MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1928 Mo Yumen

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The enmity of Meishan is unsolvable!

There is only one way to solve it. One side can only slaughter the other side. Only dead people will not get revenge!

That year, he took a lot of effort to get rid of the seven strange monsters of Meishan!

However, even if his subordinates suffered heavy losses, it was well worth it, and the gain was far greater than the pay!

Meishan great fusion!

These peerless exercises were captured by Meishan Qiguai!

At that time, the Zerg executives regarded them as treasures, and the entire Zerg was carnival. The method of "Meishan Great Fusion" was exactly like tailored for their Zerg!

There is no one more suitable for cultivation than the Zerg!

With the power of these exercises, the Zerg has turned the war in one fell swoop, accelerating the process of earth's demise, and at the same time, has established the reputation of the Zerg strong!


Mo Yumen and others on the one side were shocked when they heard the words of Yanyou.

These five people turned out to be strong men who survived the ancient earth. No wonder they dare to face the camp of the Zerg strong men.

Earth warrior, domineering!

Looking at their backs, the eyes of Chen Hongxia and others were full of deep respect.

"Hmm ..."

"You are so weird, you mean a shameless villain, you really let you down!"

"Not only have we not died, the earth has recovered, then the next day is for you, the invaders, to die!"

Meishan Wuguai's face was full of madness.

They hate, can't wait to sleep on this weirdo, twitch their skin and cramps, drink blood and eat meat!

In the First World War, if it wasn't for the dreadful old man to control the maggots and control his Meishan elite rebellion, how could they have such a miserable end, and how could the earth be destroyed so quickly?

To worship the millions of souls in Meishan, it was necessary for everyone to be united. Meishan beings that can be controlled by tapeworms have already returned to the Zerg, and it is impossible to be united.

As a result, it is conceivable that it was a shortfall of success!

Meishan million lives were killed, no bones left. That was the second. Seven of their brothers suffered severe backlashes. It was worse than life and death.

However, the method of "Meishan Grand Fusion" was stolen by the Zerg, and they absolutely could not bear it!

This has kept them in deep self-blame, and they have harmed the earth!

The culprit causing this kind of misery is the cowardly old man, who can't get rid of the relationship!

They looked into the eyes and eyes of the weird and weird, and they splattered!

Tu Zhi, still incomprehensible, big hate!

"Huh, the men who defeated him at that time also dared to speak wildly. The earth can be destroyed once and there will be a second!"

Suddenly, the old man looked pale, the corner of his mouth evoked a bloodthirsty arc, and reprimanded coldly.

"Today, the old man will kill some of you first and clean it up!"

Immediately, he waved his hand.

Many of the men behind him took a step forward!

"We are the Lord of the Universe! Fifty Star Warriors! What fight do you have? The idiot is dreaming!"

"Meishan Wuguai, here, will be your bones!"

The wicked and weird laughter is very evil.

He's determined to each other!

With such a lineup, victory and defeat stand out without any doubt.

However, the Meishan Five Monsters, not only did not have the slightest fear on their faces, they were rather wary!

Not only that.


Behind them, Moyumen's twenty star-strength strongmen, at the same time, took a step forward, and looked decisively.

They knew that their ability to wait for others was completely different from that of the Zerg.

But what about it?

The earth strong, for their part, dare to fight hard, why are they afraid?

At the moment, Mo Yumen's strong man passed back to Chen Hongxia.

"The war is about to start. Hurry up. Be sure to find Ning Tianlin. Don't let our blood flow!"


"Isn't the power of the ancient earth able to deal with the Zerg?"

Because of the fighting power, Chen Hongxia couldn't see through it at all. How did the five seniors cultivate, but she had great confidence in the word "Earth"!

The earth can win, it will win!

However, the secret voice from the second time made her eyebrows upright.

"The five predecessors who descended on the earth have a fighting power that is slightly higher than the peak of Jiuduan. If there is no killing trick, it will be a lifetime!"

Mo Yumen's twenty strong men, each with a dignified expression, vowed to death.

"Today, we will use our lives to help the strong men of the earth to kill the enemy and defend the dignity of Mo Yumen to the end!"

