MTL - Immortal-Chapter 18 A scene

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Chapter XVIII of the scene ()

"嘭 ~~"

Zhongshan jumped out of the water, her body leaped towards the shore, and the direction she leaped was exactly where the white-haired woman was.

Leaping in the air, Zhong Shan stayed alone. Similarly, the woman with the opposite hand on the chest was also stunned. When the individual suddenly appeared in the hot spring, the woman's head suddenly exploded.

the man? how come? The woman looked at this scene inconceivably, looking at the man who leaped towards himself. In the memory, no man had ever seen it before. So, what should I do?

Zhong Shan jumped out of the water and saw this amazing scene, his eyes flashed extremely incredible.

White, Zhongshan's eyes are all white flowers, skin, hair, and places that are not usually seen, all hair is white, this white, not old and pale, but a glow Silvery white.

Only a few pink and black eyes were awakening Zhongshan.

In the mid-air, Zhong Shan reacted, and after seeing the woman, Zhong Shan knew that something was bad.

Sad blue silk, is definitely sad blue silk, Kai Yangzong's second-generation sister, the master of Jin Danqi. She, how could she be here? Not wearing clothes yet?

Looking at the ketone body of sad blue silk, that perfect figure, the strange white-haired woman, even the Buddha would also bow his head and blush. Such a perfect celestial object was presented in front of Zhongshan.

At first, with a little panic, Zhong Shan immediately flung out his heart's worries. After all, Zhong Shan was not a hairy boy, and he also had two beloved women who carried deep blood and hatred. The situation was immediately identified.

I was in mid-air and could not take advantage of it. I could only pounce on the sad blue silk. If she really hit her, she would be dead. Sad blue silk, but Jin Danqi, if she broke into her bathing place, would she kill someone?

How to do? How to do? In the air, Zhongshan was anxious.

However, at this moment, the sad blue silk finally came to her senses.

"Ah ~~~"

Qing Qingsi screamed, and in a panic, she flew Zhongshan out with one palm.

"Boom ~~"

Without any resistance, Zhong Shan flew backwards.

"嘭 ~~" As if hit something, Zhongshan fell back to the hot spring again.

"噗 ~~"

Zhongshan vomited blood, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

Gently paddled to the shore, Zhong Shan was half-lying on the shore, extremely weak.

Sad green silk struck Zhongshan's chest with a palm, and Zhongshan's chest clothes were broken into a palm print. Above the internal chest, there was a red palm print, which gradually turned purple, and then became dark. Zhongshan felt that, even if he was leaning inwardly, it was also a tumult. If he had not been practicing the Daemon's hard body Dafa all the time, he might have just explained it here.

"呲 ~~"

Sad blue silk is already dressed, a white long sword reaches Zhongshan's throat, looks at Zhongshan with a complex expression, and bites her lips gently, as if to kill Zhongshan with one sword, but the sword does not have Reached in, but placed it in the throat of Zhongshan.

At this moment, life and death are on the front line. Zhong Shan is also anxious. He can be wounded, can be cultivated, and died.

Turning at hand, Hung Hom's ritual is running, and at the palm of his hand, the Hung Hom's mist is emitted at any time. But Zhongshan didn't dare, because Bai Jian was in the throat. As long as she shook her hand, she would die. If she wanted to use the fog of red cricket, she would have to wait until the sword left, otherwise she would die if it was bad deal.

"Kee, girl, I was offended a lot just now. I didn't mean to do this to Zhongshan. It was because I had already sunk into the hot spring, and the girl later." Zhong Shan said hardly.

Hearing Zhong Shan's words, Mi Qingqing's pupils shrank, and the sword on hand also shrank slightly.

"You, are you Zhongshan?" Bei Qingsi bit her lip, her expression was extremely complicated. It seemed as if the man in front of him said that he was not Zhong Shan, and immediately stabbed him with a sword.

"Yes, I am a new disciple a year ago, Zhongshan." Zhongshan said. At the same time, it seems like seeing an opportunity, but the fog of the red cricket on hand is not dare to slacken.

"A year ago, brought back to Zhongshan of Yujian?" Bei Qingsi looked at Zhongshan with a complex look. The look was as complicated as the sight of the most difficult thing in the world.

I don't understand why Bei Qingsi's expression, but Zhong Shan still nodded.

Seeing Zhong Shan admitting, Qing Qingsi suddenly closed her sword, her eyes closed slightly, and she leaned back slightly, as if she remembered something very sad.

At this moment, Zhong Shan also saw that he seemed to be safe. I don't know why Bei Qingsi was so concerned about the jade Jane, but in this way, Bei Qingsi's intention to kill himself was eliminated.

"Thank you." Sadness Qing Si opened her eyes suddenly, and a deep sadness flashed in her eyes, she said to Zhong Shan.

Thank me? no need thank me? See you take a bath?

Seeing Zhongshan frowning, Qing Qingsi seemed to know that she had said something wrong, and immediately corrected: "Thank you for sending Yujian."

"You're welcome." Zhong Shan nodded and said nothing.

