MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 578 Just a fight

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Shen Shengyi never dreamed that one day she would be artificially breathed by a woman, and was she saving herself? The unknown person thought I was about to die, and she was giving me a final kiss.

Fang Xincan was originally thinking about the first aid fainting fellow, but one who lost control without holding back the kiss, so that when she responded, a pair of dead fish eyes were staring at herself without blinking. The state seems to die.

Shen Sheng pushed her away in amazement, clinging to her clothes with tears in her eyes. He stepped back, not knowing what he felt, and clenched his hands, panic, "You do n’t Come here, you are not allowed to come, you stay away from me. "

Fang Xincan frowned, looking at what he was holding. "Look at yourself, what do you have in your hands?"

Shen Shengyi glanced at him indifferently. He was instantly scared and scared. He threw away the dead mouse he had caught in his hands, and slammed his trouser legs.

Fang Xincan pursed his lips. "Look at your success."

Shen Sheng was frightened and sitting in the center of the room, surrounded by dark, and sometimes cold wind blowing his whole body.

Fang Xincan stood up and reached out his hand, "What are you trying to do? Don't want to go?"

Shen Sheng stood up easily, Gu Zuoguyou followed her behind, and carefully walked towards the gate.

The moonlight was soft and flickering like broken glass scum when it fell in the yard.

Fang Xincan relied on the door of the car and could not help looking at the man who was talking to himself.

Shen Sheng Yi Ping regained his heart, and came back several times. He was afraid that Ying Nian would die prematurely.

"Anyway, you are a soldier who has seen the world, so you were scared when you returned with me to the house?" Fang Xincan kicked the stone beside the kick. "You are expected to meet the enemy and dispose of it on the battlefield. Surrender without resistance. "

"I'm not afraid, I just fear the gods." The righteousness of Shen Shengyi said suddenly.

"Come on." Fang Xincan opened the door and looked at the guy who climbed into the car with a smile.

Shen Sheng Yixin buckled up his seatbelt. "Right back now? Miss Fang, please send me back to the academy."

"Did I say I'm going back now?" Fang Xincan asked back.

Shen Shengyi didn't know what she meant, "What else do you want to do if you don't go back so late? The incense is also burned, and your grandmother watched it. What else do you want to do?"

"Long night, what else do you want me to do?" Fang Xincan stretched his neck in the direction of his intention.

Shen Shengyi shrank back subconsciously. His body was close to the car window, and the most obvious distance was opened from this woman. He said, "In this wild country, you are not afraid that I will do anything wrong with you. ? "

Fang Xincan pulled his tie informally, and his fingers fell lightly and heavily on his heart, whispering, "What can you do to me?"

Shen Sheng gritted his teeth, and straightened his waistboard, "I'm a man, you're a woman, you weigh it yourself."

Fang Xincan continued to climb in front of him, and the small space inside the car prevented him from trying to retreat.

Shen Sheng easily pushed the door of the car, and his body rolled back out of the car.

Fang Xincan saw him lying on the ground, and couldn't help but lean forward and smile back, "You are a man, and a few words have scared me into a woman like this, don't you feel ashamed?"

Shen Shengyi got up from the ground, wiped the mud on his face, stared at the woman who teased himself, and squeezed his fists.

Oh, I ca n’t beat her.

Fang Xincan cleared his throat, "Get in the car."

Shen Shengyi hesitated a bit, and the night wind blew him up for a while, and eventually gave up the dignity of the man who did not exist and climbed into the car.

Fang Xincan started the car and stepped on the accelerator. "Where to go?"

After the rest of Shen Sheng's suspicion, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Research Institute."

"Back to the Academy so late?" Fang Xincan turned the steering wheel, making a sharp turn, and the tires rubbed against the sand, slightly off track.

Shen Shengyi cleaned up the mud stains on his hands and said, "There is still one more thing to deal with."

"Shen Ershao is really a good leader for the country and the people. With this in mind, I still study and study with great concentration. If I did n’t disturb your Yaxing midway, you should be exhausted at this time and go back to work. , I still help you a little bit, lest you have to waste your brain when you are exhausted physically and mentally. "


"Look at how lively you are now, so say, man, you still have to have the right amount, no matter what, you have to get the right amount." Fang Xincan's grinning face was harmless.

Shen Sheng easily gritted her teeth silently, held her breath, held her breath, and the person who did the big thing would never get out of control because of a woman's few words. The person who did the big thing would be informal and generous.

The world laughs at me too crazy, I laugh at others.

Great people are lonely and nobody understands.

Fang Xincan drove onto the main road, and the street lights on both sides of the road fell in front of the car, and the car suddenly quieted down.

Shen Sheng slid down asleep leaning against the door of the car, regardless of where the woman would take her.

Fang Xincan stopped the galloping car and stared at the sleeping man for a moment. He was obviously an old man in his thirties, but he was still heroic. She had to admit that she saw this at first sight. When he was a man, he was blinded, so that the next series of abnormal behaviors she did was not her fault, but she was blind.

Shen Sheng moved his eyebrows and felt the car stopped. He felt a little in his heart and opened his eyes guarding.

Fang Xincan looked away in embarrassment and coughed. "I seem to be lost."

Shen Shengyi drowsyly shook his head, looked intently, there was a road in Kangzhuang in front of you, you said that you were lost?

Fang Xincan didn't care if his excuse was revealed, and continued to say shamelessly, "Where do you say now?"

Shen Sheng narrowed his eyes, pulled out his mobile phone, opened the navigation, and handed the straight line on the map to her eyes without the need for a turn. "Follow me."

Fang Xincan put the phone on one side and hung it on the steering wheel with one arm, but had no intention of driving.

Shen Shengyi didn't know what she wanted to do, warned, "What do you want to say?"

Fang Xincan gently tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips, and said tepidly, "I drive and you sleep, it's very comfortable."

Shen Shengyi covered her head with a pretentious gesture, "Do you think I am willing to sleep? I think I must have been hit by a concussion. I am dizzy and dazzled now.

"Just a fight." Fang Xincan squeezed his fists.

Shen Sheng easily opened his throat and laughed, "You are right, how can a big man abandon you and a little woman sleep peacefully? You can rest assured, I promise not to sleep, and I will keep two big copper bells. Your eyes will look at the road for you, and you will not get lost again. "

Fang Xincan opened the door and walked to the front passenger seat. "You come."

Shen Shengyi weighed the pros and cons. If she refused her ruthless, unreasonable and unreasonable request, it is likely that she would hit her with a sandbag-like fist and really have a concussion.

It's good to live.

Fang Xincan sat in the car chair and closed his eyes like enjoying, "Don't wake me up before I wake up. My waking up gas is a price you can't imagine."

Shen Shengyi pumped at the corner of his mouth, stomped on the accelerator with an indignant kick, and the car galloped forward, leaving.

Fang Xincan secretly glanced at the man who was fully focused on driving the car, and the street lights suddenly fell on his eyebrows. When he wasn't talking, it was like the ascetic male **** often used in TV dramas. It emits a strong magnetic force that no one can enter.

However, when he spoke, he broke power in a second, like a gangster and a rogue.

"A sneeze." Fang Xincan sneezed without choking.

Shen Shengyi raised the temperature of the air conditioner in the car a little, and passed his jacket hanging on the seat. "Warm up."

Fang Xincan held his clothes, glanced at the man who continued to drive carefully, and put his clothes on his shoulders with a smile, sniffing the faint smell of men's perfume from the clothes, before he fell asleep past.

Moon stars are rare, and this night is quite beautiful.