Although it is a secret transmission, the words are tragic and tragic!

Chen Hongxia suddenly hesitated, and immediately her eyes became red.

No, she can't just leave!

However, just after the words of Mo Yumen's powerhouse just dropped, something unexpected happened.


Twenty Moyumen powerhouses raised their hands and chose to take the lead!

They want to create fighters for the Earth's predecessors, and use blood to destroy the Zerg people as much as possible.

Only in this way, there is the possibility of counterattack!



After screaming loudly, twenty Star Warrior warriors were scattered, and in various directions, they rushed into the camp of 50 Star Warrior warriors.


Behind the change, Meishan Wuguai wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Each of these twenty star-warrior warriors is like a hungry wolf. The portal is wide open, and the three or four warrior warriors are clutching tightly.

Even if they were blasted to the ground, they did not give up, holding each other's legs tightly.



One person was the first to go retrograde and the speed was crazy.


The explosion sounded!

Star Warrior, detonate instantly!

The crazy start!

When everyone hasn't responded yet.

One by one crazy, suddenly staged.


A Moyumen strongman, and four Zerg strongmen, all died instantly.

When they hadn't responded yet, the blasted bones had disappeared and turned into a pool of blood and blood stained with minced meat, unable to distinguish each other.


The terrible explosion blasted the entire ground into a big pit!

This is just the beginning between the flare of calcium carbide.

Immediately, in the horrifying gaze of the dreadful old man.

The sound of booming, one after another!

A famous Moyumen gatekeeper, like a desperate one, has a crazy retrograde spirit in his body.

They don't ask for a fight, they just want to die together!

Life for four lives, blood is not lost!

Life for three lives, yes, it's worth it!

Mo Yumen's strong, like a deadly bomb.

Exploding! Exploding! ...

He growled, ringing through the clouds.

"Dead! Dead! Dead!"


A famous Zerg strong, broken bones!


Life for two lives, no loss!

At this moment, the scene in front of them made everyone's scalp burst.

Blood and explosions rang out.

In the blink of an eye, forty Star Warrior warriors had all broken into dregs before they had time!

More than that!

At the time of the seventeen Moyumen strong and Zerg strong, all died.

Three Mo Yumen strongmen, slay Xiang Youyou old monster!

They almost surrounded each other with their own bodies.

Essence reversal crazy one by one!

A terrifying explosion sounded.

This scene was extremely tragic.

Whether it was the Meishan Wuguai and others, or the dreadful old man, all his scalp was numb.


The twenty people in Mo Yumen are all crazy!

They are killing themselves with powerful enemies.

For a moment.

Throughout the jungle, flesh and blood splashed.


This sound is shocking!

As if the roar of death.

Twenty brave warriors, moths flutter fire, change their lives!


The dreadful old man and the zerg are terrified.

They watched the fierce battlefield, their eyelids kept jumping.

Even the most powerful dreadful old man here still has dense cold sweat, emerging from the forehead.

He refused to think that Mo Yumen and others were so crazy.

In his camp, there are only fifty star warrior warriors, and only ten of them are full of limbs and scars.

Even himself, at this moment, was on the skin, the blood of the infiltrator was blood, and the blood in his body was twitching.

The three of them blew themselves up together, powerfully!

"How come, how can it be so crazy!"

Astonishing old man, as if stepping on his tail, terrified, he flashed to the back and looked at the scene in front of him, his face was incredible.

These people are all geniuses and absolute backbones in his family. Now, they are gone!

At this moment, the secluded and remote jungle fell into silence again!

The thick **** gas pierced into the nasal cavity and looked around, leaving the remains of a corpse.

Zerg camp.

A lord of the universe was slightly injured.

Ten Star Warriors are unable to show their combat effectiveness.

As for those stars Wushu, they have been stagnant for a long time, almost scared.

Compared with the aggressiveness just now, it is completely different!

The Meishan Wuguai and Mo Yumen camp.

Twenty Star Warriors were killed.

Meishan Wuguai is safe and sound!


Everyone present has never seen such a terrible scene. The lunatic is completely a lunatic!

