MTL - Jubo-Chapter 97

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? Speak to him and leave with the police.

Less than an hour after Wang Ning'an was arrested, Yu Hongming appeared in the company. Peng Yang thought he had found the backbone. After telling him about Wang Ning'an, Yu Hongming said that he already knew this. There was no accident on his face, but his mouth. He said that he believed that Wang Ningan would not do such a thing, but in the afternoon, he took all the things that Wang Ningan was responsible for, and even Peng Yang's usual responsibility was replaced by Yu Hongming's assistant and secretary. Peng Yang Only then realized that the situation was wrong.

Since Chairman Yu believed in President Wang, shouldn't he find someone to investigate the matter, or should he meet with President Wang at the police station? But he dealt with the company calmly and excluded him.

At this time, Wang Cheng, who had received a call from Peng Yang, had rushed to the police station.

Fifteen minutes have elapsed since Wang Ning'an was taken into the torture room. Chu Yifeng opened his way. The two soon arrived at the door of the torture room. The aggressive words of the interrogating policeman just came from the inside.

"Evidence is available, what else can you deny? You said it wasn't you, why did you add more money to your account? How can you explain these? I advise you to admit it as soon as possible, otherwise you can Don't blame me for being rude. There are many ways to deal with hard-mouthed people like you. I think you should not want to try. "

Wang Cheng heard that he just kicked the door of the torture chamber.

The two police officers questioned were startled, trying to ask which dare to take the door of the police station, and suddenly glanced at their boss who came in behind, his expression stunned again.

"Bureau, director?"

"What troubles you coming here?"

The director was a middle-aged man with the last name Zhang. When he heard the words of the two men, he immediately looked up and said, "What's the length of the bureau, can you let me go?"

When the two heard this, they did n’t know that the people they were shackled were coming. Otherwise, the director would not be alarmed. One of the policemen immediately opened Wang Ning'an's handcuffs, and then stood aside and looked at the director and the two young men in fright. apologize.

"Brother, have they used lynching against you?" Wang Cheng quickly took Wang Ning'an and looked at him. When he received a call from Peng Yang, he was particularly anxious.

Wang Ning'an held down his hand. "Don't worry, I'm fine. You come quickly. They haven't had time."

Wang Cheng nodded. "Brother, what's going on? Peng Yang said that someone has accused you of leaking and selling Shenghui's confidential documents to the police, even with witnesses and physical evidence?"

Wang Ning'an did not immediately speak.

Chu Yifeng looked at the director Zhang, and he immediately understood, and asked the two policemen to go out with him, and then left the torture room for them to speak alone.

Wang Ning'an said, "If I am not mistaken, this matter should have something to do with Yu Hongming. He may have begun to doubt me. Before Shenghui had an accident, he promised to give me a share of the company to help me overcome the difficulties, but Sheng After Hui's crisis was resolved, he made excuses to postpone it. Today is the time for him to return. He is likely to have planned it. You now call Peng Yang and ask him about the company.

Wang Chengli drew his mobile phone instantly.

Peng Yang was also waiting for his call. He knew that President Wang was okay, and then told him what Yu Hongming had done when he returned to the company.

"Brother's guess was correct. It was really Yu Hongming's job. The first thing he did when he returned to the company was not to investigate the leak of confidential information, but to take over everything you were responsible for." Wang Cheng put away the phone and said.

"I know, I don't need to worry about this for the time being." Wang Ning'an was not worried about Yu Hongming's removal of his post. He now wants to know what the so-called witnesses and physical evidence are. If he colludes with the police to deal with him, this method can easily be broken.

In fact, Yu Hongming is not stupid.

Mo said that Wang Ning'an had Wang Cheng behind him, and he was a Gu group who could not resist it.

The three went out to understand the situation. The director Zhang told them that they did receive a report call from the anonymous person. The reporter even produced evidence to prove that this was done by Wang Ningan. The evidence was a signature of a confidential document and a recording. .

