MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1930 Wait for me! (Two in one)

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


His bones swelled instantly, rolling black gas, and the sound of violent bone cracks sounded, completely permeated.

In the blink of an eye, the billowing black gas completely covered the Meishan Five Monsters.

"Do not!"

In this scene, Chen Hongxia, Cangming and others were shocked.

They don't know what the secret method is, they just know that this dark mist is too violent!

Seems to devour all things, to destroy heaven and earth!


They were almost crazy and wanted to come forward to help, but they were powerless!


With a little distraction, the energy enchantment of several people working together is instantly covered with cracks!

However, the suffocating spit of black mist requires them to go all out!


The black gas that overflowed from the cracks in the enchantment was hit **** Chen Hongxia who stood first.


Another blood spurted out, Chen Hongxia and others couldn't ignore it, forcibly moved the essence to the extreme!

These children are the future of Mo Yumen, they must survive!

Although their countenances were as pale as paper, the determined meaning in their eyes never retreated.

"Senior Earth, can you resist it?"

The hearts of each of them were stunned and extremely tense!

Everyone's eyes were staring at the black gas.

Very nervous!

This breath is much stronger than when you were just starting out!

In their eyes, the five monsters of Meishan are shrouded in this devastating atmosphere, and they will surely die!

But, before the last minute, they are unwilling to believe!

Because the most important thing in Ning Tianlin's body is a miracle. The strong man who came down on the earth will certainly create a miracle!


Destructive black breath, roaring like a vortex, constantly spinning, the momentum is getting fiercer and faster!

It seems that the five monsters of Meishan in the black mist have been refined by life!

"Haha ... weak, too weak!"

Distant and weird, seven tricks above the head, and seven caves, weirdly exuding seven residual blood, a face full of death.

At this moment, he has suffered a serious backlash, and his life is short!

However, I still laughed!

The Meishan Great Blend of Meishan Wuguai, no matter how powerful it is?

Not to be a waste!

Even if he died, he felt worth it!

"Deserve it!"

"The rest of the earth is not to be feared!"

The dreary old man's boneless face was horrifying.

Just at this time!

Abrupt change!

Let the sound of the ridiculous and weird laughter completely freeze!

He saw that the corners of Meishan Wuguai emerged with a ferocious arc, and then the situation changed dramatically!


On the body of Meishan Wuguai, a mysterious rune immediately condensed.


Like lightning, they gathered together into a colorful snake, within the vortex, frantically chaos!

Within the black vortex, there seemed to be something terrifying, absorbing the brutal black gas greedily.

In the blink of an eye, the black gas became weaker.

how can that be!

Youyu weird, if you have eyes at this time, you will be shocked.

Chen Hongxia and others, pleased!


The miracles that belong to the earth have happened, just before our eyes!

After ten seconds.

A figure flashed out!

Meishan Wuguai is safe and sound!

This ... is not true!

The illusion must be an illusion!

You are so old and weird!

On his bones, in the human expression, there is a thick and incredible!

However, this doesn't stop there!

He was shocked to find that not only did Meishan Wuguai not die, they were madly absorbing those devastating black breaths.

A black breath rushed into their bodies frantically.

As if these are all big supplements, the spirit of Demeishan Five Monsters is shaken and the momentum is greatly increased!

how can that be!

The wretched old monster collapsed to the ground, he couldn't believe his eyes!

Not only him, but also the surrounding Mo Yumen and others were a little embarrassed. What a miracle this can be, so strange and powerful!

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the last black breath was inhaled by Meishan Wuguai at the same time.

That billowing black gas, so far gone, without leaving a single cent!


Suddenly, the whole of them was shocked, and they opened their eyes suddenly!

"The Worm Demon Phage, the refined energy is pure, is there any more?"


This sentence made everyone stunned!

What happened?

This devastating atmosphere is a violent one, which can be called a taboo force.

The five strange monsters in Meishan have not only been completely absorbed, but at this moment, they still seem to be not full?

The wretched old monster only felt that his skeleton was about to fall apart with anger!

"Impossible! You guys ..."

"How did you do it!"

Youyu wondered, he didn't want to believe ...

