MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 19

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Although he officially became the assistant chief of the b city symphony orchestra, Tan Lao did not really sign a long-term contract with him. This incident made you feel a little surprised, but I also knew that Tan didn't want to tie him all at once.

In Tan Lao’s heart, I always hope that he will study and study. This is something that every traditional old predecessor remembers. It must be learned before it can be used. Although this purpose is not the same as what I thought, but it also succumbed to the ambiguity.

The contract of the b-symphony orchestra is three years, which is too long.

Since I decided to stay in the orchestra officially, I plan to move first. The original house was too far away from the orchestra, and it took half an hour to take Zheng’s car every time. And if it is by subway...

I don’t want to experience the subway in the city again!

That tastes... In terms of the more fashionable words, it’s too acid and cool!

So on the fourth day of the official transition to the assistant chief, Zheng Weiqiao came to help the family early in the morning. The original residential area is located in the East Fourth Ring of the city of B. It is a relatively high-end residential area and is the last property owned by the company. He had already contacted the family to rent it out yesterday.

"Small seven, in fact, you don't have to rent out. After that... If you want to come back later, what should you do?" There are not many things to move, Zheng Weiqiao holds a small box and puts it in. On the white pickup, I said, "The single apartment you rented is too small. Would you like me to find a bigger one for you? Are you comfortable?"

He gently placed a heavy box on the pickup. Listening to Zheng Weiqiao’s words, he smiled and shook his head. “Zheng Ge, thank you, I think the single apartment is very good, don’t bother you. It is."

Zheng Weiqiao frowned at the dilemma and seemed to want to say something, but he still did not say anything.

Zheng Weiqiao thinks that kind of place, I am afraid that I am not used to living, even now this relatively high-end community has been abandoned for a long time before moving in, only barely stayed.

This point, I understand. While sitting in the car, he quietly turned his eyes and looked at Zheng Weiqiao, who was driving seriously. His eyes showed a gratitude.

In fact, Zheng Weiqiao did not know that he used to live in the bridge hole when he was most troubled. The fall of Vienna is really cold, although it is very wet in autumn and winter because of the temperate maritime climate, but once it enters the night, it is really cold and cold.

In order to go to school, he spent all his savings, and he worked hard to drop out of school, work to earn money, and finally completed his studies. After graduation, he had only a few hundred euros in cash, except for a small house where his father and his mother were raised.

He couldn't sell the house. Although it was rented out, the rent was not high. So in the ten days when he had just joined the orchestra and had not paid his salary, he could only huddle in the bridge hole alone, almost all night. Go to sleep.

The single apartment in Zheng Weiqiao’s mouth is really like a paradise compared to the icy bridge hole in Vienna.

"The traffic jam seems to be a bit serious today. I am going to the place soon. Would you like to eat something in the afternoon, Xiaoqi?"

The city traffic jam is serious, and it has already been seen in the days when it was just reborn. They were very lucky to have been on the elevated road today, but they didn’t take a few minutes to get off the elevated road. It’s clear that they can see the flat of the single apartment, but they can’t open it.

I looked at the traffic in front of the car window and seemed to have no traffic flow. He nodded and smiled helplessly: "Well, it’s noon, let’s have something to eat, Zheng Ge."

The two parked the car on the side of the road and went to the small restaurant at random. There were not many people eating in the restaurant. When I saw a beautiful young man suddenly came in, they all looked at them with amazement, but in the end they quietly removed their gaze.

This overly good looks has brought some troubles to you, but it is not a big deal. After the meal, he rushed to pay the bill, Zheng Weiqiao borrowed the store's toilet to facilitate it, and he stood at the door of the store waiting for him.

I don't know if it is about to enter the winter. Recently, there is no cloud in the sky of the b city, and there is no dust and sand in the spring. The whole blue sky is like a shallow lake, with a clear and clear light.

I saw this scene and I was in a good mood. While waiting for Zheng Weiqiao's time, he curiously looked around the environment, fortunately found a small Auchan supermarket, a well-looking gym, a more prosperous small commercial street, and...

