MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 270 : The strange country of Yan, a beautiful day of seclusion in the snow mountains

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Xia Changge wandered in the deep sea with the body of a mysterious golden underworld turtle.

For Thorn Hydralisk, the strength shown is too weak, so it is not suitable.

The speed of the Xuanjin Mingjiao tortoise is not fast, but it is good enough to be safe.

As long as the monsters at the peak of the Golden Core Realm don't encounter the Nascent Soul Realm, there will be no trouble.

Xia Changge, who had studied the map dozens of times, deliberately avoided the area where the Nascent Soul Realm Demon King was active.

In the case of the Xuanjin Mingjiao, Ruan Linghu doesn't need to stay in his stomach.

It just needs to be in the tortoise shell that Xia Changge is wearing.

Half of Lu Xiao's head was outside, watching a place that she would never have been able to visit in her life if it wasn't for Xia Changge.

Looking at the bottom of the 20,000-meter-deep water, a Nascent Soul cultivator like Ruan Linghu still had some fear, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This dark deep sea is really frightening..."

Yes, it is night now.

This deep sea, quiet and dark, was indeed terrifying for Ruan Linghu, who was exposed to such an environment for the first time.


Xia Changge naturally felt normal for the reaction of this woman who had stayed in the palace for a long time.

To be honest, Xia Changge actually felt a little guilty at first.

But as a man, and now that he has enough confidence, Xia Changge still got used to it after some adjustments.

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Facing Xia Changge's ridicule, Ruan Linghu didn't answer either.

She really can't match Xia Changge's big mouth now.

On this road, when Xia Changge encounters Jindan Realm monsters, he will ruthlessly kill them.

It's not that you will kill the Jindan Realm monster when you encounter it.

It was the kind of golden core monster that approached Xia Changge proactively, and Xia Changge didn't choose to keep it alive.

They approached Xia Changge, which meant that they had some tentative thoughts, and if they killed them, they would kill them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xia Changge was also frantically accumulating resources for practice.

Xia Changge still has such a big family to raise.

Even if you have too many golden cores, you can sell them for spiritual stones.

The Xuanjin Mingjiao Turtle is indeed well-known in the offshore area of ​​Zhao State.

But when it comes to the deep sea, it is an unknown person.

Xia Changge didn't encounter any Nascent Soul Realm demon king to find fault with him.

In two months, Xia Changge came to the coastal waters of Yan Kingdom without any risk.

The moment he landed, Xia Changge felt a chill.

The environment here in Yan Country is really not good.

Looking from a distance, Xia Changge even saw the snow-capped mountains thousands of miles away.

"I'll take you to solve your blood problem first, what do you think?"

Xia Changge was indeed in a hurry to practice.

But now he knows what to do.

Wouldn't it be nice to spend a few more months to make this vixen more honest?

Xia Changge still knows how to choose to make the harvest more perfect.


Ruan Linghu did not refuse.

When he arrived in a foreign country, Ruan Linghu really didn't know how to "cut Xia Changge with a sword".

It is better to help each other.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Xia Changge immediately wanted to take her matter to heart, but Ruan Linghu was still very satisfied.

In the coastal areas, there are still quite a few immortal cultivators active.

They want to build a line of defense along the coast, so that countless people will not be killed or injured when they encounter the demon king.

Xia Changge discovered that there seemed to be some special formation shrouded in this sea area.

If the monster gets here and wants to's not that simple.

Fortunately, Xia Changge is human in nature, and Ruan Linghu is also human, so he didn't encounter any trouble.

They didn't reveal their identities, and they all had ice spirit roots.

Ordinary people naturally couldn't find that they came from outside the country of Yan.

Of course, around here, there are more mortals.

Xia Changge found a place to discuss the situation of the 'Ice Crystal Charm Fox'.

This country of Yan really surprised Xia Changge.

The land monsters on the continent of Yan Kingdom actually 'lived in harmony' with the human race.

Of course, it's just that the wise monsters and humans live in harmony, and the uncivilized monsters are another matter.

There is no way, a human **** was born in the mainland of Yan Kingdom, and there was no land demon **** born of the monster race.

If these monster races want to survive, they must obediently listen to the command and arrangement of the True Lord of Huashen.

Ordinary people in Yan Kingdom live in this plain land blocked by those snow mountains.

People with spiritual roots will be taken away by unity to practice.

In the beginning, they were all at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

There is no way, the Qi Refining Realm cultivator cannot get used to the cold on the high mountain.

It was not possible to go up the mountain until after reaching the Foundation Establishment Realm.

