MTL - Immortal-v14 Chapter 80 No regrets

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Outside of the Devil Mountain, the green old ghost has a green shield outside his body to protect himself, manipulate the Ning Shen array, and stalemate with Zhong Jiu's Abi Hell array.

For a while, no one could do anything to either.

Gu Yongheng stood at the forefront. Thirty demons surrounded Xuanyuan, and there were more than twenty, but they flew into the valley where the demon mountain split and opened. Inside, there was an altar with the strongest sword in it.

In addition to more than twenty demons, there are Zhuangzi, and the original children of the Bai family.

It's a pity that the children of the current Bai family are all blackened and dull, as if completely controlled. Stand in their respective directions, and cooperate with a group of demons.

Standing in the sky, Gu Xuanji suddenly glanced at Nanbatian. Then, Gu Xuanji flew to the green old ghost.

Beyond the leader, Gu Xuanji Chen sincerely said, "Lord Green, his former master is in charge of the five sense halls, and he has a good understanding of Fengshui. Especially, he also knows a little about this Abi Hell formation. A nose **** battle? "

"Do you know Ah nose **** battle?" Lu Laogui frowned.

"Someone knows one or two, you can explore the way for adults!" Gu Xuanji solemnly said.

"Okay, you're in front of me, explore the way!" Lu Laogui said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Gu Xuanji nodded.

Probing his hand, Gu Xuanji took out a black sword with a shape similar to that of Abi Sword, but his breath was not as strong as that of Abi Sword, which was obviously not as good as Abi Sword.

"Abi hell, I am the ancestor of the Styx!" Gu Xuanji immediately performed the same move.

Not long away, the ancient eternity just glanced at it and stopped paying attention, because the distant Xuanyuan suddenly turned into three, and the ancient eternity could not be distracted for a moment.


The ancient mystery machine suddenly turned into a black river, rushed into the ground below, and added countless roads on the basis of the original countless black river.

In the Heihe, Gu Xuanji slowly emerged from the black dragon.

In the distance, Zhong Jiu's face sank, as if suddenly struggling.

"Well done well, ancient mystery. After this campaign, I applied to the king to assimilate you into my eternal demons and let you become my tribe!" Green Lao Gui exulted.

"Master Xie!" Said Gu Xuanji.

Gu Xuanji stepped on the black dragon and slowly floated to the green dragon's black dragon.

The two feng shui divisions suppressed at the same time towards Zhong Jiu.

"Hahaha, he's going to die, Gu Xuanji, well done, I will let you control the left field, drag me to the opponent's Feng Shui array, drag me, I will attack it, I will!" Fen Road.

"Yes!" Gu Xuanji answered.

Under the control of the Ningshen array, the black gas gradually gathered in the distance, and a black robe figure appeared again, Jian Ao!

Jian Ao slowly condensed, appearing not far behind Zhong Jiu 19, Qing Feng's sword has condensed half, only to be completely condensed, to Zhong Jiu 19 fatal lore!

"Ha ha ha ha!" Green Lao Gui laughed happily.

At this moment, everything is under the control of the green old ghost, but it won't be long before the pseudo-sword is proud and can completely kill Zhong Shiju.

In the distance, Zhong Shikui also exuded some cold sweat on his forehead, but still tried to manipulate the Abi **** formation.

On this side, the green old ghost has the advantage, and Gu Yongheng will not take care of it at all, because a new situation has occurred on the other side of the Xuanyuan battlefield.

Countless feathers fell, and Xuanyuan was suddenly turned into three? Three mysteries?

"My God, purify the world!" The three Xuan Yuan sang softly.


There are countless holy lights around, the original feathers suddenly turned into white soldiers, with three pairs of wings behind each. All turned into six-winged angels.

"For the light, howling evil spirits!" The angels shouted.

During the conversation, a group of six-winged angels suddenly rushed towards the thirty demons.


After all, the angel was too weak. One demon shot and killed seven or eight at once. However, there were too many angels, and there were more and more endless angels. The three mysterious elements kept manipulating the angels. For a time, they blocked the eyes of all the demons , One by one can not find Xuan Yuan.

"Dead!" A demon roared angrily.


More than a dozen angels were chopped down with one sword. Clear a long road to see the interior.

But looking at the inside of the room, three thousand whiskers suddenly shot, and in a hurry, there was no time to counterattack, only to protect the whole body.


The dust wire is extremely tough, and instantly penetrates the demon's protection, and immediately penetrates it. He died on the spot.

"You!" The devil looked incredulously dead.

Spike the demon? This Xuan Yuan is also the twelfth heaven of Zuxian? And is it still a fierce warrior like sword pride?


Seven or eight demons were beheaded by Xuan Yuan in succession, and all the demons were more careful and moved closer to prevent Xuan Yuan from continuing to kill.


