MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5595 both abyss

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Chapter 5595: Both Abyss

The ancient god's blood that he swallowed was like magma, and instantly caused a huge scorching heat.

Su Yan frowned slightly, the repulsion of the abyss and divine power, the fierce struggle in the body, brought a feeling of pain that was far more delicate than a thousand cuts,

If the will is not firm, and the body and the body have not reached a certain level, I am afraid that they will die under the pain and scorching heat in an instant, and the body and soul will be worn away directly.

At this moment, facing the huge damage and resistance caused by the ancient blood in the body, what Su Yan should do next is to run the abyss technique recorded on the slate, transform himself, and inherit the characteristics and uniqueness of the ancient blood. .

However, Su Yan just watched with cold eyes at this moment, enduring the destructive power brought by the blood of the ancient gods in his body, not only did not obey to transform it, but instead used boundless divine power to suppress it, killing the riots and malice in the blood!

Su Yan needs a little bit of the characteristics of the abyss, but he will never give in to become that kind of chaotic and weird thing, and he can't even control his own spirit.

So, Su Yan has to do the opposite, let this drop of ancient god's blood surrender, you can show your usefulness when you need it, but don't let me do anything rash when you don't need it!

Domineering thoughts, mixed in the divine power, also made the conflict between him and the abyss more intense, but Su Yan didn't want to completely kill the blood of the gods, but after he struggled weakly, he used the divine power to form layers of cages to imprison him. It is like a weak beast, after facing the predicament and roaring impotently, it begins to gradually show weakness and submission.

Then, Su Yan began to calmly operate the abyss technique, but he didn't inherit and refine it completely according to the original route, but the divine power also surged along with it, invading the blood of the ancient god.

While the exercises are running, the fluctuations that belong exclusively to the divine power also appear together, and space ripples appear on the subtle level, and they are also displaying the incarnation of the One Yuan Dao!

The invading divine power was suddenly layer upon layer, yet suddenly heavy and unique, and in the process, the blood of the ancient **** was divided and wrapped, and then condensed into the divine power together!

This is not a kind of fusion. After all, the divine power and the abyss conflict in essence, but Su Yan relies on the magical superposition state produced by the one-dimensional Taoism, allowing the divine power and the abyss to coexist but not exist, reaching a strange and stable balance.

In this case, the transformation of the ancient deification and the invasion of pollution cannot truly reflect the reality, so that Su Yan can have the characteristics of the abyss, but he will not undergo the crazy transformation of the ancient god.

Of course, as a price, Su Yan couldn't truly gain the uniqueness and authority of the ancient **** after swallowing the blood of the gods and learning the exercises as the stone tablet said.

He can only have the characteristics of the abyss, and perhaps some of the characteristics of the ancient gods, but Su Yan cannot touch or even truly understand the authority that the ancient gods can control.

This is a contradiction that cannot be resolved for the time being. Since Su Yan decided to separate himself from the ancient god, it is impossible to have both.

Of course, Su Yan didn't care about this, the power of the abyss was his first goal.

Soon, the divine blood and divine power, which had become one-dimensional Taoism, began to operate strangely with the abyss technique, and there was an indescribable strange infection that was continuously emitted with the operation of the divine blood, analyzing a strange power of nothingness , changing a certain characteristic of Su Yan.

Su Yan, who swallowed the blood of the gods, began to radiate the breath of the abyss from time to time, and his whole body's aura became more obscure and difficult to understand. Sometimes it was biased towards the abyss, but when it reached a critical point, it was biased towards the realm of the gods. It was mysterious and hard to fathom.

The progress of ancient deification did not continue, and this part of the conflict was condensed into a strange divine pattern, like a long and narrow eye, with the barrier of one-dimensional Taoism and Su Yan's modification of the abyss technique. The gap between the two Su Yan's eyebrows gradually disappeared again.

The intermingling of the two auras also greatly improved Su Yan's cultivation base. In the ancient god's heart chamber where he was located, streams of pure abyssal power began to pour towards Su Yan. Absorption and transformation raises an abyss realm.

Afterwards, a strong divine power appeared from nowhere and permeated the heart of the ancient god. Driven by that abyssal state, it also poured into Su Yan's body, raising the superficial divine state, causing him to quickly Reaching the peak is only one step away from breaking through to the God King!

Su Yan's long hair fluttered, and the pitch-black hair seemed to have an inexplicable strangeness, making him feel like a **** when he closed his eyes, and Su Yan also felt this transformation during his cultivation. Think about it and understand why.

Many **** emperors fell here before, and their divine power was obviously collected by the young ancient gods. At this moment, they felt the pull of Su Yan's Qi machine, and the young ancient gods were completely injured without a trace, and they all appeared.

It's a pity that the total amount of these divine powers has been worn away by the years, and they are suppressed by the abyss all the time. They are only provided for him to reach the peak of the gods, and then they are completely dissipated, and he can't break through.

On the contrary, the corresponding abyssal power seems to have broken through this realm and reached the level of the **** king in the realm of the gods.

Su Yan slowly opened his eyes, and the divine lines on his forehead reappeared strangely again. His deep eyes and long hair carried an attractive temperament, and he said to himself,

"So, now I am both a **** king and a god? It's really strange."

However, the God Realm represented by the God Realm can't last long. What Su Yan currently lacks is enough divine power. When he returns to the God Realm, Su Yan will gather endless divine energy and break through the God King at any time.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a dark and deep energy appeared in his palm, which was the power of the abyss.

Now Su Yan has completely controlled this powerful force. It can be said that gods and demons are all in one thought.

"Then, it's time to get out completely now."

Su Yan looked up at the body of the ancient god, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and with his sword in hand, he pointed at the petrified heart wall in the sky, and immediately saw a dark sword light full of destruction and tyranny, devouring and corroding everything. Everything touched by the light turned into decay, overbearing and unstoppable, it directly opened the entire huge body of the ancient **** and disappeared into the sky!

And this is not the law of God's Domain, it is the law of the abyss!

Su Yan bent his knees and instantly jumped towards the huge rift that had been cut open and damaged by corrosion. The tyrannical aura destroyed all the rifts that were still trying to heal along the way. The body of the ancient **** of the abyss!

The abyss-like shape turned out to be just a huge mouth from which the body of the ancient **** split, but in fact the entire taboo area was covered by the body of the ancient god, and at this moment the true clues were revealed.

Rotting flesh and distorted blood vessels and eyes spread all over the land, and all the ancient trees turned into weird tentacles, exuding decay, standing dry and sticky on the flesh and blood!