MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 997 Nineteen seconds later, he'll...

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"This world is"

Li Daniu, who arrived on the earth, couldn't tell which world this world was.

Normally speaking, since the earth exists, it must be a parallel world centered on humans on earth. But it is not necessarily a parallel world derived from the earth where Li Daniu once lived.

The earth after he traveled, or the earth where he is now, has worlds created by humans such as movies and movies, so the world is endless.

"It's really inconvenient without a system."

When there is a system, because the system may have the ability to obliterate him, Li Daniu has always wanted to get rid of the system and make himself a truly free man. But after the system really left, he found himself in a lot of trouble than before.

Just like now, the world he travels randomly, even he himself does not know what world it is, except for the earth and the humans on the earth, and the earth in the endless world and the humans living on it, there is no difference.

"There are no plot characters that I know well in this world, that is to say, this is most likely not a movie world?"

Li Daniu was floating in the center of the Pacific Ocean on the earth, and beside him was a one-meter-high cube, from which came the voice of Friday.

"Master, there are no super powers on earth, only some mysterious powers such as myths and legends, which are still being verified."

Li Daniu asked Friday to invade the world's network in order to know whether there is any mysterious power in this world.

If it was the movie world he knew, he would be able to roughly guess the bearing capacity of this world, but so far he has not found any plot characters he is familiar with, so it is impossible to be sure. And the mysterious powers discovered on Friday can only be planned in myths and legends.

"If there is no mysterious power in this world, and there is no alien interstellar empire, then I'd better leave. In such a world, the main **** will not come."

Li Daniu sighed. The system once said that a world's ability to withstand is limited. If the powerful forces of other worlds enter a certain world and exceed the ability of this world, it will cause the destruction of the world.

When Li Daniu traveled through the endless world, he could feel the instability of some worlds through the crystallization of dimensions. For those worlds, he would never enter, and although he could enter this world, the main **** might not necessarily enter.

"The system once said that with my strength at the time, in any world, the strength, or sum of energy, of the infinite testers that the main **** can send is at most three times that of mine. Because if it exceeds three times my strength, it will More than a world can bear against external forces."

"And now, my strength is much stronger than before. Although my combination with the dimensional crystal and my understanding of hundreds of thousands of world rules allow me to adapt to the rules of any world and reduce my strength. Destruction of them. However, the main **** can't do this."

"The crossing of the infinite trialist team relies on the dimensional crystallization of the main god, not the dimensional crystallization on the infinite trialist. Therefore, if the main **** wants them to reach the world where I am, he must consider whether he will support him or not." Break a world."

The development potential of any world itself is unlimited, but in the process of its own development, it needs stability. Just like a biological invasion, a creature in a natural environment appears in another stable natural environment, which is likely to bring irreparable consequences, and even cause the invaded natural environment to collapse.

ps: I heard that the carp in the United States can't be eaten up.

Li Daniu is the same as those infinite testers. Their power is foreign. If it exceeds the capacity of a world, it will inevitably cause more serious consequences than biological invasion. The more intuitive consequence is the collapse of the world .

"According to my calculations, the total strength of the team of infinite trialists that the Lord God can send out is at most comparable to mine. This is true in any world, even if it is the Conferred God World, which is more powerful to withstand external forces, Extreme sci-fi world and so on."

Li Daniu didn't have the slightest worry in his heart. If he was afraid, it would be impossible to find the main **** in the endless world.

"However, the infinite team is not alone, but the overall strength is equal, so what does it matter to me?"

A strongman can lift a barbell of 200, so, will two weightlifters who can lift 100 each be able to beat that strongman?

"This world may not be able to bear the total strength of two me, so I have to leave again."

Li Daniu sighed in his heart. He didn't feel the mysterious power on Friday, which not only shows that the world's endurance is limited, but also shows that there are no infinite testers in this world.

Li Daniu has done this kind of thing hundreds of thousands of times in the past few years.

Just when Li Daniu was about to use the dimensional crystallization to leave this world and go to the next world, he suddenly felt a slight fluctuation in the world barrier of this world.


Li Daniu closed his eyes and began to feel the fluctuation.

"Could it be an infinite tester? Moreover, looking at the current fluctuation level of the world's barriers, this is not weaker than the fluctuations generated when I came to this world."

Opening his eyes suddenly, Li Daniu laughed. After searching for so many years, he finally met the main god.

From his feeling, it was almost certain that the fluctuation was caused by the infinite tester.

"Lord God, did you send someone to look for me, or did you accidentally come to a world with me?"

Li Daniu didn't believe that there was such a coincidence in this world. Not long after he arrived, the infinite trial team followed. The world is endless. The probability of such a coincidence happening once is simply unbelievable. How could it happen twice?

At this moment, Friday suddenly said: "Master, I discovered that there are alien communication signals in this world, and I have completed the deciphering."

Li Daniu asked: "What kind of alien?"

Friday replied: "The Abramsex Dynasty, the earth is a planet with humans in its territory, but, according to the Abramsex Dynasty's decree, it is not allowed to easily interfere with the natural development of the territory planet. .So, the earth in this world has a normal level of technology.”

"According to the communication information I have cracked, the Ebola Sykes Dynasty is extremely powerful, and the Milky Way is only one of its ruled areas."

"The communication I intercepted was a hunting mission. The target of the mission was a Russian woman on Earth. Her occupation was a cleaner. In the first half of her life, she had no contact with any mysterious power."

After listening to Friday's report, Li Daniu confirmed one thing, that is, the team of infinite testers came just for him.

In a world, there is a universe-level dynasty that can regard the Milky Way as its territory, and it is also one of the territories. Well, the capacity of this world is definitely very high.

"No wonder they blocked me in this world, because this world happened to reach the limit of external forces that can bear twice my strength."

If it is not as good as this then, the strength of the infinite team that the main **** can send is very likely not as good as Li Daniu, so how can we fight?

"That is to say, the power level, or the destructive power effect, that the infinite trial team can use this time is almost the same as mine."

Li Daniu directly put away Friday. Facing such an enemy, even if the opponent is a multi-person team, it is not something that Friday can deal with.

On the contrary, if one encounters the kind of supernatural being who can control mechanical life, Friday may also directly become the enemy's helper.

"Then let me break you down."

Without fear, Li Daniu soared into the sky, appeared directly in the outer space of the earth, and then released his powerful primordial power without any concealment, directly covering the entire earth.

At this time, Mark, who was sharing information with the other two teams of infinite trialists, suddenly changed his face.


Both Jin Ge and Ouyang Na Snake also felt the power of Li Daniu's primordial spirit. At the same time, when their faces changed, they activated the teleportation ability without hesitation. The three ignored the other two teams of infinite testers and appeared in the thousands of miles away.

Mark's expression became even more tense.

"To the moon, no, to Mars! No, we're going to take them with us!"

Mark, who has the most powerful predictive ability in the main god's space, has always been the old god, but this time, he messed up. Because he saw the mission goal this time, how would he deal with them next.

Without any hesitation, Jin Ge took Ouyang Nashe and Mark back to where they were just now.

"Don't resist, I'll take you to Mars!"

"Is he on Mars?" a member of the Infinity Trials squad asked.

Mark paled and said, "No, in 19 seconds, he will directly blow up the earth."