"So, you're dead!"

The sorrowful old man trembled fiercely and completely shivered.

His head was blank, unwilling to believe.

His power can be described as the superpower of the universe.

And now ...

"Mo Yumen!"

Mi You is staring at Chen Hongxia and others with an unbelievable face.

He couldn't believe it, the Moyumen who had been slaughtered by them the other day would be so desperately crazy after the emergence of the Earth Power!

This is simply incredible!

Earth? How could there be such a powerful magic!

"Haha, you are so weird, you are scared!"

Meishan Wuguai laughed in unison!

They were infected by the madness of Mo Yumen, angry at the behavior of the cowardly old man, like blood-thirsty beasts, with eyes full of irony.

"Afraid? That's impossible!"

If you are crazy, you are disdainful in your eyes.

"What if there is only one husband left? All of you have to die!"

Although the Zerg camp has suffered heavy losses, there is only one person who is cowardly and weird. Here, he alone is the master of the universe!

Under the Lord of the universe are ants!

With this capital, he can still crush Meishan Wuguai and others.

Da da da!

At the moment, the lingering old monsters led his survivors and walked towards the Meishan Five Monsters, Mo Yumen and others.

The murderous Zerg warriors surrounded Chen Hongxia and others in an instant.

Sorrowful, weird, one person, facing Meishan Five Monsters!

"not good!"

In the eyes of Chen Hongxia and others, there was a resolute death.

At this moment, they hate themselves extremely, hate their weakness, and hate their incompetence.

Strong, only strong can not become a burden.

A powerful seed was born in the hearts of Chen Hongxia, Cangming, and the children.


Just then.

A blood splattered!

Ghostly and weird, punched Yang Yang, one of the five monsters, punching a striking wound.


The remaining four monsters bullied themselves and pressed harder.

Their steel-like fists waved wildly against the enemy in front of them.

Puff puff!

Words of blood appeared on their bodies.

Densely packed, terrible!

In the blink of an eye, the five had already become blood men.

However, the war will remain high!

With the full strength of the five people, a single blow was made, and a few steps were taken!


The robes on the five men of Meishan shattered instantly.

Five people, the outrage of anger broke out, not a lifetime.

Immediately after that, the muscles of the five people swelled rapidly, and even the skin was forcibly cracked, as if a horrible beast was about to explode.

Wow ...

Five people, turned into original, five beasts!


The green-eyed and white snake Chang Hao twisted the boneless snake body, spit out the scarlet snake snake, and shot the green pupil with an inverted triangle.


The red-eyed wild boar Zhu Zizhen, his hoofs are constantly swaying, swaying the dust of the sky, and a pair of fangs rising upwards, like two unparalleled sharp weapons, killing.


The white-eyed buffalo Jin Dasheng, a oxtail shaped like a steel whip, grinned behind him, like a giant pupil like a lantern, staring angrily.


The yellow-eyed and yellow-eyed dogs are dressed in rituals, have large blood mouths, and their sharp teeth are gleaming, which is very appalling.


The black-eyed goat Yang Xian, with white hair, moves with the wind, and some white people are sultry.

Five ancient beasts, powerful and terrifying!

The monster-like state is the best fighting state of the five of them. There is no restraint, only violent and fierce!


Seeing this scene, the sorrowful old man suddenly felt that every hair was covered upright.

The cold eyes of these five beasts made him feel numb!

how can that be?

Master of the Universe!

After the horror, the dreadful old man was full of shock. The five people after the beast turned out to be the masters of the universe!

Although the breath is very unstable, but for a period of breath, it must not be fake!

"But that's not enough!"

There was a smirk on the wretched old man's face, and there was bloodthirsty madness in his eyes.

Not to mention the five masters of the universe, that is, fifty, one hundred, but they are not opponents of the masters of the universe!

"Animals are animals, everything is nothing in the face of absolute strength!"

The difference in the realm is like the cloud and mud, and the sky is different. The Meishan five monsters are settled!


"No more nonsense, today is your death!"

When listening to the words of the Meishan Wuguai, the sorrowful old man and others were all very angry.