MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 912 battle started

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  On the morning of February 20, the battleship "Nassau" and the battleship "West **", the flagships of the German Navy's Indian Ocean Fleet, appeared in the offshore of Alibag with several light cruisers and destroyers.

  Because the warships of the German Navy often patrol this area, the soldiers of the British and Indian Army did not care about it after seeing it.

   "The German warships are really huge! Those two warships are like hills." A soldier of the British and Indian army was amazed.

   "Yes! No wonder the Germans were able to defeat the British." Another soldier of the British Indian Army said.

  However, their boss, a British platoon leader, was very dissatisfied with this. He was originally an ordinary soldier living in the British and Indian Army. However, due to the crazy expansion of the British and Indian troops, there is a lack of grassroots officers. Therefore, Changan selected tens of thousands of people from the British and Indian troops to serve as platoon leaders or even company commanders of the British and Indian troops.

  Hearing that two Indian natives dared to say this, the face of the British platoon leader suddenly became ugly.

"Shut up, all of you, it was originally a warship of the British Empire. The despicable Germans stole those warships when they attacked the mainland of the empire. Now, they are still using these warships brazenly, it is simply too despicable!" The grown-up cursed.

  The two soldiers of the British and Indian Army fell silent immediately, but everyone despised what the platoon leader said in their hearts. Everyone knew that the British mainland had fallen. Obviously, the warships currently used by the Germans are all German trophies. The Germans defeated the British and deserved the spoils, there is nothing mean or not mean about it. Blame them for losing the war!

   "What are the German battleships doing here? Usually they pass through this sea area at most." The platoon leader felt a little organ.

   "Sir, will the Germans just pass by here? They are going to Mumbai, perhaps." An Indian soldier said. After all, Mumbai is a big city, and if the German battleships want to attack, it is obvious that Mumbai is their goal.

  The platoon leader nodded, and he also felt very reasonable.

  However, the platoon leader's eyes widened soon. Because he found that the two battleships actually slowed down and smashed the hull at the same time.

   "God! They are really going to attack Alibag!" The platoon leader shouted.


  The battleship 'Nassau' opened fire first, and three triple-mounted 380mm main guns smashed the heavy shells at Alibag.

  At the same time, the battleship 'West **' also began to attack. Two battleships began to ravage the small town with their main guns.

   A series of transport ships also appeared in the distance and began to approach the coastline. These transport ships carried the 3rd Division of the Marine Corps. Their task is to support the army's landing operations on the Indian battlefield, and at the same time take on the task of guarding the port to ensure the safety of the logistics supply base.


  The artillery shell exploded in the city of Alibag, and the low houses in the east were blown to pieces during the explosion.

  Countless Indians fled for their lives in all directions. Perhaps they never thought that the war would one day fall on their heads.

   Garrisoned here is the 2nd Infantry Brigade under the 12th Infantry Division of the 2nd Army of the British and Indian Army. The entire infantry brigade has only more than 4,000 people, and the brigade headquarters is located in the city.

  When the explosion sounded, the Brigadier General woke up suddenly.

   "What's going on? What happened? Where did the explosion come from?" The Brigadier General put on his pants and rushed out of the room.

   "General, bombardment! The German battleship is firing on Alibagh." The adjutant reported.

   "What? The German battleship town is firing? God! The Germans didn't choose Mumbai as a landing point, why did they choose us here?" The Brigadier General expressed his frightened expression.

"In addition, report to the division headquarters immediately that we have been bombarded by the Germans. The Germans may land in Alibag. We urgently need reinforcements. Otherwise, only God can prevent the fall of Alibag." Brigadier General Brigade Long ordered. He knew very well that if the Germans really wanted to land in Alibag, his few thousand people alone would not even be able to stop the Germans. If it is a few thousand elite British soldiers, it may be possible to stop the Germans for a while, but it is impossible for a few thousand Indian soldiers.

   "Yes, General." The communications soldier turned pale and went to send a telegram.

  Everyone is very clear that for them, the most dangerous time and space has arrived.


  A 380mm artillery shell fell into the barracks of the British and Indian Army, and the dilapidated barracks were torn apart by the explosion. Countless British and Indian soldiers were killed in their sleep.

   Many British and Indian soldiers were awakened. They ran out of the barracks directly, and they didn't even have time to wear their pants, let alone their weapons and equipment.

  The British-Indian defense line on Alibag Beach was also the target of heavy bombardment by two battleships of the German Navy.

  Originally, the defense line built by the British and Indian troops was not very strong, it was just a superficial product. The 380mm main gun of the battleship of the German Navy is even more powerful. Those fortifications built on the beach simply couldn't withstand the fierce German shelling and were easily destroyed.


  A shell exploded on the beach, and a huge shock wave engulfed the gravel in all directions. Although the sand on the beach affected the effect of the shelling to a certain extent, the fortifications around the explosion of the shells were all destroyed. On the beach, there are bomb craters left.

  Although the bombardment of the two capital ships of the German Navy lasted only 20 minutes, the beach in Alibag has become a mess. There are huge craters everywhere, just like the surface of the moon.

  Although there were not many attacks in the city of Alibag, the Indian natives living here have already been scared to death. Those Indian natives scattered and escaped before they had time to tidy up their belongings.

  The British and Indian troops stationed in Alibag, even the Germans have not seen it yet, but seeing the craters left by the main guns of those battleships, they were also scared out of their wits.

   However, soldiers are different from civilians after all, they have a certain degree of organization. Although the combat effectiveness of the British and Indian Army is relatively poor, in order to ensure that the Germans can be held back in the early stages of the war and to buy enough time for follow-up troops to train, the British and Indian Army's 1st Army, 2nd Army and 3rd Army did not Even if it is split up, it can still be regarded as an elite force.

  Under the pressure of the officers, the soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Brigade of the 12th Infantry Division of the 2nd Army of the British and Indian Army hid in the city tremblingly, preparing to resist the upcoming German attack.