MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 17

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It was warm and hot in her arms, and Wen Ning had a light fragrance of washing and care on her body, which smelled very comfortable. Gu Chixi hugged her tighter, the tip of her nose rubbed against the side of her neck, and closed her eyes.

Wen Ning's body was slightly stiff, her hand in the air slowly fell on Gu Chixi's back, and she asked softly, "What's wrong?"

The deep breath spit in her ear, itchy and itchy, she intuition should be what happened, and she couldn't help tightening her hands. The two were close to each other, the temperature rose little by little, and the heart beat faster.

After a moment of silence, a low voice came from the side of the ear: "It's okay."

Gu Chixi let go of Wen Ning, lowered his head, covered his face with his hair, looked out the window, and remained silent.

Just when Wen Ning thought she would not speak again, she suddenly turned her head, looked straight ahead, and said, "My mother wants me to marry into a wealthy family."

The redness in her eyes disappeared without a trace. It seemed to be an illusion just now. Her brows and eyes were light, and her tone was casual, as if she was discussing an unimportant piece of news.

Wen Ning was startled and clenched her clothes tightly, "Then you..."

"Impossible," Gu Chixi shook his head, his voice as cold as ever, "No one can control my thoughts."

Wen Ning made a low voice, loosened the corner of her clothes, and gently smoothed it with her fingertips.

Thinking about this sentence, she felt it was ironic. Since no one can control Gu Chixi, it was her own idea to leave without saying goodbye, and she took the initiative to leave. Wen Ning once thought about whether there would be something unspeakable, but she couldn't convince herself no matter how she thought about it.

She had exhausted all the reasons for Gu Chixi, but so far she has only gotten a perfunctory statement.

Well, she doesn't care.

"I will only marry one person in my life."

The cold voices of the people around him softened, Wen Ning paused with her fingertips, and raised her head subconsciously, "Who is it?"

Gu Chixi looked at her sideways and raised the corners of his lips.

"you guess."


Her eyes are burning and unfathomable, making it impossible to read her mind.

Wen Ning's heart jumped, and she avoided it uncomfortably, "I'm too lazy to guess, I'm going back."

Gu Chixi looked back sadly, turned his face to the window, and the glass clearly reflected the bitter smile on her lips.

The half-month suspension period is over soon. Wen Ning's next flight is full, day and night are reversed, and the work and rest are extremely irregular. Because it is the thunderstorm season, delays often lead to overtime. After get off work, I have no energy to go part-time again. .

She returned the money to Gu Chixi and continued to tighten her belt to live.

Since the salary was paid, the company is full of admiration for Gu Chixi. Everyone frantically blows rainbow farts to the boss. The forum rises every day, and some people even set up a "Gu Chixi Fan Support Group", which is so exaggerated that it is terrifying.

Some people were eager to change jobs, but temporarily dispelled their thoughts. This time, they basically stabilized their hearts.

Wen Ning felt happy for Gu Chixi in her heart.

After the money is paid back, the salary will not be in arrears anymore. They should not have any interaction in the future, so they will live their own lives without disturbing each other. Thinking of this, she felt a little melancholy.

In the evening, there was a heavy rain in Los Angeles.

Many planes circled over the airport, waiting for the thunderstorm clouds to drift away, and then lined up to enter the port according to ATC's instructions. Wen Ning was the seventh to land, twenty minutes later than the original arrival time.

"It's been raining hard in the past two days, and it didn't fall on time. God is really tossing us to death."

"It's good to be able to land, I don't want to go to another place to prepare for landing."

In the cockpit, the first mate and the second mate were chatting while finishing work, probably feeling lucky. If the cloud drifted away more than ten minutes later, they would spend the night at the alternate airport and would not be able to go home.

Wen Ning listened silently and sorted out the documents. She seldom chatted when she was working, even on the ground. Although everyone likes to take classes with her, they all know her style. The colder she is, the more attractive she is.

"Captain, a new one has opened next to the company..." The second mate called her tentatively.

"Don't go."


After cleaning up, the whole group gets off work.

As soon as she got on the crew car, the cell phone in Wen Ning's pocket vibrated. She thought it was Gu Chixi's phone for a moment, but when she took it out, the caller ID was her aunt.

"Hello? Auntie."

There was silence for a while, and a middle-aged woman's slightly trembling voice came: "Ling Ning, why don't you eat?"

