MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 892 yield

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  Germany won the world war and became the hegemon of the world. Germany's military mobilization has also become a special concern of other countries. Especially Germany's neighbors, as well as Germany's opponents, are very sensitive to this. They were all afraid that Germany would attack them without declaring war. In that case, it is estimated that no country can withstand Germany's sudden attack.

  The 1st Army of the German Army, although it has been abolished from more than 300,000 people to 200,000 people. However, not only has the strength not been weakened, but it has also been strengthened due to the supplement of a large number of technical weapons.

  Although, Germany occupies nearly half of France's territory. The French government can only linger in the southern region, licking its wounds, and slowly recovering its strength.

  For the German 1st Army to reach the Pyrenees, it had to enter French territory.

   In this regard, the French government did not dare to stop it at all, and let it go all the way, so that the vanguard of the German army could take the train all the way south and reach the northern Pyrenees. Of course, it will take some time for the large troops of the group army to arrive. In any case, this is a force of 200,000 people.

   However, even if only one vanguard arrived, it would scare the Spaniards enough.

   When the US ambassador officially notified Spain of this situation, Spanish Foreign Minister Prieto turned pale.

   "God! Do the Germans really want to destroy the Kingdom of Spain?" Obviously, they couldn't resist the German attack at all!

   "Your Excellency, I have to report to His Majesty the King immediately." Prieto did not dare to stay, and immediately went to the palace to report the matter to Alfonso XIII.

   When Alfonso XIII learned about it, he was also shocked.

"Damn it, the Germans are really determined to destroy Spain. We knew a long time ago that we shouldn't provoke them. I knew a long time ago that Gibraltar cannot be taken. The British are simply uneasy and kind!" Alfonso XIII was anxious like a heat Like ants on a pot. He knew very well that if Germany wanted to destroy Spain, it would not take much effort at all. A group army was enough to completely destroy Spain. Even if Spain mobilizes, it will not be of much use. A German Army Group Army that has experienced many battles is enough for one to ten.

   After all, compared to the elite troops of the German Army, the Spanish Army is rubbish. Those hastily mobilized and armed troops are even worse than garbage. It is simply unrealistic to expect such troops to fight the Germans desperately. It is estimated that after the Germans call, those guys will surrender directly. At that time, the Germans will fight all the way to Madrid as if they were in no man's land. At that time, he, the king, will be deposed and even sent to the gallows. And Spain will be destroyed and become a province or a colony under the control of the Germans.

  Thinking of this, Alfonso XIII trembled all over, unable to accept such a result.

   "No, it can't be like this. I can't be killed, and Spain can't be destroyed!" Alfonso XIII said through gritted teeth.

   "Come here, tell the prime minister and other ministers to come!" Alfonso XIII ordered.

   Soon, the Spanish military and political ministers arrived at the palace.

"Gentlemen, the Kingdom of Spain is now at the critical point of life and death. The Germans have dispatched a large army and are approaching Spain. According to the information we have received, the German army has arrived in the northern Pyrenees. May attack us." Alfonso XIII said.

   "My God! Is the Kingdom of Spain doomed?"

   "Our army has not had time to mobilize at all. Even if it is mobilized, it is definitely not the opponent of the Germans. We can't beat them at all!"

   "Damn. How dare the Germans be so bold and dare to destroy us? Don't they fear that their actions will be opposed by all countries in the world?"

  The ministers of the Kingdom of Spain also panicked. Although, in the Kingdom of Spain, they can be regarded as masters and enjoy various privileges. But if the Kingdom of Spain is destroyed by Germany, then they are nothing. Even, I'm afraid that in the middle of the war, I can't even save my own life.

   "Gentlemen, shut up!" Alfonso XIII was angry.

  Originally, he was counting on these guys to give him advice. But unexpectedly, these guys were also frightened. How can this be possible?

  The roar of Alfonso XIII made the ministers calm down, and each of them realized that they had lost their composure.

   "Okay, do you have any suggestions for this?" Alfonso XIII asked.

"Your Majesty, the Germans have made their attitude clear once again. If we don't accept their conditions, they will directly dispatch the army to destroy us! And our army is no match for the Germans at all. Therefore, we have no We have other choices, and we can only accept the conditions of the Germans. Of course, this also does not rule out that the Germans are threatening us militarily." Count Romanones said.

  Alfonso XIII nodded, he thought what Count Romanones said was very reasonable.

"Whether the Germans want to take this opportunity to threaten us militarily, we don't dare to gamble anymore. If we still refuse them, they may invade us directly. After all, as everyone says, Germany People's military strength is too strong, and it is nothing to destroy us." Alfonso XIII said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Earl Romanones nodded.

   "Since this is the case, we don't have to struggle anymore. Inform the ambassador in Germany and accept the conditions of the Germans!" Alfonso XIII said.

  On the morning of February 5, the Spanish ambassador to Germany signed his name in the memorandum of understanding on the conflict between Germany and Spain on behalf of the Kingdom of Spain. The memorandum stipulates that Spain bears the main responsibility in this conflict. In order to compensate for the loss of the German Empire, Spain ceded Gibraltar to the German Empire. At the same time, Spain compensated the German Empire with one billion marks. Finally, Spain ceded the Balearic Islands to the German Empire.

   After the memorandum was signed, it represented the end of the conflict between Germany and Spain. Peace was restored between the two countries. The German troops withdrew one after another.

  Although this has had a certain impact on Germany's reputation. But overall, Germany has gained huge benefits in this conflict.