MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 283 come all come

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"Are you going to meet him?"

The Lord of Luo Xuan suspected that he had heard wrong.

He hurriedly said: "Lu Bu, listen to me, this Lord of Desolation is not easy to mess with. He is a veteran strongman in the first round of the universe, and we can't beat him."

The Lord of Yue Qi was still urging from the front: "Hurry up, the Lord of Desolation will never come out alone, and he will also invite friends."

Lu Ge was very stubborn: "You go first, and he will come when I meet you."

The Lord of Luozhen stomped heavily: "Master Yueqi, you go, I will stay with him."

The Lord of Yueqi's eyes widened: "Lu Bu is crazy, are you going crazy too? If you stay here, you won't be able to survive."

The Lord of Luofan smiled: "Lu Bu saved me, I owe him my life."

Lord Yue Qi understood.

"Then you can do it yourself."

The master of Yue Qi left without looking back.

He came to the rescue out of morality, but they stayed to die, and he couldn't accompany them.

This is two different things.

Lu Ge looked at the master of Luofan who stayed behind, and was a little surprised.

The Lord of Luozhen smiled and said: "What are you looking at, if I abandon you, I will never be able to hold my head up again."

"Okay, you can stay if you want."

Lu Ge flew forward.

At this time, the Lord of the Wilderness had already gotten rid of his shackles and chased after him.

"It was you who broke my space blockade?"

He looked at Lu Ge: "I don't have your information in my database, human, who are you?"

"I'm a newcomer to Cosmos Sea."

Lu Ge said truthfully: "I heard that you are very arrogant, I want to see your skills."

The Lord of Desolation suddenly laughed wildly.

It's been a long time since I met such an interesting newcomer.

He is still a newcomer to the third reincarnation universe.

He said excitedly: "I like killing newcomers the most. Since you want to see them, I will help you."


The Lord of Desolation held up his scepter and attacked Lu Ge.

Lu Ge also became excited.

He is wearing the strongest armor of Heizhou and holding the Yanshen Halberd, so he must have a good fight.

The lord of Luofan withdrew to the side and seized the time to recover his divine body.

Lu Ge told him just now.

He goes first, but if he can't beat them, they go together.


Lu Ge's attack was in full swing, and the master of the universe level ultimate secret weapon was cast.

Coupled with his incomparably rich combat experience.

It was evenly matched with the Lord of the Wilderness.

The Lord of Desolation is a strong man in the first reincarnation of the universe, and he has gone through countless years.

What a wealth of combat experience.

But Lu Ge is not bad, he has countless avatars to accumulate experience.

Coupled with the integration and arrangement of hive thinking.

In terms of combat experience, he is even more experienced than the Desolate Lord.

The only advantage of the Lord of Desolation is his strong body and the most powerful secret technique.

Although Lu Ge now has the combat power of the master of the universe.

But he is still a top universe overlord after all.

The gap between them is too large.

Even though he was wearing the black universe armor, his divine body was slowly declining.

After being protected by the cosmic armor, it can drop by 3% each time.

However, Lu Ge has Nine Nether clones to supplement.

Every time you drop, you can quickly replenish it.

And vice versa.

The reason why the Lord of Desolation is so powerful and difficult is also because he has a special clone.

Just inside his world ring, there is a huge clone with a body size of several million kilometers.

Body can be replenished at any time.

The ordinary master of the universe can't consume him at all.

Until he met Lu Ge.

The attack he gave Lu Ge, Lu Ge can recover instantly.

Lu Ge's attack has caused him damage, and he can also recover quickly.

The two sides fought desperately, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Their divine bodies have always been at full capacity.

The Lord of Luo Xuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, was dumbfounded.

What kind of situation is this?

Lu Bu can actually compete with the master of the wilderness in the first cycle of the universe era!

No wonder Lu Bu dared to stay.

The Lord of Desolation is also depressed, the guy in front of him actually has a special cosmic avatar to supplement his divine power just like him.

It depends on which of them can't consume it first.

Lu Ge didn't intend to spend it with him.

What a waste of time.

The reason why he stayed was to try the depth of the Desolate Lord.

Now he knows.

Lu Ge took a step back, and in a flash he came to the Lord of Luozhen.

The space blockade of the Lord of Desolation is a joke to him.

Only a bang was heard.

With an instant movement, Lu Ge fled away with the Lord of Luozhen.

The Lord of Desolation did not go after him.

He stopped where he was, with cold eyes.

Among the human race in the third reincarnation cosmic era, there was such a difficult opponent.

I need to report his whereabouts.

But at this moment, the invisible field instantly shrouded.

And there is more than one field, and layers of fields are superimposed.

There is also space blockade.

The area where the Lord of Desolation is located is blocked.

The Lord of Desolation suddenly trembled in his heart, he was the one who plotted to ambush other strong men.

