MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 139

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Luo Yusen was arrested by the police. When he knocked on the door, he was packing things and going to Sweden to settle down.

In the days when Zayev was "abandoned", Luo Yusen did not even think about making a fish and net break with the other side, but Zayev had a saying that was correct. Once the matter was exposed, he was at most Zayev. Instigating drugs, framed Lu Ziwen, and he ... is really suspected of killing!

Without Zayev to back him, Luo Yusen can meet his ordinary ordinary family, I am afraid that I can not let myself retreat.

Of course, this does not mean that he really gave up. Going to Sweden is only a temporary strategy. Luo Yusen never gave up on the matter of "going back to the orchestra". The deputy chief of Wei Ai must be his, but Zayev promised him!

However, when Luo Yusen was policeman and checked his hands and sent them to the police car, he waited until he entered the police station. He did not realize what happened. !

In the same situation as Luo Yusen, it is naturally Zayev.

In that recording, Zayev said that he did not instruct Luo Yusen to murder Lu Ziwen, but in the incident of his ambassador, the result of the death of the victim appeared, which made the police also have to copy him into the game. Have a good question.

... you ask the police | How are they so motivated now?

That must be driven by Mr. Dorensa and Mr. Evra!

"Please be sure to find out the truth of the matter and bring the bad guys to justice!" said Mr. Dorensa.

"Directly give them a rebellion against the criminal law. Is this a murder? We hope to get the fastest results." Mr. Evra is obviously more direct.

Zayev has been in the European music scene for decades, and has indeed accumulated some connections, and many people will sell him a face. But such a relationship is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Mr. Dorensa, who has been named as Viscount!

So when he got the news, it was not surprising that Luo Yusen and Zayev had been taken away by the police last night. Instead, he felt that Mr. Evra had done a little slower this time.

According to Mr. Evra's understanding, the temperamental conductor should contact the police immediately as soon as he heard the recording. However, this speed is not too slow. At least I feel that he has the opportunity to get the final result of the case interrogation when he stays in Vienna.

It’s a calm and unreasonable thing, and the whole Vienna music scene has exploded!

This time, with thorough evidence, Mr. Evra no longer used the means to suppress the media's public opinion. Just one hour after Zayev and Luo Yusen were arrested into the police station, the Vienna Music Evening News, which was released every evening, was the first to respond.

"The chief of Wei Ai is suspected of murder? ! The vice president of Weijiao died into a mystery! 》

When the next morning, the major newspapers and magazines reported on this matter, and even many reports directly said in the article: "It is reported that a year ago, "the deputy chief of the diplomatic relations is miserable gold | hall The chief preparation room incident was not an accident, but was directed by the chief of the love department, Lyon Zayev, to secretly murder! Last night, the reporter came to the headquarters of the police in Vienna, and interviewed the incident..."

"The cancer of the classical music world, Lyon Zayev hides the dark secret behind him! 》

"Lyon Zayev: shame! The murder of the interests of the classical music industry! 》

"The hatred between the two deputy chiefs of the diplomatic relations, Luo Yusen is a murderer! 》


Of the ten reports, about six were directly used in the title "Ryon Zayev", and one or two may use the name "Luo Yusen". After all, the former's reputation is much bigger than the latter, just to cause the gimmick, Luo Yusen can only stand by.

When I started early in the morning, I just flipped through some newspapers in the newspaper and didn’t look deeper, but when he walked through the streets, he even heard people arguing and arguing. My own shock -

"God! Is it Mr. Lyon Zayev?! He turned out to be a murderer?!"

"How is this possible, Elian, are you mistaken, we only heard about the performance of Wei's love a few months ago!"

"It’s really the main violinist of the love team, Ang Zayev. The newspaper said that he was alleged to have ordered the second deputy chief of the diplomatic service to administer the drug and then even caused a murder!"

"How could this be……"


All kinds of exclamations sounded in the streets of Vienna. Even when the box was entered into the Pareson Theatre, many members of the orchestra gathered together. No one remembered whether it should be practiced. Instead, they discussed the shocking event today.

"Is this really a year-end drama in 2016? I can't believe it, Mr. Zayev... No, Zayev will actually do the drug!"

"Where do you know, I have just read "The Voice of Music" has been reported, it is said that because Lu Ziwen let the master of Dorensa very appreciate, and even may promote the deputy chief of Wei Ai, Zayev will start."