"This is Huichun Dan, and today's incident should not have happened." Sadly Qingsi suddenly dropped a small white bottle, then flipped her hand, the clouds around him were removed, sixteen shots started, and Feijian threw away Slightly step on, step on the flying sword, and disappeared in front of Zhongshan.

Looking at the sadness of sadness, Zhong Shan felt fortunate for a while. At this moment, the fog of red owls disappeared into the palm of her hand.

Looking at this white little jade bottle, Zhong Shan opened it gently, and a fragrant smell came out. Stopper the vial gently.

Zhongchun, Zhongshan does not know what it is, but it is certain that it is a holy medicine for healing. This medicine is left to the most critical moment, as for the seriously injured one.

I'm used to it. Every time after the demon's body is quenched, he is seriously injured.

Quickly, dived into the hot spring again, and entered the flame fruit cave to cross the knee and healed.

Three days later, Zhongshan completely recovered.

Quickly came out of the flame fruit cave sky, blocked the hole, and carefully went out to the hot spring, making sure there was no danger, and then quickly went to listen to the water.

After listening to the water pavilion, changing clothes, taking a short break, carrying the sword, headed towards the square under Kaiyang Peak. The first year of the new disciple's gathering began.

When Zhongshan came to the square, dozens of people had already stood there. The new disciples recruited a year ago, except Zhongshan, were all here.

Nanbatian, still standing in front of him as he did a year ago, looked at the people who came, saw Zhongshan coming, and immediately gave Zhongshan a look.

Zhongshan understood it and stood up immediately.

"It's been a year and we have met again. Today, this meeting is to test and teach everyone how to practice. If the practice is not smooth, you can also enter the Tibetan scripture hall and re-select a practice method. Also, today From then on, I will no longer be your ninth brother. It is your sixth brother. "Nanbatian said.

"Yes," said the new disciples.

"Everyone stands up. Suzerain, Fengzhu and some second-generation disciples will come and wait for the elders to review." Nanbatian said.

"Yes," the new disciples immediately excited.

Sure enough, Nanba Tian didn't finish speaking long, and from Kaiyang Peak, there were more than 20 people left.

A white cloud, carrying everyone, in the front, there are three Kaiyang Zongyuan infancy strong, followed by the second generation of disciples.

At the bottom, the Sovereign Tianxingzi's sleeves were swayed, and Baiyun under his feet was removed. Obviously, Baiyun formed him just now.

It was the last group of people. Zhong Shan was not found inside, but Tian Linger was behind Tian Xingzi.

Looking at the people in the square in front of him, the suzerain and the lord Feng carefully inspected it again.

Zhongshan heard from Tian Linger before, as long as the cultivation is two levels higher than you, you can see through your cultivation, that is, the strong infant, can see through the cultivation of the congenital, and the Jin Dan period People, but not.

Sovereign and peak lords are obviously Yuan infants. After a week's inspection, a little satisfaction was revealed in their eyes, but when they saw Zhongshan, they showed a strange color.

Congenital third? That bone can reach such a high achievement in one year?

After thinking about it, both the suzerain and the prince shook their heads and did not care. After all, although Zhongshan was the third inborn, he had not yet seen the three.

"For your cultivation, I already know that those who have a poor cultivation speed have ten days to enter the Tibetan scripture hall to re-select the exercises, and the rest, the highest achievement, the fourth innate, the fourth in all, Come to the front. "Sovereign sky star said.

Soon, four of these new disciples walked quickly with excitement. Stand to the front. Three men and one woman stood in front of the disciples.

Seeing these four people, there were a few joys in the eyes of the second generation of Kaiyang Sect behind the suzerain. Obviously, those four were the future disciples they chose.

"Four, okay, the fourth inborn, the rules of Kaiyangzong, the first year of the newcomer, the top three in strength, each of them is an ethereal bead, but you are now four." Tianxingzi said suddenly.

Hearing Tian Xingzi said, the four frowned, empty beads?

When Zhongshan heard the ethereal beads below, he frowned, and there was a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Others may not know, but Zhongshan heard Nanbatian mention it. The ethereal pearl is a fixed magic weapon, a magic weapon that can be imported. Must be made of ethereal beads.

Her pair of chase boots did not come in at all.

Magic weapon, a total of nine grades, the weakest is one grade, the highest is nine grades. The role of the ethereal beads is to form an embryo, an invisible embryo, according to the consciousness and thoughts of each person, inject the materials they need into the interior, form their own treasure, and then continue to train with their true energy and true elements. Refining the internal impurities, and then continue to be able to infuse the required materials, refining increasingly powerful magic weapon.

Zhongshan knows that good magic weapons are created by the master's constant sacrifice with true energy, true element, and heart, and the longer he stays with the master, the stronger the power and the higher the internal deity. It's not like storytellers who put in the furnace of the refining furnace and come out with the artifacts of fairy and artifact.

Zhong Ling really wanted it, and Tian Linger's red lotus was a second-grade magic weapon. Nanbatian ’s sword was also a second-grade magic weapon. His own large knife without an empty spirit pearl was not a magic weapon at all.