MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 38 038

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Ning Buyi has played some infrastructure games in the past, and the city's infrastructure construction is the most important thing. But the barren star is different from the situation in the game. She already has a well-equipped Aurora City, but she just needs a lot of dark pollution reserves to open it. There are only two things she has to do: make money and plant trees. She has a lot of choices about how to achieve her goal, just like at this moment she can decide to light up the perfume factory in the city instead of opening others.

After inspecting Jin Feifei and the others for a few days, Ning Buyi planned to go to the flower field to find out the news - this group of little butterflies didn't even want to live in the assigned house, wishing they could also take root in the fertile soil like a flower.

Hua Zhuoyu's hut is right next to the flower field, and she felt that facing the flower field was not enough, so she surrounded the front door with a fence and built a small yard with flower stands on both sides. One blow is like a green wave. Ning Buyi wanted to find Jin Feifei in the flower field, so he would pass by this hut and take a look inside.

Coincidentally, Hua Zhuoyu was standing by the window, looking at Ning Buyi for a moment, she said, "Are you here to look for me?" After staying in the training room all day, she thought that Ning Buyi Yi Yi had already fallen asleep exhausted, but she never thought that she still had the energy to wander around the flower fields. It seems that the special training of the door during this period is effective, and the physical fitness has increased a lot compared to the past.

"...Look for Jin Feifei." Ning Buyi pursed her lips, she just happened to glance into the room when she was passing by.

"That little butterfly?" Hua Zhuoyu was thoughtful, "I thought you liked fur."

Ning Buyi was speechless, why did she find someone for "cuteness"? "Jin Feifei is a perfumer." Ning Buyi explained. This is equivalent to a purple professional bursting out of a group of green npcs, how could she not seize this opportunity.

"Planning to enter the perfume industry?" Ning Buyi raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said again, "The conditions in the base are also considered to be unique. The fragrance extracted from pure plants may have the same effect as fruits and vegetables, expelling the dark in the body." pollute?"

Ning Buyi didn't expect this, she frowned and said, "I can't guarantee this."

"Fake fragrances can play this sign." Hua Zhuoyu smiled, and suddenly changed the topic, "Nowadays, several big companies occupying the interstellar perfume market are vying to use 'plants' as gimmicks, among them 'real wood'. The best. Firstly, the perfumer hired by 'Shenmu' is a bit capable, and secondly, Xiatu has full support. You know, in the interstellar industry, it is huge profits, and it can accumulate wealth for Xiatu."

Ning Buyi: "..." It's no wonder that Xia Tu always uses "real wood" products to deceive people, since he doesn't need to spend any of his money. "If Star Desolation has its own brand, will it be against the royal family?" Ning Buyi asked. She wants to make money, but she doesn't want to cause too much trouble at the moment.

Hua Zhuoyu smiled: "It's just Xia Tu. There are countless companies that have accumulated wealth under him, and he may not have time to take care of this matter. At most, Zhenmu will use power to threaten and suppress opponents. So For one thing, many high-end brick-and-mortar stores of literary stars will not dare to import goods.”

Ning Buyi asked: "What about Xingting?" Xingting's "Jiangshan" was created by themselves, otherwise relying on the imperial finances, sooner or later they would become a vassal of the government.

Hua Zhuoyu raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Xing Ting is not afraid of any power." After saying this, her figure disappeared from the window, but it didn't take long before Ning Buyi heard a creaking sound of pushing the door, Hua Zhuoyu's footsteps Hastily walked out of the house.

"What are you doing out here?" Ning Buyi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Hua Zhuoyu: "Go with you."

Ning Buyi shrugged her shoulders, although she felt that such a trivial matter did not need to trouble Hua Zhuoyu, she still did not refuse.

The soft light illuminates the flower field, and the hazy light spots float, as if sparks have fallen into the ridge of the field.

When Ning Buyi arrived at the edge of the lavender field, he found that besides Jin Feifei, there were two other people. They sat cross-legged on the open space, looking at the flower field eagerly, with a look of intoxication on their faces.

Feng Ermao was full of envy: "Fei Fei, I really envy you, you can sleep in the flower field."

