MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 902 disaster strikes

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  Among the many countries in the world, there are not many countries with great power potential. The United States is undoubtedly a unique one. The barrier between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean has guaranteed the security of the United States. In addition, there are no powerful countries in the surrounding area, which allows the United States to use all its power for external expansion. It can be said that it is precisely because of these superior conditions that the United States is called the chosen country. The rise of another time-space American empire is inseparable from these factors.

  India also has the potential to become a great power. The vast land area, huge population base, and the surrounding geographical environment are also very favorable. The tall Himalayas to the north blocked the enemy. There are also no powerful countries in the surrounding area. It's just that, after all, what is sad about India is that they have been in a state of being conquered from ancient times to the present. The nomadic peoples of Central Asia have repeatedly invaded the south, while the natives of India cannot fight at all, and have been in a state of enslavement. It is precisely because of this that the local aborigines in India have always been at the bottom of the social class. On the contrary, those foreign nationalities have always been at the top of society.

  After the great voyage began, Western colonists began to invade the world. And India, naturally became the target of the colonists' competition and invasion. After a fierce fight among the western colonists, Britain emerged from it and became the victor, taking control of the whole of India. However, this is not a good thing for Indians. At that time, the British Empire was in full swing. They crazily plundered wealth from India, which further made Britain's national strength continue to rise. The Indian natives also tried to resist many times, but they were all brutally suppressed by the British. Especially the Indian uprising in the mid-18th century, although it caused considerable losses to the British colonial authorities. However, the whole of India was also killed in rivers of blood.

  Since then, although India has also broken out many uprisings. But, in general, a huge part of Indians have been tamed. They have accepted their fate and willingly accepted the exploitation and oppression of the British. Of course, those feudal princes also rode on their heads at the same time.

  However, after entering the twentieth century. Indians are also gradually starting to wake up. Gandhi, Tilak, Jinnah and Nehru are all active people. Except for Jinnah who is a member of the Green Party Alliance, the other three are leaders of the Indian National Congress Party. In order to fight for India to get rid of British colonial rule, they led the vast majority of Indian people to fight hard. Especially in the world war, after Britain lost the war, many people thought that their chance had come.

   It's a pity that even if Britain failed in the war, even the mainland fell. However, the British rule in India still has a strong influence. In addition, most of the people have obeyed the rule of the British, and those feudal princes have also joined the British colonial authorities to form a whole. This makes it very difficult for the Congress Party and other parties to overthrow the British colonial rule.

   As the largest party in India, the Congress Party has 30 million members. But unfortunately, there are also fierce contradictions within the Congress Party. The moderate faction headed by Gandhi hoped to break away from British colonial rule through peaceful means. However, the radical faction headed by Tilak advocated the overthrow of British colonial rule in extreme ways, even including war.

  Although, the views of the two factions are different. However, the final purpose is the same. That is to hope to break free from British colonial rule so that India can become a truly independent country.

  Mumbai, India, is the largest city in India and the most industrially developed city in India. It has also become the center of the National Congress Party of course.

  In the headquarters of the Congress Party, the radical leader Tilak and the moderate leader Gandhi are meeting. In the office, apart from the two of them, only Gandhi's student Nehru was there, and Nehru's duty was to take care of the records.

  Tilak's attitude has regressed a bit compared to before. He was arrested by the British colonial authorities for leading the workers' strike in Mumbai and imprisoned for six years. Perhaps it was because Tilak realized the strength of Britain in prison, so his attitude changed. In August 1914, he also declared his allegiance to the United Kingdom, hoping that in exchange for the United Kingdom to agree to India's autonomy, and then step by step towards independence. It is precisely because of this that the relationship between the radicals and moderates of the Congress Party has eased.

   However, it seems a bit late now. The British have already failed in this war, and even the mainland has fallen. The British government can only linger in Canada now, and it is difficult to protect itself, let alone give Indians a chance to self-govern or even become independent.

  Because more powerful colonists are coming soon, and more importantly, the whole of India will soon fall into war. I don't know how many people will die in the war, and I don't know how many people will lose their families because of it. It is precisely because of this that the elites in India are worried one by one.

  The meeting between Tilak and Gandhi was mainly for this reason. As the leaders of the Indian National Congress, they are naturally obliged to save India from disaster.

"Mr. Gandhi, India is very dangerous now! The colonial authorities are expanding their armies and preparing for war. Soon, a big war will break out in India. On the Indian peninsula, I am afraid that there will be bloodshed again!" Tilak His face was full of despair.

   "Is there no way to avoid this war?" Gandhi looked compassionate. Although his figure is very thin, he is almost a god-like existence in the minds of most Indians.

Tilak shook his head: "In the eyes of Western powers, India has always been a piece of fat, and everyone wants to take a bite. Before, Britain was very strong, and other countries had no chance to attack. However, after Britain was defeated by Germany Well, the Germans will never let us go. Their army has already taken Egypt. I am afraid that they will enter the Middle East in a short time. After taking the Middle East, isn't it India's next turn? ?”

   "Is it possible for us to contact the Germans and ask them to support our autonomy or independence?" Nehru asked.

   "This is impossible! The Germans are more greedy than the British. They will never let go of the opportunity to enslave us." Tilak said with great certainty.