The name signed on the document is exactly Wang Ning'an. It is undoubtedly signed by Wang Ning'an himself. As for the recording, it is exactly the dialogue between Wang Ning'an and another stranger. The content is very short, only a few words, the meaning is' Wang Ning'an asked Did the other party's money arrive? The other party replied that it meant ', but did not mention specifically that it was related to the sale of confidential documents, so the recording could not be used as evidence.

"The recording should be the usual conversation between Peng Yang and me. The other party intentionally changed Peng Yang's voice." Wang Ning'an knew it at the first hearing.

"This kind of thing can be regarded as evidence. Didn't the police listen to it before they arrested someone?" Wang Cheng asked incredulously.

Director Zhang was a little embarrassed and glanced at a few policemen.

Several people felt wronged. Of course, they knew that the recording could not be used as evidence, but the documents were always correct. The reporter claimed that he was an employee of the company that bought the confidential documents.

"The key lies in the leaked confidential documents." Chu Yifeng said.

Wang Ning'an picked up the confidential document and looked at it, "This is indeed a new drug that Shenghui intends to launch in the near future, and it is indeed the name I signed, and then I will give it to other people to deal with, but I can get its information. I ’m not the only one. In addition, there are many people who know my bank account number. If you want to frame me, you just need to send a sum of money to my account number like this. ”

The reason why the police determined that Wang Ning'an was problematic was because of a combination of uncertain factors. Finally, he pointed the seed to Wang Ning'an.

Later, a phone call came in, and the police also sent someone to find the buyer. But when they arrived, the buyer had already gone to the building. It seemed that the news was the same in advance. It seems that even the police can guess now This may be a framed incident against Wang Ning'an.

"By the way, I remember one thing," Wang Ning'an said suddenly.

"what's up?"

"I remember that my mobile phone was opened with a bank text message. If I had money transferred to my account, I would not know it, but I am sure that I have not read this information and my mobile phone has not had any problems. Usually, a client comes to me. I usually bring my mobile phone with me, but I was in the office that day. Later, Peng Yang brought it to me. "

Although I don't know what method the other party used, I am sure that the mobile phone is passive.

Chapter 331: Resentment

The person who anonymously made a report to the police used a public phone, so the identity of the other party could not be found. Although the other party claimed to be an employee of that company, he obviously did not want to reveal his identity, but since he came to Wang Ning'an, It is not difficult to guess the other party's thoughts.

In addition, regarding the signature on the contract, the technology is so advanced now, and the signature can also be imitated and printed, so Wang Ning'an was finally released on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

Wang Ning'an decided to go back to the company first. Wang Cheng was afraid he would suffer and decided to accompany him with Chu Yifeng.

Shenghui employees already knew that Wang Ning'an was taken away for investigation. At first, most people did not believe it, but after Yu Hongming came forward, he murmured something that hinted everyone. The main point was that he was very distressed about the incident and did not expect it to happen. Kind of thing.

Why is the chairman sad? Is it true that President Wang has betrayed the company, but it is impossible to look at it. President Wang has no reason to betray the company, but since the chairman would say such things, maybe there is any evidence, otherwise the police would not take President Wang away. .

Just when everyone was about to be brainwashed, Wang Ning'an returned unscathed again, with less than two or three hours to go, so everyone believed that Wang Ning'an could not do such a thing.

"Mr. Wang, you're fine.

Peng Yang was very happy to see Wang Ning'an back. He knew that there would be nothing wrong with President Wang. He leaked the company's confidential documents. President Wang's family was so prominent. How could he do such a self-destructing reputation for that little money? .

"Tough work for you, Peng Yang." Wang Ning'an said to him.

Peng Yang shook his head. "As long as Wang can return safely, this is nothing."

"Then you go and help me with one more thing. You go to the monitoring room and help me find out who has entered my office between July 4th and 4:30 pm on July 30th."

Peng Yang didn't ask the reason and immediately ran to help him investigate.

There is no monitoring in Wang Ning'an's office, but there are corridors outside. His office is not accessible by anyone. Peng Yang will report to everyone in advance. If Wang Ning's not in, Peng Yang will remind the other party. .

When Wang Ningan returned to the company, someone immediately reported to Yu Hongming, and then someone invited Wang Ningan to Yu Hongming's office.

