MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 238

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Paris France.

The bright and bright moon hangs above the sky, spreading the white radiance to the earth.

As one of the world's most prestigious concert halls, the Prayer Concert Hall in Paris has two studios, one large and one small. This simple and simple concert hall never pays attention to the decoration of the exterior, but also uses the simple style of beige and white in the interior, letting the audience ignore the visual and focus on the enjoyment of hearing.

From the five gates on the three sides of the concert hall, countless viewers fainted and walked in from the red carpet. They were dressed in dresses, elegant and dignified, and they were very gentlemanly and ladylike. When they settled in their seats in an orderly manner, it was nearly 30 minutes from the opening of the concert.

Among these audiences, you can see the figures of several world-class musicians. For example, Master Reed Akade, who is currently living in France, is eagerly talking with his old friend, the Master of the world's three major violinists, and Master Lance.

In addition to Professor Akade, there are also the well-known French music reviewer, Master Ante, the Dresden Symphony Orchestra's chief Jenny, the American violin queen Bella Kem, and... some excited and excited to face The red-haired New Zealand Bearded Chief - Hook.

Hook has not been as happy as a few days!

Three years!

Three years!

It’s not a year or two years, it’s been three years!

He has not heard of Mr. Bertram’s piano for three years! ! ! !

Although he is a violinist, many people in New Zealand know that their beard chief Hook has only one favorite musician, that is, Oston Bertel.

Someone once asked Hook curiously, why did you like a pianist? Hook replied in this way: "Mr. Bertley’s piano sounds with absolute momentum and oppression. I think the world’s only so loud and shocking piano sound can really play the role of the piano king of musical instruments. Name."

Not to mention that Hook, who doesn't know much about interpersonal relationships, has offended the pianist because of this sentence. Fortunately, Hook is a violinist, otherwise his life in the piano world may not be mixed. Of course, these pianists also admit that the sound of Auston Bertley's piano is really shocking, just as daunting as a peak.

However, this answer is already the answer many years ago. If someone asks Hook now, which musician do you like the most? The bearded chief is afraid that he can no longer say the answer of "Auston Bertley" as quickly as before, because... In his heart, there is already another voice that can be associated with the great Bert. Mr. Lyme’s piano sounds beautiful!

If Mr. Bertley’s piano is a fierce tiger in the front of the storm, then... the beautiful and beautiful piano sound is like a sharp-gun but a beautiful pike-knight on the battlefield.

Their voices are like the treasures of God's gift. In the high tide, the same momentum is tempered, and the same gentleness and gentleness in the low and low places, how can such a beautiful voice appear in this world? !

- Hook couldn't help but feel.

Hey, who are you asking the piano?

Of course it is a small seven!

With a first place finish, Hook, who graduated from the Rheinland National Academy of Music in Cologne, has a strong sense of sound and a superb violin. Being able to become the chief of New Love in his thirties and get the approval of Mr. Swell, Hook is definitely not an ordinary violinist. Like those top-rated music critics, he discovered this fact very early –

The violin of Xiao Qi and the piano of Mr. Pat Leme may be a perfect match!

Nowadays, these two Hook's favorite musicians have to ensemble. This kind of thing is even more terrible than Mars hitting the Earth! ...Please forgive Hook's lack of description.

Anyway, when Hook received an invitation to send him in person, he did not say anything and rushed directly from the United States. He just wanted to hear this. The ensemble of the swan song.

There are still many people who are the same as Hook, and this concert was never for profit, nor is it to improve their status in the industry. In their audience list, in addition to their friends, only the names of music critics, musicians and classical lovers are left.

Among them, Yan also deliberately divided 200 tickets to the students of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris. This kind of behavior has been unanimously cheered by these lovely schoolchildren and school girls. Some people even began to faintly call their lovely schoolmaster a "little angel".

Can they let them hear such a singer-like ensemble, not a little angel or something? !

The students of the National Conservatory of Music in Paris took it for granted, but the Geneva Conservatory of Music, which suddenly got 50 invitations, was completely stunned. Didn’t understand how to get the invitation?

You know, during this time, since the news of the upcoming ensemble of 戚暮 and 在 in Vienna, Austria, Germany, France, the United Kingdom... Within a day, all European classical lovers I got this news, and within three days, the news has been widely spread around the world.

Such a thin invitation is something that classical lovers dream of! And now they have 50 copies of the Geneva Conservatory of Music? ! Is this God accidentally taking a nap? ! ! !

Only Cecilia, the vice president of the Piano Department of the Geneva Academy, knows: This is probably the seventh child who is taking care of them... Hey, Xiaoqi is so cute. Now! When will she join the "Seventh Fan Club"...

Such a musician, almost for the sake of "self-family", naturally does not invite reporters who are too multimedia. Many reporters are ready to submit an interview application when they get the news of the ensemble, but when they receive the "invitation list", don't say the reporters, even the editors of these magazines are completely stunned!

