MTL - Joy of Life-v7 Chapter 146 That person told a story

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~ Date: ~09月20日~


The gloomy land is burning. The blue ocean is burning, and the infinite sky is burning. Everything between heaven and earth. It seems to be under the blazing flames of high temperatures. Try to squeeze out every fuel in your own interior and add it to the flame of this flame.

Volcano eruption. The hot red magma plunged into the sea, steaming endless fog, and driving the ocean currents to start a wave higher than a wave. Constantly patted the land that has already been melted into a weird shape, the world is filled with heart-warming light and heat, full of ruin.

The animals on the land rushed to the nickname. The fur is so bad that it is deep in the bones. It seems that those lights, those undulating, those flames are the fire of souls from the secluded. They can never get rid of them, no matter how far they escape from the burning woods, no matter how deep they dig into the deep caves under the grasslands, they still have not escaped the destruction that will destroy all living beings.

Animals in the ocean are also swimming in uneasiness. Desperately avoiding the heat and toxic gas from the deep ditch of the sea, those who are used to swimming freely in the cold sea. Unusually desperately headed the head out of the water. It is hot air that breathes into the lungs. And those with a deadly toxin.

The birds in the sky are still struggling to fly, and they are far away from the glare of the sky. Running desperately toward the ends of the earth, the natural sensitivity of life makes them aware. Probably only in those places where the people are inaccessible, can we find the last Taoyuan, which is a major inconsistency with the season. In this migration, most of the birds still died on the way, and fell to the dry land. Really able to escape the blazing light. There are very few birds with black dust.

The light between heaven and earth gradually faded. The air is full of dust and dark clouds, and the round of the head is extremely ruthlessly blocked behind. The entire green prairie. The color has already changed, and the animals survived after the robbery. Gathered around a small pool. Desperately vying for the only clean water source, more than thirty crocodiles lie in the depths of the pool. Countless animals gathered around the pool, began to dig small puddles, or daringly, strong carnivores, bravely began to attack the crocodile ground.

There is no longer any trace of birds in the sky, and the fish on the bottom of the sea have already been scared into the deep-sea coral reefs, and they dare not come out. In the surrounding area, the sharks looked at the big eyes with some confusion. I don't know what the world is like. What happened to his own home, and above the sea, more than a dozen huge sperm whales were floating tired. Occasionally, I can't force my tail, and I am farther away from the island. The sea lions screamed in despair and angrily against the sky. Cruelly bite each other. Venting the fear in the bottom of my heart.

The animals gathered next to the water pool gradually died, killing each other and dying because of the inhalation of black dust in the air. There is death because of hunger. There are more animals because of thirst. In fact, it was because of drinking the water in the pool.

The air is dry. There are only a few white bones left around the pool. Large or small. Or distorted. Or horrified. The flesh and blood of their bodies have already been returned to the earth, leaving only these bones still around. Accompanied by the strongest in the pool. There have been tens of millions of years of reptiles that have not died.

After some days, the waterhole was dry, and the crocodile, which weighed hundreds of pounds, confessed to the earth. Let the sun, which is not blazing, basking in the red mud on the back, and gradually die. Gradually dry. Gradually decaying, gradually turning into a shocking bone.

In fact, these powerful reptiles are actually actually dried.

The air is still dead. Except those rolling. There is no trace of life and flexibility beyond the thick black cloud that oppresses the earth. The scene on the sea is even more cruel. In the past, the warm currents and the pastures at the time of the cold current in the northern part of the bay. There are countless large aquatic mammals, or seawater floating on the island. Or sinking in the quiet sea floor, those whales and sea lions have already become rotten flesh and blood, polluting the whole sea, turning the whole bay into a Shura field, and the air is full of stench.

The scavengers are because of these huge existences. And for a long time, they are keenly aware that the closer to the land, the sea. The more the heavens and the earth are filled with the breath of death. So they are very careful about eating.

Finally one day, dry. dark. If the **** is generally the world has finally come down the rain. The rain hit the leaves that were not left on the edge of the grassland, and also awakened the insects hiding in the hole. The round water drops on the mud floor. A beetle washes his face happily. The rain gradually gathered together, following the ancient waterways and heading for the depths of the grasslands. I didn’t know how many people used sleep to avoid the destruction of the creatures.

