MTL - Is There Something Wrong with You, Lord?-Chapter 777 Mu's counterattack, sneak attack revenge

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  Chapter 777 Mu's counterattack, sneak attack and revenge

  Things were exactly as Qin Muye expected, King Lu's actions against the Mu family were seen through by Fan Hua the day before, and he even took targeted countermeasures.

   This caused King Lu to lose the bet directly, and encountered a full-scale counterattack from the Mu family.

  Before the Mu family was indeed afraid of the phoenix in flames, it was because King Lu did not kill him.

   Now that you are going to kill yourself, you don’t care if you are afraid or not, the other party will kill you, and you are afraid that there is someone behind the other party, so there is no use, you can’t say that you don’t have to die if you are afraid? There is a high probability that he will die sooner.

   In terms of local power, the Mu family is still a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse. Under the full-scale counterattack, King Lu naturally retreated steadily.

   And also contacted the Yuan family, wanting to let the Yuan family enter the game to help stop the Mu family.

  But this time, there was no movement from the Yuan family, as if nothing had happened, and there was no response at all.

Although the Yuan family wanted to attack the Mu family, they also understood that the Yuan family and the Mu family were neighbors, and if the King of Lu destroyed the Mu family and took over the power, King Yi, the vassal king who cooperated with the Yuan family, would also attack them in the future How to do?

   When limiting the power of these vassal kings, the Yuan family and the Mu family were also on the same line. Even in the failure and counterattack suffered by King Lu this time, there were many Yuan family helpers.

  So after such an operation, King Lu lost, but the loss was not bad.

Because he didn't have much power in the first place, and his basic base was also in the official system of the Daling Dynasty, so there was no capital outflow at all. As for the losses of those shops and farms, to be honest, for King Lu Not affected at all.

  Everything he owns is distributed by the Great Spirit Dynasty. Even if there is only one royal residence, he still has no worries about food and drink, and no shortage of resources.

  If you really want to say, in fact, the only loser is the Mu family. First, there are internal strife and then foreign aggression.

  Thanks to Fan Hua stepping up to turn the tide this time, otherwise, something big would happen.

   King Lu's assist this time directly increased Fan Hua's embarrassing position in the Mu family, and all the original doubts and ridicule disappeared.

  Before, he was eating soft food, but now he has real talents and learning, and even the so-called low-level methods have been ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

  If there is no Fan Hua this time, everyone in the Mu family will have to die, and it doesn’t matter if you can save the Mu family and everyone with a little trick.

   In the face of life and death, the Mu family naturally didn't have too many ideas.

   "This is the end of the curtain." Qin Muye looked at the information in his hand, and he was also a little excited.

   Then it's his turn to play.

   "It's not too much of a problem to hit the opponent with hemiplegia, but you have to prevent him and treat yourself back."

  Using the means of the Great Spirit Dynasty, it is not a big problem to cure the paralyzed King Lu. Qin Muye had suggested that Fan Hua cut the grass and root out the root, and even the crotch was gone. He could recover, let alone a mere hemiplegia.

  So you have to be ruthless in your attack.

   "You have to strike from the soul."

  Qin Muye quickly made a plan to attack the body, but the focus should be on the soul. As long as there is a problem with his soul, it will not be so easy to fix it.

   "No, the physical body and the soul alone are not safe. You have to add negative states such as curses and poisons, and you have to be in a chain state."

   "It is necessary to find the correct unlocking sequence and use different methods to remove it, otherwise if it is forcibly removed, it will form a new encryption method and cause pain to it."

  Looking at King Lu who was reading in the study not far away, Qin Muye quickly formed a brand new plan in his mind.

  General hemiplegia is indeed fatal to ordinary people, but it is really not a big problem for King Lu. It is probably not as difficult to solve as treating a cold.

   "Tsk, it's this time, and I can still read books. I have to say that this mentality is really good. In terms of education, there is really nothing to say, at least not those dandies who are incompetent and furious when they lose."

  From this point of view, King Lu really can afford to lose, and even looking at him like that, he is just hiding his strength and biding his time, waiting for the next comeback.

