MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 521 Shen Sanfen's Pet (1)

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This two goods!

Listening to the voice echoing in the woods, Shen Mulin had planned to rescue his own brother first, but he had not shot yet, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

He looked at it subconsciously. The speed of the leopard was about 200 kilometers per hour, but it was only a blink of an eye for a distance of 20 meters.

Pei Yue guarded Shen Mulin and backed away. As a result, he had to fire two more shots in preparation for the cold-blooded and brutal animal.

"Bang." With the sound of gunfire, Hua Leopard's minions, who were close at hand, fell out of balance and fell to the ground, painfully groaned twice, and the bright red blood stained the soil beneath it.

Pei Min breathed a little breath, originally thinking that this guy should have died on the spot, but his high hanging heart has not been completely lowered, and I saw this guy stood up arrogantly, and his eyes seemed to be stained with red , Staring at them as blood scarlet.

"Deputy team, can't be killed?" The soldiers encountered this special situation for the first time. They could be sure that the bullets of the vice team had landed in the deadly position of the leopard, for fear that the heart in the chest would also be smashed by the slump. Right.

But why didn't it die?

Why didn't you die?

Everyone looked at each other, would they be sleepwalking?

Someone can't help but chop his thigh, it hurts, this is not a dream.

But why is this guy not dead?

It wasn't dead, and the soldiers thought they might be dead.

Pei Ye stared at the big guy who shook his blood again, because of the nervousness, the gun grip in his hand rattled.

The flower leopard opened its mouth wide and approached this group of humans step by step with death threats.

"Deputy team, what should we do?" A soldier asked anxiously.

"You **** the children to leave first, I will break." Pei Yi once again aimed at this immortal big guy.

"After I break with you." Another soldier also raised his gun.

Pei Yue pushed him away a little, "Go, this is an order."

Helpless, everyone had to prepare to retreat.

Shen Mulin watched the leopard getting closer and closer. Its wound was real. With each step, the bright red blood was spilled on the ground, but even if he lost too much blood, this guy would not fall down. On the contrary, The smell of blood stimulated its nerves, making it crazy and cruel.

Pei Min held the gun in his hand and fired another shot.

The bullet did not land on Hua Leopard as scheduled. It seemed to have seen through human tricks. At the moment the gunfire sounded, it opened its sharp minions.

Pei Yue took a step and ran back against the big tree. He could not stand back. He had expected the **** scene where his leopard gave him a bite.

"Yeah." Hua Leopard's body suddenly convulsed, and fell uncontrollably to the ground, as if dragged by something for some distance, it hit the tree heavily.

Pei Yue stared at his eyes in disbelief. He hurriedly touched his body, convinced that he was still alive, and then looked up at the leopard as if he was mad.

The flower leopard was struggling to stand up from the ground, but something was rattling on its forefoot. It hadn't stood still yet. A sudden current of electricity took hold of its broken heart. Hearts stopped.

Pei Yan carefully took a step closer, staring at the big guy who had lost his combat power with spit in the mouth, trying to poke his leg with a gun.

"Well." A current that hadn't dispersed spread down the barrel of Pei's body, and he let go of his hand in a hurry, and there was still a sense of paralysis in his whole hands.

"Vice team, what's going on?" The soldiers hurried back to their original way.

Pei Ye was also a little hesitant. He shook his head. "I don't know what happened. This leopard seems to be receiving electricity."

"Do you need to report to the captain?"

"Notify the captain immediately." Pei Min had an ominous premonition in his heart, afraid that it was not as calm as they thought.

"Brother, save me, save me." Shen Mujing's miserable voice sounded again.

The eagle took him to the sky with great excitement, and then descended rapidly, let alone how exciting the weightlessness of this rise and fall.

"Brother, I fell again, no, I rose again, alas, I fell again, and I rose again." Shen Mujing covered her eyes with both hands, and it was shaking.

Shen Mulin looked at the joyful one person and one eagle playing in the night sky, it was a bit embarrassed to disturb their interest.

"Deputy team, is that a four-point comrade, do you need rescue?" Although the eyes were dim, most of the people still clearly saw the little guy being pinched.

Pei Yue visually checked their distance from the eagle, less than 50 meters, and the target was still moving at a high speed. He could not rush to shoot. If there was a slight difference, the child was injured.

Shen Mulin raised her hand, and her forefinger fell on the up and down child.

Shen Mujing opened his eyes wide.

