MTL - Indestructible Primordial Spirit-v20 Chapter 65 Earth Guardian

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Lu never gave up and nodded: "It's a world of science and technology, alive with human beings that can hardly be said to practice."

"How do you know so clearly?" Lie Fen lingered.

If before, Lu would not give up an excuse. After all, excuses are also easy to find. It is said that the millennium soul has absorbed the will of other souls.

But now, looking at the land where he once gave birth to him, Lu did not lie and did not lie, he was afraid to blaspheme the earth.

So Lu never gave up frankly: "I have lived in this world in my last life."

Lie burned for a while, but then he quickly responded: "Do you finally remember what happened in your previous life?"

Lie Fen's way of thinking is really different from ordinary people. It is not unexpected that he never gave up on what he said in his previous life.

Lu Buqi looked at the earth deeply: "I have never forgotten it!"

"Just blow it. I can remember that you used to have scattered pieces of memory. The last time you knew yourself and found yourself, didn't you find some vague fragments from previous lives?" I remember things very well.

"When I came out of the land of dead souls, those pieces of memory would be pieced together." Lu never gave up.

"What are you waiting for? See the world you lived in the previous life!" Lie Yan eagerly encouraged.

Lu did not abandon his heart, although he did not forget that he was still in the fantasy world, but even in hell, he would definitely go and see the earth.

This is the impulse in the bones, not only the plot of the homeland, but also not only the obsession with the parents, but also the only woman in the last life that made him feel good.

There are some things you don't need for a reason.

Lu did not give up without hesitation, and flew towards the direction of the earth.

Fortunately, Fantasy World Metaverse seems to want him to see his homeland in the previous life, and did not throw him far away from the earth, which is estimated to be tens of thousands of kilometers.

Lu does not abandon today's speed. Under the role of the Lightning Law under the Thunder System Law, in this unblocked space, it can be said that it can reach several kilometers per second. Although it is far from the speed of light, this speed It has exceeded the speed of some gods.

Lu did not give up flying at this extreme speed, and he also flew for several days before finally feeling a sense of approaching the earth.

The earth quickly zoomed in front of his eyes. When the verdant land section could vaguely show the familiar outline in Lu Buqi's eyes, Lu Buqi was more sure of his inner judgment.

This is indeed the earth.

And far away, Lu Bujia even saw a few satellites.

Because of curiosity, Lu Bu refused to lean on the past. He wanted to see from the satellite, what time the earth is now.

It was a satellite from Huaxia Kingdom. The brand-new five-star red flag sign was so bright, and it was shaking with a kind light in Lu Buqi's eyes.


This number made Lu Buqiu happy for a while.

This number seems to be telling Lu Buqi, this is the time when he lived so close to his previous life, but this satellite appears very new, and I don't know if it is not easy to rust without oxygen in outer space?

This seems to be a meteorological satellite. When Lu Buqi passed by, he also had a monitoring device, which made a snap shot of the landing.

Lu Buqi smiled slightly and didn't care about the thing, because he understood that under the principle of illusion, the camera at most captured a piece of water, and then scientists would analyze the reflection that may be left by the corona activity.

Lu did not want to give up the earth too much pressure.

However, when an extremely terrifying beam of energy suddenly shot from behind, Lu did not give up but understood that he would not put pressure on the earth, and others would take it.

Lu did not give up a flash, and the man had avoided the inverted energy beam, but the satellite made by Huaxia was not so lucky. He was hit by the energy beam exactly, and it instantly disintegrated into fragments, leaving its orbit.

Lu Buqi turned around in horror, but he didn't realize it. I don't know when, in the deep void behind him, there was even a huge ... Transformers!

Of course, that is the illusion of Lu Bufei.

It was definitely not the Autobot in the movie, it was a powerful deity, he just had a body similar to a mechanical form. However, the shell of his body is obvious biological traces, the scale armor and leather are shining with a lively luster, and the three eyes on his head have a very smart breath.

"Renzi, run!"

At this time, the fierce burning only left a roar, because he found that the energy level displayed by the horrible guy with a height of about 20 feet in front of him was comparable to that of the dragon god.

No need to remind smoldering, Lu Buqi is also running, he does not know when he was followed by this horrible guy.

In addition, Lu did not dare to continue to walk towards the earth. It is difficult for him to imagine what kind of scene it would be if a terrorist guy of this level was brought to the earth.

Lu did not abandon himself to die rather than bring destruction to the earth.

So Lu did not give up, but flew into the void.

Of course, the mechanical **** king would not let Lu leave and leave without leaving. His figure slid out a perfect arc in the air, blocking him very quickly in front of Lu Buqi. When the iron wing cloak rolled on his body, The net-like light curtain was scattered towards Lu.

Lu Buqi abandoning the continuous fire of the flames assisted by the Law of the Flames, and with the passing of the Miaoluo waters with the help of the Laws of the Flowing Waters, he finally got out of the net-shaped light curtain with almost no dead ends.


A murmur of doubt sounded, the mechanical **** king apparently did not expect that Lu Buqi had such a powerful ability to use rules.

However, no matter how powerful the rule is, there is no rude basic cultivation as a supplement. Compared with the gods at the level of **** king, Lu Buqi still has a big gap.

Therefore, after the mechanical **** king once again blocked Lu Fuqi's whereabouts and released the Tianluo Di net that could isolate the five elements, Lu Buqi was trapped without suspense.

Feeling the cramping oppression of the increasingly tight optical network, Lu never gave up.

He believed that if the mechanical **** king wanted to kill him, as soon as he tightened the light net, he would be able to squeeze him into flesh.

The law on the optical network is too strong to suppress. Even if Lu Buqi has mastered the law of liquid transformation under the law of flowing water, it is not enough to turn it into a small water stream and penetrate the network.

Lie Fen was also scolding: "What is this fantasy world doing? As for playing this? ** Then the test of space is all right, and you still go directly to the King of God? Does it give people a way to live?"

Facts have proved that the metaphysical world is still alive.

Because Lu Lu's gaze was opposite to the mechanical **** king again, and when the mechanical **** king was about to tighten the light net, a holy cross sword light suddenly appeared in the void and chopped on the light net with a shocking attitude. On the bond.

The cross sword light was abrupt and powerful, and it cut off the ties of the light net. Lu Guanghua was separated, and Lu Buqi quickly got rid of the predicament.


As his body drifted away, Lu never looked at the birdman who appeared out of nowhere in amazement.

That wasn't actually a real angel, but a phantom, a twelve-winged archangel phantom.

But soon, Lu Buqie saw a man, a man walking away from the shadow of the twelve-winged archangel, a bearded old man in a gray-white linen.


Lu did not abandon her mother's scream.

This is definitely Jehovah in the mouth of the God of Wealth, except he will have no one else.

Jehovah did not ignore Lu, because the mechanical **** king hit him crazy after he appeared.

Lu did not abandon at this time only to discover that this Jehovah turned out to be a god-level deity, and in terms of strength, he was not weaker than this mechanical **** king.

And the battle of the God-king level is not completely Lu Luqiu can intervene, the madness of the coercion of pressure and the divine power fluctuations, pushing Lu Buqiu out of tens of thousands of meters away.