Xiong Xun licked his lips and echoed: "Yes."

"Come on, what do you envy a little bird?" Jin Feifei gave Feng Ermao a rude look, then turned to Xiong Xun, "Don't think I don't know that you want to steal honey." Out of the "outsiders", only the later Jin Feifei obtained the authority among individuals, and can freely set foot in the land there.

Feng Ermao turned to Xiong Xun, and Jin Feifei shared the same hatred, hating iron but not steel: "Why do you just remember to eat?"

Xiong Xun: "..."

Jin Feifei didn't accept Feng Ermao's overtures, she snorted and said: "You are wasting my date with my dear Lavender, you better give a valid reason, or else—" The words didn't finish, But the threatening gesture was self-evident.

Xiong Xun immediately betrayed Feng Ermao: "Feng Er wants to come here."

Under Jin Feifei's stern and glamorous gaze, Feng Ermao smiled coyly, and dragged out his tone: "Where's my gaming helmet?"

Jin Feifei: "Sorry, I forgot." After a night of refreshing sleep on the flowers, who can remember the **** about the game. Her apology did not have the slightest sincerity, and the door between her eyebrows and eyes was the nobleness of "what can you do to me".

Feng Ermao's heart was broken like a knife. Facing Jin Feifei, she was cowardly, and as soon as she turned her head, she punched Xiong Xun hard.

Xiong Xun held his head and hurriedly changed the subject: "Fei Fei, do you still remember 'Zhenmu'?"

Jin Feifei immediately lowered her face and gritted her teeth: "That group of human trash!" She used to be a perfumer, and often reviewed perfumes on Xingwang. I bought a bottle of "True Fragrance" with my pocket money, but was disappointed. She truthfully pointed out the disadvantages of "True Fragrance" during the evaluation, and then encountered various pressures from "True Wood", and even lost the sale of the perfume she made with herself... After that, she It has become a "salted fish paralysis".

Xiong Xundao: "Before, I opened Xingwei account on Xingwang to announce the product release information of our base. A cub who claimed to be an employee of 'Shenmu' sent me a private message and wanted to look at the fresh lavender he bought." In the base Excellent-growing lavender, roses, etc. are made into scented tea gift boxes, which are highly sought after by interstellar residents. In a short period of time, the account operated by Xiong Xun has already surpassed 100 million fans, and the number of private letters to him is even more numerous. He doesn't remember much about the others, but this "true wood" is firmly engraved in his heart.

"They want flowers for fragrance!" Jin Feifei raised her voice, "You can't trade with them."

Xiong Xun spread his hands: "My lord has no plans to sell the flowers."

Grinding his back molars, Jin Feifei said, "It's better to do it yourself than to make it easier for others! Our purpose is to bring down 'Zhenmu'."

Feng Ermao was confused when he heard this, and shook his head, "It's you, not us."

Jin Feifei raised his hand and slapped her on the forehead, and said with a blank expression: "I don't want the game console anymore? You don't need me to take you flying?"

Feng Ermao immediately changed his words and said firmly: "Yes, it's us!"

Jin Feifei: "Feng Er, go and tell the lord."

"why me?"

"Because you are the most useless."

The individuals who were discussing in full swing did not notice that Ning Buyi and Hua Zhuoyu who were not far away were talking about their "ambition" of revenge and revenge.

Hua Zhuoyu turned to Ning Buyi: "Is it still there?"

Ning Buyi smiled: "Wait until they come to me with a proposal."

It's a good thing that Jin Feifei has this determination and ambition, and after having Bai Ze, his luck will be even better.

Ning Buyi didn't wait long, Xiong Xun ran over on the first day.

In the end, Feng Ermao pushed this errand and put it completely on Xiong Xun's body.

"The Xingwei account in our base has more than 100 million fans, and the fans are very active even when there are no products on the shelves. The Baize gift box is very popular, and Fengheng will design more kinds of beautiful gift boxes in the future.

"There are many inexplicable private messages and inquiries in the name of the government. I did not respond to what you said before.