The Xiaohe River was poured into the pool of water surrounded by white bones. Surprisingly, a lizard that was deeply hiding in the rocky crevices of the river was still alive, and it spit with a blushing tongue. Awkwardly stepping on shallow water, licking in the crocodile's huge eye socket. Or stretch a right forefoot. Alone and violently announced to the surrounding. It has the right to own this pool... Anyway, there are more than a thousand white skeletons around the pool. They have fallen into silence and it is impossible to express any objections to it. If those lions and grandmothers are still alive, the world is another look.

No matter in which world, rain always represents life, this time seems to be no exception. The black dust that is filled in the air is washed away by the rain, and these winds are also blown away by the wind. After all, succumb to the power of the water god. The fresh and pleasant taste reappeared in the air. The creatures of the four wild are born of water and gather by the water. The rest of the joy of the robbery began. Restarted the killing between each other, even if this **** killing, but also with a gratifying taste of life.

However, these creatures are not clear. These rains from the sky, what the black dust is horrible. They are even less clear, the rain can wash away the dust, but there is no way to wash it away between the heavens and the earth, and those who can't see the shape at all. It is enough to kill the lines of most life.

When it rains, the sea calms down a lot. The waves slowly push the bodies of dead animals to the reefs on the shore. The smell of rancid taste is much better washed by rain.

However, the rain grew bigger and bigger, and it seemed that there was never a stop. The animals who drank the rain began to feel that life was slowly moving away from their bodies. They didn’t know why, and the instinctive fear made them exceptional. Desperate, in the heavy rain of the sky, I tried my best. At the beginning, cruel and violently carried out meaningless killings, even the compatriots of their own have not let go.

After countless floods, large or small. Life on land has once again been hit hard. In addition to leaving countless bodies immersed in dirty water. I can't see any signs of survival. And the rotted bodies that piled up on the edge of the ocean. It was hit by this countless heavy rain into a piece of disgusting bubble. It is completely irrelevant to the fairy tale.

However, God’s punishment for this world still does not end. After the rain is a sudden frost. From north to south. The air throughout the four wild areas suddenly decreased by a dozen degrees. Seeing the sun and the earth, it seems that the season is also chaotic, and the cold winter appears in the face of already dangerous life.

After the frost is snow, endless snow, the most recent snow is still black and gray, and finally returned to white, looks very holy, covering the sky. Covering the earth, covering the ocean, the whole world is shrouded in snow and ice, the cold is coming to the earth, and the ice extends into the sea.

The white earth is really clean, the endless snow, never stop. No signs of life activity can be seen on the snow, and this picture continues and calmly continues. One year, two years, ten years, one hundred years...

Fan Xian seems to have woke up from a dream. It took a long time to look away from the light mirror in the air. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. The lips are slightly white, although everything shown in the previous picture. It was after he entered the temple. I have analyzed and judged the results, but I really watched this scene happen in front of my own eyes. The kind of strong sorrow and pain still made his heart sore. Because he knows that this is not a god. He is not likely to be like the people of this world. Think of these as myths. Then remember on the mural. In the legend, he knows that all this is the real thing, those who died in the robbery. They have all existed before.

The blood in his eyes represents tiredness and hard work. Fan bows his head and rubs his eyes. Then he looks up again and looks at the snow scene in the light mirror that seems to change for years. He knows that change will definitely happen. Otherwise, how does civilization continue to the world today? The most trepidation of his heart is that, at this time, he still does not see the people in that world, those who have been with him. What has been terrible torment.

Magnificent, beautiful, and refined. Plainly. The simple, simple... architecture is the existence of the world that is completely incompatible with the grassy cave, and it is also the most severely hit in that catastrophe. It is a ridiculous fact that the people of that world have mastered some of the secrets of the Creator and eventually threw these big killers on their heads.