This Worm Demon is the taboo of their Zerg. It is a terrible killing for life. It is a horror, even the Nine Masters of the Universe can have a great existence!

However, for the first time, he saw that someone could swallow this gas of destruction, and he has lived for hundreds of millions of years without ever hearing of this possibility!

This made his head completely choked!

However, seeing the funny look of the wretched old monster, Meishan five monsters frowned.

"no yet?"

"Since it's gone, you can die!"

As the voice fell, Meishan's five monsters and ten claws came out, suddenly grabbing the skeleton of the dreadful old monster.

Pull it!


Ribs torn!


嗑 You old weird heartache!

He didn't expect that he was destined to die, and Meishan Wuguai would even torture himself.

He didn't want to struggle, he didn't want to resist, he just wanted a happy death, but it was useless!

At this moment, the crackling and screaming sounds of bone fractures continued.

The dreadful and weird skeleton was torn into pieces.

The screaming voice contained boundless fear, as if suffering the most painful torture in the world.

There was no scarlet in the jungle.

The only thing that was crushed into crushed bone foam was floating in the wind, permeating the dense forest, making everyone cold.


When the last bone joint was crushed and crushed!

The audience was silent!


Quietly suffocating!

The Zerg Strong, the Lord of the Universe, will be so miserable in the end, it will be frustrated!

Between the hands, the terror forces of Mo Yumen were hit hard, and all were killed, none left!

In particular, before the dying old monster had endless fear on his face, it was such despair!


Meishan's five strange monsters had revenge, killing intentions converged, and his voice was indifferent.

Then, as the crackling crackled.

The five Meishan monsters that were fused together suddenly became agitated, and their whole body bones were suddenly split ... fusion ...!

The veins burst, blood spewed out, and the blood after fusion has long been indistinguishable from each other, just like their relationship, you are me, I am you!


In an instant, the bodies of the five were successfully separated, their bodies reunited, their veins reconnected, and blood returned!

Paula! ...

The five monsters of Meishan turned into five fierce beasts, and the change is still ongoing ...

Until it turned into five people and re-formed into a human form, it was really stopped!


"Is Double Happiness coming?"

Meishan Wuguai looked at each other, and all eyes were filled with excitement that was difficult to restrain!

As a result of absorbing that devastating black gas, the energy in the five of them became even more pure!

"Let's get started!"

Meishan Wuguai, all of them are soaring!


Essence of spirits overflowed, blue veins exploded, and even the surrounding space was torn by this terrible energy.


The momentum is getting stronger and stronger, rising every day!

Until the end, it seemed to be reaching a certain bottleneck. The surging energy and stagnation seemed to be brewing something!


Immediately afterwards, his energy erupted again!

The momentum is magnificent, as if the floodgates were unloaded.

Within the jungle, the spirit is looting, the world is shaking!



Master of the Universe!

Goat Yang Xian took the lead in breaking through 桎梏, from the Xinghuang Nine Section to the Master of the Universe!

He has accumulated hundreds of millions of years, and he has long since refined and polished himself. Now, after the war, it broke out!

However, this is just the beginning!


It was another violent shock, which could be shocking or shocking!

Buffalo gold rose sharply, breaking through to the Lord of the universe!



Chang Hao, White Snake, promoted to Lord of the Universe!

boom! boom!

Wild boar Zhu Zizhen, the yellow dog is enough to wear a gift, and has been promoted to the Lord of the Universe!

At this point, the Meishan Wuguai successfully promoted the master of the universe!

The scene was shocking!

Chen Hongxia and others were so shocked that their chin was about to fall ...


It's incredible!

Wicked, perverted!

Are the warriors from the earth so powerful?

Leaving the level to kill, never fall in the wind!

Not only that, you can easily break through to the Lord of the universe?

Who are these people?

Is it that every warrior bred by the earth is such a cultivating wizard, martial arts blame?


These are the seven earth warriors known in the universe so far, and each is the existence of the Lord of the universe!

Coming to the roar tribe's predator, the master of the universe, Nine Duan!

The five masters of the universe!

Ning Tianlin can slay the super existence of the Lord of the Universe Nine Duan!

This lineup is powerful and scary!

