MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 15 Glutinous rice detoxification

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In the dark and dark water hole, two kayaks were stuck beside the stone wall.

On the kayak, a few soldiers fell there motionless, their bodies were blurred, and there were some black corpse turtles lying on their bodies.

The smallest of those corpse turtles are the size of fists, with sharp teeth, and they are still biting their skin.

It was even darker under the water, and many large corpse turtles were crawling onto the kayak.

Fortunately, the surface of the kayak is smooth, and there are not many corpse turtles that can climb up.

"Fuck it, then it's the corpse turtle that Ye Cheng said, it's like a big lobster, bigger than a big lobster."

"I'll go, you can't hurt the upstairs, how can I face the big lobster in the future."

"A lot of blood, it's over, it's over, something must have happened to these people."

"Ye Cheng really got it right, that thing must be a corpse turtle."

"Woooooo, I can't bear to watch it!"

"What about the biologist, come out and take two steps to explain what that thing is?"

"I admit that I was wrong. This, this thing, seems to be a variant of the dragon louse. It would be great if one could be brought out. This will be of great significance to the study of biological diversity!"

"If you know what you're wrong, you can correct it, and the good is great!"

The scene in the water hole made the scalp numb.

Team Zhang and the others were also taken aback.

But as warriors, they couldn't back down, especially when they saw the tragic appearance of their companions, their eyes were red.

"Kill these worms to death for Lao Tzu and rescue me!"

He waved his hand violently,

For a while, gunshots rang out.

Those corpse turtles were all blown open, and the water surface was like a pot. Many large corpse turtles were beaten and burst. The whole water surface was covered with corpse turtle stumps, and there was a layer of unpleasant green water. nausea.

While there was firepower to suppress, some other people rushed up to save everyone!

"Captain, there's a big one there!" a little soldier pointed to the water in front and shouted!

Team Zhang's eyes were also red, and there was a shuttle of bullets under the water!

A corpse turtle the size of a small calf was sifted into a sieve. Team Zhang waved to the side, and immediately a team member used a net to fish up the large corpse turtle.

Immediately afterwards, Team Zhang issued an order to retreat.

The group fled quickly, but the corpses did not chase.

They are frantically eating the corpses of their partners around them, as if enjoying a feast.

Professor Chen and others were waiting nervously on the shore. When the kayak came out, someone immediately went up to meet him.

Soon, several wounded soldiers were carried down.

At this moment, several of them were covered with scars, and the flesh and blood of the bites on their bodies were blurred. Where they had been bitten, the wounds turned black, which made people feel horrified.

But the only luck is that these people are not dead.

Professor Chen's face was ugly, "Hurry up, the medical staff, come and deal with it, hurry up and send it to the hospital!"

Paramedics rushed over to help the men clean their wounds and inject antibiotics.

But at this moment, Ye Cheng stood up anxiously.

"No, they can't be sent to the hospital. The nearest hospital is at least two or three hours away. They have been poisoned by corpse poison and can't last that long!"

When they heard Ye Cheng's words, everyone was shocked.

After all, from the beginning to the present, almost every sentence Ye Cheng said came true, and no one dared not take his words seriously.

Professor Chen hurriedly said, "Ye Cheng, do you still know medical skills?"

Ye Cheng shook his head, "I don't know medical skills, but those corpse turtles feed on corpses all the year round and accumulate a lot of corpse poison in their bodies. The wounds of these people are not fatal, but once the corpse poison enters the heart and lungs, the gods will also save them. No, the most important thing now is to quickly pull out the corpse poison!"

"Extracting the corpse poison?" Professor Chen frowned, "Ye Cheng, this is not a matter of laughing, life and death are at stake, no joke!"

Wang Bingbing also said, "Mr. Ye, is there really such a thing as corpse poison?"

Ye Cheng was very serious, "I've said everything I need to say, believe it or not."

Everyone hesitated.

After all, this is about the lives of a few people, and no one dares to make a decision lightly. This is a responsibility.

At this moment, Li Duoduo ran out.

"Mr. Ye, my name is Li Duoduo, it's yours, fans, you, you must know how to remove the corpse poison, right?"

Li Duoduo was talking to Ye Cheng for the first time, and his excited voice trembled.

Ye Cheng nodded, "In "Maoshan Tuzhi", there are clouds, grains, food, the sun rises and the sun sets, and the heaven and earth are boundless, and the positive sun is also! Therefore, using glutinous rice to remove corpse poison is the most effective and safe method. The easiest way."

"Glutinous rice, does it really work?" Professor Chen questioned slightly.

"Isn't that what the movie says?"

"Does it really work?"

Wang Yan leaned into Professor Chen's ear and said: "Teacher, life is at stake, we can't let him mess around, and now he is sent to the hospital, even if something happens on the road, we are not responsible, but if we delay here, if something happens, We will all be held accountable!"

Professor Chen is naturally aware of this.

But it is about human life, and he can't do nothing because he is afraid of taking responsibility.

However, in this wild country, where can I get glutinous rice?

At this moment, Li Duoduo said, "Professor Chen, I have glutinous rice in my car. While taking it to the hospital, I use glutinous rice to detoxify, so you don't have to worry!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Li Duoduo in surprise.

After all, glutinous rice is actually not common, and few people have it at home, let alone in the car.

"Duoduo, why are you carrying sticky rice in your car?" Someone asked!

Li Duoduo hesitated!

"That, UU reading I, I, I like to eat, so I always bring it with me!"

Professor Chen nodded, "That's it, that's fine, arrange someone to take them to the hospital immediately, and try to detoxify them with glutinous rice on the way!"

"Okay" Team Zhang nodded and immediately arranged for someone to go.

Li Duoduo also ran into his car and took out a small bag of glutinous rice.

Looking at those glutinous rice, everyone's eyes became even more strange.

"What a treasure girl, a girl who studies archaeology, really unusual."

"If glutinous rice can really remove the poison, then this girl has saved several lives."

"Does anyone really like glutinous rice to such an extent? It doesn't feel that simple."

Even Ye Cheng was surprised.

His original intention was to let people rush to the surrounding villages to get some glutinous rice, but he didn't expect that this girl would carry so much glutinous rice with her.

For a time, I couldn't help but be more curious about Li Duoduo.

"Li Duoduo, it's interesting!"

Because of such a big accident, coupled with the situation in the water hole.

The archaeological team had to temporarily stop.

in the car.

Paramedics cut the casualty's clothes.

"I said, can this glutinous rice detoxify, can it work? I've never heard of it."

"Haha, I've watched too much TV, it's weird that it works."

"Okay, anyway, it's what the above told us to do, we just do it, if something happens, we can't find us!"

Naturally, several medical staff did not believe in the claim that glutinous rice was detoxified.

However, according to Ye Cheng's request, glutinous rice was applied to the wounds of these people.