At first, Xiong Xun was a little nervous, and folded his hands together to conceal the embarrassment deep in his heart. But after speaking, the tone of voice gradually became excited, his eyebrows were beaming, and he was very airy. He actually didn't expect to take over such a big task on the barren star. Compared with the pioneers who came and went in the wind and rain, he was much happier.

Ning Buyi patiently listened to Xiong Xunda's report, Beidou had already told her these things. The Internet addicted young bear is also capable, and he understands the marketing methods of the entire Star Network.

"We have a great idea to make money." Xiong Xun cleared his throat, and finally got to the point, "In the Tanlang galaxy, high-end products are the most profitable. There are plenty of plants in the base, which are most suitable for making perfume. Now the entire market is In the popular 'imitation natural wood fragrance', if we can produce the real fragrance of plants, we will definitely be able to occupy the market in the first place. Not to mention that human civilization will be tempted, I am afraid that Zerg will not refuse...

"According to the usual practice, Maki will release a new perfume in early October. If we can defeat Maki at that time, we will definitely be famous in the galaxy!"

Speaking of excitement, Xiong Xun's face was red and his eyes were bright.

Is this even the stepping stone found? But is it too difficult to face "Maki" from the beginning? Ning Buyi pondered for a moment: "It's less than a month, maybe it's too late?"

Xiong Xun patted his chest and promised: "Jin Feifei is willing to stay awake."

Ning Buyi sounded a little funny, and after thinking for a while, she replied: "Then let Jin Feifei choose an assistant, and then the spaceship will take you to Aurora City, where there are laboratories and fragrance-mixing equipment."

Xiong Xun was taken aback, and asked blankly: "Aurora City?"

Ning Buyi had no intention of explaining, nodded and said, "Yes, the first city in Desolate Star."

Xiong Xun: "..." He thought everything had to be started from scratch, but he didn't expect that there is a ready-made factory and equipment in Desolation Star! This is the barren star, aren't there sandstorms and ruins everywhere? The lord said it was the first city, so that means there will be a second, second city in the future? Thinking of this, Xiong Xun's eyes became more eager: "Master, can I call my brothers and sisters over?"

Ning Buyi pondered for a moment, and replied: "Look at the arrangement of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance, Crown Prince Fengjiu will return to Beast Star in a few days."

Without getting an accurate answer, Xiong Xun was not too disappointed. After returning, he sent a message to his relatives and friends, asking them to obey the orders of the Ten Thousand Beasts Alliance in everything. As for the news of relatives and friends asking about his current location and the abuse of "love" by several good brothers, Xiong Xun ignored it and pretended not to see it.

He is now a white-collar worker of the Bear Clan, how can he be as barbaric as his brothers.

Simulate the armor training room.

When the residents of Desolate Star are busy, Ning Buyi, the "hands-off shopkeeper", is also busy with his "becoming stronger" career. She controls the cumbersome mecha to run fast on the runway. On the one hand, she has to beware of obstacles that may appear anytime and anywhere, and on the other hand, she must beware of stray bullets in midair. At the beginning, it was the simulated trainers who held the guns and fired rapidly, but later Hua Zhuoyu took over personally.

Ning Buyi originally thought that from intelligence to artificial intelligence, he had entered the "rest and relaxation" stage, but he didn't think that it was a nightmare mode. Missiles are no longer like dense raindrops, and have directly changed from "wide range attack" to "precision strike". Her evasion success rate plummeted, and sometimes she knelt without finishing the run.

Hua Zhuoyu predicted her whereabouts, and there was no chance of avoiding it. If you can't resist with a shield, the mech's outer armor will be damaged faster. Ning Buyi tried to turn on the defense system while running, but still couldn't change the miserable ending. When she came out of the cockpit of the mecha, she was drenched in sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water.

Ning Buyi knelt on the ground, even if he lowered the pain, his muscles and bones still hurt badly, as if he had been beaten severely. She couldn't control her physical reaction at all, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

Hua Zhuoyu stretched out his hand to pull Ning Buyi into his arms, and wiped her tears with his hand, there was a little bit of unbearable in his eyes.

