MTL - Invincible Non-stop Upgrading System-Chapter 930 Dare to stop your grandpa

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Hum ~

In front of Ye Fan, an ancient mirror flashed out. The eight octagonal octagonal is like the sun and the moon in the mountains.

Layers of gold "color" ripples and "waves" come out, sealing the entire hall entrance.

I rely!

Ye Fan's figure stopped abruptly, and the ancient mirror Xuanguang flow was obviously extremely extraordinary.

"Dare to stop your grandpa!"

Boom ~

He immediately blasted out with a punch, and in the void, a mighty fist swept away like a stormy sea.

Buzzing ~

This force bombarded those golden "color" ripples and was absorbed by the weird half of them at once.

The whole light curtain moved a few times without any damage.

"How is this possible?" Ye Fan shouted "Forcing" on the spot. This was the first time that he encountered a mysterious force more than the force of creation.

Even the power of nature cannot penetrate it!


The giant beasts looked at him with a smile, not to mention how happy they were.

You run! Can't you run away? Where do you go for this goods?

Ye Fan :. . . .

Feelings are refined, aren't they?

The wrist trembled, and the two Xiaoxiao Thunder Thunders were like mad pythons, and Ge Ran shot out from the palm of his hand.

Crackling ~

God Thunder thundered above the golden light, and it was immediately torn apart. However, the golden light became a little weaker.


Bang Rong ~ Ye Fan immediately increased the output of Shenlei, and the entire door was surrounded by two "color" lightning bolts.

Roar ~ A beast roared, as if shouting: Brothers, **** him!

The other giant beasts seemed to rush forward ~ Ye Fan's face was dark on the spot, Nima, do you still not play cards according to rules?

With a loud bang, Jin Guang was completely defeated by Zixiao Shenlei, but the ancient mirror was safe and sound among Shenlei.

Ye Fan instantly turned into a phantom, grabbed the ancient mirror in his hand, and was about to blast "shoot" to escape, but found that the few giant beasts stopped.

Weird ~

Big eyes and small eyes!

Ye Fan is a little bit "forced". Did someone fix you up?

He shook the ancient mirror in his hand, and the nine beasts stepped back in horror, their feet shaking a little.

"Are you afraid of this?"

Beast: We will not tell you ~


Ye Fan made a strange noise, raised the ancient mirror and rushed away towards the monster.

"Ding ~ Rage from the monster +999!"

咣 Dang ~ Ye Fanyi mirror slaps on the monster's buttocks, and it is like cutting a fish with a knife.

At that moment, there seemed to be an immense power in the mirror, which was tens of times more terrifying than the power of creation.

"Hey! Dad killed you!"

Alas, a few monsters fled in chaos, chasing a human behind him, yelling, that depression in my heart!

Where is this special human? Isn't that justified? It's okay to "confuse" your dad, but you can't be so stupid!

Good guy, Ye Fan is playing harder and harder. If he is in front of him, he is a super superman.

But behind him, he cares about you thirty-seven, twenty-eight!

Perhaps this is also due to Ye Fan's "sex" personality. Why hide your strength behind people, and why do you pretend to be like a dog?

Bang bang bang ~

Those powerful beasts disappeared like this by Ye Fanyu.

The ancient mirror in his hand was unscathed.

He tried to inject a force of creation into it, but the mirror did not respond. Could it only be a mallet? Obviously impossible.

Ye Fan thought that there must be some mysterious power to be able to urge this kind of baby.

And that power is more terrifying than the power of creation, but it belongs to a higher level of power.