On the continent of Yan Kingdom, snow-capped mountains occupy more than 80% of it...

This is a very strange continent, because of the harsh environment, the population is less than one-tenth of that of Zhao.

In short, all the immortal cultivators in the Yan Kingdom mainland are mainly ice-type.

Most of the children with spiritual roots are born with ice-type spiritual roots.

If there is no ice spirit root, ice spirit root will be born in the future.

There is only one sect in Yan Kingdom, and that is the 'Ice and Snow Temple'.

In addition, they all exist in the form of villas, not like Zhao Guo, where there are many sects and families.

People with the cultivation base of Jindan Realm will occupy an iceberg that they see rightly.

Then began to take in the people who went up the mountain, and reported to the group together to keep warm.

This management method made Xia Changge feel weird.

The Ice Crystal Fox is a relatively well-known race in Yan Country.

The number of demon kings in the Nascent Soul Realm in the clan is not one, and there are more Golden Core Realm.

The fox girl of the Ice Crystal Charm Fox is also a sought-after item in this country of Yan. I don't know how many strong human races have married with the Ice Crystal Charm Fox clan.

The Ice Crystal Demon Fox also only marries with the human race, probably because the human race is the dominant one on this continent!

Therefore, in the country of Yan, there are quite a few people with human-fox bloodlines like Ruan Linghu.

Of course, there must not be two people who have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul Realm like Ruan Linghu.

And even if they achieved it, Xia Changge believed that they were not as superb as Ruan Linghu.

It is true that the human fox has a defect in his blood.

It is not impossible to solve it.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

All you need is a 'Pure White Snow Lotus' that is more than 3,000 years old.

This thing can allow those who have the blood of the human fox to break through the restrictions of the blood of the ice crystal fox.

No way, if the Ice Crystal Demon Fox wants to reach the late Nascent Soul Realm, it also needs a pure white snow lotus that is more than three thousand years old.

Because of the special bloodline of the Ice Crystal Demon Fox, if one wants to reach the late Nascent Soul Realm, she needs pure power of ice.

Even the source of the blood needs to be like this, let alone the blood of the next-level human fox.

These news are not secrets in the country of Yan, and everyone knows about them.

"Let's go, let's go to the Wanli Snow Mountain to see the situation."

After inquiring about it, Xia Changge spoke to Ruan Linghu.

He stretched out his hand directly.

Ruan Linghu also took the initiative to hold it.

"Forget it, I don't have much hope. I am very satisfied to stay here for a few years."

Ruan Linghu shook his head.

This pure white snow lotus is not the spiritual root of heaven and earth, but it can be regarded as the 'offspring' of the spiritual root of heaven and earth.

There is a real heaven and earth spiritual root 'Xue Ling Bai Lian' on the side of the Ice and Snow Temple.

Just one of the lotus petals can bring the quality of a person's Ice Spirit Root to the extreme.

The mana of cultivation can also reach the limit of ice.

It is said that it is the limit of ice under the state of transformation, which is extremely terrifying.

Maybe it's like fire in the sky.

But the sky fire is born from the sky and the earth, while the extreme ice is the result of manpower's self-cultivation, which is not a concept at all.

Jingbai Snow Lotus is also a kind of 'Xue Ling Bai Lian' with scattered lotus seeds, which is very common.

But if you want to reach three thousand years, you can't meet it.

Anyway, this thing rarely appears on the market.

Of course, it is also possible not to use the 3,000-year-old Jingbai snow lotus, and use the lotus petals and lotus seeds of Xue Lingbai lotus to have an effect.

It's a pity that for Ruan Linghu, these are all things that can't be met.

Ruan Linghu finally planned to give up, and just find a snow mountain that looks right here to live here. Don't make Xia Changge too troublesome, she knows that Xia Changge has a lot to do.

In the land of Yan Kingdom, the most indispensable thing is the snow mountain.

The number is already enough to reach tens of thousands.

No matter how many Golden Core Realm monks there are in Yan Kingdom, they cannot occupy that many.

There are countless empty snow-capped mountains, Xia Changge only needs to find a snow-capped mountain to live in, and practice slowly by himself.

For Xia Changge, this country of Yan is really good.

It's so stable, it's perfect for seclusion.

However, Xia Changge wanted to pass on his blood here... it was a little difficult.

Forget it, occupy a snow mountain and come slowly.

Anyway, it is impossible for internal fighting to happen in Yan State.

Once something casualty happens, it is absolutely impossible to hide it.

At that time, the Ice and Snow Temple will directly intervene, and no one can escape.

