MTL - In the Future, My Whole Body is a Treasure-Chapter 98 Gather an ally

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"What are you talking about?" Fern was suddenly tightened.

Zhao Lingyu will come with Ren Sheng this time, in addition to let Ren Sheng get a suitable mech, but also to get in touch with Fern, and pull an alliance.

And if you want to have a good relationship with Fern, you must pass Fern's daughter.

However, after seeing Fern, Fern’s approach was somewhat unexpected to Zhao Lingyu’s.

If he is Fern, he will send his daughter to the first time after receiving the medicinal medicine. Fern did nothing...

"I have already given you the pharmacy, but you are not in a hurry to give your daughter. Your daughter should not be like the outside world, because the body is weak and live in your studio upstairs without leaving the house." Zhao Lingyu, speak At the time, my eyes were on the rest of my life.

The red WITTMANN Mech has begun to walk slowly. Before Ren Shi reveals special, he is best to get Fonn first.

In addition to his tight body, Fern’s wrinkled face showed a suspicious expression: "Who are you?"

Zhao Lingyu did not answer Fern’s words, but continued to say: “Your daughter is said to be a very intelligent woman. Even if she is betrayed, she should try to make herself too good. It is normal to not be trapped at home and not go out... ..."

Having said that, Zhao Lingyu suddenly flashed a flash of light: "Donnie?"

Fern’s eyes flashed a few miles, and he seemed to have done nothing. Several iron gates suddenly fell, and the entire basement was instantly closed.

He should have other means, but he was held by Zhao Lingyu and could not move.

"I guess it?" Zhao Lingyu raised his eyebrows with some surprise.

After bringing the big baby back, he investigated McCarthy and Tonya. The information of these two people is very simple, and they can't see the flaws at all. However, Dong Niya's medical examination form makes him familiar.

He did not associate the former Prince and Tony, until he found that Fern’s daughter did not stay here, and some of the furnishings here were similar to McCarthy.

Speaking of the words of Tonya, it is also his temptation. Now it seems that he is doing the right thing.

"What do you want to do?" Fern asked alertly. At the same time, the red mech suddenly rolled over and then fell in front of him in a guarded posture.

Although Fern is very nervous now, he has been dealing with the mech for hundreds of years, so he can't help but pay attention to the movement of this mech.

"His actions have been fixed many times while doing it, so he really controlled this mech, too strong! Who are you?" Can control this top mech, but also find his daughter's Things, why do people like to know him around a big circle, and what kind of network mech competition?

“What's wrong?” Ren Sheng jumped out of the cockpit and frowned at the iron plate around the basement. The iron plate around this room is very strong, and it is filled with strong energy, which makes people feel scared when they are not.

At this time, Zhao Lingyu, the original suspicion of Fern has been dispelled.

If Fern’s daughter is really Tony, then Fern and Chapman must be really inconsistent.

"Mr. Fern should also go to the banquet of the palace before, and I have seen Case and Crohn." Zhao Lingyu smiled.

After discovering that Ren Sheng really controlled the mech, Fern was curious about Ren Zhi’s identity. He didn’t understand how Joao suddenly had a young master. At this time, he finally remembered something: “You are the Federation of Humanity. people?"

"Yes, we are the people of the human federation." Zhao Lingyu smiled.

"The medicinal pharmacy is for you to sell. Do you have more?" Fern’s initial momentum disappeared and he eagerly asked.

"If your daughter is really Dongia, you don't have to worry too much. Her body is much better now." Zhao Lingyu said.

Fern frowned. "How is it possible? Although she hasn't contacted me for a long time for safety, her body should be almost exhausted, even if the kid is good to her, it won't last long. ""

His daughter did not voluntarily give everything for the children. In the same year, he would turn himself into a waste person for the children. In fact, Chapman moved his hands and feet.

The child also thought about fighting with Chapman at first, but then he figured it out - they really want to fight with Chapman, they will only lose their lives, but Chapman will probably be better. So, it is better to live a good life.

It was with this thought that his daughter, with his help, replaced another person to start a new life and basically did not contact him.

"We have seen her, she also helped us." Zhao Lingyu said. In his view, Tonya will live in secretly with McCarthy. In addition to not being sympathetic at home all day, she should not want Fern to see her weak self-blame.

