MTL - It’s a Stepmother, Not a Sister [70s]-Chapter 36 Qi San

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When Jiang Shuangling opened her eyes in the morning, the person who slept next to her had already left, leaving only a neatly folded square quilt.

She raised her leg and kicked the quilt, but she didn't know where it was, and she gasped, obviously feeling a little discomfort in her body.

Jiang Shuangling was not in a hurry to get up, she lay on her back and looked at the roof in a daze, unconsciously recalling what happened last night.

—The lights were turned off last night.

Before Jiang Shuangling fell asleep due to exhaustion, she remembered that the light was on, maybe Qi Heng turned it off later.

This person always remembers to "turn off the lights and sleep."

Jiang Shuangling hummed. Last night, Qi Heng didn't say to turn off the lights, and she didn't say it. It was because of this that she found that the other person's figure was better than she expected.

Broad shoulders, narrow waist, long legs, tight and firm muscles, not the exaggerated muscles of bodybuilders, but a streamlined body with extremely superior lines and well-organized, and hidden under each muscle Extremely powerful instant bursts, and... stamina.

And, it feels good.

In the past, Jiang Shuangling always felt that abdominal muscles, although they looked pleasing to the eye, were actually hard and felt like touching a washboard or chocolate, but they were actually different.

In short, it feels really good, and there is a kind of psychological pleasure and excitement.

Can't help but think about it, Jiang Shuangling raised her hand and pressed her slightly hot face with the back of her hand, and put the watch she took off last night on her wrist again.

Looking down at the hands on the watch, although she did a lot of things last night, she only woke up a little later than usual.

It's early.

After returning to the 1970s, her daily routine was getting better and better. Ten o'clock in the night used to be too early for her. It was already late at night.

Now people go to bed early and get up early.

The horn has sounded several times.

She combed her hair, put on clothes and went out to wash and make breakfast. The children also woke up. The two children did not see her when they woke up. Jia's little dead pig still doesn't know what happened last night.

"Sister, your quilt is gone! Did it fall under the bed?"

Jiang Shuangling was slightly embarrassed and felt that her younger brother was too careful, "Well, take it out, the sun is shining today, let's help you all dry the quilt."

Qi Yue looked at her with his hands behind his back like a little old man, looking contemplative, not knowing what he was thinking.

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

She thinks this arrogant cub is very smart and probably guessed something.

Jiang Shuangling gave him a gentle smile, first went to steam three bowls of egg custard, let the two little guys eat first, and then cooked glutinous rice, glutinous rice with sour radish and cooked before The honeydew pork jerky is delicious.

The point is to have meat!

"I'm going to school tomorrow, are you happy? Are you mentally prepared?" In the past two days, when Jiang Shuangling was telling stories to the two little guys, she was also teaching two A little guy can read.

Qi Yue and Jiang Che have been able to write their names crookedly, and some basic gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and sun can be recognized, but when they are written, they are often short-lived.

Qi Yue's handwriting is particularly ugly, but his memory is very good, and many words can be written in original, but whether the people next to them can recognize them depends on the ability of the people next to them.

Jiang Shuangling: "..." Although the strokes are all there, she feels that the words written by this arrogant cub are more difficult to recognize than wild grass.

The words are ugly.

If you look carefully at his words for a few more seconds, you may even forget how the words were originally written.

Add one more, or one less.

Let the two children write their own names, Qi Yue is flying like a phoenix, and only likes to write Qi characters, and for the word "Yue", Jiang Shuangling guarantees that his father will not recognize his ghost characters.

This baby is still very proud in front of Jiang Che, and feels that his name has fewer strokes than Jiang Che, but he is also very annoyed that his "Yue" character is crooked and difficult to write.

He may want to change his name to Qi Yi.

I also tried to persuade Jiang Che to change his name together. His name was "Qi Yi", and Jiang Che's name was changed to "Jiang Er".

Although Che's characters are very complicated and difficult to write, Jiang Che honestly wrote his name without complaint. Qi Yue urged him to change his name together, and he was actually persuaded.

It's just that he doesn't want to change his name to Jiang Er, he wants to be Jiang Yi.

Qi Yue should be called Qi Er.

Although they are two smart kids, they are both quite a headache.

So Jiang Shuangling felt that primary school teachers are really hard to be and teach, so let’s talk about language teachers, it’s very annoying to see children’s small broken characters every day, and she has to remind these little guys from time to time Note that the font cannot be overwritten or painted.

Jiang Shuangling also taught two little guys to count, add and subtract, and recite the ninety-nine multiplication table. Although these two little guys may not understand what a multiplication table is, there is no harm in memorizing it now. .

