MTL - Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue-Chapter 1372 Magic's passing process under the high-speed camera

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The clear and audible sound of the shoe soles stepping on the booth successfully made the four bodyguards all turn their heads.

I don't know who shouted, "The Kaitou Kidd is here".

The fanatical crowd rushed over with cheers and joy.

"Wow, you actually jumped from such a high place, you really deserve to be Lord Kidd!"

"It's so handsome! Lord Kidd!"

The four bodyguards didn't have any star-chasing plot, and their faces were frightened green when they saw this scene. For a while, they didn't know whether they should be wary of the Kaitou Kidd above the Gaoli booth, or these over-excited crowd.

They were unaware of Suzuki Jirokichi's plan, so whoever stole the gem was their fault.

However, this balance should not last long.

As long as one of the bodyguards realizes that the crowd poses no threat to 'Purple Nails', both sides will have to fight...

At the same time, Ye Gengyi was still paying attention to the TV reporters who were rushing over not far away.

"How cautious..." he murmured softly.

"That's right. If old man Suzuki has prepared something, in order to prevent the Kaitou Kidd who jumped onto the display stand from being pretended by someone else, he must first confirm the identity of the other party before implementing it."

In the previous panic, Conan didn't squeeze in with the crowd to watch, and just stayed by Ye Gengyi's side at this time.

It seems to be to confirm this guess.

Those bodyguards around the platform did not stop the TV station staff from interviewing Kaito Kidd.

The familiar voice and the smile that you often see in nightmares, although you can't see the face, are transmitted into the OB van not far away through the microphone and camera.

Suzuki Jirokichi made a decisive decision and opened the mechanism deployed at the intersection of Ginza.

In an instant, four huge interception nets woven by anti-cutting rope and at least 20 meters high, using the buildings in Ginza as pillars, quite brutally confined the entire intersection centered on the gem booth.

"At this height, unless he prepares a hot air balloon, it is impossible to jump over it..."

Conan subconsciously opened his mouth to analyze, turned his head to listen to Ye Gengyi's opinion, but saw that the other party had already held a mobile phone in a video recording state at some point, walked 2 or 3 meters away, and cut himself off very well. Opened a narrow road distance.

hello! There is a 7-year-old child here, Brother Gengyi, don't you care about it!

Some detective kid breaks into a sweat.

For some reason, he felt that if the people staying here today were Haibara, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta, it would be impossible for Genaichi to have this attitude.

Is this ignoring, or trusting that he will not be abducted? Uh... It should be trust, after all, I haven't offended him recently...

Conan hesitated.

However, he lacked a lot of clues, so he never imagined that apart from Akai Shuichi's matter, Ye Gengyi was indeed deliberately keeping a distance.

At this moment, through the drone's overhead view, Ye Gengyi had already noticed that there were at least a hundred bodyguards from the Suzuki consortium who had put the car outside the interception net.

From the looks of it, every person who leaves must be checked later.

What are you going to do... Ye Gengyi was also a little curious.

"Master Kidd! Change into me and run away!"

"No, it's better to be me! My twin brother and I are here too!"

Onlookers bustling with the party.

With a large base, fans who are willing to pay for everything the idol does will naturally be indispensable.

In the OB van, Ginzo Nakamori saw this scene, and his teeth were about to be gritted with hatred:

"Hey! Consultant Suzuki, did you expect this situation? If Kaitou Kidd encourages everyone to read the interception net together, it is easy to encounter the danger of being trampled!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, that kid won't do such a thing..."

Suzuki Jiroji waved his hand. Although he dreamed of catching Kaitou Kidd once, this did not prevent him from believing in the character of the other party.

"Don't bother everyone, this situation has long been in my expectation."

In front of the camera, Kaito Kuroba also refused quite simply.

"So, what are you going to do next?" The TV reporter asked in surprise.

"Well... Now that the gem has been obtained, of course I have to go home."

Kaito Kuroba smiled, and put the sandals in his arms in front of the camera.


Everyone was a little confused.

The TV reporter hurriedly asked: "So, in this situation, how do you go back?"

Taking smoke and flash grenades? Sure enough, I still have to run...

When Ye Gengyi observed the opponent's small movements, he simply looked away, captured the rest of the screen, and handed it over to the camera of the mobile phone and the drone for processing.

"Of course, teleportation..."

"What?! Teleport!"

Kaitou Kidd's declaration quickly spread among the crowd.

Inside the OB van.

The smile on Suzuki Jirokichi's face froze a bit.

Ginzo Nakamori simply squeezed the crowd away and flew towards the platform, "Damn Kidd, don't run away!"

This... From a certain point of view, Kaito's father-in-law is actually the most "loyal fan" who believes that he can do everything that sounds exaggerated...

Ye Gengyi continued to maintain the video recording posture.

In the picture, Kaitou Kidd pressed his hat, and the smoke bombs and flash bombs were also thrown on the ground under the platform without anyone noticing because of the wrong guidance of his hands.

"Then... the legendary sandals 'Purple Nails', as you have seen, I will take it from you. In the next 10 seconds, I will travel to the other side of time and space to meet you again."

After his words fell, smoke bombs and flash bombs also exploded suddenly.

It wasn't too glaring, but it still made everything in sight extremely blurred. When the smoke dissipated, UU Reading disappeared along with it, and the road standing on the high platform white figure.

Ginzo Nakamori jumped to nothing.

The crowd also exclaimed and commented again.

After all, a white figure suddenly appeared and disappeared under the black night sky, no matter how many times it was seen, it would give people an unbelievable impression.

It's a pity that these means of interfering with the line of sight can't affect the machine as the hub at all. In the process of executing the order, it will not capture the drone footage that causes misguidance like humans do.

Ye Geng watched, Kuroba Kaito, who had put on a black cloak again, used a poker gun to walk through the crowd and shoot out a few cards, and finally ran to the LED screen of the Ginza Department Store, where he would prepare the cards in advance. It is fastened to the body with the hook lock, and quickly rises towards the roof of the building through the pulley.

teleport... ah...

Ye Gengyi yawned, suddenly felt sleepy, and wanted to go back to do scientific research.