It was actually surrounded today.

He shook his body quickly, trying to break through the blockade.

But it's hard to find that his domain-like treasures can't break through the blockade at all.


One figure after another, walked out of the space.

A total of eighteen guys with amazing breath.

Lu Ge opened his eyes on a combat clone.

"To deal with the strongest in the universe, only nine people were used, and eighteen were sent to deal with you. You should be satisfied."

Eighteen combat clones launched a joint attack at the same time.


The terrifying combination attack instantly locked on the Lord of Desolation.

A bright light pierced through the void.

In the sealed space, the huge body of the Desolate Lord couldn't escape at all.

The treasured armor on the Lord of Desolation is like being pushed back and forth.

It was directly broken into slag.

His body suddenly dropped thirty percent.

Even with the avatar supplement in his world ring, it is also declining rapidly.

Encountered a stubble!

The Lord of Desolation evaded frantically, while calling for help in the channel.

Someone had to come and save him quickly.

Otherwise, he would never be able to bear it.

It's a pity that the space here is blocked, and he can't escape at all.

He could only hope that his companion would come sooner.

"I'm surrounded in the waters of Qingfeng Realm, come and save me!"

"The coordinates have been sent out, hurry up!"

The powerhouses in the first cycle of the universe were a little puzzled.

"Surrounded by who? Where is the power?"

"Could it be the most powerful person in the universe?"

The Lord of Desolation was anxious and angry: "Neither, I don't know these guys, they are eighteen strange Lords of the universe, don't be silly, come quickly!"

The offensive of the eighteen masters of the universe was like a tide.

The body falls too fast.

Even the avatar in his ring couldn't replenish it.

Seeing that his body has dropped to 50%.

Extremely dangerous!

The strong man of the first cycle of the universe immediately called the surrounding masters of the universe.

But the Lord of the Universe who is the closest to the Lord of the Desolation will take twenty minutes to come.

Others are at least an hour away.

The Lord of Desolation is inexplicably sad and angry.

Where did he wait for twenty minutes?

At the same time, he wondered, what kind of power are these guys?

It seems that it is specially for him.

Think of the two guys who left before.

He knew the first Lord of Luozhen, who belonged to the human camp of the third reincarnation universe, and the difficult guy behind him was also a newcomer to the human camp.

Are these guys too?

It's a pity that he is destined not to get the answer, the joint attack of the eighteen masters of the universe.

He couldn't bear it at all.

In less than three minutes, the Desolate Lord and his clone were completely wiped out.

Soul flies away!

The clone of the original Lord of Desolation, as long as his clone sits in a safe area.

Even if he falls, he can be resurrected with the help of his avatar.

But he was too confident.

I think that as long as you are careful, you will be fine if you don't encounter the powerhouse of the universe.

After all, it is so convenient to carry a clone~

He can replenish his divine body at any time to double his combat effectiveness.

But the downside is just as deadly.

Once you meet a terrifying opponent who is unmatched and impossible to escape.

will truly fall.

Unexpectedly, he met now.

Even his avatar was wiped out by Lu Ge.

In the true sense, the soul flies away.

"Don't go, the Lord of Desolation has fallen."

As soon as the Lord of Desolation fell, he noticed it at the headquarters of the first cycle of the universe.

The speed is a bit unexpected.

The rescue team is still on the way, and the Desolate Lord has already fallen.

Several old friends of the Lord of Desolation suddenly beat their chests.

No one could have imagined that the Lord of Desolation fell so quickly.

"Who killed the Lord of the Wilderness?"

Instead of following the recall advice from headquarters, they continued to kill the past.

They want to find out who the murderer is, and they want to avenge the Lord of Desolation.

At this moment.

Lu Ge's avatar has already searched for the treasures that the Lord of Desolation exploded.

The Lord of Desolation itself has two top-level treasures, and the others are ordinary treasures and top-level heavy treasure sets.

And some materials that can be used to refine treasures.

Lu Ge was very satisfied, he deserved to be the strongest in the first reincarnation universe.

Net worth is rich.

He was about to leave when he suddenly received a message.

The three masters of the universe in the first reincarnation of the universe era are rushing aggressively to the waters of the Qingfeng Realm.

He understood immediately.

This is the companion called by the Lord of Desolation before.

Lu Ge didn't believe that after the fall of the Lord of Desolation, they would not receive any news.

Knowing that the Lord of Desolation has fallen, he rushed over aggressively.

It is clear that he wants to avenge the Lord of Desolation...

Come here, don't go back.

Lu Ge waited quietly in this water area.

He didn't change positions, fearing that the three guys wouldn't be able to find them.

At this time, the Lord of Luozhen, who had already left with Lu Bu, did not know what happened next.

The Lord of Luofan was still in shock.

"Lu Bu, you are a rookie, but your fighting power is so terrifying that even the frightening Lord of Desolation can't do anything to you."