Ruan Linghu thought that Xia Changge was planning to take her to the endless snow mountains to find the pure white snow lotus to help him stimulate the coldness in his blood and help him reach the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm.

It was rejected immediately.

Xia Changge didn't answer.

He wouldn't be so stupid as to slowly look for that snow lotus.

It's only three thousand years, Xia Changge can definitely do it with a little time.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Jingbai snow lotus is not a spiritual root of heaven and earth, but an elixir that makes life a little harder.

It is impossible to spawn it as troublesome as the Spinning Wood Spirit Vine.

The two of them really came to the snow-capped mountain like fairy couples.

After half a month of searching, Xia Changge and Ruan Linghu saw a huge snow-white mountain with an altitude of more than 9,000 meters.

There is no second house for thousands of miles near this mountain peak, which is suitable for Xia Changge and Ruan Linghu to live in.

Here, it doesn't matter how loud the noise they make is.

"There are still so many little demons here."

After coming here, Ruan Linghu noticed that there were some small monsters in the Qi Refining Realm and Foundation Establishment Realm living in the nearby low mountains.

There are mostly snow wolves, snow foxes, ferrets and the like.

"Not bad, it seems that we can make a few more fox-fur beds."

Before this, Xia Changge wanted to make a big fox fur bed for himself.

However, there is no suitable raw material in Zhao Guo.

Now it seems that it can be done easily in Yan Country.

Xia Changge can easily arrange a few such expensive coats for his wife and children.

"You are not allowed to be so cruel."

Ruan Linghu immediately mobilized a snow fox who had already reached the Foundation Establishment Realm into the size of a palm, and became a pet in her arms, expressing her care for Xia Changge.

She would not allow Xia Changge to slaughter her 'half of the clan' in front of her.

The vixen's spiritual intelligence is very high.

Knowing that this fox-like woman in front of her must be something special, this snow fox became her pet directly and honestly.

"Is this a female or a male?"

Xia Changge looked extraordinarily domineering at this time.

How could Ruan Linghu not know what this meant, and gave him a blank look: "Guess for yourself!"

Xia Changge knew the answer and ignored it.

Instead, he started to build a bamboo house like an ordinary person.

After all, he is also a human being, so he wouldn't go to live in a cave.

"This fox, fortunately, your anger is not as serious as yours."

After the bamboo house was built, Xia Changge said this to Ruan Linghu.

just kidding.

This snow fox may live in the snow, and it really doesn't have any peculiar smell.

Ruan Linghu's expression changed immediately, and he was about to say something just now.

Finding that Xia Changge had come in front of him, he immediately understood what was going on.

Under normal circumstances, Ruan Linghu's body must be fragrant.

As for anger, only in special circumstances.

In the eyes of this very young Xuehu who was at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

The master I just identified seems to be in a little trouble now.

Protecting the master, she jumped directly onto Xia Changge's back, and used her claws to grab and grab Xia Changge, as if to warn Xia Changge to let go of her master.

It's a pity, how can she share the firepower for her master with a mere foundation-building cultivation?

For Xia Changge, her sharp claws were hard to scratch even Xia Changge's skin.

"This little elf is quite loyal."

Seeing this, Xia Changge really felt interesting.

Is this the nature of a vixen?

Ruan Linghu no longer knew what words to use to describe it.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Fortunately, Xia Changge is not an emperor. If he becomes an emperor, then a country may never have peace.

Xia Changge simply built a formation near the snow mountain where he was.

The third-order small phantom array was learned by Xia Changge in Qin State.

After the arrangement is completed, some little monsters will not be able to disturb their peaceful life.

The main reason is that Xia Changge wants to plant something here.

The 3,000-year-old pure white snow lotus that Ruan Linghu needs.

Xia Changge also needs this.

If this thing could be refined, the quality of Xia Changge's ice-attribute spiritual roots would presumably also be improved.

Today's Xia Changge, the wood spirit root and fire spirit root in his body already have the quality of the sky spirit root.

It's just that the water spirit root is a little bit behind.

The ice attribute has a chance to be raised to the highest level, Xia Changge naturally wants to grasp it well.

It's not just about cultivating the mana to perfection, but the spiritual root should not be lowered.

These all have an impact on the overall strength of Xia Changge himself.

Xia Changge didn't plant much, just three plants.

Ruan Linghu only needs one plant.

Xia Changge himself... is only at the Golden Core level now, so using two plants should be enough.

As for the birth, Xia Changge simply let them germinate first, and didn't care about it after the lotus embryonic form appeared.

