MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 167

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It is obviously more calm when going down the mountain than going all the way up the mountain. The two did not choose the same way to return, but spent some effort to go to the other side of the mountain, step down from the cement pavement built in the scenic spot, and visit the scenery by the way. It's just a change of road. It's like returning to the world from the wilderness. Although it's afternoon time, there are more tourists on mountain climbing than in the morning, but this congestion and complexity bring a pure joy, like those of pedestrians. Smiles also infected them, making both of them a little more relaxed and comfortable.

As a place to accompany, Xiao Junyi's ability to guide is not covered, not to mention special snacks and hidden viewing routes. Even the introduction of popular attractions is also open. Whether it is the Xiangshan Zhao Temple or the Mid-level Pavilion, it is even famous. Villa Shuangqing appeared vividly in the mouth of his big courtyard brother. After all, it is the former residence of the chairman, and the anecdotes that are known after the general's gatekeeper are naturally richer, which sounds more interesting than the tour guide.

For example, the unique talent of Kan Dashan was launched, and Xiao Qunyi ’s mouth opened with a brilliant tongue. This person's looks are already outstanding, and sometimes under the blessing of Adidas, a well-known international "luxury jewelry" brand, let alone Chen Yuanming, even the tourists around him couldn't help but look at it twice. As a result, the accompany almost became a guided tour guide. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by people. I came to listen to the story. There are even some enthusiastic big sisters and shy girls who will eagerly gather around the two and want them to help take pictures.

This kind of mass tactics is much more lively than traveling alone. Although the happy atmosphere dilutes the intimacy between the two, it also virtually relieves the tension caused by the emotional fluctuation just now. To this end, Xiao Junyi worked hard. He didn't know what had changed Chen Yuanming's color just now, but one thing was obvious. He inadvertently caught some emotion of the man hiding under the hard shell.

Even if a couple relationship is formally established, Xiao Junyi knows that he and Chen Yuanming are still in the running-in phase. This running-in is not a matter of rolling sheets and intimate dating, but more of a blend of life and emotion. In this regard, Chen Yuanming is not a person who can easily open up to others, so even if the physical synchronization rate is high and the other party ’s feedback is sincere, Xiao Junyi cannot help but want to touch him and show him his passion. all of.

And this kind of active attack brings a surprising response. Watching him laugh in astonishment, watching him fascinated, watching him gazing at his gaze and a slightly ridiculous smile always makes people feel involuntarily happy. Even today's accident, in addition to surprise and heartache, is also a joy. It turned out that under Chen Yuanming's indestructible mask, he also had pain and fear, and also had a heartbreaking weakness. That person looks smooth, but in fact the lone wolf's temperament. If he doesn't really trust himself, how can he open his heart and let himself see the scars hidden in it?

This subtle change, Xiao Junyi's keenness will not be missed. So while lamenting, he also found that the relationship between the two seemed to be one step closer, and Chen Yuanming's eyes also had something calm and firm. That's all, you won't miss this carefully prepared autumn trip.

With such anxiety, the two's footsteps became even slower. It took only half an hour to go up the mountain, but it was already sloping towards the west. For half a day, I continued to climb the mountain non-stop, even if the amount of exercise was not great, and some legs were sore. Until I got on the black Hummer again, Xiao Junyi shook his leg helplessly. Legs and stomachs are pumping ... "

As he sat with his eyes squinted, Chen Yuanming, this man was quite spared, and could not see any tiredness, and could not help making people jealous. "I said Chen Dong looks full of energy, just your body, special Got a gym workout? "

The mood has been calmed down, and Xiao Anyi deliberately appeased that anxiety in the afternoon. The smile on the corner of Chen Yuanming's mouth is the same as in the past. Xiao Shao, you are out of exercise. "

"You only have ghosts if you believe. You guy just likes muscle lines, right? You can practice mermaid lines and say that I am a believer in sao packs." Xiao Junyi sneered and drove the car steadily on the road. Would you like me to practice some pectoral muscles and abs? "

Chen Yuanming deliberately groaned for a moment, "This is good now, it is better to practice the lower limbs, and the narrow waist and hips look more eye-catching."

"You have a good abacus." Xiao Junyi smiled and stretched out his hands, messing the other person's hair.

However, the joke between the two did not last long. A sudden phone call disrupted the schedule. This time it was not Chen Yuanming's side, but Xiao Junyi who had thrown the work for two days.

"Fuck, what are you afraid of?" Hanging up the phone, Xiao Junyi replied depressedly. "There is something urgently needed in Tianjin. I'm afraid it's going to be out for a few days. I'll take you home first."

"I'll be there overnight?" Chen Yuanming frowned. "Is the problem serious?"

"Fortunately, there are some disputes, the following is uncertain." Speaking of work, Xiao Junyi's face was relaxed and his expression came out a little calmly.

Small disputes must be played by the president in person? Chen Yuanming frowned. "Does your factory still lack middle and senior management personnel?"

