MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 900 Take control of the Middle East (ask for a monthly ticket)

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   "Your Excellency, the Kingdom of Najd is willing to become a protectorate of the German Empire!" With no other choice, Ghazi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Nadd, had to succumb. He knew that there was only one way to survive before the Nezhi Kingdom, and if they refused, what awaited them would be destruction.

   In order for the country and the nation to continue to exist, they have no other choice but to submit to the German Empire.

  A smile appeared on the faces of Prime Minister Bilow and Foreign Minister Wahit.

   "Your Excellency Ghazi, don't you need to ask King Aziz for instructions?" Prime Minister Biluo asked.

   "Your Excellency Prime Minister, there is no need. His Majesty the King has given me the power to deal with this matter." Ghazi said.

  When he left the Kingdom of Najd, Aziz expected that the attitude of the Germans might be very tough. Therefore, he told Ghazi that if it was impossible, he did not have to confront the Germans. After all, although the Kingdom of Najd has become the hegemon on the Arabian Peninsula. But in the eyes of the powerful German Empire, they are still too weak. Even, facing the German Empire, they didn't even have the courage to resist.

   As a hero who led dozens of warriors back to Saudi Arabia, he was able to defeat the Turks and establish the Kingdom of Nejd. This kind of insight is still there.

"Okay, then you can sign the document. However, I have to remind you that after becoming the protectorate of the empire, you must maintain the safety of the interests of the empire. Once the empire discovers that there is an act that harms the interests of the empire, the consequences will be severe." It's very serious." Prime Minister Biluo said with a serious face.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Prime Minister. The Nezhi Kingdom will never do such a thing, and will never betray the German Empire!" Ghazi said. He knows that the Germans walk the talk. Once the Nezhi Kingdom really rebelled against the German Empire, the consequences would be very serious. However, as a protectorate of Germany, the army and police are under the control of the Germans. Do they still have the ability to rebel? After all, rebellion is something to do with your head up. If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

"In this case, it would be best. The empire will still take great care of its own protectorate. First of all, your safety will be protected by the empire. No country can pose a threat to you. Secondly, economically, you will Integrate into the economic system of the empire. It is foreseeable that your economy will soon develop." Biluo said.

  However, Hamid and Ghazi looked bitter. The Kingdom of Najd and the Kingdom of Kuwait were a piece of yellow sand. Such a harsh natural environment, how to develop the economy! It's not that they don't want to do anything, but that the conditions are too bad and there is nothing they can do! It can be said that the current Kingdom of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Najd are both very poor, and they are not like later generations, who relied on oil to develop rapidly and became local tyrants.

  Prime Minister Biluo smiled when he saw the faces of the two. He knew what they were thinking.

   "You two, you can tell your king after you go back. Soon the empire will invest in your two countries on a large scale." Bi Luo said.

   "Investment? Why?" Ghazi asked suspiciously.

"We found from the documents left by the British that both of you have a large amount of oil resources. The German Empire will provide funds and technology to exploit your oil. After deducting the cost of the oil extracted, you can get a percentage of the profit Twenty. I think this will greatly boost the economies of your two countries," Biluo said.

   "Oil, do we have oil there too? This is really great!" Hamid smiled. They have been living a hard life all these years. If oil can be extracted, then they will be able to live a prosperous life.

   Ghazi is also laughing, but his villain is a bit far-fetched. Because he was wondering if everything Germany said was true. Well, that oil would have been theirs. But why they can only get 20% of the profits, but the Germans have to get 80%? This seems so unfair.

  However, now that the Kingdom of Najd has become a protectorate of Germany, they have nothing to do in the face of Germany's whatever they want. Don't say that Germany only gives them 20% of the profits. Even if Germany takes all the profits, they have nothing to do. In comparison, the Germans' approach is already very benevolent.

  The Kingdom of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Najd both became protectorates of the German Empire, which expanded German power in the Middle East. It can be said that after controlling these two kingdoms, Germany can be regarded as controlling the Middle East.

  The Kuwaiti delegation and the Nejd Kingdom delegation did not stay in Germany for long, and set off for home on the third day after the signing of the treaty. However, Prince Abdul and Prince Salim stayed on. The younger Prince Abdul will go to school in Berlin. The older Prince Salim went to the Imperial Army University for further studies.

   Obviously, these two princes are heirs to their throne. Keeping them in Germany is also to reassure Germany.

  King Aziz of the Kingdom of Najd and Emir Jaber II of Kuwait were very speechless after learning of the conditions proposed by Germany. However, they also know that there is no way out, and there is no other way but to compromise.

   Facing the strength of Germany, they can only recognize it. Similarly, they can only hope that Germany will do what it says and not interfere in their internal affairs.

  For the Kingdom of Najd, the only advantage is probably that Germany is willing to help them deal with the Rashid family and the Kingdom of Waizhi. This is undoubtedly a surprise. Under the attack of the German army, it was obviously impossible for the Rashid family and the Waizhi Kingdom to resist.

  In early February 1916, the German Eighth Army crossed the Suez Canal and entered the Sinai Peninsula. Then, began to attack Gaizhi Kingdom. At the same time, the army of the Neizhi Kingdom was also ready to attack the Waizhi Kingdom.

  The strength of the Gaizhi Kingdom was inferior to that of the Naizhi Kingdom, let alone confronting the fierce German army.

  The battle went very smoothly. In less than a week, the main force of the Gaizhi Kingdom was defeated. The German 8th Army did not go deep into the desert of the Arabian Peninsula, but was stationed along the coast. The rest of the remnants of the enemy, let the army of Nazhi Kingdom deal with it. The Eighth Army had more important targets to attack.

  With the support of Germany, the Kingdom of Nezhi annexed the Kingdom of Wazhi and changed its name to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And Germany also used this to control the entire Middle East.