"Dangdang." A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and he slashed mercilessly on his head.

One person and one eagle fell down like this.

Seeing herself getting lower and lower from the ground, Shen Mujing hurriedly covered her hands, but she also wanted to keep her handsome face with a shameless face.

"Alas." A layer of slightly obscure aperture spread out. Shen Mujing didn't notice the pain. He opened his eyes and he was only five centimeters from the ground. He seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of dirt.

"Is it fun?" Shen Mulin ran over in search of the direction in which his brother had fallen, and looked at the unkempt little guy who was still thinking about life. He stepped forward, "Is there any place to be injured?"

Shen Mujing turned back, and he twisted his head. "Brother, when I woke up, I felt like I was flying. At first I thought I had grown out angel wings. After I woke up completely, I found out that I was stabbed by an eagle. It's on. "

"Are you surprised?"

Shen Mujing nodded. "Very pleasant surprise."

"Are you still playing?"

Shen Mujing thought for a while, and looked at the eagle next to him who was dead, with some sympathy, and finally shook his head solemnly, "No more playing."

"Just you, sister and them?" Shen Mulin suddenly felt strange in the forest.

"I don't know. I flew in the sky when I woke up."

"Grandfather Feng's experimental failures will be shipped here for incineration. It is not clear whether they will be lost."

"What is missing?" Shen Mujing asked unknownly.

Shen Mulin frowned at the dead eagle on the ground. "These animals are not right."

"Yeah, when I fly, it seems to show off its wings intentionally. When I go back, I also press a pair of wings. Then I come to fly."

Shen Mulin took his hand and took a few steps forward, then backed away.

Shen Mujing was a little bit confused about what her brother meant, and wondered, "Why didn't my brother leave?"

"Can't walk." Shen Mulin noticed that there were some dark shadows moving in front. Gradually, the shadows became clear, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared bloodily at their two thin bodies.

"Brother, what's that?" Shen Mujing tried hard to see the behemoths close to them, but this guy seemed to be deliberately covered with a fine yarn, and he couldn't see clearly.

Shen Mulin pointed at her fingertips, and a tiny light flickered around this big guy, which made it appear as it was.

"Is this a tiger or a lion or a wolf?" Shen Mujing said three animals in one breath.

Shen Mulin looked intently. Is this guy a facelift? Shen Mujing smoked, "Brother, does it eat more genetically modified food?"

Shen Mulin was dumb for a moment, this dissimilar animal was as large as an adult buffalo, afraid that it would kill them both with one claw.

"Tell me, what are you?" Shen Mujing tried to control this strange guy.

"Roar." The big guy opened his mouth and roared angrily.

Shen Mujing was upset to the ground, covering her mouth, "Brother, his mouth smells bad."

The big guy chased after the situation, rising high in the air, ready to eat one person in one bite.

Shen Mulin raised her hand one block, and a halo lingered around. The transparent current layer carried a strong voltage that could not be ignored. When the big guy rushed over, it screamed electric.

The big guy shrank to the ground, grieving and licking the painful and painful paw licking himself, "Hey."

Shen Mulin was going to walk over, but was taken a step ahead by a small figure.

Shen Mujing took a serious look at this dissimilar animal, looking at its colorful hair, and couldn't help laughing, "Brother, it looks like a joke."

Shen Mulin slaps his eyes off his head. "Don't laugh at fifty steps, you're more like a joke than him."

The big guy noticed the crisis. He consciously wanted to run away. As soon as he moved, he was shocked again by his paw, and he retracted his paw in a hurry.

Shen Mulin squatted down and took a hard look at this inexplicable animal. It didn't seem to be as cruel as he imagined, at least it was just a state of humiliation with a slight electric charge. He really didn't Sorry to power it up again.

"Well." The big guy silently stretched his paw forward.

Shen Mulin watched it carefully, and continued to stare at it in confusion.

The old man retracted his hand again, licked his paw and extended it.

Shen Mulin understood, is this to make himself lick its paw?

The big guy arched his claws, seeing that the other party was indifferent, he just got up, his forefoot fluttered to the ground, his buttocks were high, and he shook his tail excitedly.

How this image looks like a dog!

"Hmm." The big man scratched a hole with his paw, and buried his head in the soil.

Shen Mulin was ridiculed by his playful look. Was this guy funny? A moment ago, there was a look of brutality and anxiety, and what was it doing now? Spreading and rolling?

Shen Mujing moved silently to his brother, and whispered, "Brother, hasn't it been silly for you?"