Wang Cheng wanted to follow up, but Yu Hongming's secretary told them that the chairman only asked Wang Ning'an to see him alone. Wang Ning'an felt it unnecessary and let Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng wait for him temporarily in his office. Wang Cheng had to agree.

When I saw Wang Ning'an, what Yu Hongming said was different from what he had said to employees before. He said that he believed him, someone must have framed him, and said that he would help him identify the person who framed him. He was very sincere. An uninformed person will certainly think he is a good boss of the national.

But when Wang Ning'an said that he could continue to work now, Yu Hongming hesitated.

"Ning'an, you also know that even if I believe in you, other shareholders of the company will not trust you like me, because of this matter, they have some criticism of you. Now your suspicions have not been cleared up. If you continue to work I am worried that they will have an opinion. Otherwise, you should take a vacation. After the investigation is clear, the police caught the murderer. Then you will return to the company, so that others will have nothing to say. You see how about it?"

Wang Ning'an was silent, and said for a while: "The chairman still doesn't trust me, right?"

"How can you say that, if I don't trust you, how could I sit here and talk to you well, the company's confidential documents leaked, then an important sample of the drug would cause a lot of damage to the company. I am Only cherish you as a talented person. If not, I can just suspend your position. "Yu Hongming immediately showed a little discomfort.

Wang Ning'an stared at him, "So, I have to thank the chairman for his trust."

Yu Hongming always felt that his eyes seemed to be mixed with something. He felt that it should be impossible for Wang Ning'an to know that he was doing things so quickly. Although he came out of the police station so quickly, he was a bit surprised, but it was also expected. He did not think that this alone could bring down Wang Ning'an.

Thinking of this, Yu Hongming immediately said righteously: "Thanks are not necessary, as long as you continue to do your best for Shenghui in the future, it is my greatest reward.

"Chairman rest assured, I will, then I won't bother you." Wang Ning'an stood up and said goodbye. He had probably guessed Yu Hongming's idea. As for the 3% stake, he did not intend to mention it. Even if it is filed now, Yu Hongming will definitely postpone it on the grounds of this matter, and said it for nothing.

"You can rest assured," Yu Hongming said.

Wang Ning'an hooked his mouth.

As soon as he left, Yu Hongming's expression immediately cooled down, and finally he resolved the scourge. After Gu Ping came to the door that day, he thought about it and finally decided to join him. No matter how to choose to tear his face with Wang Ningan, but he wanted to take back power from Wang Ningan, and finally Gu Ping helped him think of this method. For this day, they planned for a long time, even if they had the Zheng or Chu family to help No evidence could be found to point to them, and in the end it was just that Wang Ning'an was innocent.

Wang Ning'an returned to the office. He told what Yu Hongming said to Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng. After speaking, Peng Yang came in.

"How?" Wang Ningan asked.

Peng Yang said: "I asked the security guard in the monitoring room, and they said that the monitoring of this floor was just broken that day, and someone asked to repair it in the afternoon, but it was not repaired until five o'clock."

"I see. You go out first, and I will find you again if there is anything." Wang Ning'an nodded.

Peng Yang did not go out immediately, but hesitated.

Wang Ning'an noticed, "What's wrong?"

Peng Yang said, "General Manager Wang, I just heard you talk about the afternoon that day. I vaguely remembered something. Wasn't a customer suddenly visiting that day and designating to see you? As a result, your mobile phone was left in the office. , I later found it for you, but before that, I found a strange thing. "

"What weird thing?"

"I remember the day when you left, the office door was closed by me. At that time, I closed it tightly, but when I heard your cell phone ring, the door was pushed in and I found it to be partially hidden, so I suspect it was in you. During that time, someone went in while I was in the bathroom, because a female colleague accidentally spilled coffee on my pants. "

When Peng Yang heard that Wang Ning'an asked him to investigate this matter, he guessed that it must be related to the fact that he was taken away by the police, and then carefully recalled what happened that day. Wang Ning'an and Wang Cheng looked at each other and asked some details. Wang Ning'an asked him to wait outside, and he would be called again if something happened.

