MTL - Jagged Germany-Chapter 925 Huge wealth (seeking monthly ticket)

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"Your Majesty, I had a very pleasant conversation with Mir Osman Ali Khan. The attitude of the group of Indian sovereigns he represents is very clear, that is, as long as their interests can be guaranteed, they are willing to submit to the empire. Moreover, they will not pursue India's independence." Imperial Foreign Minister Vahit reported to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian nodded: "Well! They have such an attitude, it is undoubtedly the best. India is too far away from the empire. In addition, Indian people's wisdom is gradually developing, and more and more people will demand independence. *Established. The empire wants to occupy India because it wants to obtain a lot of wealth from India, rather than sinking into a quagmire. In that case, it will be very detrimental to the empire! If those Indian sovereigns work for the empire, this It will save the empire a lot."

  From the standpoint of the German Empire, they naturally do not want India to gain independence. However, Indians are no longer as foolish as they were before, and the influence of those from the Congress Party and the Green Party Alliance is growing. If their goal of independence is not achieved, they will soon turn from peaceful operations to violent ones. At that time, you don't need to think about it, those enemies of the empire will definitely do everything possible to support those guys. They will never watch the empire grab wealth from India wantonly, and then become more powerful. Therefore, they will definitely enjoy it if they can make trouble for the empire in India.

   At that time, India will definitely become wars everywhere. Once India becomes chaotic, Germany will no longer be able to benefit from India. At that time, I am afraid it will become a burden to the German Empire. India will also become a chicken rib, tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

   If it is possible to withdraw from the rule of India, only gain benefits, and hand over other affairs to those local lords, it will undoubtedly be very beneficial to the German Empire. After all, it has nothing to do with Germany to let those land lords deal with those who vainly seek independence. At most, Germany is hiding behind and providing weapons and equipment to those land lords.

"Everyone, I have a proposal. Doesn't the territory of those landowners account for forty-five percent of one degree? It's already almost half. Just like this, we will distribute the remaining land in India to those landowners." Lord, let them rule those lands instead of the empire. In this way, the empire can completely withdraw from India." Qin Tian suggested.

"Your Majesty, wouldn't this be too cheap for those land lords? The ordinary land left in India is the essence, the most fertile land! After the Mughal Dynasty was destroyed by the British, the British came We can directly rule those territories. If we hand over those territories to the Indian lords, they will get a big deal," Prime Minister Bilo said.

"Of course, I know those land lords have long coveted those territories. If they want those territories, then they have to pay a certain price. Gold, silver, jewelry, or cash. Use those land lords In exchange for the wealth accumulated over countless years. You know, those land lords are very rich. Mir Osman Ali Khan alone has a net worth of at least tens of billions of marks. If the empire is willing to give him a piece and cash With a land as large as some territory, would he be willing to contribute all his wealth to the empire?" Qin Tian asked.

   "God! India is really a rich place. Even a land lord has so much wealth." The imperial finance minister sighed.

  Although Germany received a large amount of war reparations from the World War, there are many places where Germany needs money! Especially in order to absorb and digest the territory of Eastern Europe obtained from this war, many large projects have been launched. Coupled with the improvement of people's livelihood, the reorganization of the army, the upgrading of weapons and equipment, etc., it can be said that spending money is like flowing water. If a large amount of wealth can be obtained from those land lords, this will undoubtedly greatly improve the empire's finances.

"India has nearly 600 land-states, large and small. If those land-state owners can hand over their wealth to the empire, the empire is estimated to be able to obtain wealth of hundreds of billions of marks from them! Or even more!" The prime minister of the empire Biluo also said.

  Suddenly, everyone's breathing became a little short. That means hundreds of billions of marks or even more wealth! If the empire can get that much wealth from India, the empire will take off again. The gap between the empire and the United States, which is closely following the empire, will widen once again. At that time, it will be impossible for the Americans to surpass the empire.

"Your Majesty, the land in India is not of much use to us at all. It can be handed over to those land lords. As long as they are willing to buy it with money, then give it to them!" Imperial Army Minister and Chief of General Staff Feng Wei Marshal Falkenhain said.

  If the empire can have such a wealth, then the overall strength of the empire will once again rise by a large margin. The dominance of the empire will become more stable. It is simply impossible for other countries to challenge the hegemony of the empire.

   "Yes, Your Majesty. I also agree to sell those lands to those land lords in exchange for a lot of wealth!" Marshal Reinhard Scheer, Minister of the Navy, also said.

  The Imperial Navy is designing a newer type of aircraft carrier. A single aircraft carrier is not capable of combat, and must be matched with carrier-based aircraft. At the same time, there must be various **** warships, which makes the cost of an aircraft carrier battle group very high. If the German Navy wants to form more than a dozen aircraft carrier battle groups, the required funds will be astronomical. In addition, annual maintenance also costs a lot of money. If there is no other funds, the German Navy may have to continue to tighten its belt. If a huge amount of wealth can be obtained from India, then the life of the Imperial Navy will be much easier.

  The other military and political ministers of the empire also agreed to let those lands be sold to those land lords in exchange for huge wealth.

  If India is closer to Germany, then it is undoubtedly more beneficial to rule India directly. However, India is too far away from Germany, and Germany does not want to spend more energy in India. In this case, it is undoubtedly the best way to exchange those lands in India for huge wealth.