MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 176

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In addition to New Year's Day, Chen Yuanming only stayed in Beijing for a few days. The preparations for the listing of Feiyan and the Eagle's Nest game base could not wait for him.

Therefore, when the first snow of the new year had completely melted away, Chen Yuanming got on the plane bound for Hefei. Xiao Junyi is also full of complaints about his "flying man's life", but nowadays, the expressway network is blank, and trains do not have k-headed express trains. In addition to a few flights a day, they also What are the time-saving ways to travel? Thanks to Hefei, which is one of the few cities in the country with an airport today, otherwise it will take a long time to travel more than 2,000 kilometers.

It was just that he was in a hurry, when the plane landed at Luogang Airport, before leaving the airport gate, a bunch of people crowded up, led by Meng Lisheng, one of Feiyan's three drivers.

"Yuanming, you can be counted back!" Before the sound came, Meng Lisheng walked towards him with an excited look, grabbing Chen Yuanming's shoulder.

Chen Yuanming raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Lao Meng, why did you come to pick up in person?"

"Isn't it too late!" Meng Lisheng chuckled. "A bunch of people are looking forward to the listing charter, but I'll just wait for your big boss."

This statement is true. Since Feiyan's listing plan was put on the desk, all kinds of news have been raging. In addition to the most senior executives, the research division of Meng Lisheng's research laboratory holds scattered stocks. Most people. No matter when and where a company goes public, it is an exciting and good thing, let alone listed on an international main board such as the NYSE. If it hadn't been for the game console development to enter a critical finishing stage, he wouldn't be able to guarantee that those experts would be able to work with peace of mind.

After hearing the words, Chen Yuanming shook his head and laughed, "Is Professor Yan back? I thought he was going to spend more time in the United States."

"The listing plan at zero hour is not that complicated. Lao Yan came back just after New Year's Day. The board of directors has discussed the listing issue for several days." Said Meng Lisheng glanced at the rare and relaxed expression on Chen Yuanming's face, "You It ’s better, I have to run around Beijing and return to this proud look. What ’s the best thing to do? ”

"Even if it is plowing the ground, you need to breathe for the cows. There are other gains. I will tell you in detail when I get to the headquarters." Chen Yuanming smiled and opened the topic. No matter how proud he was, he couldn't bring Xiao Junyi in front of people, so he could only taste it by himself.

Sitting in Chen Yuanming's Grand Cherokee, the two drove to the industrial park where Feiyan's headquarters was located. It only takes half an hour to drive from the airport to the industrial park. Last year, the city government also vigorously repaired the road and built a two-way four-lane expressway with the highest national standard, paving the transportation trunk for Feiyan. No, it ’s almost approaching the end of the year, and the cars on the road are still flowing. This is the direction of the airport and national highway. It is said that the lines to the train station are more busy, and the traffic is only trucks. The city made a small fortune.

Seeing Chen Yuanming's gaze out the window, Meng Lisheng smiled, "This road was opened to traffic at the end of last year, haven't you seen it? The cooperation of the current government team is very high, which saves us major events."

Chen Yuanming looked back. "How many factories are there in the country with annual sales of over 10 billion yuan? They should also be coordinated."

Meng Lisheng was immediately happy, "You are getting louder and louder, but I love to hear this!"

When working in the institute at that time, Meng Lisheng was really not tormented by those bureaucrats, and now he finally got out of his head. Yes, the "black cat and white cat" theory has been popular all over the country. Feiyan, a big taxpayer, is simply a treasure of the city government. Not to mention the huge amount of taxes each year, their impact on the local economy alone makes people unable to neglect. Now it is not even necessary to take care of and cooperate with the government's attitude like half a year ago, but to require the government to fully cooperate with their operation.

Looking at the view from the window, Meng Lisheng couldn't help but feel a little at ease, whispered to himself, "I don't know what kind of development opportunities Feiyan will have after this listing. Yu Yongan's kid looks like he will enter the CPPCC this year. And ... "

"Of course it will be better." Chen Yuanming smiled suddenly and gave a firm answer.

When I came to the conference room, the table was filled with people who were already so familiar that they could no longer be familiar with each other. After nodded to everyone, Chen Yuanming was firmly seated in the main position, and Li Fangyu beside him handed over a document respectfully. He quietly retreated behind him.

After looking at the document at a glance and ten lines, Chen Yuanming smiled on the lips, "It seems that everyone has no objection to the idea of ​​a and b shares."

"It's just that you can't buy or sell for 5 years. I think I can still do it for another 20 years." Meng Lisheng answered the most cheerfully.

Chen Yuanming laughed, "The holding time is second, the most important point is the conversion between a and b shares. The original shares, that is, a shares can only be converted to b shares to be listed for trading, and the listed b shares will always be It cannot be changed into a share, which is the core of the two stock systems. I hope that each of your stocks will play a greater role, rather than replacing them with immediate benefits. "

As far as Chen Yuanming's eyes are concerned, no one has refuted or questioned. Even though the stock is still a stranger to most of them, Longfeng and Phoenix also know the development potential of Feiyan. Maybe in less than ten years, this company will skyrocket and become Sony, Philips That kind of multinational giant, they are fortunate enough to stand in this position, how can they give up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the sake of small profits.

Yan Qiaosen took the floor. "In addition to the shareholding, this financing amount is also the key to our discussion. At present, the valuation given by Goldman Sachs is $ 1.5 billion in market capitalization and 300 million in financing."