"This Yu Hongming seems to have been prepared for a long time, otherwise how could the monitoring just broke down that day, it must have been someone he did, but do you really think this Peng Yang can be trusted?" Wang Cheng thought of the phone, after all Peng Yang was the last to get his elder brother's cell phone.

"It should not be him. Peng Yang is the person who knows my situation best in the company. He is the person who is most unlikely to be bought by Yu Hongming. I am afraid that he does not trust him and wants to know whether his words are true. Ask someone else to find out, and if it was him, he wouldn't have to do anything more than to provoke us to doubt. "

Chu Yifeng said: "The real purpose of Yu Hongming's design to frame you should be just to get back the right that he handed over from you. If you can get you to jail by the way, even if you can kill two birds with one stone, even if you can't, his purpose is achieved. There is nothing. loss."

"I think so too." Wang Ningan said.

"Then what do you do now, Yu Hongming has taken back all the rights in your hands. If you are too late to wash your suspicions, he will have more excuses not to let you return to Shenghui, all your efforts will not be wasted Is it? "Wang Chengzhen didn't want to be so cheap.

Chu Yifeng hooked his neck, "Do you think your elder brother would be the kind of person who is not prepared? Since he dares to do it, he must have known Yu Hongming someday.

Wang Cheng turned his elbow and said, "Of course I know."

After knowing his elder brother's experience in opening a company in Shanhai City, he later asked Zhang Wu to investigate the cause of his elder brother's failure. Although Sun Jian harmed his elder brother's debt, it was not the culprit that caused the company to fail. Zhang Wu later told him He only knew that it was Shenghui. Shenghui annexed many small companies in Shanhai City by improper means. His elder brother's company was one of them. He revived several times and finally couldn't escape the fate of fate.

Wang Ning'an's company was started in partnership with another friend. The friend was a classmate and roommate of Wang Ning'an University. The two had a good relationship, but Sheng Hui used his tricks to make his friends deeply addicted to drugs and gambling, and then carried huge amounts of money. The debt emptied the company to pay off the debt, and Shenghui successfully acquired the company after the company went bankrupt.

At first Wang Ning'an didn't know the role of Sheng Hui in this matter, until his friend lost his way, told him the truth before he committed suicide, and confessed to him.

At the time, the person who was sitting in the Shenghui branch was Yu Hongming's son, Yu Hongzhi. At that time, Yu Hongzhi was almost twenty-two years old. In order to train his son, Yu Hongming transferred him to a branch in Shanhai City for training. At that time, Yu Hongzhi had already He is a puppet brother who will do nothing to obtain benefits.

Chapter 332: Returning to the Company

Wang Ning'an is an opinionated person, but his forbearance is obviously stronger, especially his ability to control himself when facing enemies. He can make relatives, friends, and enemies completely unaware. It is definitely inhuman control. Harmful moments.

Wang Ning'an once budgeted how long it would take him to take revenge. Shenghui is a big company, climbing up step by step, maybe two or three years is the least, until the lives of his brother and dad have been exposed one after another, and it has undoubtedly become his chip. So he accelerated the pace of revenge.

Yu Hongzhi's thoughts of letting him negotiate with Chen Zhong knew from the beginning that he could have refused, but he didn't, because he needed an opportunity to be honest with Yu Hongzhi in order to prevent Yu Hongming from treating him Too much aversion.

Wang Ning'an didn't tell Wang Cheng about these things, but he didn't want him to be occupied by too much hatred like him. However, the man Chu Yifeng seemed to guess his purpose, but later he pushed the boat to help him because of this one. Things will go more smoothly.

Yu Hongming thought that Wang Ningan could take back the company on the pretext of taking an excuse, but he didn't know that the company was not his.

The next day after Wang Ning'an left the company, Yu Hongming held an emergency high-level meeting, announcing to everyone that he would take over the post in charge of Wang Ning'an in person, and transferred one of his close friends to assist him, but Peng Yang was demoted in disguise, and then contacted The jobs I get are small things that don't touch the core of the company at all.

At a meeting, a senior executive asked whether Wang Ning'an had actually leaked the company's secrets. Yu Hongming did not refute it directly, instead he said a lot of imaginative words.