In the eyes of Meishan Wuguai, there was no trace of joy, but he looked at the distance and showed endless gratitude.

"Ning Tianlin, we did it!"

"All these things you gave us!"

Meishan Wuguai has a sincere face, as if talking to himself.

They clenched their fists, feeling the surging energy in their bodies, and there was a strong reverence on their faces!

Ning Tianlin gave them what they have now!

If it were not for Ning Tianlin to refine and improve the "Meishan Grand Fusion" decision for them before leaving the earth, they would not have today.

Not to mention the dreadful old-fashioned hand blade, there is a great chance that it will be counter-killed!

Just a few refinements and improvements. Now that the Meishan Great Fusion has undergone tremendous changes, it is incredible.

This Ning Tianlin, an absolute cultivating genius, martial arts mastery is much more superb than their billion-year-old old monster!

The Meishan Grand Fusion can be said to have almost any disadvantage, and no longer requires the sacrifices of millions of souls!

Not only that, but even the rolling energy sacrificed by the monsters, they can also absorb it!

Strange, wonderful!

Immediately afterwards, their eyes turned, and deep in their eyes, there was a deep worry.

They are incompetent and haven't found a big brother!

Ning Tianlin has recovered the earth, and a strong comeback is imminent. They urgently need a big brother to come back to help!

With a helpless sigh, Meishan Wuguai turned his attention to Mo Yumen and others.

"You are not Earth people!"

"Say, what is the relationship with Ning Tianlin?"

Hearing this, Chen Hongxia shuddered, feeling only stared at by a ferocious beast. She was sure, if he said something wrong, he would die.

Right now, hurry up and return.

"Sir senior ..."

Before she could finish speaking, Bai Hao Chang Hao's eyebrows took the lead to shoot a powerful sense of God, covering Chen Hongxia in the past.

Then, there may be false, but within the knowledge of the sea, all the information will be clear at a glance, and no fake can be made!


The surging supernatural knowledge instantly fell into the deep sea of ​​Chen Hongxia.

Simple and rude!


On the forehead of Chen Hongxia, Xiang Khan Linlin suddenly felt no resistance. She persisted in pain and knew the storm erosion of the sea.


White Snake Chang Hao frowned.

Immediately afterwards, the domineering consciousness shrank and became careful.


Chen Hongxia, relieved of pressure, sighed with relief.

In this state, if it takes another second, she is afraid that she will become a fool without any thinking.

Fortunately, as she expected, this did not happen.

She knew the sense of the sea, much softer at the moment.

Before, she felt that sense of consciousness, like the sea sweeping out, the waves were turbulent, but now it was like a stream, rushing forward.

This was not only a change in attitude, but also a verdict on her life and death.

After a while.


Bai Snake Chang Hao regained his consciousness, his face groaned, first nodded thoughtfully, and then frowned slightly.

"Mo Yumen, the guardian beast, poor and strange! Old lord, whereabouts are unknown?"


Old Sovereign, Poor Strange!

He recognizes!

These two people lived on the earth hundreds of millions of years ago!


Just when White Snake Chang Hao is about to continue to speak.


Suddenly, the black clouds were tightly arranged above the sky, and the rolling thunder gave birth to it.


Meishan Wuguai instantly knew why the thunderstorm came, and each look was dignified.

"This is the Thunderbolt belonging to the Lord of the universe!"

Temper the body and cast the heart!

The flesh is broken, soaring! The Tao is unsuccessful, and the body disappears!


嗖 嗖 Hurricanes resounded through the dense forest, the blast of thunder blasted continuously, and there was a possibility of outbreak at any time!

"Get out of here!"

In a hurry, White Snake Chang Hao shouted loudly.

The Mo Yumen and others went to Ning Tianlin, and the old ruler who founded the gate also recognized it.

These people cannot be dragged in by thunder and cannot die here!

While the first thunderbolt was about to fall, White Snake Chang Hao roared at the other four.

"Hey, help me!"


Together, five people formed a hard energy shield that instantly formed!


With both palms out, surging energy blasted towards the energy hood.

Among the sparkles of calcium carbide, Mo Yumen and others who are still in a state of comparison have appeared outside the planet ...