"No? Is there a threat to a newcomer to Zayev?"

"You must have never heard of Lu Ziwen's violin? Although I had an accident during the performance last year, I was honored to have got a ticket during the rehearsal of the day before the performance. I came to the scene and listened to the one he played. "Blue Danube." He is really a very violinist!"

"Oh... there is still such a thing!"

"Haha, actually, you don't know it? Zayev is only worried that the Lu Ziwen threatens his status. After all, Zayev has been the chief of the love for more than a decade, as long as there is no big problem, I will not change the chief at all." A member of the trumpet group sneaked around and said: "My former classmate, the family is very rich, but the level can only be considered good, barely able As a deputy chief of our orchestra, he has shown off with our other classmates since last year."

A member of the violin group curiously asked: "Show off? Show off what?"

"He said he can be the deputy chief of the world's top orchestra!"

Hearing, everyone laughed. The deputy chief of the Pareson Theatre Orchestra is even more self-deprecating: "Oh, my level has become a member of the world's top orchestra, deputy chief? Forgive me. I think Xiaoqi is still OK, right, Xiaoqi ?"

At this time, he was walking over the violin case. He looked at the members gathered around him and smiled helplessly: "I didn't say that."

After the people ridiculed him a few more words, they quickly asked the trumpeter: "Hey, Nia, you haven’t finished it yet, continue!"

Niagara snickered and continued: "We didn't believe it before. You said that he is the level of his level. Where can he become the deputy chief of the world's top orchestra? Then the result is that people have resigned! I heard that the last year. I have been instructed by a special tutor at home, but I have gone up a bit, but when he was in the party a few days ago, his voice, hey, I still don’t think so."

"You don't sell off, continue!"

"Okay, okay, we have a classmate who revealed that it was a year and a half ago that his family bought a key figure of a top band by relationship. The other party agreed that as long as my classmates pass the level, he can let him go to the top orchestra. As the deputy chief. I heard that... my classmates have paid out this amount of money!"

Said, Nia stretched out a palm.

Hearing this, he was a little bit faint, and he raised an eyebrow: "Fifty thousand?"

But I saw that Nia was shaking his head: "No! It is five million euros!!!"

Everyone took a sip of cold air, and the cockroaches were a slight glimpse. He did not expect that someone would pay a price of 5 million euros for the deputy chief position of Wei Ai. Of course, what he can't think of is...

Zayev is still doing this kind of thing in secret!

"We didn't know much about which top orchestra was in the past. I only heard that it should be an Austrian or German orchestra. You said that there are not many top orchestras in the world, and it is hard to say the top ones. Love, Dresden and Wei Ai, we estimate these three, and at most one exchange. But now... I probably guess which band should be."

When Nia talked about this, he did not go on, and the other members also did not know the name of the orchestra.

Everyone is a band of Vienna, all musicians in Vienna, and Mr. Dorensa’s reputation is still known. Presumably, when the master learned that someone in his orchestra had done such a dirty money transaction, would you be angry and angry?

Probably even the commander knew about the big events that took place in Vienna these two days. Today, throughout the day's practice, everyone in the Pareson Orchestra is somewhat absent-minded. When there was an hour left from work, Mr. Wals directed the holiday directly.

"You guys, I guess I won't be able to do anything next. Well, in fact, I will go to Wei's love to see Dorensa right away. My poor old friend, I am afraid that my heart is not good now."

Responding to Mr. Walls is a group of "You bring us our blessings, Mr. Walls", "Make sure to respect the distinguished Master Dorensa", "Mr. Dorensa is really pitiful," After Mr. Wals angered "you are a group of rabbits", everyone laughed and avoided.

The whole day of rehearsing is over.

After licking his own box and saying goodbye to the members of the orchestra, he walked alone to the nearest subway station. As he walked, he thought about when it would be better for Mr. Charles to follow up on the trial.

In the late autumn of Vienna, even though the rest of the setting sun is still trying to shine on the land, the air has already had a bitter chill. Probably because the weather is too cold, there are not many pedestrians on the street, and each is in a hurry.

Looking down at the blue-gray ground, I was thinking seriously. He walked through a street and walked a few steps away. Suddenly he heard a low-magnetic male voice ringing behind him.

"This gentleman, you seem to have lost something."

The voice really breathed into the bones, and every pronunciation seemed to be in the middle of the night at midnight, letting him suddenly stop and turn around.