MTL - It’s Hard For a Good Wife and Mother-Chapter 18 a bet

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Hearing this, the little Erniang's eyelids twitched involuntarily, and she thought to herself, could it be that she offended the honorable guest this time because she was blind to gold and jade?

Fumantang is one of the best restaurants in Liugang Town. It is known for its unique selling points of "beautiful environment, good dishes, listening to books, and tasting tea". Stable, no need to worry about no business, so the store is from the shopkeeper to the second mother, all of them have their eyes above the top, their nostrils are up to the sky to see people, and the way of hospitality is almost forgotten, but However, there is one thing they will never forget, that is, the real owner of this restaurant is Mrs. Shi Xiyan.

Although the little Erniang was skeptical about what Mo Dai said, she still subconsciously looked at Mo Dai from head to toe again, and looked again this time, and she really found that Mo Dai was a little different——

Although this woman is dressed in simple and shabby clothes, she does not look like a farmer's wife at all. Looking at her, her skin is fair and supple, just like the fine porcelain produced in Shijing Town, the hometown of ceramics. It is delicate and smooth, and it may be a baby. Few skins can match it. Moreover, this woman has delicate eyebrows, a pretty straight nose, and red lips, especially her eyes. The pupils seem to be naturally larger than ordinary people and dark, and they are as clear and clear as washing. Subconsciously want to escape.

This kind of demeanor is extraordinary in Xiao Erniang's eyes, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

The little Erniang became more and more uncertain, so she hurried to the accountant in the backyard to find the shopkeeper to solve it.

The shopkeeper's name is Fang Ling, a forty-year-old woman in a skirt, with an elegant demeanor. Hearing what the little second lady said, Fang Ling curled the corners of his lips almost indistinctly, and glanced at the storytelling place in the front building: "Follow me to have a look!" Does it have something to do with Mrs. Shi? Heh, it's been a long time since no one made trouble, so I'm quite brave! Then he straightened his dress and walked towards the front building.

When they came to the gate of the front building, they glanced around but did not see Mo Dai's shadow. The little Erniang looked around in surprise, but Fang Ling thought that the little Erniang was playing with her. Pi suddenly became tense and ugly, and gave Xiao Erniang a vicious look.

The little mistress was wronged, and was about to explain, when suddenly she found the figure of a certain mistress who was busy greeting guests in the lobby, which was both strange and familiar, with an old purple-black slanted-front jacket and an old sarong of the same color. Eight teeth are exposed, and those teeth are so white...

"...Hey, Fatty Bai, what do I ask you?" Fang Ling slapped the little Erniang's head with a slap, and that fierce look didn't have the slightest elegance before.

"Ah, shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, that's her!" The little mistress Bai Fatty resentfully pointed at Mo Dai, who was shuttled among the guests and enthusiastically performing the duties of the mistress, the bastard, who dared to come and **** her. Job, when she is dead?

Fang Ling looked at the fat man's fingers, just in time to see that Mo Dai was introducing the shop's signature dessert - mint cake to a new customer who came from a long way away with a smile on his face.

Out of professional instinct, Fang Ling subconsciously grabbed the fat man and forced him to stand still with her and listen to the conversation between Modai and the guest.

After listening to the conversation, Fang Ling was quite touched. Since she thought she became the shopkeeper of Fumantang, she had seen many eloquent mistresses, but today's mistress seemed to be better than all the mistresses before. In the past ten years, she has never seen anyone who can speak so well.

"...Peppermint is a plant full of hope. Peppermint symbolizes a virtuous person, so the person who eats this mint cake has virtue in his heart and is a more virtuous person!"

This is what Madai said to the new guest, almost as soon as she finished speaking, the guest happily ordered five mint cakes, saying that they would take them away and eat slowly.

Seeing the shopkeeper's smile and nodding his head frequently at Mo Dai, the fat man felt more crisis in his heart, so the eyes that stared at Mo Dai could almost burst into flames.

Mo Dai didn't know that she had already been hated by others. Just now, the little second lady went to find the shopkeeper. When she was bored, she suddenly saw the curtain of a side door being lifted up, revealing a greasy face. From his head: "Fatty white! Fatty white! Where did he die? The guests are still waiting for pastries!"

Hearing this, Mo Dai raised her eyebrows, thinking that this might be a good opportunity, so she lied that she was the new mistress recruited by the shopkeeper, put an old rag on her shoulder, and started working as a mistress.

