MTL - Immortal Martial Venerable-Chapter 6180 You have to kneel if you don't kneel

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The strange demon ancestor Long Gui blocked the four directions with a magic clock, and the Muyang ancestor could not escape.

Even if Patriarch Muyang tried his best to bombard the magic clock, he still couldn't break the magic clock.


The huge magic clock vibrated violently, and countless ancient magic lines appeared on the magic clock, interweaving one after another magic pictures.

The tortoise shell of the strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise is really hard enough.

Patriarch Muyang was shocked to the extreme.

"Save your energy!"

The strange demon ancestor dragon turtle said indifferently.

"who the **** are you!"

Patriarch Muyang's mentality collapsed. Up to now, he has no idea who the guy opposite him is, and he can't see any details about this guy.

It shouldn't be.

In the southern territory, there are not many strange demon supremes that have appeared in the past and present, but they have a name anyway, and they have been famous in the past, so they are more or less famous.

However, this guy just jumped out of nowhere.

"Ha ha…"

The strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise stopped, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"I won't pretend anymore, it's a showdown."

The strange demon ancestor Longgui put away his smile, and the next moment, his appearance suddenly changed, his hair was no longer gray, his waist was no longer bent, and he became tall and mighty.


Patriarch Muyang was shocked to the extreme.

"Who do you think I am?"

The strange demon ancestor Longgui looked at the opposite ancestor Muyang with a half-smile.


"how is this possible…"

Patriarch Mu Yang's eyeballs almost fell off.

"Are you real or fake?"

Patriarch Muyang was in a mess.

In fact, he has always known the secret of Patriarch Tianlong. He knew that this guy was pretending to be a strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise in the southern border, but he didn't expose it.

Because what Patriarch Tianlong did was also beneficial to him.

After all, in the southern border, as long as there is the existence of the strange dragon and tortoise clan, his strange dragon and horse clan will not be able to turn over, and they will always be oppressed by the strange dragon and tortoise clan.

Once the strange dragon and tortoise clan are born, the entire southern border will be turned upside down.

This is also the reason why the four powerful clans in the southern border want to kill the different dragon and turtle clan.

Together, the four powerful clans should be able to overthrow the strange dragon and tortoise clan.

But now, I'm afraid it's about to overturn.

"Are you saying I'm real or fake?"

The strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise was happy.

"Haha, you're dumbfounded!"

Patriarch Tianlong laughed loudly.


Patriarch Mu Yang's head is about to explode, why did this guy come back at this time, they are about to succeed, now it's over, it's really over.

He has no doubts anymore, because the other party is really the devil king in the southern border.

The Demon King of Confusion is back.

If this news gets out, I am afraid that all the powerful strange demons in the southern border will be fried, and the strange dragon and tortoise family will be born again.

Because the strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise is back.

Back then, the strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise was suddenly taken away by the empress in white, and there were not many strange demon supremes who knew the inside story.

The strange dragon and tortoise family only let out rumors that their ancestors practiced in seclusion, and then sealed off the mountain gate, ignoring the disputes outside.

But now it is different.

Once the strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise returns, the strange dragon and tortoise clan will explode, and it will explode, and the entire southern border will have nothing to do with their four strong clans.

"Kneel down and surrender!"

The strange demon ancestor dragon tortoise is extremely powerful, and its voice is extremely majestic.


Patriarch Muyang knew his own life and death at this time, so it was up to him to choose, but now, as long as he said no, the other party would mercilessly kill him.

Therefore, the current problem is that if you don't surrender, you will be courting death.

Patriarch Muyang knew very well that if he did not surrender, he would have to die.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have no choice.

"Muyang, do you still want to fight our boss?"

"Haha, you know, this is courting death."

Patriarch Tianlong laughed loudly.

"This guy…"

Gu Fei on the top of the wall was a little speechless when he saw this scene, Tianlong was too cunning, he was the one who escaped quickly when he was abused by Mu Yang.

Seeing that Patriarch Mu Yang was deflated, he dared to jump out and ridicule Patriarch Mu Yang.

When will I have the power to fight these strange monsters?

Gu Fei really wanted to become stronger quickly.

This strange world is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

No one knows how many strange demon supremes are hidden in the strange demon world.

And no one knows if there is a supreme existence like the white empress among those strange demon supremes.

A female emperor in white is so powerful.

If there are more existences like the Empress in White, then the entire world of strange demons will really be completely reshuffled.

Whether it is the world of strange demons, the world of infinity, or even the heavens and myriad worlds, power determines everything, and it is a world where the strong are respected.

Gu Fei knew this truth a long time ago.

Gu Fei is very strong, that is in the Wuji Realm.

But when he came to the world of strange demons, he was really hit.

Because the strange demon powerhouses in the Yimo Realm are really much stronger than those in the Wuji Realm, especially the Yimo Supreme, which is definitely at the same level as the mysterious strong man in the East Extreme God City in the Wuji Realm.

Only the mysterious old man in Dongji God City and the old guy in that mysterious small world can compete with the strange demon supreme.

At least Gu Fei thinks so.

Of course, Gu Fei has been away from the Wuji Realm for a long time, and he doesn't know the current situation of the Wuji Realm, nor does he know if there are any supreme existences that are comparable to the supreme strange demons hidden in the Wuji Realm.

At this time, Gu Fei was thinking about the Infinity Realm.

He also made a fortune in the Infinity Realm!

But now, he just wants to return to the Wuji Realm, and it is temporarily impossible.

"Surrender, if you don't kneel down, you will be completely cold."

The voice of Patriarch Tianlong reached Gu Fei's ears.

This guy is still making fun of Mu Yang Patriarch.

At this time, Patriarch Muyang's face was cloudy and his heart was struggling.

He is not reconciled to surrendering to the ancestor dragon turtle like this, and he is absolutely not reconciled. No one would be reconciled to it!

However, so what if you are not reconciled.

It is absolutely impossible for Mu Yang Patriarch to kill himself.

You know, if the current strange demon ancestor Longgui wants to kill the Muyang ancestor, it will be a piece of cake.

"Oh, you still have some backbone!"

The strange demon ancestor Longgui gave the ancestor Muyang a thumbs up.

If Patriarch Muyang knelt down like this, he would really look down on this guy, but this guy is a tough guy.

However, so what about tough bones, if he doesn't kneel down, there is only one result, and that is death.

No matter how hard the bones are, the supreme monster will still live.


Patriarch Mu Yang let out a long sigh, and immediately knelt down.

No way, he wants to live.

Who doesn't want to live?

Patriarch Muyang was the one who called the wind and rain in the south, if he died, all this would be for nothing.

He can't bear it!

"He who knows current affairs is a hero, good, good, haha..."

The strange demon ancestor dragon turtle laughed triumphantly.