The high temperature melted the cement {A rib, the shock wave shattered all the remaining. The unknown rays between the heavens and the earth killed all the people, and after the drought, it was a flood. After the frost is the snow. I don't know how many years have passed. Under the snow covered by it. There have been glory in the past, and no one knows. There used to be a race. It has been so glorious in this world.

I don’t know how many years of wind and snow, and finally someone appeared in the picture again. Civilized destruction. The survival of life instinct, the violent stifling reappeared, and the remaining life in the waste soil, only to survive, but successfully demonstrated the most difficult aspect of animal nature that can be accepted by human nature.

Fan Xian does not want to see these. So the picture rotates quickly, he is like sitting in front of a time machine, watching the fall of civilization. Looking at the remains of civilization, watching the fire of the remnant civilization. After all, it still disappeared into the wild.

He looked at the high-rise buildings under the snow and was eroded by the snow. Get rid of it. Weeds after ice and snow occupy their bodies. With the feng shui and the magic of nature. Turn them into pieces of rock and rust, and never see any original appearance.

He watched the people wearing the hides re-enter the cave, re-established the haystacks, and picked up the bones again. I forgot the words and forgot the language.

The building is up, the building is down. The building has risen again. In the past, Fan has always thought that civilization is the most vital existence. After suffering from the impact of the earth, it can always be revived by a little bit of a spark. However, looking at the scene of the flashing light on the light mirror, he realized that civilization itself is the most fragile thing in the world, when it loses the material world that civilization depends on, the spiritual thing. It's always easy to be forgotten.

The picture flashed only momentarily, but the world has not known it for hundreds of thousands of years. The last time after the glory did not leave any traces in this world. Completely disappeared.

Fan has seen all this happen, his eyes are red. Sitting on the ground, the fists clenched. In a thousand years, the bluestone is not bad, and the world has passed for 10,000 years.

He really saw the sacred field. The stars are moving. When the earth changes, he sees that the former bay has turned into fertile soil, but I don’t know if the nutrients left by the dead bodies of countless animals are helpful to this change between heaven and earth. He saw the volcanic activity after calm. The deadly grassland rose slightly, out of the threat of flooding, and came from the northeast to a primitive tribe. Begin to work hard to expel the beast, slash and burn.

I don't know how long it took, a blindfolded black scorpion broke through the snow in the north. He came to the ancient human tribe, and he was called the messenger by later generations.

The messenger came from the north and gave the skills of the net. The tribes bowed to the north and praised the gods.

There are also messengers coming from the north. The method of awarding the ropes, the tribes of the tribes regain the grace of God.

Then there are messengers coming from the north. The wording of the text. The tribes of the tribes overhauled the altar and painted rock paintings between the walls of the mountains.

Fan Xian buried his head deeply in his knees. The rapid breathing made his back ups and downs, not knowing how long he was silent. He finally understood most of the things. Since he confirmed that it is the earth, he has always had a lot of things he doesn't understand. Why is the text used in this world just the words of his own past life? Why does the world's text seem to have nothing to go through in a complicated process of evolution, but it seems to be the beginning.

"I have a question. Why is everything gone, and you...or the temple can still be saved." Fan's voice was hoarse, and he basically confirmed the time of the robbery. It should be after his death, but it will not be too long after death, because the construction process of this temple is somewhat strange, but after all, in science and culture and civilization, it has not developed anything that he does not understand.

Smooth light above the mirror. Still in the stage of the tribe people, there is a scene of sadness and joy, and when the pioneering land is wild, the blood is sacrificed. These survivors who have gone through hundreds of thousands of years of cold winter have long forgotten the pre-existing existence of too far, but after all, human beings have evolved once, and this world environment has allowed them to move relatively freely. The wisdom that lies deep in the collective unconscious has finally broken out. Especially the one is covered in black cloth. The messenger from the north. once in a while. It will bring down the tribes, and bring the grace of the temple, which is a very rapid catalysis of the progress of human civilization.

It's like a game with a plug-in. The picture in the light mirror progresses extremely quickly, and humans do not seem to spend hundreds of thousands of years. Only developed to the present. It was only from many years ago that the messenger was covered with black cloth. It has never appeared in the world, and the land that has been taken up is given to those who walk in the world and those who are taught by the messengers.