Gu Shouzhuo knew what happened to Wang Ningan in the afternoon. He called his grandson as soon as possible and asked if he needed help.

Others thought that he would leave the grandson immediately. In fact, he was paying attention to the movements of the grandson every day, because he knew the grandson's grievances with Shenghui, and once offered to the grandson whether he would help him, but the grandson refused, and he wanted to avenge himself. So he just helped a little bit.

With Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng's help, Wang Ning'an did not want to trouble his grandpa, and he did not need to use so many forces to deal with a Shenghui, and Yu Hongming didn't have that much face.

On the other hand, the police did not dare to care about the relationship between Wang Cheng and Chu Yifeng, and immediately sent someone to investigate the matter, and finally made breakthrough progress.

The police found a post office by the address where the documents were sent, and later found several public telephone booths nearby. They suspected that the report phone was one of these public telephones, so they got the surveillance video of the public telephone booths nearby. The video was monitored, and they found someone to report anonymously.

However, the other side was very careful. The police took the photo and asked none of the people nearby to know the person. Later, according to the direction he left, they searched the surveillance video all the way. Finally, they found that the other person took the high-speed rail to leave Shanhai City and retrieved his identity. After knowing the information, this person is a foreigner.

The police arrested him quickly, but after asking about the report, the person asked a few questions. It turned out that someone had hired him to do so, so he was the staff of the company that bought the confidential documents.

There is also good news. Experts have verified the evidence submitted by this person. The signature above is fake and Wang Ningan's handwriting is correct, but the signature was printed on it. Although there is no behind-the-scenes instructor, Wang Ningan is suspected. It has been washed away.

But just two days ago, Yu Hongming suddenly convened a shareholder meeting and re-elected a president, and they did not notify Wang Ning'an, who also owns the company's shares, when the meeting was over when he knew about it.

"I'm sorry, President Wang. I didn't know about this when the chairman convened the shareholders' meeting. It was only known when the new president announced it. The chairman probably knew that I would tell you." Peng Yang did not help Wang Ning'an. Feel guilty.

"No need to apologize, Yu Hongming will prevent you from being normal. You can just go to work as usual. Others don't need to bother, this situation will be resolved soon." Wang Ningan was not surprised. He already knew this. Now, Peng Yang didn't know.

"Yes, President Wang."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ning'an called Yu Hongming again, but the secretary answered the call. He knew it was him. The secretary had a few words with him to help him connect to the inside line of Yu Hongming's office. Questioned his new president.

"General Manager Yu, if I remember correctly, I am also a shareholder of Shenghui. Why did you not be notified when you convened a shareholders meeting two days ago?"

Yu Hongming sneered silently, but what he said was completely different from what he said. "Why didn't anyone notify you? I asked the secretary to notify me one by one before the meeting. I asked her afterwards. She told me that she had all notified Didn't you hear it then? "

"Are Yu Dong joking with me? Even if I don't hear the phone, there will be a call alert."

Yu Hongming patted his own head. "Oh, my head, it ’s getting worse and worse when I get older. I thought you were in a bad mood, so you did n’t come. Maybe she missed it. You can rest assured. , I will definitely punish her fiercely, even such an important matter would be rash. "

Wang Ning'an knew that the old fox would definitely make excuses, and she really pushed her faults to the secretary. "How could Yu Dong not work? If you can think of that method, I will prove that you are not old. I know what you are thinking. , Just you haven't thought about the consequences of offending me? Since I can bring Shenghui back to life, naturally there are ways to get Shenghui into crisis again. "

The smile on Yu Hongming's face froze, "What are you talking about, how can I not understand, have you heard any rumors misunderstanding, is it another matter of choosing another president? You have misunderstood, there is a reason for this Yes, because of your absence, I ca n’t afford so many things alone, and other shareholders are staring at this position. The shareholders ’meeting was jointly mentioned by the directors. My pressure is also great, and the company ’s affairs are not easy. It was resolved, and I did n’t want anything to happen, so I planned to follow what they said. If I knew you would soon clear the suspicion, I would think of a way to postpone it for another two days. ”

"That being the case, it would be good to have another shareholder meeting."