His eyes stunned.

The scorpion was so big that he stared at the direction for a long time. He seemed to raise his hand and wipe his eyes with some unbelief. After looking at it, he let out a sigh of relief and whispered: "I really got it wrong. How could that person be here..."

"Which person? Xiaoqi, do you see any acquaintances?" Zheng Weiqiao walked over and curiously looked at the direction he had just looked at, only to see a long passenger truck blocked. The entrance and exit of the road is about to turn, almost blocking a small road.

After listening to Zheng Weiqiao’s words, he turned his head and looked at the direction. Then he smiled and shook his head. “Nothing, Zheng Ge, I am wrong. Today, the weather is not too early, or we will hurry first. Well, it would be bad if the road was blocked again."

Zheng Weiqiao nodded and heard the things, and then quickly got on the train and left.

What I didn't find was that just before they left, the huge truck finally moved its clumsy body and turned a corner. The place that was originally hidden by it was completely revealed. .

This is an old street, and many small vendors are selling all kinds of snacks on the roadside. They sipped the purest accent of the capital, and most of them sold old-fashioned snacks that have been circulating in this land for hundreds of years. The whole street contains the most authentic Chinese flavor of the city, and many tourists frequent the tour.

Of course, nature is also the most common old Beijing yogurt and ... fried dumplings.

On a small trolley, a variety of strange things such as scorpions and insects were inserted into the thin bamboo sticks. The hot oil pan also fried a few strings of things, attracting many tourists. Few people dare to try.

The blond man looked down at the scorpion who was strung into a string. His focused eyes were fixed on his head and swallowed his mouth. He cautiously said: "Cough... Hey, the Chinese are too dare to eat. Well, this stuff... can this thing really eat? No... no poisoning?"

Beside Daniel, he is a tall and handsome man. He wore a dark black high-profile trench coat, slightly coveted, and stared carefully at the string of fried dumplings in the oil pan. He didn't seem to hear Daniel's words, but the thin lips were getting tighter and tighter.

For a long time, a low-pitched male voice rang: "I want to eat."

Daniel was curiously looking at a bunch of fried scorpions that were closest to him. They didn't dare to touch it, and they tried to touch it back and forth. Suddenly, Daniel was scared and almost sent his hand into the tongs.

Daniel’s horrified eyes widened and looked at him with amazement: “You actually want to eat this ghost!!! Oh my God, Auston, you are terrible!!!”

Daniel rarely screams the name "Austen Bertelme", ​​but at this moment, he has been horrified to blurt out a fluent English, completely forgetting where he is.

He glanced at Daniel gently and said, "You eat."

"God, you actually eat this, this is really terrible... What do I eat? It is obviously you have to eat!" Daniel said with amazement.

Hey, but gently, lips open: "I don't dare to eat."


Don't dare to eat, you still want to eat! ! !

Daniel's face turned blue: "I don't dare to eat! Then what else do you want to eat? We don't want to eat this ghost!"

Whoever expects to raise the scorpion, the tone seems to be plain, but with a smile: "You are British, um... you eat, tell me what taste after eating."

Daniel: "..."

He grew up in Germany since childhood!

He has never eaten any dark dishes of the Dark Empire ever before! ! !

In the evening of the same day, Yan and Zheng did not be sweaty, and finally put everything in place.

When the sunset fell, Daniel had a will, and he had already made a will, and finally tasted the horrible fried dumplings. When he got the first bite, Daniel suddenly opened his eyes and cheated it twice.

“Hey?! It’s delicious!!!”

闵琛: "..."

The man spontaneously and consciously and automatically made two steps to make the humanity of this dark cooking empire a distance of one meter away from himself.

But for a moment, Daniel was moved to hold a large bunch of fried dumplings, fried and know the monkey, and chewed it while looking at it: "Hey, you are so good, you can It’s great to live in this neighborhood! This is really delicious, so we often come out to eat it later!”

闵琛: "..."