MTL - Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit-Chapter 2791 Want to fold (13)

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  Chapter 2791 Want to break (13)

   "..." The little figure disguised as a man looked up at her.

   didn't speak, and passed quietly.

   The moment Lin Qingluan grabbed her hand, Lin Qingluan paused slightly.

  Hands so soft?

  Lin Qingluan looked at her, and noticed the makeup on her face again.

  Eunuchs usually don't pay attention to these, only women will notice that she has makeup on her face at a glance.

   Dark, deliberately ugly makeup.

  Lin Qingluan reached out to touch her, but the little man narrowed his eyes and stared at her.

  Her hand froze for an instant, and her hesitant eyes were lost for a moment.

   Soon, she withdrew her hand.

   Just like that, subconsciously, she accepted Yun Si's appearance.

   After confirming that she is a boy, I will no longer doubt it.

   Her mind quickly recovered, and she didn't notice anything unusual.

  Looking at the little person in front of her, Lin Qingluan grabbed her little hand, stared blankly, and then smiled.

  The voice is as gentle as a warbler, charming and moving.

   "Your name is Yanzhang, right?"

  The little man looked at her quietly with big and bright eyes, his face was soft and his body was round, he didn't speak, but nodded slowly.

   Look really dumb.

  No scheming.

  Lin Qingluan looked at her with satisfaction on his face.

  Stay well, stay...

   Easy to handle.

  Her hands with bright red nails slowly touched her little head, and said, "What a good boy..."




   Too womb.

  The palace man walked hurriedly, bent down, and walked into the political affairs hall.

  Walking to the frost-white person, bowed, "Your Highness, Young Master Yun has entered the palace, and he is at... Empress Qingluan's place."

   "Cough..." The sickly beauty who was reviewing the memorial coughed a few times.

  The face is pale and bloodless, and the lip color is almost light.

   Coughing so much that the pen between his fingers flickered, the ink dripped, and it dripped on the origami paper inadvertently, and the ink beads slowly blurred.

  He lowered his eyes and said nothing.

   This news does not seem to be surprising.

  It was expected, so he behaved extra calmly.

   "Arrange him in the guest room, divided into two palaces."

  It means to keep it cold and supervise it day and night.

  If you can't push it away, you can only deal with it coldly.

  Palace accepted: "Yes, Your Highness."




   Soon, Yun Si was led to the womb of the Tai Tai.

  The extravagant Prince's East Palace occupies almost a quarter of the entire imperial palace.

  There are many palace walls and countless ring corridors.

  Like a giant red-blooded python, it hovers awe-inspiringly in the east of the palace.

  Majestic, standing under the rising sun.

   Born to welcome the sun.

  Stepping into the outer wall of the East Palace, the door of the palace wall that is comparable to the sky is slowly closed.

  The sun is shining brightly, but the coolness hits the face, even the wind is cool.

  Quiet but too quiet.

  The guards and palace servants standing on both sides of the palace wall are like sculptures, motionless, looking straight ahead.

   No one spoke, only the sound of Yun Si walking when she came in.

  The **** in the palace led her to the gate of the East Palace and handed her over to the head **** in the East Palace.

  The manager led her to a remote wing.

  At the door of the wing room, two eunuchs were already standing.

   Tall and big, with a steady pace, one can tell at a glance that he is a person with martial arts.

  She's like a chick by comparison.

  The manager led her to the door and bowed slightly, "Young master, you will live here from now on. If you have anything to do, you can ask Zeguang and Zeqing, the two father-in-laws, and they will help you arrange it."

   "..." The chubby little girl looked up at the two extraordinarily tall eunuchs, and then at the empty and quiet yard in front of the wing.

  (end of this chapter)