Suddenly, a purple thin sword emerged from the back of a demon.

The devil stared, ending his life.

"Ye?" Xuan Yuan was slightly different.

"Aunt, Dark Emperor!", There was an ethereal voice among countless angels.

"Huh!" Xuan Yuan nodded slightly.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ......... "

No one was found by the Dark Emperor, but the death of one demon after another told everything.

Ancient eternity squinted and stared into the distance. In the distance, a large area surrounded by countless angels blocked all the interior. Even the holy light had the effect of weakening the sense of God, and ancient eternity could not see the interior. But more and more shadows around Gu Yongheng explained all this.

The mystery of the eternal demons, die? Not the end. After death, their spirit and **** will return to ancient eternity.

Around Gu Yongheng, there are more and more spirit gods, two spirit gods, and ten spirit gods.

"Wang, I was assassinated!"

"Wang, I was killed by whisk!"

"King, decide for us!"

When twenty died, it means that there are at most ten demons in the angel group. Ancient eternity looked ugly.

Stepping, ancient eternity rushed into the angel group.


The strongest sword waved, and hundreds of millions of angels burst into death.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ......... "

The Dark Emperor and the three Xuan Yuan once again killed a demon.

For a time, in the battlefield, there were only three bad seats left, and his face was scared.

"King, help!" The three demons roared.

Gu Yongheng's complexion did not expect this result. Three demons left?

No, Wang Chi and his subordinates couldn't keep up. Are they blind?

"Miscellaneous, you ..." Gu Yongyi felt the direction of Wang Chi.

Suddenly Gu Yong's face was stagnant because Wang Chi's direction was empty and there was only one pothole.

The ancient eternal instinct didn't feel good immediately through the days of exploration.

"King of Heaven, King of Heaven, you man!" Gu Yongheng shouted.

Probing, Gu Yongheng slammed into the sky.

And just at that moment, the eyes of the ancient mysterious machine flickered and his hand moved slightly, while Nanbatian not far away took out his weapon and cut his sword.

In addition to being able to mobilize the forces of heaven and earth, the sages also have the ability to shuttle the two realms of yin and yang. At first, Pangu restricted the saints from the two realms to shuttle between each other.

The reincarnation saint of the underworld, the king of the world, immediately moved the entire king pond to the sun when the demons entered the king pond.

It was an area surrounded by clouds and mists. There were thirteen colorful clouds and mists in all directions, enclosing the four parties, and countless days of thunders tumbling in the clouds, just like a huge array.

A group of demons suddenly found a gloom.

"Under heaven, what are you doing?" A demon exclaimed.

"Why hasn't my practice been improved?"

"My cultivation is going down? Why is it going down? Juntianxia?"

Demon horrified.


A large number of demons rushed out of Wang Chi. Quickly surrounded the world of Jun.

"Under the heavens, you must give me an explanation, otherwise .........,!" A devil said coldly.

"Explain? Why should I explain to you?" Jun Tianxia hated.

During the conversation, Jun Tian waved his hand.

There was a big burst of ‘bangs, loud noises, as if the sky had fallen, and a great force was pressing against the demons.

"Jingtian, are you looking for death? Your descendants don't want them to live?" A demon cried.

"The Daqian world is no longer, can they still live? As long as the Daqian world lasts forever, everything in my world can be sacrificed! I have the dignity to live.

"A large array of extermination gods, burst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Jun Tianxia roared.

"Did you arrange the formation in advance? Have you been planning for a long time?" A demon exclaimed.

It's a pity that the shouting is too late. This is a devastating array, and countless days of lightning are washing down indiscriminately.

"Boom!" "Boom!" .........

The destructive large array represents the decisive battle of the king, because in order to maximize the power of the large array, everything in this array is destroyed by the large group together with the king.

Location in a territory of Mid-Continent.

The powerful vibration caused a huge tsunami around. The strong men all looked horrified.

"Crazy, stop!"

"Stop it, lunatic!"

"I killed you, ah!"

A group of demons shouted and snarled, and the king continued to manipulate the large array, and they all ended up together.

Destroyed power, constantly scouring forty demons, scouring time and time again, destroying it as much as possible.

"King of Heaven, King of Heaven, you husband!" The eternal roar of ancient eternity came from the void.


A huge palm print in the void, bursting open with a force of days. Destroy the array.


The array broke apart, with thirty demons remaining, but all were seriously injured. Frightened.

Not far away, there was a large pit of palm prints on the earth. In the pit, the altar of the saints of heaven and earth under the heavens shattered. In the big pit, Jun Tian's body was cracked and his body was broken. Falling in a pool of blood, the body shouted.

However, the final expression on the cracked body's face was a smile without regret. No regrets!