"You ..." Before Yu Hongming finished speaking, the phone beeped, and Wang Ning'an hung up the phone.

Staring at the phone for two seconds, Yu Hongming's face immediately gloomed. Wang Ning'an never hung up his phone like this. He wasn't sure if he had found anything. It could only be understood temporarily as Wang Ning'an was replaced by another person. Angry, but he didn't mind the last words he left.

Hold another shareholder meeting?

The only person who has the right to request a shareholders' meeting is a shareholder who owns more than 10% of the company's shares, and Wang Ningan has only 5%. He is not qualified at all, but he cannot rule out that he may collude with other shareholders. change.

The next day, the secretary told Yu Hongming that several shareholders had called for a shareholders meeting. After her verification, they did have more than 10% of the shareholders. One of them was Wang Ningan, but only one of the other shareholders was the last time. At the shareholders meeting, a shareholder named Li.

Yu Hongming originally wanted to postpone it for a few days, but another shareholder raised the matter. It was a new shareholder who had never participated in the shareholders' meeting. The other party held more than 5% of Shenghui's shares. Without giving an exact time, the next shareholders' meeting will be scheduled three days later.

At this time, Wang Cheng received a phone call that surprised him.

Chu Yifeng brought Wang Chengyin to let him cut the watermelon and saw him staring at the cell phone. He seemed to stab only a beeping sound and asked.

"Mr. Feng just called me, guess what he said to me?" Wang Cheng put away his cell phone and sat next to him. He picked up a slice of watermelon on the plate and ate it, then wiped his mouth.

"Let you go to the Zhou Group?"

Wang Cheng acted, "You guessed it too, he asked me to return to the Zhou Group, saying that the company had a vacant position and no one was substituted. He thought I was the most suitable candidate, so he wanted to I go back to work, do you think my grandfather is ready to relax? "

"Without your grandfather's orders or hints, Feng Yifan will not let you make this call. Your grandfather may not be able to step down, so I want to contact you through Feng Yifan, plus what happened the other day, your grandfather is expected to take action. Chu Yifeng picked up a slice of watermelon and handed it to his mouth. Wang Cheng didn't pick it up. He opened his mouth and took a bite, and the juice splashed out from the corner of his mouth.

If the traitor is not eliminated on one day, Zhou Shichang will not feel relieved.

Wang Cheng was reminded when he was reminded that the current Zhou Group is like a calm stagnant water. Most of the company knows that there may be rough waves hidden below, and maybe it will erupt sometime.

Chapter 333 Replace

The next day, Wang Cheng came to the Zhou Group headquarters in accordance with his appointment.

His presence made the employees of the company feel incredible. Since that time, they haven't seen this friendly Zhou Shao for a while. Everyone prefers to give them a good impression from the beginning. Wang Cheng.

During the period when Zhao Chenlin returned to the company, his attitude changed a lot, but it did not go away halfway as others suspected. Especially after Zhou Lin was demoted, he seemed to be more deeply aware that he must grow up, so he used himself The identity of the company also attracted a group of people standing on his side in the company.

Not long after Wang Cheng returned to the company, someone told Zhao Chenlin the news. Zhao Chenlin was very surprised. He immediately called Zhou Lin after the people around him were taken away.

"Mom, do you say Grandpa will not reuse Zhou Cheng again? Isn't Grandpa already averse to him?"

Zhou Lin has been demoted to the position of team leader now. She is no longer the manager Zhou who was able to provoke the wind and rain in the department. This kind of difference has made her heart full of heart. Now she hears this bad news again, and her mood is even worse.

"It is not necessarily that your grandfather asked him to return to the company. Don't just think about it, find an opportunity to ask why Cheng Cheng will come to the company next week."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Zhao Chenlin put away her mobile phone and walked back. When she saw Feng Yifan's new assistant immediately smiled and greeted him, the assistant named Xu was transferred from below after Zhang Wu left. Unlike Xie Wenzhi and Zhang Wu, she is a woman with the ability Compared with the two, they are not particularly prominent, but they are careful and eloquent, and their communication skills are not ordinary. Feng Yifan is fancy for her, so she made an exception for a woman as his assistant.