   "Also follow the spiritual flow of refining. It seems that this flow of refining spirit has indeed become the mainstream." After observing for a while, Qin Muye found that King Lu didn't have any spirit beasts, so he could only follow the spiritual flow of refining.

   As for not being a spirit master, it is even more impossible. Otherwise, how could he become level 7?

   "You only have one chance, so you must hit it right." Qin Muye took out a brick from his bosom, which he passed by on the way when he came to Prince Lu's Mansion.

   This thing looks like an ordinary brick, feels like an ordinary brick, and works similarly, but in Qin Muye's hands, it is not ordinary.

  As long as you control the strength and hit it accurately, you will be smashed to death at level 8, let alone level 7.

   "Grandma, get up." Qin Muye felt a little helpless.

   Naturally, he was going to hit the opponent's spine, but it was blocked by the back of the chair, making it difficult for him to strike.

   He thought about going back and choosing the other person's neck, but he was worried that he would kill the person by not doing it lightly. Smashing the neck is indeed better than hitting the spine.

  Qin Muye did prefer high paraplegia, but for the sake of stability, he chose hemiplegia.

  But now the other party is sitting so upright, making it difficult for him to strike.

   After waiting for another half an hour, King Lu was still immersed in the book, without any intention of moving.

   "It doesn't matter, let him be paraplegic." Qin Muye couldn't sit still anymore, picked up the brick and walked over.

   Simply estimated the strength needed, and then slapped directly on the back of King Lu's neck.

   There was a crisp cracking sound, and various strange injuries began to link together, finally forming the absolute high paraplegia created by Qin Muye!

   "It's done, run away quickly."

  Looking at the comatose King Lu, Qin Muye resolutely threw the bricks that had turned into powder on his hands, turned and left.

   King Lu fainted quickly, but there was a lot of movement in this process. The guards outside the door quickly asked, and found that King Lu didn't answer, so they hurriedly opened the door and came in to investigate.

   At the first sight, he saw King Lu's gradually swollen neck, and he knew that he had been attacked.

   "There are assassins!!"

   When encountering such a thing, you must call someone immediately, you can't hide it?

  The person who can knock down King Lu silently is definitely not something a guard like him can deal with. Although the attacker ran away, he still had to shout.

   Qin Muye, who was running away, naturally didn't know about the guards, and he was also a little worried.

  ‘This position is not accurate, it shouldn’t be a big problem, will it hurt the brain, if it hurts the brain and turns into a fool or a vegetable, then the effect of my revenge will be much lower. '

  He was not worried that the power was not enough, but that it was too powerful.

  Before, the position he chose was in the spine, and the goal was not high paraplegia but hemiplegia.

  'It shouldn't be an accident, or go back and have a look, isn't it good that I just left? '

  Under the condemnation of conscience and responsibility, Qin Muye finally sighed: 'This **** sense of responsibility! '

  By the time he turned back again, King Lu had already been arranged to return to the dormitory, and his whole body was limp, just like noodles.

   Fortunately, after undergoing some treatment, he also woke up, but there is no way to cure this high paraplegia.

  Because the imperial spirit world itself has not developed enough medicine, there are magical spirit beasts, as long as a healing spirit beast technique is completed, it can be alive and well.

  But now, when the treatment of spirit-like beasts can't heal King Lu's injuries at all, and even cause more severe pain, the imperial spirit master who is good at healing in King Lu's mansion is paralyzed.

   "Let's go to Zhezi and give it to the palace. We can only ask the imperial doctor to come over for treatment." The healer of Lu Wangfu said helplessly, he had no way to solve it anyway.

  As soon as these words came out, the palace of Prince Lu became more and more chaotic.

   "It seems that King Lu is strong enough. It's good that nothing happened, and the expected effect has been achieved." Qin Muye nodded, and then left the Palace of King Lu in peace.

  The next step is to find a way to see how to send Fan Hua in. After all, the first half of the plan has been completed, and there is still the second half.

   If you say you want to punish your heart, you will punish your heart. It is impossible to give up halfway. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, just to watch the fun.

  (end of this chapter)