“Really?” Fern looked at Zhao Lingyu.

"Of course it is true." Zhao Lingyu said, this time, the big baby in his arms suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Fern: "You are the grandfather said by Auntie?"

"Auntie?" Fern looked at the big baby inexplicably.

"It’s Aunt Auntie, and Auntie helped me." Big baby took a photo from his pocket. On the photo, Tonya was holding a big baby. The smile was very gentle, but it was a small baby. The face seems a little unpleasant: "Auntie once mentioned that I would like to have a grandfather seeing me."

"It's Niya! You really know Niya!" Fern said, watching the big baby faintly excited.

He and his daughter like children. Before that, he felt that the big baby was very pleasing to the eye. Now I feel that this child is good everywhere. This is the child his daughter has hugged!

"He is the child we lost. Your daughter Niya's husband saved him. They also took care of him for a while. We are very grateful. I gave her medicine before, and she will not have anything in a short time." Zhao Lingyu said.

The two men didn't have the need to lie to themselves, and the photos were true, so Fern soon believed: "Thank you."

"It should be that we have to thank you. Chapman sent people to catch our children. If it wasn't for McCarthy, maybe the child would be dead." Zhao Lingyu said again.

"Chapman? Is Chapman?" Fern gnashed his teeth: "That is a confession! Right, where are you living now safe and unsafe? Do you want to move over?" If the two really live with him When they are together, they will inevitably get some nutrients to regulate his daughter's body... Fern thinks that the more he thinks this is the case, the attitude towards Zhao Lingyu is getting better and better.

"No, Mr. Fern, we can live in the emperor, and we prove that we are also a little wrist, there are people behind." Zhao Lingyu, Fern, this ally, he really intends to make friends, but even if he moved to live together, he just I want to let Rensheng be a me, and of course, if Fern can teach Gade's mechs, it would be better.

Zhao Lingyu’s words made Fern think of Case and Crohn. These two people apparently stood on the side of Zhao Lingyu. At the banquet, they sang and I was afraid to protect the people of the human federation.

Knowing this kind of thing, he should be very angry. After all, Case and Crohn did something to help outsiders, but in fact, I feel a little happy now.

This kind of pleasure, let Fern's dissatisfaction with Ren Sheng disappeared. He has already seen it at this time. Although Zhao Lingyu is the principal, he is very concerned about Ren Sheng.

Fern had relaxed and turned into the master of the imposing mech. He smiled and suddenly patted Ren Sheng’s shoulder: "Little guy, you are strong, I see you can drive this machine. A, what is this mech I gave you? This is my pinnacle, I am afraid I can never make a better mech, it should be the most suitable for you after debugging... How? You Do you want?"

"Yes!" Ren Sheng did not want to say it, even if he has not been debugged yet, he has already felt that this mech is suitable for himself.

This mech is really strong, and the feeling of driving the mech in reality is also very attractive.

"That's good, come, you will show all your strengths, let me see your situation." Knowing that her daughter is fine, now Fern is full of energy.

It was at this time that McCarthy fell from the Internet: "Donnie, I am sorry, I have not grabbed the medicinal herbs."

"Nothing, now my body is good." Tonya smiled.

"But your body needs a good reason to get better." McCarthy was a little worried.

"Don't think so much, I'm just a little better." Dong Niya said, and sighed again: "It is the child..."

When Ren Zhu and Yu Lingyu took the children, Dong Niya did not tell anyone. The other person asked about the child and wrote a lot of rhetoric along the information given by Zhao Lingyu, but she knew that the child was afraid. eccentric.

But no matter what, the child is very cute, Greenton also helped her, so there are some things, she just do not know.

The two looked at each other and had concerns in their eyes, but they did not speak tacitly. At this time, the voice of the robot suddenly sounded at the door: "Mr. McCarthy, by your anonymous express delivery, please sign for it."

How can I suddenly have an anonymous express delivery? McCarthy signed the courier inexplicably, and then carefully opened the package.

Inside the gray ordinary box, there are ten beautiful potions, exactly the same as the photos of the medicines they see on the Internet. 2k novel reading network