"Not yet, just got off work," Wen Ning heard that her voice was not quite right, "what's the matter, aunt?"


"Don't worry, auntie, speak slowly." She suddenly had a bad premonition.

There was another moment of silence on the phone, then hesitantly said, "I want to ask if you have a lot of money recently... can you... borrow some money..."

Since her parents had an accident, all relatives at home have helped a lot. Knowing that she is difficult to pay off her debts, she will never trouble Wen Ning, let alone ask her to borrow money. Wen Ning was also taken aback when she heard it, "Did something happen?"

The voice involuntarily became louder, attracting the inquiring eyes of other colleagues.

My aunt seemed very embarrassed. It took a long time to say a sentence: "Your uncle was diagnosed with uremia last month, and the doctor said that he would need a kidney transplant, which would cost a lot of money...400,000...Medical insurance can only reimburse that anti-excretion Medications come from…”

"Originally, we could barely scrape together this money, but your grandfather has been sick in bed for the past few years, and your grandmother is not in good health. She needs to take medicine, and Xuanxuan and Miaomiao need to study..."

While talking, the little girl started to cry.

Wen Ning's head buzzed, and she felt cold all over.

The scenery outside the window receded at a constant speed, and a small car sped past, splashing all over the floor and falling on the window. The glass was covered with dense drops of water, and her vision was a little blurred.

Xu Shi has experienced too many things, life, separation, death, and every taste, but Wen Ning didn't feel the slightest bit in her heart, as if she was numb.

Just thought: Oh, another disaster.

"Gu, don't cry, wait for me to go back and have a look, try to gather as much as possible." Wen Ning lowered her voice, not wanting her colleagues to hear what she said, in order to maintain that poor and fragile self-esteem.

Arrived at the company, handed in the documents, and drove home alone.

I've never felt that the road has been so long.

Tianhe Bay is like an old man who is over old, quietly sitting in a corner of the old city. The wind blows the tall and sturdy poplar branches and leaves in the community, and shakes the water droplets all over the place. fall.

The house was empty, Wen Ning went upstairs to take a bath like a walking corpse, changed clothes, went into the kitchen to steam a few Xiao Long Bao for herself, and ate it hastily.

She turned over the passbook, ledger, and all her bank cards.

There are only 3,000 yuan in the passbook, which has been left untouched. There are five bank cards in total, which add up to less than 20,000 yuan. All the money she earned was used to pay off her debts. No matter how much she lived frugally, she could only give 10,000 yuan to her sister-in-law at most.

Wen Ning opened the ledger and looked at it page by page.

The dense handwriting, as big as how much oil was added to the car, as small as buying a can of dental floss, and remembering every expense clearly.

The warm yellow light sprinkled on the handwriting, sometimes bright, sometimes hazy, like a thin mist, stunned by a silent sorrow, corroding her from head to toe.

Both grandparents and grandparents are farmers, and there are only two children, her father and aunt. Back then, when my parents became rich in business, they also benefited their relatives. At that time, they lived quite happily. After her parents' accident, her aunt sold two houses to help her pay off her debts. The family of four squeezed into a 70-square-meter hut, and the burden of old-age care fell on her alone.

Now she can't just sit back and ignore it anyway.

As for the relatives on my mother's side, my grandfather left early, and my grandmother was old and had bad legs. Usually, my aunt took care of her. Fortunately, she had a retirement salary and lived a good life.

There is pressure to support the elderly, and they have to raise children, and they can't talk to anyone.

Wen Ning looked at the ledger, took a deep breath, opened her mouth and spit it out slowly, the suffocation still lingering, pressing on her heart like an invisible boulder.

At this moment, the only person she thought of was Gu Chixi.

She dialed the man's number.


The soft voice was mixed with surprise.

Wen Ning lowered her eyes, stared at her round toes, and suddenly gave up her thoughts.

"Why don't you talk, Ning Ning?"

"It's okay..." Wen Ning's lips moved, "I made a mistake."


Mr. Gu: My wife is a fool

Lemon cub: (one jio kicks out of bed)

——Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-07-1020:56:59~2020-07-1120:09:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Qing Pinellia;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: one piece of meat toot?, one west two excellent, 34628567, tantan, ameng bot, blind_li stealing star 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: you listen to me to explain 15 bottles; 10 bottles of fall; 5 bottles of tantan; 3 bottles of MrJessie;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!