flow of people.

Isn’t the three big families from Zhonghua and Yizhi?

Presumably, should you be able to find out the news of both of them?

Qin Yuqing is not optimistic.