MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 153

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The splendid and gentle winter sun will illuminate the city with a layer of gold yarn. The city's concert hall is located at the intersection of two streets, with the "l" type distributed in the bustling area where people come and go. The first concert hall in China has an authentic European style, and the exterior of the navy and light beige buildings is no different from that of more than 80 years ago.

The city's concert hall has various parts such as a performance hall, a concert hall, and a multi-purpose hall. The multi-purpose hall is generally used for large-scale competitions, medium-sized performances, and product presentations.

When Yan and Zhu Wenqi arrived at the multi-purpose hall of the city's concert hall, there was still about an hour before the opening of the Huaqing Cup.

As the most grand classical music event in China, Huaqing Cup was specially created by Huaxia Officials to stimulate the development of domestic classical music. This competition has a total of piano, violin, cello and so on. Among them, the piano and violin competitions are the most popular among the people of the country.

As a temporary judge, he did not have much contact with other judges before he arrived, but when he stepped onto his position, he found a familiar figure in a while, and both of them looked at each other. .

He politely opened the chair for the other party and smiled and said: "Wu old, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Although the old man, who is still old, is sitting in a chair, then he swears: "Well, I haven't seen it for a long time, hehe." After a pause, he asked: "After going to Vienna... How? ”

Hearing the words, he couldn’t help but smile and explain what he was doing in Europe to the other party.

The judges of the Huaqing Cup semi-final have a total of five. As Zhu Wenxi said before, it is composed of three old musicians and two young musicians.

When another young musician, Wang Hao, saw him, he was happy to beckon, and when Wang Hao sat down, he could not even dare to come out.

The seats of the judges were arranged in the form of “3+2”. The three old musicians were evenly distributed, while the two young musicians were inserted among the three. Sitting on the left side of Wang Hao, it is today's main judge - Wu Shengtao.

Seeing that he and Wu Lao are constantly talking, the two are talking and laughing, and they are relaxed and relaxed. Wang Hao, who is on the side, slowly relaxes. He looks at the opposite youth with a look of the warrior, and silently thinks in his heart: Little seven! Even Wu Lao can win, you are a god! ! !

There is a "God of Man" who has the worst temperament of Wu Lao, so the atmosphere in the entire jury is naturally harmonious. When the first player came on the scene, several talents listened carefully to the song, and this one was shocked.

The 14-year-old boy played a Chrysler's "Prelude and Allegro" as an eight-level track. The piece is very difficult, but it can show the skill of the player. Undoubtedly, the player performed very well.

戚暮 Very generously gave a high score of 8.5 points and gave a pertinent evaluation.

In the past morning, several players have already fallen into the end of the game, and some of the players’ performances are really impressive.

These are the young Chinese forces that Zhu Wenzhao wants him to see, this power -

It is really powerful.

Huaqing Cup as the official support of China, the Chinese music TV station and the s city TV station have live broadcast of this game, Luo Zhengjie is responsible for the live broadcast of the s city TV gold medal producer.

Before taking over this task, Luo Zhengjie had already expected that the ratings of this game would not be too high, of course, it would not be too low, probably in the middle of the ratings. Even so, due to the good professionalism of the producers, Luo Zhengjie also made great efforts to publicize the game, and spent money in silver.

Money is spent, but it works but one point. No.

Before the preliminary live broadcast, the ratings were so low that Luo Zhengjie began to doubt life, but did not expect...

This rematch has started again!

Hey, I said that the reality show is the hottest, the director, you said that we are still a reality show...

At this time of the rematch, Luo Zhengjie went to the background broadcast room as usual and directed the live broadcast. As usual, the moderator opens, as usual leads to the words, as usual, the judges, as usual...

Wait a minute!

This is not normal at all! ! !

Staring at the handsome young man in the jury, Luo Zhengjie’s eyes were round and it took a long time to pull a staff member next to him: “Xiao Chen, this young man...who is it? How to sit in the judges’ seats? I remember the judge who was invited before was not the name of the Gangcheng... What David?"

The female staff member who was dragged looked down at the place pointed by Luo Zhengjie. This time, her eyes suddenly rolled round, and then she rushed up with excitement and exclaimed: "Hey?!! How could it be Xiaoqi?! Not saying Is that the David whose nose is higher than the sky?! When did it become a small seven? Ah!"

s city TV station everyone: "..."

Chen Jie, pay attention to the image and image!

Looking at his own right-hand man has been excited like this, Luo Zhengjie snorted in his heart, a row of golden Yuanbao suddenly slipped through his eyes. With a big wave of his arms, he commanded: "Xiao Zheng, you let the Weibo team quickly send a topic, and let this...this little seven participate in our game."