"Reduce the training intensity?"

"No!" Ning Buyi struggled out of Hua Zhuoyu's embrace, raised a pair of tearful eyes, and stubbornly refused.

She is like a crabapple flower wet by the rain.

Hua Zhuoyu reached out her hand to support Ning Buyi in time, and watched her fingertips on her wrist turned white, even trembling. He sighed helplessly: "Take a break, is it over?"

Ning Yi nodded, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"You're really ruthless." Ning Buyi was still sobbing, she also knew that Hua Zhuoyu saw her embarrassed posture, so she completely let go of her emotions.

Hua Zhuoyu felt the increased force on his wrist, and said softly: "Then I should be lighter next time?"

"No!" Ning Buyi suddenly raised his head, stared at Hua Zhuoyu and said fiercely, "You are simply not human."

Hua Zhuoyu didn't speak back, and put on a cute posture of being willing to beat and scold.

When the gloom was relieved, Ning Buyi was also a little embarrassed, let go of Hua Zhuoyu's hand in a hurry, wiped tears, and gritted his teeth: "Continue!" The skill of "Master" is really powerful when paired with Bai Ze, She cannot rely entirely on this means.

Hua Zhuoyu hid the pity in his eyes and did not continue to persuade.

Ning Buyi is different from the people in the Ning family who are waiting for the arrangement of the family and sacrificed for the family. She is not a sweet flower in the greenhouse, she has her own way to go. If the "disappeared life" can radiate outward from the barren star base, her name will be remembered in history, much greater than those selfish iron-blooded politicians.

She is also looking forward to Ning Buyi's growth.

In mid-September, Fengyi, Lingshu and Xiaofengjiu were preparing to return to Beast Planet.

Ning Buyi directed the little robot to move ten pots of catnip nearly one person tall to the spaceship, as a gift for Feng Yi to bring back to Beast Star. The catnip produced by Shanhai Tujian has a stronger effect and can be effective on all cats.

Feng Yi originally thought that "honey" and "dried flowers" were already valuable gifts, but Ning Buyi agreed to let her take back the real green plants. She threw the troublesome little fat chirp into Lingshu's arms, for fear that she would break out and damage the priceless plants. "Can you make a living?" Feng Yi was cautious, for fear that her words would disturb Maonip.

"Bringing the inoculant can support the door for a period of time, as for how long I can't guarantee." Ning Buyi shrugged, hesitated for a moment and said, "You can't destroy it by division." She can understand the interstellar life's desire for plants, but the mountains and the seas This point was noted in the illustrated book, and she had no choice but to say the ugly things first.

Feng Yi didn't have this plan, she still complied cautiously.

On the other side, Xiao Fengjiu, whose wings were grabbed by the spirit pivot, poked her head forward desperately, and her feathers exploded like a small thorn ball. Looking at Ning Buyi with tearful eyes, he kept "tweeting and tweeting", looking pitiful. The little guy didn't want to leave Desolate Star, but it was useless to roll around in front of Feng Yi, and Xiao Fengjiu was forced to give in. It's just that seeing Ning Buyi's expression of no nostalgia at this moment, she couldn't help but shed tears of sadness.

"Chirp, scumbag!"

Lingshu's eyelids twitched, and he pinched the bird's beak quickly.

Ning Buyi smiled when she heard the words, she went to Xiao Fengjiu and reached out to touch her soft, furry belly, and said softly: "Wait for you to come back."

Xiaofeng, whose mouth was pinched, was so pitiful.

"I'll take her away first." Lingshu was afraid that Xiaofengjiu would spit out shocking words, which would cause her to be reprimanded by Fengyi, so he immediately greeted Ning Buyi and took Xiaofengjiu away in cold blood .

Ning Buyi watched the spaceship leave the base, waited until she was out of sight before turning around, and found that Hua Zhuoyu was staring at him with folded arms. Ning Buyi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "What kind of eyes do you have, as if I am a heartless person."

Hua Zhuoyu said with a smile: "Xiao Fengjiu is gone and there is Little Butterfly, and when Little Butterfly is gone, there is still Bai Ze. I am thinking about who will take my place after I leave."

