MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1087 Destruction

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Dozens of "Supreme Gods" who were shocked to the west and reluctantly returned to God "collectively rushed up and wanted to impact Noah's Ark again. Suddenly, the tens of thousands of kilometers appeared from the skull city In the complete white skeleton, there was an audible voice: "Who ... disturbed ... I ... said ..., ...? ..., ...

"The moment we are waiting has arrived, wake up"

The sound grew louder, followed closely, and the tens of thousands of kilometers of complete bones even made a "creak" crunch, and gradually bounced. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

The seventy-two flood demon gods looked at each other, and shocked the inexplicable god.

In these countless years, the skeleton of the giant **** was in this skeleton city. They studied the skeleton and even wanted to devour the power of the skeleton, but the giant **** skeleton has always been lifeless, and has not found any spirit hún in it. To this day, they are horrified to find out that there is always a giant spirit hún sleeping in this bone?

If this giant deity hún awakens, will it not be easy for them to have everything?

Shocked inexplicably, the tens of thousands of meters of white sè bones shook slightly, crunching, and the sound of that unawareness became clear: "Noah ... at that moment ... coming ... ... I have fallen asleep ... How long ......... "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"It has been through the ancient times, the ancient times, the floods, the antiquity, and now it is the era of the gods." The voice responded.

"Heh ... hehe ... this is 凵" "Our ..." Prince ... "...? ..., Heavenly Fan ... will give you everything ... give you all ... "End ........." ...... On the snow-white skeleton, a looming phantom rises. This phantom has four different heads in the southeast and northwest, slightly extending a finger, facing the dozens of people. A little "Supreme God", all of a sudden these dozens of "Supreme Gods" felt that the surrounding scenery changed, as if something had changed, waiting for them to return to God. He even reappeared in the forces and kingdoms he came from.

"How ... possibly ..." These Supreme Gods all breathed a little air and chilled, and at this moment, they finally understood. "If the giant **** wants to kill them, it is easier to backlash than pinch to death. An ant is simpler.

"Tian Fan, don't do anything extra." Noah's voice was a little dissatisfied.

"Hey ... gone ... this is the bones of the maidservant" ... why didn't ... feel her? "

The giant **** who left the snake's tail bones, and her maidservant, the giant **** Tian Fan, apparently sensed her skeleton.

"She lost her will in her bones, which is different from our previous agreement. She didn't know what was happening." Noah's voice groaned slightly, and on Su Yu's body, she had the white giant **** Noah, above the void, talks to this four-headed giant god, Tian Fan.

The wills of the two giant gods in the conversation soon fell from the sky and poured into Su Yu's body one after another.

Su Yu closed her eyes and felt the will of the giant **** Tian Fan who had just entered the body of Fengji.

If he wants to gather his will, only his body can do it, because the giant **** itself will neither weaken nor become strong, so they need to borrow Su Yu's second-generation body that belongs to the growing giant **** to reach them. The state of unity of the willpower and power of the nine giant gods completely ended it all.

The "Noah's Ark" was restarted, and just left here. Suddenly, in the mind of Su Yu, the giant **** Noah and the giant **** Tianfan almost made a sound at the same time.

"Counter ...", perished. "

Su Yu was shocked.

From the distant Archaic era, after the wall membrane between the front and the back was broken, "None" appeared. The ten dark fissures leading to the "Front Realm" have been blocked by the gods of the Frozen or stronger self-sacrifice of the gods, and they have been sealed with "None". Make it impossible to expand to the "negative realm", and the nine giant gods of the negative realm fell, losing the "nothing" of restraint, and began to swallow towards the "negative realm".

The "negative world" and the "negative world" are both expansive to the extreme, and the speed of swallowing of "none" was very slow at first. After several times, the time calculated in billions of months, "none" Finally, it became strong enough and swallowed faster and faster. When Su Yu entered the "anti-world" one hundred years ago, there was still a very wide space at the center of the "anti-world", and there were even countless accumulations inside. Bones of the ancient god.

Now, in just a hundred years, the last expansive space belonging to the "anti-world" has finally been swallowed up by "None".

"God Noah" and "God God Brahma" were born in the "reverse world", they simultaneously induced, the entire "reverse world" was completely assimilated by "no", now, "reverse world" is "no", "no" It is the "anti-world". The power of the entire "anti-world" makes "nothing" infinitely powerful. The seal of the top ten battlefields can no longer stop the expansion of "nothing".

Regarding this point, "God Noah" told Su Yu a long time ago, so he broke out of the "anti-world", and the first thing to do is to gather the power of the nine giants. Only this method, or can Stop "none", otherwise, after the "negative realm" is completely devoured, the "negative realm" will soon be destroyed, and no creature can stop it.

In the vast and boundless sea, the celestial ancestors of the blue jade gather together to form the blue sea. At the end of this ocean, there is a dark area. If Su Yu came here, he would feel familiar. Just because he had just "awakened" that year, he had followed three gods such as "huā God" Zhuang Siya ~ ~ and also learned about the "Last Battlefield" and "Nothing".

There are ten such dark areas in this "positive boundary", which are called the top ten battlefields, and this is the "fifth battlefield" among them.

When "None" is not agitated, the guards of the "Final Battlefield" are all low-level little gods or great gods.

Among them, the main force that guards the "fifth battlefield" is a group of little gods, and the five leaders belong to the "primary big gods", and the leaders of the five leaders are just "intermediate big gods".

The intermediate **** who once managed the "fifth battlefield" is the **** of glory. He was later killed when he sought to kill Su Yu. Now he manages this fifth battlefield by a "intermediate god" sent by the "Diarisos Protoss". "God of the Moon River" in the realm, the five leaders under his rule are still "God of War" pupils, "Master God" from "Tianjin Realm", true dragon **** from "True Dragon Realm", from The five lords of the net glazed Buddha of the "Glass of the Buddha World" and the Hada, the root of the starry universe.

On this day, it is the turn of the "Big Lord God" among the five commanders to routinely inspect the "Fifth Battlefield."