When Fan asked, the picture of the light mirror just stopped on a lonely peak, and countless people furiously and bravely dig the stone steps on the mountain. Then transport the stone and wood to the mountain, where you will build a temple.

This lonely sea is alone on the beach. Half of the mountain is like a sapphire, smooth and mirror-like, facing the Chaoyang in the East China Sea. It is Fan Yu very familiar. Even personally climbed the land of Dongshan.

The voice of the temple rang again in all directions. The tone is still mild. There is still no real emotional taste: "The beautiful face of the museum can be preserved. All thanks to luck, in the words of the world. This is the fate of the world."

Yes. In addition to destiny, in addition to luck, what can explain a civilization site that should have been hundreds of thousands of years ago. Today, I still lie quietly in the snowy mountains. Looking calmly and gently at every step of the world's survivors?

Probably only the ice and snow that has never changed, can resist the power of time, and nature inadvertently destroys. Did not make this temple like the magnificent buildings. It disappeared in the long river of time.

The temple is powered by solar energy, which may be one of the reasons. However, in the ancient war, it was obviously impossible to bring such a big change between heaven and earth. Is it a big problem with the Earth itself?

Fan Xian could have thought deeply about this issue. However, his mood swings in his mind were extremely fierce at this time, especially on the screen to see the black-striped scorpion messenger. And the scene of Dadongshan Yubi, which appeared in the end, made him feel a bit dry. I can't speak at all.

If all of this is true on the screen. What is Wu Wushu’s calculation? Is it the prophet of the whole human society today? Teacher? I thought that I grew up living together with Wu Zhushu, but I was really living in a legendary side. Can't stop shaking.

"But I don't believe that there is only one place in your world." Fan hoarse voice trembled. It sounds weird. "It doesn't make sense."

"Time can confirm everything. I spent hundreds of thousands of years in this world. No similar existence." The voice of the temple rang in the ears of Fan, very calm. "I can survive to the present. I will continue to fulfill my mission of helping mankind. On the one hand, luck. On the other hand, it is because in these hundreds of thousands of years. The messengers are constantly repairing the temple. It is a pity, messenger. They are gradually being consumed by time."

Although the voice of the temple is a pity. But there is no such emotion in the tone, Fan Fan meditated for a long time after closing his eyes. Pointing at the Dadong Mountain above the light mirror. And the temple that is about to be finished is said: "I have been to this place, why do you want to pass the messenger through the messenger. Where to repair such a temple?"

When passing through Dadong Mountain from the sea, I often see that side is neat. It is like a jade wall opened by a god. Fan will be tempted. Looking at the impossible scene in this world, I always feel that this jade wall does not seem to be naturally formed. However, if manpower is done, what kind of power does it need?

The most incomprehensible thing is why, after Wu Zhushu was injured, he went to Dadongshan to recover his injuries. Why did the last battlefield of Emperor Laozi choose Dadongshan?

"It is to commemorate." After the silence of the temple, the voice said: "There is the origin of the war. The weapons of human fratricidalism, where there is a fierce explosion of conflict. Finally, the consequences that human beings cannot estimate themselves are formed... ... As for the final mark, it is the neat jade wall of that side. The city has long ceased to exist, and the mountain has been melted by half. It finally became the present."

Fan Xian closed his eyes tightly. The eyelashes trembled gently, and he did not know the secret until today. It turned out that Dadongshan was the point of warfare, and a mountain range was melted into a lonely peak hanging over the sea. The rock was melted into a jade wall with a high temperature. How exaggerated horror is this.

"So the radiation of Dadongshan is the strongest. It is also the strongest thing if the heavens and the earth are strong..." Fan whispered and sounded. Speaking of his inferences. "If my judgment is against the ground, I don't understand why the murderous radiation can become a vitality between heaven and earth. If the people in the world are really the remains of the previous generation, why do they have meridians in their bodies?"

“Because humans are the most stupid species in the world and the most intelligent species. The most critical thing is that they are the species that can best adapt to the environment.” The voice of the temple responded: “I have absolute about this. confidence."

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