Shen Mulin glanced at him, "You are not stupid, it just was stupid to just call it twice?"

Shen Mujing pointed at the big guy who had completely buried himself in, "What is it doing?"

"Maybe I know that I have reached the limit and are ready to dig a pit to bury myself." Shen Mulin said casually.

The big guy dug the pit, then raised his head high, spit out his tongue, and jumped out of the pit again, shaking his body with mud.

Shen Mulin stood still, with mud all over her body, face, and hair.

The big guy didn't seem to have enough waves, and ran over again, using his own head, even 10 kilograms, to arch the heart of Shen Mulin, "Hey."

Shen Mulin was arched to the ground by him. He hadn't recovered yet. His mouth caught his horn of clothing directly, and then he threw it into the sky and successfully threw it on his own back.

Shen Mujing opened his arms and waited for the big guy to throw himself on his back, but he just felt a breeze coming, and then the big guy who was just in front of him was gone.

"" Was he abandoned?

Shen Mulin grasped the hair of this big guy tightly, it ran fast, and in a blink of time, he ran dozens of meters away.

"Vice team, what's that?" A recruit found a dark shadow running towards him and immediately made a defensive action.

"Don't shoot at first, as if it has something on its back." Pei Yue lowered the telescope, and her sight was too dark. He could not see particularly clearly, but it was identified by the outline, and there seemed to be someone on its back.

"Roar." The big guy hissed angrily, warning the humans blocking the road ahead to take the initiative.

"Slum, what's that?" The soldier was stunned, this is a tiger? Right, like a lion? No, it's a wolf? It doesn't seem to be, is it a rhino? Not right.

"Roar." The big guy threatened.

Pei Yue identified what was on his back, and it turned out that his captain Qian Dingyun asked the child to take good care of him.

Shen Sanfen was about to spit out, and he shook his head faintly. Before he could react, the big guy started running again.

"Deputy team, what to do? Shoot?" The soldiers were a little trembling.

Pei Yue didn't dare to shoot at will. Comrade Xiao Sanfen was still on the other's back. In case this guy suddenly became mad, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Second team, something has appeared again." The scout on the other side observing the terrain jumped down from the tree, panic pointing at the red dots flashing in the dark woods.

The red dot will shake, and when you take a closer look, you will find that it is the eye. At night, it looks like **** red eyes.

"Woo." Wolf howling followed.

All the soldiers were pinched, and the wild wolves, which were scattered on all sides, pressed the group of humans exuding a scent of fat.

"Roar." The big guy's two claws fluttered at the same time, and a violent whistle completely obliterated the howling.

The wolves suddenly stopped advancing, and then one after the other retreated.

Shen Mulin jumped off the big guy's back, and before standing still, a dark shadow enveloped him.

"Three points, be careful." Pei Min felt her heart all on her throat, and watched the murderous big guy throw the small three-pointer to the ground, and then opened his own big mouth of blood. That momentum was to prepare to swallow Comrade Shen Sanfen into his stomach.

Shen Mulin looked at the lowered head. This guy opened his mouth and drank Hara. He even licked his saliva shamelessly, and then flung his excited claws forward again, just rolling like this, Selling Meng, finally digging a pit and arching his head into the soil.

"" The scene was quiet until the needle was heard.

Are they looking at the blindfold? Why did you think that the big guy who was cruel enough to kill them all at once?

Right, right, is it selling Moe, right?

The shameless shameful feeling of being cheap and selling like Husky?

The big guy continued to shake his lion-like tail, and it was probably the one who hurt himself, and the aggrieved slap put his **** in front of Shen Mulin.

"" Shen Mulin pushed away disgustingly.

The big guy continued to choke on, and looked like a little daughter-in-law who didn't stop if he didn't stop, "Hum."

Shen Mulin took a breath and twisted her head, pretending not to see it.

The big guy took the initiative and ran to him again.

Shen Mulin's eyes narrowed, and he put an unbearable finger on his thigh.

"Hmm." A tiny electric current spread from the soles of the feet to the top of his head, and the big guy howled in pain.

The “chuck” big guy lay on the ground and licked his paw, and howled from time to time.

"Well, three points, what is this?" Pei Yue took a deep breath and stepped forward pretending to have the courage to ask.

Shen Mulin shook her head, "I don't know, it just popped up."

Pei Ye organized her own language, and said it as euphemistically as possible, "How does it make it look like this, this, this shame?"