Lu Bu smiled slightly: "I have a clone, which happens to be on par with the Lord of Desolation. If it takes too long, I'm afraid I won't be his match."

The Lord of Luofan was still very excited: "That's amazing, after all, the Lord of Desolation is a strong man in the first reincarnation of the universe."

He said seriously: "Lu Bu, you saved me, and I owe you my life."

Lu Bu laughed: "Really? Then I hope there is no chance for you to pay back."

The strong human race in the universe sea has always been like this.

The grievances and grievances are clear.

Halfway through, Lu Bu and the Lord of Luozhen parted ways.

The Lord of Luofan needs to find a place to hide and heal his wounds.

Lu Bu continued to explore.

His main consciousness at this time is on the side of the battle clone.

Are preparing for battle.

Now that the three universe masters of the first reincarnation cosmic camp are here, don't even think about leaving.

There are so many treasures in the cosmic sea, in order to be able to hunt for treasures without interference in the future.

He doesn't care about high-profile appearances.

In other words, Green Hornets needed a high-profile appearance.

In the first reincarnation of the universe, let's be this stepping stone.

When the three universe masters of the first reincarnation universe arrived.

Only a strong man with a height of thousands of kilometers was seen sitting cross-legged in the void.

unfamiliar faces.

There are divine power fluctuations of the Lord of the Universe on his body.

They surrounded them in a zigzag shape.

Lu Ge opened his eyes and said calmly: "Here we are, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

A bird-like universe lord with black wings asked, "You killed the Desolation Lord? Who are you?"

"I killed it. I am from the third reincarnation universe, Green Hornet organization. Is there any problem?"

When the three masters of the universe heard that he was from the third reincarnation universe, they were contemptuous at first.

As we all know, among all the forces in the universe, the third reincarnation universe is the weakest.

But what does this green bee organization do.

Another master of the universe said: "The master of the wilderness said that you have other accomplices besieging him, where are the others hiding, let's come out together."

They are very confident.

Lords of Desolation can't deal with gang fights, they can.

Don't look at them on the surface as the three masters of the universe.

In fact, there were already ambushes in their space rings.

They also brought eighteen masters of the universe.

Presumably the guy from the Green Bee organization will be very surprised to see it.

Eighteen masters of the universe plus the three of them, this is twenty-one.

The strong in the first reincarnation universe are stronger than the third reincarnation universe.

Coupled with the advantage of quantity, it is in an invincible position.

"You guys actually know?"

Lu Ge seemed surprised.

With a snap of his fingers, seventeen more universe masters appeared behind him.


"Kill them all!"

The powerhouses of the first reincarnation of the universe roared and fought with Lu Ge's clone.

Lu Ge noticed it as soon as they fought.

The masters of the universe in the first cycle of the universe are all very strong.

But it is not as strong as the Lord of Desolation, and there is no clone of Lord of Desolation.

His 300 clones hidden in the dark temporarily stood still.

With the number of eighteen clones, he forced the opponent to be unable to lift his head.

The movement of this scuffle was too great.

In the distance, there are strong men from other forces watching the battle.


The combined attack of Lu Ge's clones is terrifying enough.

After the fall of the three masters of the universe, other non-masters of the universe can only choose to escape.

Many powerhouses onlookers were At first they thought it was a one-sided massacre, but they guessed half right.

One-sided sling is guessed right.

It's just that the universe of the first reincarnation was beaten by the weakest universe of the third reincarnation.

After paying the price of the death of the three masters of the universe.

They finally escaped.

What a mess.

The "Qingfeng Organization" has also officially entered the sight of many forces.

Fight to fame.

Many camps in the original universe were also quite shocked.

In the Hongmeng camp.

Many strong men asked Lu Ge one after another.

"Master Peerless, has the Green Bee Organization also come to the Universe Sea?"

Lu Ge pretended to be confused, pretending to be confused: "They are here. I don't know how many people have come. It is estimated that there are several hundred, and it may be tens of thousands."

Many strong people of the human race breathed a sigh of relief.

The strong men of the first reincarnation of the universe are usually arrogant and domineering, but now they have kicked the iron plate.

There are only seven hundred masters of the universe in total.

Thousands or even tens of thousands came from the Qingfeng organization, so let's fight slowly.

The monster race, the machine race, the Zerg race, and the forces that were bullied by Lu Ge in the Northern Xinjiang Alliance gloated.

"Haha, there are many treasures in the sea of ​​the universe, and those hateful guys from the Green Bee Alliance are finally here."

"We can't be the only ones being bullied, the **** of the first reincarnation universe and the second reincarnation universe, let them try it too."

"But the first reincarnation universe and the most powerful people in the reincarnation universe are not easy to mess with."

"It's none of our business, just watch the show with peace of mind."