Fang Ling looked at Modai's hospitality, and the more he looked at her, the more he felt that she was a talented person, bold and careful, warm and lovable, not bad! At this moment, Fang Ling had completely forgotten the original reason why Fatty Bai pulled her out, and when Mo Dai was a little free, she beckoned for Mo Dai to come closer.

"What's your name? How old are you? Who are the people in the family? Do you want to work in our restaurant?" Fang Ling asked bluntly.

Mo Dai knew that this was the interview stage, and she had to be modest and cautious in order to leave a good impression on the other party, so she respectfully stood aside with her hands down, and answered Fang Ling's questions one by one.

"My name is Mo Daxi. I'm eighteen this year. I have a father, three husbands and two children. I really want to work in Fumantang. I can make money and save face. It's really a good job!"

"Yeah!" Fang Ling was very satisfied with Mo Dai's answer, "From now on, you can be a mistress in our restaurant. You can take care of one lunch every day and cover it. The monthly salary is 900 Wen. Take a day off and go home to visit relatives. How about it?"

When Mo Dai asked the price before, he also got some information. The 900 Wen given by Fumantang is considered a high salary. If he works in another family, the monthly maximum is only 850 Wen. She didn't have much dislike for only taking one day off every month. If she could live outside, the three brothers would be more comfortable.

"Success, thank you shopkeeper!" Mo Dai hastily bent down and bowed to Fang Ling, her tone was full of sincere gratitude, which made Fang Ling feel even more satisfied.

There are already three mistresses in the restaurant, but now there are four, watching helplessly as I have another competitor, Fatty Bai’s intestines are full of regrets, if I had known she would not have invited the shopkeeper, I just took the stick Wouldn't it be nice to beat this rascal girl out! But now she is the young mistress handpicked by the shopkeeper, no matter how much she regrets and wants to take revenge, she can only do it in her heart.

"Let's stay and work today. Our restaurant has launched a new dessert, Jasper Pear Blossom Cake. Later, you go to the pastry shop to have a look and find a way to recommend it to the guests. If you make it, you will be rewarded. ..." Fang Ling rubbed his chin and looked at Mo Dai with a smile, with a hint of menace in his eyes.

Mo Dai's brows trembled, knowing that what Fang Ling said behind her was not a good one, and as soon as she said it, she wanted her to succeed, and she was not allowed to fail at all. Fatty Bai obviously noticed it, and he was gloating at her and smiling sinisterly.

"Shopkeeper, I have a merciless request." Mo Dai bowed with her arms folded.

"Oh?" Displeasure flashed across Fang Ling's eyes.

"If I succeed in recommending pastries to ten guests, can you buy the two baskets of wild boar I brought?"

"Wild boar?"

"Yes, I have left it with a friend for the time being, and there are fifty more eggs, if you can buy them together..."

"Presumptuous, you dare to bargain with the shopkeeper, you..." Fatty Bai wanted to say something, but Fang Ling raised his hand to signal her to silence.

"When I give you a stick of incense, if you can't complete the task, I'll give you two baskets of wild meat and fifty eggs for nothing, how about that?" Fang Ling smiled brightly, but in Mo Dai's eyes, she couldn't help it. It's gloomy. It is not difficult to promote a pastry in the store. Since Fang Ling only mentioned it, it must be that the pastry is not very good. To use this as a bet is clearly trying to force the poor to death!

At this time, Modai can no longer entangle with the question of "should I accept the bet", but she also has conditions.

"If I complete the task, then you can buy my two baskets of wild pork at twice the unit price of fresh domestic pork, and buy the eggs at twice the unit price, how about it?"

"Okay!" Fang Ling beat his hands excitedly.

Mo Guihua was sitting under a big tree, watching the meat while waiting for Mo Dai to come back.

After touching two sticks of incense, Mo Guihua suddenly saw two or three women running towards her, and when they arrived, they wanted to pick up the two baskets of meat and a basket of eggs and leave. Mo Guihua panicked, and hurriedly asked them why they moved her things away, and she didn't violate anyone's territory. The three women ignored Mo Guihua's ramblings, and just yelled impatiently about the bet between Mo Daxi and the shopkeeper, Mo Guihua felt her mind explode—

Damn Mo Daxi, she still trusts her! Putting away the good meat and not selling it, but wanting to gamble with others. If she had known this, she would not have returned the meat to her even if she had ignorant of her conscience!

The honest and honest Mo Guihua didn't dare to go up to grab the three women, and left Liugang town in a daze after grief and resentment.

-----Off Topic-----

Today, Zhuzi has taken the train back to his hometown. This is sent by the depositor~ It is inconvenient to reply to the message for two days. After Zhuzi returns, I will reply one by one~ Thank you for your support!