After finishing all this, Xia Changge returned to the mountain where his bamboo house was built.

Here, Ruan Linghu basically stayed in the bamboo house all the time, playing with the few female foxes she raised now.

He's becoming more and more like a vixen.

Xia Changge didn't waste too much time absurdly, but started to practice.

In such an extremely cold environment, it is really very helpful for the practice of the ice attribute.

Seeing Xia Changge who was practicing outside the ice and snow in the bamboo house, Ruan Linghu didn't say anything, but slowly looked at him and chose to lick the fox.

She adopted seven lovely foxes, all female.

Among them, the four foxes are only at the Qi Refining Realm.

The bloodlines of these little foxes are very ordinary. If they want to change their lives against the sky, they can only absorb the flesh and blood of powerful monsters to temper their own bloodlines.

However, Ruan Linghu didn't want his pet to directly devour so much Qi and blood, which was not good and would affect the appearance.

Therefore, Xia Changge has to be troubled to refine the flesh and blood of those monsters into pills, and then feed the pills to help these snow foxes grow.

It may take a few years to stay here for a short time, and maybe ten years for a long time.

Ruan Linghu, who couldn't improve his strength, must find something to do.

Pets are definitely the first choice.

Of course, there are definitely other things to do besides keeping pets.

It is not a troublesome thing for Xia Changge to make alchemy for these pets.

Because the most troublesome one is Ruan Linghu.

Ruan Linghu will definitely pay a price for her 'fox children and grandchildren' to have enough pills.

After practicing for almost two years, Xia Changge's ice attribute mana has also completed almost one-third of Lu Cheng.

This is indeed too fast for Xia Changge!

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

But it's normal, the environment is here.

In the country of Yan, except for the ice attribute, which can be cultivated very quickly, other attributes are cultivated slowly.

Especially the fire attribute.

At this point, I don't know how many years these monks will be stuck.

I'm afraid it will take several times the time it takes to practice the fire attribute in Zhao country!

After Xia Changge practiced for two years, he stopped to do some other things. By the way, under the hateful eyes of a group of vixen, Xia Changge began to count his gains.

Just now, these vixens were all lying on Xia Changge's body, tearing and biting, all in order to make Xia Changge get up from their master.

But unexpectedly, in the end their master still couldn't escape the bullying of this demon, and now they have lost consciousness, fearing that it will take several hours to wake up.

This made these vixens remember it thoroughly.

They will become stronger in the future, and they must avenge their master.

Xia Changge first looked at the space ring of Linma Demon King's son.

The deity of the Linma Demon King must have the most things, and the good things have to be saved for later enjoyment.

The harvest is okay, the jerky made by Jindan realm monsters, plus some attribute treasures, seven demon pills.

No wonder that guy wanted to swallow Xia Changge when he saw Xia Changge, he was probably a foodie.

In addition, the top-grade spirit stone is more than 4,000 yuan, and the top-grade spirit stone is 1,600 yuan.

The net worth is still considered Xia Changge doesn't have too many spiritual stones, especially top-grade and top-grade ones.

On the Linma Demon King's side, Xia Changge's heart was moved by just the top-grade spirit stone, more than 3,000 yuan.

Xia Changge also understood a little bit.

It seems that the demon king rarely has more than five thousand top-quality spirit stones on his body.

It is not easy for the Dragon Sturgeon Demon King to have 10,000 top-grade spirit stones.

In addition, Xia Changge simply glanced at various precious materials.

Most Xia Changge couldn't tell the difference either.

The elixir he learned to refine was only half-baked, and he couldn't understand many precious medicinal materials at all.

This time of harvest, Xia Changge's family basically did not have to worry about not having enough spirit stones for decades, even hundreds of years.

Xia Changge is always interested in money when there is no use for it.

Xia Changge's next thoughts are still on the cultivation of the pure white snow lotus.

This woman Ruan Linghu, after Xia Changge got in touch with her, found that this woman... is very contented.

Maybe it's because of her special body.

It's also possible that she put it on.

For Xia Changge, Ruan Linghu basically has no dependence, and doesn't care what Xia Changge wants to do.

This kind of woman is a great one, and it's not troublesome to get in touch with.

It's just that Xia Changge won't come back for several months, Ruan Linghu is still a little nervous.

It wasn't that he was worried that Xia Changge would run back to Zhao country alone without waiting for her.

It was because she was a little nervous that this guy was in some danger.

Fortunately, after four months, Xia Changge came back.

There is also a snow-white lotus like an ice crystal in his hand.