MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 898 Protectorate (seeking monthly ticket)

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  Emperor Qin Tian held a dinner to welcome the missions from the Kingdom of Nezhi and the Kingdom of Kuwait who came from afar. This made the members of these missions very satisfied, and their faces were all flushed. The whole banquet can be described as a feast for the guests and the host.

   The next day, German Prime Minister Bilow and Foreign Minister Wacht negotiated with the delegations of the two countries at the Prime Minister's residence. For the sake of confidentiality, in addition to the participation of the foreign ministers of the two countries, only Prime Minister Bilow and Foreign Minister Vachter participated in the German side. Moreover, when the delegations of the two countries went to the prime minister's mansion, they were picked up by car, sent directly to the mansion and then got off. The outside world did not know who entered the prime minister's mansion.

"Both, the Middle East was previously the sphere of influence of the British. When the British controlled the Middle East, they had been exploiting various countries and stirring up disputes in order to achieve the goal of controlling the Middle East. The people of all countries in the Middle East have always lived In the heat of the water." said the prime minister of the empire, Biluo.

   "Yes, Your Excellency. The British have always practiced colonial rule in the Middle East." Ghazi said.

  Hamid then began to accuse the British of cruel exploitation in the Middle East, completely describing the British as heinous people. And I am grateful to Germany for defeating Britain and saving the people of the Middle East from fire and water.

   After hearing this, Prime Minister Billo and Foreign Minister Wahit couldn't help but twitched their mouths.

   Isn’t everyone saying that Middle Easterners are simple? But now it seems that these guys are equally treacherous and cunning!

  However, both of them are diplomats, and diplomats have never been able to be honest people. After all, for the sake of their respective national interests, it is a necessary requirement to talk nonsense when people talk about others.

"Now the Empire has defeated the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom of England and Wales, which inherited the main body of the United Kingdom, has signed a peace treaty with the Empire. One of them is to transfer all the former British colonies to the German Empire. I think you should understand this The meaning of one!" Foreign Secretary Wahit said.

   Both Ghazi and Hamid nodded. They knew that hiding would definitely be impossible. The Germans have clearly stated this point, so this undoubtedly means that the Germans have decided to turn the Middle East into their colony.

  Germany's attitude made the two feel very uncomfortable. As Middle Easterners, they cannot control the fate of the Middle East. These big countries from the West control their life and death. This has to be said to be a kind of sadness.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Kingdom of Kuwait is willing to become the protectorate of the German Empire!" Hamid said first.

  Kuwait is just a small country with a population of just over one million. The country is almost all desert, with only a few oases. Such a country is extremely weak. Facing a world hegemon like the German Empire, they simply have no other choice. If you disobey, there is only one consequence, and that is to be destroyed instantly.

  Prime Minister Billo and Foreign Minister Wahit nodded in satisfaction.

  Prime Minister Biluo said: "Is this what your emir means?"

   "Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. The Emir of our country has already decided." Hamid said. Before visiting Germany, the Emir of Kuwait made a resolution with the ministers. They are well aware of the fate of their country, and facing the German Empire, they simply cannot oppose it. Instead of this, it is better to be a protectorate honestly. Anyway, Kuwait can only be a protectorate.

   Indeed, it seems that Kuwait really only has the life of a protectorate. In the past, it was independent with the support of the British. After independence, it became a protectorate of the British. Later, it became a protectorate of the US imperialists.

  Kuwait has no choice, especially after discovering oil, there is no way to keep the oil with their national strength. Therefore, it can only be attached to a strong country. Only in that way can we protect our own interests. Therefore, there is no way for them to do that.

   "Well, from now on, Kuwait will be the protectorate of the empire. His Majesty the Emperor will issue an edict later!" Prime Minister Biluo said.

  Kuwait is still relatively obedient, which makes the empire already have a foothold in the Middle East.

"However, one thing that needs to be reminded is that after becoming the protectorate of the empire, the internal affairs must accept the guidance of the empire. Of course, the empire will generally not interfere in the internal affairs of the protectorate. Diplomacy must be consistent with the empire, and it is absolutely not allowed to violate the empire. The police system should be trained by the empire. At the same time, a modern army should be established with the help of the empire. Once a war breaks out, the army of the protectorate must obey the command of the empire unconditionally. According to the population size of the Kingdom of Kuwait, The empire will help Kuwait build an infantry brigade! In addition, if the empire feels it is necessary, it can station a certain amount of troops in Kuwait. Can your country meet these requirements?" Foreign Minister Wahit asked.

   Hamid couldn't help being stunned. He had no idea that after becoming a protectorate of Germany, there were still so many requirements to be complied with. If you agree, the lifeline of the Kingdom of Kuwait will be completely controlled by the Germans. They didn't even have a chance to betray. Because the army and the police are almost all in the hands of the Germans. Once you want to betray, I am afraid that the Germans will not send troops to suppress it. The army and police of their own country will be able to suppress the betrayal.

  The ordinary Ghazi could not help frowning. Obviously, they thought the conditions of the Germans were too harsh. Before, they became a British protectorate, and Britain would guarantee their national security. However, although the United Kingdom will also interfere in their internal affairs, it will definitely not make so many regulations. Obviously, if you agree to become a protectorate of Germany, you have to be bound by these regulations.

  Hamid hesitated, but nodded. He knew that now there was no chance of repenting. If they repent, the Germans will definitely not let the Kingdom of Kuwait go. It was too easy for the Germans to destroy them. They had no chance of resisting at all.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Your Excellency Minister of Foreign Affairs! The Kingdom of Kuwait is willing to abide by these regulations and become the most loyal protectorate of the German Empire!" Hamid said.

   Though, he did not consult the emir. But he knew that even if the Emir of the Kingdom of Kuwait knew about it, he would never refuse, or dare not refuse. Because, in the face of the request of a big country, the Kingdom of Kuwait simply has no right to refuse.