MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 904 Freedom Trap (ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Indians yearn for freedom and independence. However, the British colonial authorities tried their best to restrict their freedom and prevent them from becoming independent. If the Indians became independent and had freedom, how could the British colonial authorities enslave them? How to get wealth from India?

   There is a natural contradiction between the two. As long as the British colonial authorities did not have their heads caught by the door, they would not allow Indians to have freedom. After all, this will seriously damage their interests in India.

   However, as the external environment changes, contradictions can also change. No, the enemy is currently, in order to resist the German invasion, the British colonial authorities and the Indian elites are racking their brains to find a way.

  Charles Harding, as the governor of India, is obviously superior in political wisdom to others. After thinking hard, he finally thought of a way to prevent the Germans from invading India. In other words, a way to keep fighting with the Germans in India.

   Baron Charles Harding originally wanted to escape from India and go to Canada to live a life of peace of mind. However, he could only continue to serve as the governor of India when the British cabinet refused to agree to his resignation. If you fled back to Canada privately, it would be dereliction of duty. At that time, not only the noble title of baron will be lost. Even, it will be tried by the court. And stay in India, once the Germans call, if the British troops stationed in India and the British and Indian troops can't resist it. Then, the consequences are also very tragic. Maybe he will be arrested by the Germans, and his life safety will not be guaranteed. Therefore, for the sake of his own life, Baron Charles Harding could only do his best.

  If he can really resist the German invasion in India, or even turn India into a war quagmire and defeat the Germans, then his reputation will be greatly improved. Returning to the UK in the future will have a high prestige. Not only can the title of nobility be promoted, but it is even possible to obtain a larger position. The position of Minister of Indian Affairs is too low to be considered. The foreign secretary may be fine. Even being prime minister is not out of the question, with luck.

  Thinking of these, Baron Charles Harding's heart became hot and full of energy.

   "Your Excellency, how many military forces do we have in India now?" Baron Charles Harding asked.

"Your Excellency, now our army is mainly divided into the British Army in India and the British and Indian Army. Among them, the British Army in India has four troops with 200,000 troops. The British and Indian Army has six troops with 1.2 million people. One and a half million people!" replied Lord William Nicholson.

   An army of 1.4 million people is undoubtedly a lot. However, considering that the combat effectiveness of the British army is not as good as that of the German army, let alone those British troops stationed in India. If there is a real fight, the combat effectiveness of these British troops stationed in India may be very limited. If it is not done well, not only will it not be of much help, but it may even be counterproductive.

   It is undoubtedly necessary to resist the German attack and increase their military strength in India as much as possible. If you don't have enough troops, what are you going to use to fight the Germans! At that time, the Germans will easily capture India.

   "1.4 million people is not enough. We need more troops. Only with more troops can we defeat the Germans!" Baron Charles Harding said.

"Your Excellency Governor, we are already recruiting soldiers. However, Indians are lazy and not many people are willing to serve as soldiers. Especially the Congress Party and other parties are still making trouble for us, lobbying those who want to join the army to give up joining the army. It makes it even more difficult for us to recruit enough soldiers. The government has transported us a large amount of weapons and equipment from the United States and Canada. In addition, our arsenal in India is also constantly producing weapons and equipment. But the problem is that there are not enough Soldiers, no matter how many weapons and equipment there are, but there are not enough people to use them, there is nothing we can do!" Lord William Nicholson looked embarrassed.

  Under the colonial rule of the British, India's industry has also developed to a certain extent. It even completely surpassed the Eastern powers of the same period. There are also arsenals, capable of producing rifles, machine guns and small-caliber artillery. Of course, heavy artillery is not capable of production. The British are also worried that India has the ability to produce heavy artillery. Even the production lines of rifles and machine guns were secretly shipped to India because the war was extremely unfavorable to Britain. The purpose is to use India as a base for the re-emergence of the British Empire.

   "Why? Why do those guys prevent Indians from serving as soldiers?" Baron Charles Harding frowned tightly.

   You know, India has a population of more than 300 million. If the restrictions are relaxed and the conscription is frantic, not to mention arming 30 million troops, but there is absolutely no problem in recruiting 10 million troops. Of course, the British and Indian colonial authorities did not have enough weapons to arm such a large army, not even a single rifle. However, even if they can arm several million more troops, this will greatly enhance their strength! Although the combat effectiveness of these Indian troops is worrying, most ants kill elephants. Maybe it can still play a certain role.

"Your Excellency, those guys are very pessimistic about the upcoming war situation, thinking that we can't resist the German attack. If the Indians join the army, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Therefore, they thought that to prevent those Indians from joining the army, It will reduce Indian casualties," said Lord William Nicholson.

A murderous intent flashed in Baron Charles Harding's eyes. He has never been interested in those people. If he hadn't worried that taking tough measures against them would cause a large number of Indians to oppose Britain, he would have attacked them long ago. . But now, they dared to take the bottom of the colonial authorities, which undoubtedly made Baron Charles Harding move to kill.

   "Your Excellency, now that the Germans are about to attack India, we should not take action against those people." William Nicholson persuaded. If it arouses public indignation, it is really an internal and external trouble. At that time, it is even more impossible for them to hold on to India.

   Baron Charles Harding nodded: "I know! Don't they want freedom? Then, let's give them freedom. Call those guys, the freedom they have been longing for, I agree!"

   However, from the sneer on his face, it can be seen that he has bad intentions.