Only seven or eight media such as "Voice of Vienna", "Phonograph" and "Classical Hall" are invited? !

Is this a mistake? !

Is this still a concert? ! ! !

This is simply to break their bonus this month, ah ah ah! ! !

Without the sorrow of these reporters, in the background of the Prye Concert Hall, when the youth sorted out their clothes and walked out of the locker room, they looked down at the scores in their hands. Suddenly I heard a groaning sound, and looked up and looked at it when the line of sight touched the youth.

I saw the bright and bright fluorescent lamp, the young man of Qing Jun Xiulang was wearing a light white suit at the moment, laughing and watching. The bright and bright eyes of the pair seemed to have the stars, and the crystals were so bright that people could not move their eyes. This dress went down the young woman's waistline and outlined a beautiful body.

The throat is tight, and the thin lips are smashed, and the heat in the heart is suppressed as much as possible.

Naturally, he did not find these abnormalities of men. He looked at his clothes and walked to his side. The action smoothly took out the "Itis" placed in the case, and smirked and said: "I was the first time I came to Prayer's lounge. It was quite big, and the dressing room was not small. "A pause, he said again: "I have changed clothes, go, oh."

When he said this, he was concentrating on adjusting the pitch with his head down. After confirming that there was no problem with the pitch, he picked up the bow and rosin and wiped it thinly. He did not deliberately look up to see the expression of sly, both of them have been together for so long, this tacit understanding is still there.

So I don’t know, at this moment, the man’s deep scorpion is getting darker. In the end, he sighs and reaches out to the youth’s thin waist. He whispered, “I really don’t want them to see you now. Look like..."

Hearing words, he was surprised for a while. When he understood what the other party was saying, he said with a smile: "Well, this is not the dress that Anna Aunt specially customized to send over? Don't think too much, You are going to change it, don't delay the time."

After a dull scorn from the nose, he finally stood up reluctantly and went into the locker room and replaced his black dress.

Although the mother of You is very unreliable in some respects, his vision is first-rate. She personally customized two sets of dresses for her son and her daughter-in-law. The set is elegant black and the set is plain white. There is almost no difference between the two except for the difference in color, especially when the two are tall and tall. After wearing the man, it was really pleasing to the extreme.

When he came out of the locker room, he looked up the man for a while, then tweeted: "I don't want others to see what you are doing now. Aunt's eyes are really good, this suit. suitable for you."

After listening to this, I smacked my lips and smacked my own lover. "That's why we don't wear this one." After a pause, he certainly repeated it again: "Well, Don't wear it, don't wear it."

Hey: "........."

After a long while, he silently gave this awkward man a punch: "Well, come on, don't wear this one, as long as you feel that you will wait for Anna Aunt to know that you don't wear the dress that she gave you to perform on stage. You are willing to bear her anger... well, I am free of you."

闵琛: "..............."

How do you feel that his youth is a biological one...

These things in the background, the audience at the front desk are naturally unknown. When the time came to the concert one minute and one second, the excited audiences held their breath and waited for the two people to appear.

Until the siren of "the whole scene quietly" suddenly sounded, the huge Prye Concert Hall was quiet, and everyone looked at the curtain in a solemn and focused manner. There is a solid silence in the air, and I am afraid that the needles will be clearly audible at the moment.

In such a warm and focused gaze, but for five seconds, I saw a pair of bright and smooth black leather shoes suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision. There was a sudden exclamation in the audience: "Mr. Bertelme!"

Yes, the handsome and elegant man took a calm and calm step, the first one came out of the curtain. And while everyone was waiting for the second violinist to appear, they were surprised to find that his left hand was holding a long, white hand, and under his leadership, the young and handsome It also appeared in people's sights.

Their hands, tightly held, attracted the attention of countless people in a ten-finger posture.

After experiencing numerous big scenes and even performing in front of tens of thousands of people, I was not a little nervous, and I was calm and calmly laughing, and followed this sly to the shining stage.

When he suddenly took his hand, he hesitated for a while, but did not open it. He also wants to appear in front of these lovely audiences in such a warm and romantic way, and announce their love to the world!

The two walked together to the center of the stage, and the hot temperatures passed from the overlapping palms. When he walked to the front of the piano, he and he stopped together. The two looked at each other and then bowed down to the stage.

At the moment they bent over, the loud and loud applause rang loudly, almost knocking over the roof!

During the 10-second embarrassing process, their hands were still tightly held, and in this silent way they announced to the world that no one could stop and no one could cut off.

When the applause from the stage gradually subsided for a while, he released his hand and smiled and gave the other a hug.

In the sound of the field, the cold and expensive man slid slightly and turned to his piano, while he walked backwards two steps and walked to the piano about one meter away - just Stand away from the place where it is half a meter away.

When the young man put his bow gently on the strings, when the man's hands fell on the piano's black and white keys, all the sounds on the field stopped. Hundreds of spectators gaze at the scene of this scene, listening only to