"Happy!" Jiang Che cheerfully answered her sister's words. He was always very supportive of Jiang Shuangling's words.

Qi Yue didn't say anything, and unconsciously looked at the small schoolbag hanging by the sewing machine.

"I'm sure I can't live without your tiger..."

Qi Yue hummed with satisfaction, and emphasized with a serious pretence: "I will change my name to Qi Yi in the future, and I will go to school with Jiang Er tomorrow."

Jiang Shuangling couldn't help laughing, "Alright, let's go to school together."

"Sister, I am Jiang Yi not Jiang Er."

"Okay, Jiang Yi and Qi Yi go to school together."

"I went to school with Qi Er!"

"I'm going to school with Jiang Er!"

Jiang Shuangling rubbed her temples, "Now I'm going to help Qi Yi and Jiang Yi pack their schoolbags, help Qi Yi and Jiang Yi prepare paper and pen, and tomorrow Jiang Yi and Qi Yi can go to school together ."

She thought she was speaking a tongue twister.

"He's Jiang Er."

"He's Qi Er."

You are all second-hand!

Jiang Shuangling doesn't want to pay any more attention to these two heartless children.

After breakfast, Jiang Shuangling took the two children to the rabbit box and asked them to feed the rabbits. .

Thinking of the snake that appeared yesterday, Jiang Shuangling was still a little frightened. She picked up a stick, held it in her hand, and carefully inspected the yard. Today, she did not see any Traces of snakes.

After checking, she breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was impossible for snakes to visit every day.

"Qi Yi Jiang Yi, you guys are playing in the yard, I'll go out."

Now Jiang Shuangling can say this number smoothly, but it sounds silly, let's make these two children happy for the time being.

No matter how you say it, it is impossible for these two fools to change into Qi Yi Jiang Yi.

It is estimated that when they think about it when they grow up, they will not be ashamed to dig into the ground.

"That is, there is no portable tape recorder in this era, otherwise I will record it."

Two and two.

Jiang Shuangling cut a few pieces of honeydew pork breast and glutinous rice **** and took them to Mrs. Song's house. She wanted to ask Mrs. Song for some more bean paste.

Qi Heng and his two children really like this taste, and cooking with it is a must.

Sister Song gave her a jar of doubanjiang, "It's almost gone, if you like it, I'll teach you how to make doubanjiang together in summer."

"Okay." Jiang Shuangling nodded, if she made it herself, she would put less chili.

Sister Song looked at Jiang Shuangling up and down, and suddenly said in surprise: "I found that you are looking very good today, did you encounter something happy?"

Jiang Shuangling choked, does she look good today? When I looked in the mirror in the morning, the person in the mirror was still the same.

Jiang Shuangling changed the subject, "The children at home are going to study tomorrow, and these two little guys are still arguing about changing their names."

When talking about the noisy Jiang Yihe Qiyi, Jiang Shuangling was a little dumbfounded. These names are very retro, and the poor families in ancient times named them by numbers.

Now that there are two children in the family, they can be arguing. Jiang Shuangling really admires Mrs. Song for raising five children.

Sister Song is curious: "What's the name changed?"

"I think my name is difficult to write and there are too many strokes, so I want to change it to Qi Yi Jiang Yi."

Sister Song laughed out loud, "This child, it's all the same, my children like to be lazy when they write their names."

"You are going to school tomorrow, right? Going to school will make it easier for you. You are at home alone, and you don't have to take care of the children."

"You literate people should be eager to find a job, and you are unwilling to take care of your children at home. You didn't sign up to compete for the previous teacher's position. Two people get paid, and you can still Raise more children."

Jiang Shuangling shook her head, "I don't raise so many children."

For her, the two children in the family are already noisy enough, and besides, two children are enough for company.

Sister Song nodded: "Yes, too many children have headaches, then you have to give birth to one or two, I think it is just right now, you are all married, and you are temporarily out of work. Qi Ying Changsheng is a big fat boy... Maybe you are already pregnant now."

"Ah?!" Jiang Shuangling was frightened by Sister Song's words. She hasn't thought about having a baby yet.

"Ah what, is it possible that you are the same as the head of He's family and don't want to give birth?"

Jiang Shuangling: “…”

Jiang Shuangling came out from Sister-in-law Song's house. When she left, the other party gave her a lot of pepper seedlings. Jiang Shuangling collected the pepper seedlings, thinking that every household here grows peppers, and she also follows the local customs.

Walking on the road, she couldn't help touching her belly.


Jiang Shuangling does not reject the matter of having children.

Of course, she would only accept two children at most, and it would have to be a few years apart.

Now that we have one at home, one at home, one more...

Qi San?