"How about our own evaluation?" Chen Yuanming asked back.

"Higher than this." Yan Qiaosen smiled proudly. "At present, Feiyan has 3 branches, 15 production lines, 7 supporting subsidiaries, as well as two R & D departments and a technical school. Last year's net profit was US $ 340 million, mainly because the DVD market has not been fully opened, and research and development costs It has not been recovered, and profits are expected to increase significantly after expanding production scale. "

Although most of you are aware of this data, there are still many people who have straightened their waists, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

Yu Yongan also added with a smile, "At present, our dvd movements have begun to have foreign buyers. It is only some small manufacturers in Australia and may spread to more places in the future. After all, we are the owners of patent rights. It is better for them to pay our patents than to purchase our movement directly. As for the vcd movement, although the Feiyan machine has withdrawn from the Southeast Asian market, the sales volume of the movement has increased by 79% compared to the first half of last year, completely making up for the Southeast Asian market The vacancies of Sony are now untenable. Without accidents, this year's sales will only reach a new high. Maybe in the near future, the movement market will have more potential than the complete machine market. "

This is the real core model. Chen Yuanming nodded clearly, "Good results. So even if we don't count the zero-time and Eagle Nest shares held by Feiyan, our market value is not only 1.5 billion US dollars?"

"That's right." Yan Qiaosen replied simply, "If it goes public one year later, it is conservatively estimated that there will be 2.5 billion, and now it is between 1.8 billion and 2 billion."

"Since we have this confidence, let ’s continue to talk to Goldman Sachs. Their mentality to enter the Chinese market is also very urgent. They even treat us as a golden horse. Don't just give up because of his strength."

After pondering for a while, Chen Yuanming continued, "This time we have to raise at least US $ 300 million, and now Silicon Valley is at a critical moment in the tide. With cash flow, we can more quickly annex those companies and technologies we need. This is a period of 3 -A five-year strategic plan. By 2000, I hope that Feiyan will have at least three pillar products, and vcd and dvd will further shrink the front. The future chip industry is the key. "

Looking around the audience, Chen Yuanming's tone seemed extremely serious. "In the commercial market, there is no eternal rally. Although we have caught up with this rising market, we can never relax our peace of mind. Only by strengthening research and development and forging ahead, Only at the top of the tide can we gain greater benefits. Our R & D has been at the forefront of the world, and now the most important thing is not to fall behind. It is not time to stop and pant when the enemy is around. "

Yan Qiaosen thought about it, and then asked another topic, "What about technical barriers? We set up the zero-time to pry open the yoke. Now Feiyan is preparing to go public and plans to acquire U.S. companies on a large scale. Will it touch? Some people ’s nerves? And what about the current situation in the Taiwan Strait ... "

After hearing the words, Chen Yuanming turned to Meng Lisheng and asked, "Meng Dong, have you been asked about technical issues by your superiors recently?"

Meng Lisheng shook his head. "The electronics industry is not the most advanced, and the country has no meaning in this regard."

"Professor Nayan, is there any movement in the United States?"

"Not yet." Yan Qiaosen answered truthfully, "We are only involved in entertainment equipment, and it has nothing to do with the military weapon."

"That shows that we have not gone the wrong way." Chen Yuanming gave a conclusion. "You don't have to worry too much about the political factors in the Taiwan Strait. Neither country should allow this situation to stand still. The impact of Wall Street on the White House. They are reluctant to give up this piece of Chinese fatty meat. Just like this listing, expanding our relationship with Wall Street is also one of the important purposes. With this layer of umbrella, our development will be safe within a few years. As for In the future ... "

Chen Yuanming laughed.

"The huge profits from the stock market will one day decline and evaporate, but as long as the company can grow, we will have the opportunity to come back. Now it is only time to exchange money, and by that day, money should be exchanged for more The right to control. Only then will we have the capital to sit on the ground when we really touch on a sensitive link in both countries. "

Except for Chen Yuanming's voice, the room was unusually quiet, only the rustle of the pen rubbing the paper. The topic continued, but Yu Yong'an lowered her head and looked at the notepad in front of herself. As one of the people who understands the stock market best in this room, what he just heard is not just literal. Trade money for control? In this way, maybe the big rise is not the key, and when the market starts to fall, is Feiyan starting to get out of the second-class situation and head to the first-class start?

The cash flow is still the most important ... My heart silently achieved success, Yu Yongan marked a note on the book, ready to go back and talk with Chen Yuanming in detail. Aside from these off-topic thoughts, he looked up and continued to listen intently to the speech. I don't know when the fluorescent light will turn on, but no one has the intention to leave the venue in advance. Instead, more and more people have joined the speech and discussion to make the most thorough preparations for the upcoming reform.

(End of this chapter)

The author has something to say: It was said that I tried the anti-piracy chapter yesterday and found that websites that can only block some machine pirated texts, and those who steal the second may be like any pirates for the benefit rather than the love. I guess any of my moves are small and futile ...

But after all, it was a little less. I also saw a few subscriptions to make up v. I was very happy, at least not all in vain.

Also, I received a lot of overlord votes yesterday. Two students, Hei Ji and Fan Wu Niang, also fed shallow water torpedoes, and many and many replies encouraged ...

Apart from continuing my efforts, I really didn't think I was reported to qaq

Thank you, Wo will continue to work hard!

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