"The Lord Judge is the number one person in the universe, who can replace him?" Ning Buyi blinked and changed the subject calmly.

Hua Zhuoyu asked again: "Will you make time to see me off?"

Ning Buyi said without hesitation, "No."

"Why?" Hua Zhuoyu asked, before Ning Buyi could speak, he smiled again, "Is it because you don't like parting?"

Ning Buyi did not deny it.

Who would like parting?

After Xiaofeng Jiu left, the "Chirp Chirp Chirp" sound that impacted the auditory nerves disappeared in the living room, adding to the loneliness. But Ning Buyi didn't have much time to express her emotions. On the one hand, the high-intensity training diluted her emotions, and on the other hand, it was the surprise brought by Jin Feifei. In half a month, she formulated a perfume with the theme of "iris".

Irises are almost planted together with catnip. There are only two kinds of white and blue in the small half acre of land. However, these two colors are also extremely rich, ranging from snow white, Hanyu white to fish belly white, sky blue, Yunshan blue, sea waves, etc. Blue to almost black, captured Jin Feifei's heart immediately.

In front of Ning Buyi was a sample of the perfume and a fragrance identification paper. She was not only unprofessional in this regard, she was simply confused, and could only feel the "fragrance". As for the top notes, middle notes and base notes, she was even more Knowing nothing, he could only cast his eyes on Hua Zhuoyu.

"Exquisite and cold, different from rose and orange." Hua Zhuoyu paused, and then said, "'Iris' is the most commonly used theme of interstellar perfumers, and 'real wood' is based on 'iris'. "It's famous. But no matter which brand it is, they can't really extract the raw materials from the iris flower. They are all synthetic and inherently flawed. To put it bluntly, even if you take a flower and smash it It will also make the interstellar people deeply fascinated by comparing the juice left behind."

"I have compared 'Real Wood' with other brands of perfume, and the effect is similar, but the price is very different. 'Real Wood' stepped on the shoulders of other brands through marketing and some shady means." Jin Fei Fei opened his mouth, making no secret of his distaste for the brand "real wood".

Hua Zhuoyu looked at Jin Feifei with a smile: "Then beat them."

Jin Feifei muttered: "Isn't it your Daxia's property?" After knowing Hua Zhuoyu's identity, for a moment she suspected that the other party would stand on the side of the imperial government. After all, "real wood" is an industry supported by big shots.

Ning Buyi answered, "Everyone depends on their ability."

Although he has never met the hero of this article again, Ning Buyi's hostility towards him will not diminish, and he wished to change someone else to be the prince immediately, so as to save Xia Tu from continuing to use his presence.

Jin Feifei ignited her fighting spirit, she nodded vigorously: "I understand, I'll go back to Aurora Lab right away." She didn't wait for Ning Buyi to reply, as if a gust of wind had blown her away.

Ning Buyi said "don't be in such a hurry" stuck in his throat, and shook his head after a while, the smile between his brows and eyes remained undiminished.

Jin Feifei took out the samples, and Xiong Xun naturally followed suit. He has been paying attention to the development of "Zhenmu", seeing that they announced the exact time of release, he also sent a notice on Xingwei: On October 3, "Mu Shen" will be with you.

The accompanying picture is a perfume gift box.

Immediately after this message was posted, fans commented below.

A wise man does not enter the Yellow River: the big boss no longer sells vegetables?

Hit me up: This gift box is perfume, right? Or a new variety of vegetable that looks like a perfume?

A green cloud covers my head: Lettuce, lettuce, I can't live without you. Isn't it good to sell vegetables? How about some flower tea and flower cakes!

Exquisite salted fish: This time gate is very ingenious. It happened to be the time when the "Flower Fairy No. 8" of "Shen Mu" was released?

Ning Buyi knew what Xiong Xun was doing, and after a day's training, he sneaked onto Xingwang to have a "lively" time.

She turned to Hua Zhuoyu, and asked earnestly, "Is Mystery One the same as a vegetable seller?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "No, it's a philanthropist who sells vegetables."

Read The Duke's Passion