However, in the eyes of Zhao Chenlin, Assistant Xu was just a woman, better to deal with than men, as long as he hooked his fingers and promised her a little benefit, such a woman is not obedient to listen to him, but what he does not know is that this Assistant Xu was actually recommended by Zhang Wu.

"Assistant Xu." When Zhao Chenlin saw the woman coming over, she immediately raised the bag in her hand and said with a smile, "This is a snack made by the chef of the Zhou family. I brought it here for you to try. Don't be kind to me."

"Then I won't be polite with Zhao Shao. I would like to thank Zhao Shao for everyone." Xu Yan smiled and took the snack bag, and then called everyone to come and eat snacks.

This is not the first time Zhao Chenlin gave them snacks. Everyone can see that Zhao Shao actually wants to have a good relationship with them, but do n’t eat anything for nothing, no matter what his purpose is, if you do n’t say anything, I ’ll When not sure.

Zhao Chenlin's goal was Xu Yan. He thought he could get something from Xu Yan's mouth, but the woman's mouth was tight. No matter what he asked, he didn't know. He only said that Mr. Feng had only instructed her to do so. The reason was not told. Zhao Chenlin couldn't tell whether she was lying or not, and when she was about to find another way, Wang Cheng suddenly came out of Feng Yifan's office.

Seeing him, Zhao Chenlin's expression stiffened, and the next second she remembered that she was in disguise, so she let her smile return to his face, and waited until Wang Cheng walked in front of him.

"It turned out to be a cousin. It's been a long time. Why did you suddenly come to the company today? What did Mr. Feng ask you for?"

Hearing such a direct question, Wang Chengcheng knew that he certainly could not get the answer from Assistant Xu, and said, "The company is not yours. It doesn't matter if I come or not, why should I tell you Mr. Feng? What did you do for me? I want to know. You'll know in a minute. "

"Cousin, I know we misunderstood before, but now that I've changed myself, let's stop fighting against each other, okay? Grandpa has only our two grandchildren. He always wanted us to live in harmony, so we don't let him Are you disappointed? "Zhao Chenlin said looking forward to him.

Wang Cheng said directly to Xu Yan, "Assistant Xu, President Feng asked me to get some information from you."

Xu Yan had been prepared. She said that she didn't know what Feng was looking for Wang Cheng. Of course, it was deceiving. Feng Yifan had already ordered her and gave him something when Zhou Xiao came out.

After receiving the information, Wang Cheng said to Zhao Chenlin, "Don't you want to know what I came to do at the company? I'm going to do something now, you can follow over and see, and I'll know by then." .

Of course, Zhao Chenlin wouldn't be so stupid as to follow me. When Wang Cheng was going to the 69th floor, he immediately called his mother.

As soon as Zhou Lin hung up the phone, she saw two men rushing past her. Both are now her bosses, one is the deputy manager Liu who has been overwhelmed by her before, and the other is from the advertising department. Manager Li, before they knew the situation, they saw the two lead Wang Cheng over.

When passing by in front of her, Wang Chengchao smiled a little, but in her eyes it was peachy, Zhou Lin was angry, but there was a bad hunch, she grabbed Manager Li.

"What are you doing?"

Manager Li found that it was Zhou Lin, and there was a hint of impatience flashing in his eyes, but he didn't show it on his face. He smiled and said, "Did the leader Zhou know? We just glared at the above command. From now on, Zhou Shaobian Is the manager of my department and he will take over your previous position. "

"What?" Zhou Lin's eyes widened in disbelief. "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

There was a hint of taunts in Manager Li's eyes. "Leader Zhou, you have been demoted and you are not eligible to participate in high-level meetings. Of course, I don't know, and I and Vice Manager Liu just got to know that. Made a decision. "

Upon hearing Feng Yifan's order, Zhou Lin immediately asked, "Does the chairman know this?"

"I don't know about this. If there is no other question for Team Leader Zhou, then I will leave first." Manager Li opened her hand and left.

The news of Wang Cheng's return to the company spread. The position was several levels higher than the last little assistant status. Is it really bad?