"Xiao Li, what are you doing?! Adjust the position, except for the players and Wu Lao, leave the third position to this little seven!"

"Xiao Wang, go to the propaganda team to inform them, create topics, create topics! Know?"


As a commercial producer who is avoiding harm, Luo Zhengjie seems to have seen how the director will praise himself tomorrow. They all say that "Yan is justice", and watching Xiao Chen’s performance, probably this Xiaoqi is quite famous...

This is the girl!

It seems that it is possible to break the rating by 0.8! ! !

Luo Zhengjie smiled and even his eyes became a seam, and began to fantasize about the bonus that the director of Taiwan will give himself tomorrow.

But what Luo Zhengjie never imagined is - it is a broken 0.8!

This rating is like opening a plug-in, from 0.5 all the way to 1 and then from 1 to 1.1, 1.2, 1.3... Finally hesitated when he broke through 2, and finally stopped at the steady. 1.9! ! ! ! !

Luo Zhengjie went down and looked around: "Say... say! You... who gave me the wrong rating?!"

The four-station TV station staff were staring at the innocent eyes: "Luo, the ratings are computer calculations! Who else is using manual calculations now!"

In the live broadcast room of the city's TV station, it was first caught in a terrible silence. After three seconds, a burst of laughter came from heaven--

"Hahaha, hahahaha, everyone will give me away! Let's go tonight!!!!"

"Long live Luo!"

"Ha ha ha, Luo, you are the most handsome!"

"Lo is always God!"


The scene in the live broadcast of the TV station, I don’t know, he smiled and sent it to a cute 8-year-old boy. When he turned to look at the next player, the line of sight just turned and he paused. .

戚暮: "..."

What is this look, what is this look, what is this look...

I saw that the player who is playing now is a pretty little girl. It looks like a fifteen or six-year-old. She has a tall ponytail and a beautiful and beautiful violin. She just stepped on the stage and walked away...

Still staring at the youth on the jury!

Even the eyeballs don't take a turn!

In the mind of Wang Hao, the flash of light flashed and whispered in the past: "Small seven, is your... music fan?"

I am helplessly smirking at the lips: "Maybe probably probably... yes..."

Look at yourself with this kind of wolf's green eyes, even if you have lived for so many years, you can't stand this kind of "small seven ~ see me ~ you are afraid ~ what!"

I saw that the little girl had been walking to the middle of the stage, and then slowly stopped, then looked up to the judges... cough, to be precise, it was to look at the position. She converges the meaning of the straight hook in her eyes. First, she bows and then sighs: "The judges are good, my name is Zhu Wenzhao. I am going to perform today's "D major ninth in d major." The first movement of the Violin Sonata, Cones March."

He was originally stared at by this look, and he felt scalp numb. He suddenly heard a familiar name. He looked at him with a strange look and looked at the delicate girl. The latter immediately smiled excitedly, then quickly placed the bow on the strings and began to play.

The bow was pulled, and the fierce and brisk sound suddenly sounded on the quiet stage. The notes danced and the sound of the piano was so intense that it was like singing an army march, so that the atmosphere in the field was warm.

The age of the Huaqing Cup is very large, from 6 years old to 20 years old. Therefore, on such a stage, even in the rematch, you can hear different levels of performance. For example, the first player's "Prelude and Allegro" is not very difficult, and it is like the "Cons " March", which is already at the performance level.

Although this little girl just came on stage, she was a little surprised... "surprised", but when she played it, she was surprised to find that the level of this little girl may be the player who has already played. Among them, the most outstanding.

At the end of the song, the gorgeous and complicated skills allowed the judges and the audience to applaud.

The score started from the other side. When Wang Hao and Wu Lao and other three judges gave high scores, they carefully decapitated and turned to look at the stage with a pair of star eyes and look forward to look. To his little girl, he smiled and said: "Your Constance is very good. I rarely hear such a good "Cons". Your bow skill is superb and skillful, and the left hand is very easy to play. Think... you deserve 9.5 points."

At this point, I have never said anything. He has a hunch. If he comments a few more words, I am afraid that bad things will happen.

But what I didn't expect was that he just threw the baggage to the last judge Wang Lao, but listened to the other party and said with a smile: "I like your "Cons" very much. You can have this at your age. The strength is hard to come by, the little girl, can you tell me why you are on the path of violin?"

The judges on the jury: "..." We are violin competitions, not to touch China, Wang Lao! ! ! !

Luo Zhengjie in the live room: "Ha ha ha ha, Wang Laozhen is too powerful! The topic is a topic!"

I saw the little **** the stage happily took the microphone that the host handed over, and the head brushed a turn, looking straight at the judge’s seat, eyes