"Is it seen by you?" Xiao Junyi sighed. "Talent is hard to find, especially the current managers of the Internet. Even if the talents are dug in Beijing and Shenzhen, they are all technical R & D personnel. In the end, it was piled up on my side, and I couldn't help but take a breather. Speaking of which I was envious of Feiyan and Jinshi, the professional managers, especially Feiyan ’s general manager Yu, could be called business wizards. ! "

"The working emperor is not so easy to find. It still depends on the efforts of the early days of the venture. Just like Feiyan, in fact, it is not the simple commission that keeps Yu. The like-minded and the company's development potential are the key. The shareholding system is also a good way to retain talents. Maybe you can think about it at this level. Of course, a wider range of excavations and searches are also necessary. "Chen Yuanming pondered for a moment," If I do n’t look back, I use the relationship of gold and stone. Net help you pay attention? "

"That would be good." Xiao Junyi laughed. "I still understand what you said. When I was a kid, I didn't listen to my dad what he said. I will know how to make good use of people ... But when I really went to the battlefield, I knew that in the past, I used to talk on paper. .Slowly, always pass this level. "

Although it was a complaint, Xiao Junyi's tone was not obscene, but rather a confident challenge. Chen Yuanming laughed, yeah, this is Master Xiao Xiao he knows.

At this time there are not many cars on the road, there is no concept of traffic jams at peak hours, and the Hummer soon drove to the Asian Games Village. Stopping at the door, Xiao Junyi leaned on the steering wheel with regret. "I would like to arrange for you to meet my group of fox friends and dog friends at night. It seems that it can only be next time ..."

Fox friend dog friend? Chen Yuanming raised an eyebrow and immediately heard the other party's words. Although the relationship between the two of them could not reach the Ming Dao, Xiao Junyi still wanted to meet with his buddies, which is a good relationship. It's all men, how can they not understand the meaning.

At this time, there was no one outside the car. Chen Yuanming propped up on the leather chair with one hand and leaned over to give the other a kiss, not deep, but was taken over by Xiao Junyi and gradually became a sticky French kiss.

This is one of the most upscale residential areas in Beijing. Their car is the most eye-catching off-road Hummer. Even if it is blocked by reflective glass, this kiss brings out some dangerous smells. However, they didn't put much emphasis on their hearts. When the kiss was over, their breaths were a little scattered.

"It is estimated that these two days will be spent in Tianjin, and you are about to go to the United States, right?" After separating the glued lips, Xiao Junyi pinched the other person's neck with the tip of his nose, some reluctantly.

"It's probably the front and rear feet." Naturally, the posture in the car will not be comfortable, but Chen Yuanming still hugged the other side and patted his shoulder with his hand. "Anyway, I won't stay in the United States for too long, and come to Japan long."

Xiao Junyi chuckled, and his warm nose squirted on the back of his neck. "This should be called Xiaobeisheng's wedding."

"The number of times we're newly married, I'm afraid it will be countless." Chen Yuanming also laughed, and the laughter was mixed with the intertwining atmosphere, just as the carriage became their secret holy place. However, no matter how far off, Xiao Junyi drove to Tianjin that night. Two days later, Chen Yuanming also set off on his journey to the United States.

Sweetness is like frosting on the tip of the tongue, and it melts away before being refined, but Chen Yuanming's heart ignites a certain persistence. The fear in his heart had not faded, even a little more anxiety and anxiety, but then what? It's like being in a rushing river, stagnating, or even fearing to retreat. I'm afraid it will only be wrapped up by the waves. Only by advancing in the determined direction can we give birth to vitality.

He has already experienced the torture of life and death that ordinary people cannot imagine. Now that there are so many people and things that cannot be let go, naturally he refuses to give up any opportunity.

With a transcendent calmness, Chen Yuanming turned over the information in his hand, and marked a line on the prominent position on the first page: In mid-November, he founded Yahoo for more than a year and was finally ready to go public.

And this time to market, a full six months earlier than expected.

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: the update is getting late, it is too busy recently

Take the time to work back to adjust the jet lag, I hope not to work overtime tomorrow qaq

I took a look and found that I was squeezed out of the first half of the homepage again.

I don't know when I can hang on it again t__t continue to crawl slowly ...

As usual, feed your friends, thank you all> 3 <

Miss Ben threw a grenade

Chaohua Liyan threw a mine

Yun Zheng threw a rocket launcher

Forgotten and lonely threw a mine

Slowly the pig threw a mine

Yun Zheng threw a rocket launcher

Nai looks delicious and threw a mine

Northwest wheat pocket threw a mine

_Still_ Thrown a mine

The son of the fox mink threw a mine

Can Yu threw a mine

Slowly the pig threw a grenade

Water tofu threw a mine

lc threw a mine

A Jiu threw a mine

Yun Zheng threw a rocket launcher

Chaohua Liyan threw a mine

Youxi threw a mine

Peach blossom for wine and threw a mine

Forgotten and lonely threw a mine